Jupiter@nite Mp3

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Jupiter@Nite: Jupiter Broadcasting's nightly video show that wraps up your entire day. Finish the day with us on the live stream, or kick off your morning with the final word from last night's show!


  • Minecraft | J@N | 10.12.10


    In the latest internet gaming craze, an indie developer has managed to capture the hearts and minds of thousands of addicted gamers by creating a charmingly low-resolution gaming phenomenon known as Minecraft. We’re here to tell you all about the reasons this game is quickly becoming a giant in the world of gaming, despite lacking the marketing and development clout of a higher-budget game.

  • Planet Zarmina | J@N | 10.6.10


    Scientists recently discovered a near-Earth planetoid orbiting a star only about 20 lightyears away. What does it MEAN?! Could it support human life outside of our solar system? Of course it’s got issues… it may be tidally locked, and we don’t actually know what it’s atmosphere is made of. Oh, and traveling 20 lightyears would take about 180,000 years using current propulsion methods. But a man can dream, right?!

  • Could Twitter Save Rome? | J@N | 10.5.10


    inevitably crumbled under their own weight. What if Persians had cell phones? Could Google have saved Rome? Could the Aztecs have ruled the world with the power of Twitter? Obviously, due to the lack of microprocessor technology and the harnessing of electricity, these tools could never have existed in these ancient periods. But what about the future of human civilization? Are our “empires” of today destined to reign for eternity because of our ability to communicate?

  • Facebook & Vampires | J@N | 9.30.10


    It’s movie night! This coming weekend marks the release of two very different, but interesting films. One is a movie about Facebook, the other is about Vampires. But are they really so very different as they seem? FIND OUT ON THIS EPISODE. It will change your life. Forever.

  • Atomic Lighthouses | Jupiter@Nite | 9.29.10


    We take a look at the abandoned nuclear lighthouses that line the northern border. We move on from these crazy left overs of a fallen empire and spotlight a new endeavor to build a nuclear power-plant on top of a barge.

  • UFOs are REAL | Jupiter@Nite | 9.28.10


    On Sept 27th, 2010, representatives from the US Military and Gov’t operations held a press conference to publicly announce their belief that we are being repeatedly visited by extra-terrestrial lifeforms. These visits have been happening at nuclear launch & test sites, and have resulted in the abnormal shut-down of those sites (sometimes only temporarily). On tonight’s show, the J@N crew gets REAL with the potential repercussions of these actions, if they are to be believed, and prepares to publicly announce our worship and obedience to our new Gods from the Sky

  • Hollywood Tech Fails | Jupiter@Nite | 9.23.10


    Any of us could probably come up with hundred different “So Bad That They’re Awesome” movie scenes that involve technology in some manner. Whether hacking into the CIA database, or bringing down a bank’s firewalls, it always looks so glamorous when it appears on the big screen. In tonight’s J@N, we’ll share with you some of our favorite blunders in Hollywood technology, and let you laugh along with us.

  • Spider Webs | Jupiter@Nite | 9.22.10


    Let’s cut to the chase here — spiders are creepy as hell! And none of the Jupiter Team would likely be caught dead staring at enough pictures of them, to do research for a show about them. BUT, their webs are another story. Even though these silky tendrils are produced from the butts of our fearsome nemesis, we still find them fascinating. Tonight we’ll discuss some of the amazing properties of spider webs in detail, as well as let you in on some scary genetic research currently being performed to produce it artificially for human use.

  • Jupiter Boozefest! | Jupiter@Nite | 9.21.10


    Who doesn’t love a good glass of wine, or a nice chilled bottle of beer? With Oktoberfest getting underway, we decided to cover a few recent stories related to our beloved libations – from cooking, to science, and even ART! Alcohol is all over our world, and a part of our lives.

  • Hidden Passageways | Jupiter@Nite | 9.20.10


    The secret doors, rooms and tunnels of someones home have always peaked our interest. We look at some of the most impressive hidden networks of some ordinary looking homes! One of the most famous underground cities is right here in our home state, the Seattle underground city. We share some pictures and stories from our local underground mystery town. Plus we cover the hard numbers of Halo Reach, and you might not believe how epic they are! Whoa that’s a full Jupiter@Nite…. all the way OMG.. Live on the Internet… All the WAY. What does it mean?

  • Jeremy’s Date Night | Jupiter@Nite | 9.16.10


    It’s Jeremy’s Birthday! In celebration of the joyous day he came into this world, we attempt to use the power of the intarwebz to find him an acceptable female specimen for him to spend a romantic evening out with. Our studio staff, and the live chatroom audience, have assembled a number of options for Jeremy to peruse, and we will get his opinions LIVE on the air! Does the internet hold LOVE for our dear co-host? Or will he only meet with heartache and sorrow? Tune in to find out!

  • Social Media Evolves | Jupiter@Nite | 9.14.10


    We live in a world where each person is connected to every other person in strange and powerful ways. Generally, we call these mystical linkages “SOCIAL NETWORKING” and like it or lump it, it’s here to stay. A few stories and announcements surfaced today that have painted these social tools in a negative light, and we have thoughts to share. We’ll also give you the lowdown skinny on our thoughts regarding the NewTwitter that was announced today, and all it represents for the future of microblogging.

  • Mario’s Birthday | Jupiter@Nite | 9.13.10


    Our childhood friend Mario turns 25 today, and we spend a few minutes looking back at the good & bad times of our favorite plumber! Then we cover how to convert any download into a torrent file, and an insane ski game you’re going to love! Plus Homeland Security is about to start testing on something straight our of the movie Minority report, a retina scanner from four feet away! Is it ready to scan the eyes of a busy sports stadium? We cover the latest developments!

  • Resident Evil Mold? | Jupiter@Nite | 9.9.10


    With the latest Resident Evil moving hitting theaters this weekend, we thought it might be a good time to look at what the movie has done specifically to cater to 3D viewings. Plus - why we consider this franchise generic, and dull! AND: Some of our most treasured classic movies are being destroyed by mold. Being the big movie fans we are, we find out what is being done to save these classics!

  • A Firefly Future? | Jupiter@Nite | 9.8.10


    A keen observer of the news will have noticed a constant and steady march towards exploring and learning more about our own solar system. Many believe it’s unlikely man could travel beyond our solar system, and the very task of man visiting a neighboring planet such as Mars may be the absolute limits of our technology for the next 100 years. We’ve talked in the past about deep space travel, faster than light travel, and even worm holes and black holes. Tonight we take a practical look at space travel, and what our local space neighborhood might look like in roughly 100 years!

  • PAX Attax Report! | Jupiter@Nite | 9.7.10


    We spent the weekend at the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) and we’ve seen everything from an exclusive look at Duke Nukem Forever to a concert with Jonathan Coulton. It’s our full report on everything PAX Prime 2010, and what impressed us the most, what let us down, and what surprised us!

  • Con Survival Guide | Jupiter@Nite | 9.2.10


    It’s a matter of life and death! Will you live to see the next Booth Babe, or die from Swine Flu before you even enter the premises? The boys of Jupiter@Nite have been prepping like mad for their upcoming ATTACK on PAX (aka Penny Arcade Expo) and now share with you fine people, the tips and tricks that they hope will allow them to survive the onslaught of awesome in one piece. From comfort, to health and economics, we’ll fill you in from head to toe on the dos and don’ts we’ve picked up along the way. Don’t leave home without this episode! Your continued survival may depend upon it!

  • Cyber Addiction | Jupiter@Nite | 9.1.10


    We all use computers on a daily basis. Most of our time is spent staring into the soft glow of a screen of some design or another, whether it be a PC, handheld device, or cell phone. But what happens when our normal interaction with these useful tools, crosses the line into addiction? Games are touted as the number one cause of cyber addiction. But could it be something more sinister? Or is mankind simply wired to need the things it wants?

  • Digital Brain Upgrade | Jupiter@Nite | 8.31.10


    Jeremy have been attempting to use digital storage devices and services to supplement our sometimes spotty memories. Services like Evernote brand themselves as easy-to-use digital memory… but are they really helping? We’ll throw down our opinions on the subject, and give you our honest reactions to the experiment. Along the way, we’ll also share some tidbits about how memory works, or doesn’t work, and share some other tips for enhancing your own.

  • Behind the Scenes of JB | Jupiter@Nite | 8.30.2010


    Tonight’s episode takes you on the other side of the camera, officially marking our 5th tour we give you a full access tour of our studio, the gear, computers, software, and even beer we use to make these shows happen! Plus Alan & Chris share a few behind the scenes anecdotes about what goes into the production of some of our shows!

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