Jupiter@nite Mp3



Jupiter@Nite: Jupiter Broadcasting's nightly video show that wraps up your entire day. Finish the day with us on the live stream, or kick off your morning with the final word from last night's show!


  • Movie Monster Madness | Jupiter@Nite | 8.26.10


    Looking toward this weekend, we see the most promising movie release to be a thriller of epic proportions: The Last Exorcism. And while we’re unlikely to hop down to the cineplex to catch this one on the big screen, it’s got us reminiscing about the movie monsters that have shaped our darkest nightmares over the years. We’ll review some of these demons and creeps and things that go bump in the night, as well as reveal some of the psychological inner workings as to WHY we find them so terrifying.

  • Spying on the Spies that Spy on Us | Jupiter@Nite | 8.25.10


    n a world… ruled by secrecy…. three men… dare to break the rules… and tell THE INTERNET all about their junk and stuff and things. It’s epic, I promise. Now, we all know that spies are still among us these days. But rarely do the stories of their lives and deaths make it into the mainstream press. We’ve managed to track down a few of these rare jewels to share with you, and discuss some of the scary secrets that surround these real world spies.

  • Super Car Tech | Jupiter@Nite | 8.24.10


    In a world where a single traffic jam might not un-snarl for MONTHS, we need to think about more economic choices for driving. We could start peeing in our gas tanks, I guess? But that tech seems a bit far off at this time. How about we focus on ELECTRIC CARS!

  • Inside Steve Jobs’ Abandoned Mansion | Jupiter@Nite | 8.23.10


    With tonight’s Jupiter@Nite we take a look at the interesting tech news stories from today and the weekend. Steve Jobs got the OK to tare down a mansion he’s not lived in for 14 years, Intel-McAfee deal baffles security analysts, a comparative look at the largest online communities, an update to the iPhone App epic win and much more

  • Happy Potato Day! | Jupiter@Nite | 8.19.10


    In this week’s last episode of Jupiter@Nite, we take a look toward the weekend in a new direction, and examine some of the more strange celebrations that we take part in as humans on this planet. Some people celebrate sports, while others celebrate the human body, and others have a strong fascination with foods. We’ll tell you about the awesome and odd celebrations going on RIGHT NOW, as well as share some fun stories about the days we share our birthdays with.

  • Faster Than Light | Jupiter@Nite | 8.18.10


    Recently, the scientific community has been a-buzz with talk of extra-terrestrial lifeforms. The buzz was kickstarted back into the spotlight by SETIcon (Aug 13-16) and comments made by Stephen Hawking (aka, the smartest man in the universe), stating that it’s now only a matter of time before First Contact is made. And that it won’t be a good thing, when it happens. What would be the results of mankind’s first alien encounter? How will aliens react to us, and how would they get here in the first place? Should we be actively seeking them out, or trying to hide from the view of the galaxy?

  • Our Server Crashed! | Jupiter@Nite | 8.17.10


    Last night right as we were wrapping Jupiter@Nite the jupiterbroadcasting.com server suddenly went off-line. The folks watching the live stream did not even notice, as long as they did not refresh their web browser. But what followed was an all-hands-on-deck effort to get services restored as quickly as possible. But as the hours ticked by, we started to panic – what if the site’s data was lost? Tonight’s episode will cover our story, and give you tips to protect your self from data loss, security compromises, and human error!

  • Kill The Cineplex! | Jupiter@Nite | 8.16.2010


    Is 3D just another attempt at our cash, or a real theater feature? Ticket prices go up, concession treats are expensive and awful for you, home theaters are bigger and better every year… So why are we still going to the movie theater? The Expendables opened to $32.5 million in profits, Toy Story 3 has crossed $400 million in revenue. With these profits kinda of revenues, how can the theaters still be losing so much money? What can they do besides raise the ticket price? We tackle that very topic!

  • Before They Were Expendable | Jupiter@Nite | 8.12.10


    A boxer, an award-winning high diver, a world-champion martial artist, the most popular pro wrestler ever, a 5-time UFC champion, a karate champ, and a pro NFL player. Plus a hairdresser and a musician. These guys are respectable ass-kickers, both on the screen, and off. Before they joined forces to become the most manly mercenary squad ever seen on the big screen, the stars of The Expendables each had their own careers, in Hollywood and beyond. But how’d they do on their own, back in those days? We’ll discuss the highlights and lowlights of the past lives of these big screen badasses.

  • Robots vs. Zombies | Jupiter@Nite | 8.11.10


    On Monday, we talked a bit about Jeremy’s fears of the coming Robot Apocalypse. After the show, Alan began debating whether or not it’s more likely that the robots will rise up and destroy us, or if it will instead be the Zombie Apocalypse that geeks worldwide have feared for years. On tonight’s show, we debate the topic LIVE. Which is more likely, given the current advances of biological vs. technological science? And in the horrific off chance that BOTH should occur simultaneously, who would come out on top?!

  • Attack of the Sensational Media! | Jupiter@Nite | 8.10.10


    Tonight we rant against the modern sensational media, with examples of the damage it has done recently, and how we feel about the direction this is all heading in the end. We’ll also share anecdotes about media blunders and failures of the past (that we are doomed to see repeat), and maybe give you a few tips on spotting these attention-grabs before they’re allowed to sway your opinion.

  • Science That Scares Us | Jupiter@Nite | 8.9.10


    At Jupiter Broadcasting we love technology and science. Let’s be honest, it’s most the reason we even started with all this show stuff. But every now and then, technology and science take an advance that even gives techno-lovers like us serious pause. In tonight’s show we look at these types of scientific advances, and just what about them has us awake at night!

  • History of Internet Porn | Jupiter@Nite | 8.5.10


    We answer the hard questions, and get to the bottom of adult entertainment’s seedy underbelly. We’ll also talk dirty details about how the business of smut has continued to pump technology to an ever-increasing climax. After a rigorous day of hard preparation, three men (who all did their research separate from one another) have joined forces to bring you a penetrating look at the adult industry. Then we’ll offer some tips on cleaning up your workstation, after a difficult day of… uhm, research.

  • The Secrets of Sleep | Jupiter@Nite | 8.4.10


    Even the most sleep-deprived internetter knows of the power that sleep & dreams have over our daily lives. Tonight on Jupiter@Nite, we delve into the mysteries of these nocturnal phenomenons, and share our personal tales of sleep disorders, as well sharing our thoughts on naps, lucid dreaming, dream interpretations, deja vu, and much more.

  • The Great Movie Trilogy Debate | Jupiter@Nite | 8.3.10


    Opinions are like buttholes – everybody has one, and most stink. Today on J@N, the boys are back to share their opinionated buttholishness with the entire Internet, as they debate the question of the ages: What is the best movie trilogy of ALL TIME? Join us as we debate the merits and failings of some of the biggest movie franchises ever to grace the big screen, and reveal the winner of this coveted title.

  • Hacker Con Round-Up | Jupiter@Nite | 8.02.10


    Tonight on Jupiter@Nite, the boys go BLACK (hat) and review the latest news to surface from Hacker Cons around the world! We’ll show you the latest antics from Black Hat and DEFCON, where security protocols are run through the wringers. Are your cell phone call safe? Did your wallpaper app steal your Android information? Tune in to find the glorious details!

  • Retro Tech: 15 Years Ago | Jupiter@Nite | 7.29.10


    We take a trip down memory lane and dig back into our closets to take a look at the classic hardware and software of yesteryear. We’re going back 15 years, to 1995, to reminisce about our roots as young tech geeks, and think about just how far our personal computing technology has come within our lifetimes.

  • Time Savers & Wasters | Jupiter@Nite | 7.28.2010


    We’ve talked in the past about how much time people have spent on FaceBook, or how the human race wasted 500+ years playing Google Pacman. We thought we’d dig a little deeper into this topic, and take a closer look at how average people spend their time, and maybe provide some tips and pointers on reducing the amount of time wasted on certain things.

  • Money & Drugs | Jupiter@Nite | 7.27.10


    Tonight’s show is all about finding weird stuff in odd places. From buried treasure, to strange garage sale finds and hidden stashes of drugs! This topic leads us to talk about Oakland’s new weed-farmer laws, and the future of legalized marijuana. Hey look, Alan’s back! Welcome back, Alan!

  • Now With More Ownership! | Jupiter@Nite | 7.26.10


    Tonight on J@N, Chris and Jeremy give you the details that you need to know about the sweeping and epic changes that give you, the owner, more control over your gadgets and media. Find out how the DMCA got a kick in the crotch, and we tell you about your newfound freedom! We also lay out how you can become an important part of THIS SHOW.

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