Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen



If youre frustrated because you struggle to get the word out about your product or service, the Building a StoryBrand podcast will help. Fans of the podcast are ecstatic about the fun and entertaining way Donald Miller brings you practical advice about clarifying your message so customers will listen. Don and the StoryBrand team are the world's leading experts in harnessing the 2,000 year-old proven power of story formulas to get people talking about your brand. Get your message out, grow your company, stand out in the marketplace, and have a blast doing it!Past guests: Seth Godin, Patrick Lencioni, Charles Duhigg, Dave Ramsey, Auntie Anne, Daniel Pink, Blake Mycoskie (TOMS), Ken Blanchard, Scott Hamilton, Nancy Duarte, Chris Anderson (TED), and so many others.


  • Challenge #5 – Ask For the Sale

    11/08/2023 Duration: 06min

    If you’re like most business owners, you probably have leads that would buy from you – but you’re putting off asking for the sale. Why? Because you don’t want to come off as salesy or manipulative. But here’s the truth: if your product is solving a problem that your customer has, you’re actually making their life better by asking them to buy it.   It’s Day 5 of the Double Your Revenue Challenge, and in today’s episode, Donald Miller challenges you to call some of your leads and ask them to buy. It might be awkward and uncomfortable – but it gets easier with practice! And… people aren’t going to buy unless you ask them to. Tune in now to learn how to ask for the sale!   Take action and download the Double Your Revenue Challenge checklist at   --    If you’re looking for comprehensive training and ongoing weekly coaching to help you double your business’s revenue, join Small Business Flight School.   During the Double Your Revenue Challenge, you can get $500 off Flight School w

  • Challenge #4 – Create a Product Bundle or Upsell

    10/08/2023 Duration: 05min

    As a business owner, you probably have untapped revenue opportunities sitting right under your nose. If you’d only create a strategic product bundle or upsell, you could make a whole lot more money with very little effort.   It’s Day 4 of the Double Your Revenue Challenge, and in today’s episode, Donald Miller walks you through ideas on how to create new products or bundle existing products to generate more revenue in a single transaction. Tune in now to learn how you can boost your revenue with a simple tweak of your product line!   Take action and download the Double Your Revenue Challenge checklist at   --    If you’re looking for comprehensive training and ongoing weekly coaching to help you double your business’s revenue, join Small Business Flight School.   During the Double Your Revenue Challenge, you can get $500 off Flight School with code DOUBLE2023.   Offer expires August 18, 2023.

  • Challenge #3 – Fix Your Website

    09/08/2023 Duration: 06min

    Is your website helping your business – or hurting it? The truth is, potential customers go to your website and make a decision within seconds about whether or not you can help them. That’s why your website must pass the “grunt test.” Unfortunately, most business’ websites don’t pass this test. And if your website doesn’t pass the grunt test… you’re losing sales!   In today’s episode, we continue our 2-week series on the Double Your Revenue Challenge. For Challenge #3, Donald Miller wants you to put your website to the grunt test. He explains that even the most primitive thinker (like a caveman) should be able to look at your website and know these 3 things within seconds: 1) What you do 2) How it will make his life better 3) What he needs to do in order to get it. Does your website pass the test? Tune in to today’s episode to find out!   Take action and download the Double Your Revenue Challenge checklist at   --    If you’re looking for comprehensive training and ongoing we

  • Challenge #2 – Rally Your Team

    08/08/2023 Duration: 09min

    Are you leading your business well? One way to know is whether or not you and your entire team are clear about your company’s top 3 priorities. And not just any priorities – priorities that actually make your business money. When you focus on a few strategic objectives, you’ll actually gain traction toward your revenue goal.   In today’s episode, we continue the Double Your Revenue Challenge with Challenge #2! Donald Miller explains how you can rally your team using Business Made Simple’s Mission Statement Formula. Your challenge today is to review and update your mission statement using that formula – and then make it part of your team’s DNA. Tune in now to get your entire team pulling in the same direction!   Take action and download the Double Your Revenue Challenge checklist at   --    If you’re looking for comprehensive training and ongoing weekly coaching to help you double your business’s revenue, join Small Business Flight School.   During the Double Your Revenue Chal

  • Double Your Revenue Challenge – Challenge #1

    07/08/2023 Duration: 11min

    Are you making less money than you thought you would in 2023? You’re not alone. Many business owners believe that less revenue is inevitable right now. But if you believe that you can’t do something to boost your revenue, you’re believing a lie. That’s why we’re inviting you to join us and thousands of business owners in the Double Your Revenue Challenge!   Over the next two weeks, Donald Miller will give you one simple thing each day to increase your revenue upon implementation. By the end of the two weeks, you’ll be positioned to dramatically increase your revenue by the end of the year. Tune in to today’s episode for Challenge #1!   Take action and download the Double Your Revenue Challenge checklist at

  • #135: Want to Write a Book? This Writing Plan Makes It Easier!

    31/07/2023 Duration: 29min

    Many founders and entrepreneurs write books and become published authors. Why? Because it’s a great way to build credibility, grow your platform, and create awareness for your business! But most business owners also feel at a loss when it comes to getting started.  How will you get published? Do you really have the time to write a book? And how can you know if people will actually buy and read your book?   In today’s episode, Donald Miller pulls back the curtain on his own writing journey and teaches you a step-by-step process that will make writing a book easier. Tune in now to learn 7 tips for writing a book and how becoming a published author isn’t as impossible as it seems!   Ready to turn your book idea into reality? Learn directly from Donald Miller himself in our upcoming Write a Book Workshop. Register now at and join in-person on September 7 & 8 (limited spots available!) or via livestream on September 14 & 15. This is your next step to becoming a published a

  • #134: How to Tell Your Story Without Playing the Hero (REPLAY)

    24/07/2023 Duration: 23min

    Are your revenue goals for 2023 slipping away? Don't worry, you're not alone. Join us on August 3, 2023 for the Mid-Year Revenue Accelerator and learn the same steps we used at Business Made Simple to grow into a $15 million operation.   Regain control of your growth and finish the year with more money! Just go to register.   --   You've heard us say it over and over again: your job is to invite your customers into a story where they are the hero who wins the day. And that means focusing on their story instead of telling your own! But we're going to let you in on a secret today: There actually is a way you can tell your story without making yourself out to be the hero!   Today we continue our Summer Replay Series, highlighting our top episodes of all time. In today’s replay, Donald Miller talks with Eddie Zingleman, owner and furniture maker at Tennessee Woodworks. Don coaches Eddie on how he can leverage his story to connect with customers and grow his business – all whil

  • #133: Curing The Overworked, Overwhelmed Business Owner (REPLAY)

    17/07/2023 Duration: 38min

    Are your revenue goals for 2023 slipping away? Don't worry, you're not alone. Join us on August 3, 2023 for the Mid-Year Revenue Accelerator and learn the same steps we used at Business Made Simple to grow into a $15 million operation.   Regain control of your growth and finish the year with more money! Just go to to register.   --   Success as a business owner can feel like a double edged sword. You are accomplishing your dream and growing a business you're passionate about, but you're also overworked and overwhelmed. You bear the weight of making sure everything runs as it should, and as your business grows, this becomes an even bigger burden.   Today we continue our Summer Replay Series, highlighting our top episodes of all time. In today’s replay, Donald Miller talks with the founder and CEO of the Healthy Workforce Institute, Renee Thompson. Renee’s organization is all about eradicating bullying and hazing in the healthcare industry – but Renee needs help fighting her o

  • #132: How to Avoid the Biggest Cause of Business Failure (REPLAY)

    10/07/2023 Duration: 25min

    Cash flow problems are the number one reason that small businesses fail. If your business is going to stand the test of time, you must have an effective system for managing your business finances. Unfortunately, many business owners are confused by their bookkeeping, don’t understand what’s really happening in their finances, and never have enough money saved for taxes. But it doesn’t have to be that way!   Today we continue our Summer Replay Series, highlighting our top episodes of all time. In today’s replay, you’ll learn a simple cash flow management system using 5 checking accounts. When you learn Donald Miller’s simple framework, you’ll finally have a no-nonsense strategy to manage cash flow with zero confusion or stress. Tune in now to learn the 5-part framework that simplifies managing finances and ensures you never run out of cash!   Go to to access our new course, Small Business Cash Flow Made Simple. You’ll learn an easy way and playbook to organize your finances so you n

  • #131: Ryan Deiss—The Digital Marketing Strategy Your Business Needs—Part 2 (REPLAY)

    03/07/2023 Duration: 21min

    Most businesses slow down in the summer – but yours doesn’t have to! Our Summer Replay Series is here to help. You’ll get to hear the episodes our listeners have found most helpful for making an immediate impact on business growth.   Today you can listen to Part 2 of Donald Miller’s conversation with Ryan Deiss, digital marketing expert and CEO of Digital Marketer. In this value-packed conversation, Ryan breaks down a step-by-step digital marketing strategy to help you generate and convert more leads so you can stay ahead of your competition and make more money this summer. Tune in now!   --   IF YOU'RE SERIOUS ABOUT IMPLEMENTING A PLAN TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS AND REVENUE, FLIGHT SCHOOL IS FOR YOU! JOIN NOW:   ORDER DON'S NEW BOOK "HOW TO GROW YOUR SMALL BUSINESS":   SUBMIT FOR YOUR CHANCE TO GET COACHED ON THE PODCAST:    FIND AND FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM:  

  • #130: Ryan Deiss—The Digital Marketing Strategy Your Business Needs—Part 1 (REPLAY)

    26/06/2023 Duration: 24min

    If you’re like most business owners, summer is full of fun activities – but it’s easy to get complacent and check out when it comes to your business. How can you take a much-needed breather while also continuing to grow your business during the summer months? Our Summer Replay Series is here to help! You’ll get to hear the episodes our listeners have found most helpful for making an immediate impact on business growth.   First up is Part 1 of Donald Miller’s conversation with Ryan Deiss back in the spring of 2021, digital marketing expert and CEO of Digital Marketer. In this value-packed episode, Ryan breaks down a step-by-step digital marketing strategy to help you generate and convert more leads so you can stay ahead of your competition and make more money this summer.    --   Have a book idea but not sure where to start? Donald Miller is hosting a long-awaited workshop for aspiring authors like you this September--Donald Miller Teaches How to Write a Book.        In this 2-day workshop, you’ll learn the ex

  • #129: How to Make More Money With Your Existing Products

    19/06/2023 Duration: 29min

    When you need to increase revenue for your small business, what ideas come to mind first? If you're like most business owners, you mind likely gravitates to sales and marketing ideas. But there is actually a ton of untapped revenue in your existing products! More money is in existing customers than new customers.   In today’s conversation, Donald Miller talks with Jennifer Rodriguez, owner of Porter Flower Reserve. She also happens to be Don's sister! Don gives Jennifer ideas on how she can take her existing products and increase her revenue immediately. Listen in to get inspiration for ideas that you can execute on now to increase the money coming through your cash register.   If you want to learn how to optimize your products so they make YOU more money, check out our new course, Product Optimization Made Simple, in the business made simple platform. In the course, Donald Miller will teach you, just like Jennifer, how to examine your products and figure out how you can make more money with them. For a limit

  • #128: Mignon François—How a High Belief Level Can Make You Wildly Successful

    12/06/2023 Duration: 23min

    Ever had a day where you felt unstoppable? It feels like you’re on top of the world and you believe wholeheartedly in what you’re building. But then there are other days when you’re so discouraged you can’t even take out the trash. What’s the difference between those days? Your belief level. Without belief, our productivity levels plummet, our motivation dwindles, and our perspective shrinks.   In today’s conversation, Donald Miller talks with Mignon François, founder and owner of the Cupcake Collection and author of the new book "Made From Scratch: Finding Success Without a Recipe". Mignon shares her mindblowing story of turning a five-dollar bill into a $10M business through the power of faith and hard work. Listen to Mignon’s incredible journey of entrepreneurship and learn how building your belief level can help you overcome obstacles and achieve what seems impossible – in your business and in your life.   Order Mignon's new book at or wherever you buy bo

  • #127: Dr. Henry Cloud—How to Earn Trust And Rebuild It When It's Been Broken

    05/06/2023 Duration: 30min

    Trust is like oxygen for your personal and professional relationships. Whether you’re interacting with your spouse, a colleague, or a customer, establishing and maintaining trust is the only way for the relationship to last. But what exactly are the building blocks of trust? And is there any way to rebuild trust if it’s been broken?   In today’s episode, Donald Miller talks with Dr. Henry Cloud, acclaimed leadership expert, psychologist, and best-selling author. Dr. Cloud shares insights from his latest book, “Trust: Knowing When to Give it, When to Withhold It, How to Earn It, and How to Fix It When It Gets Broken.” Tune in now to learn 5 helpful criteria for trust and 4 specific things you can do to rebuild trust if it’s been broken.   Order “Trust: Knowing When to Give it, When to Withhold It, How to Earn It, and How to Fix It When It Gets Broken” at or wherever you buy books.   Follow Dr. Henry Cloud on Instagram @DoctorHenryCloudOfficial   --   IF YOU'RE SERIOUS ABOUT IMPLEMENTING

  • #126: Seth Godin—Solutions You Need to Lead in the Post-COVID Workplace

    29/05/2023 Duration: 33min

    It’s no secret that COVID-19 changed the American workplace. Remote work, Zoom meetings, and using Slack for communication has become the norm and changed the way we do work as a society. But what does all of this mean for business leaders? The reality is, the skills set of a leader has changed since COVID-19, and so has the expectations of work culture.   In today’s episode, Donald Miller talks with Seth Godin, best-selling author, renowned entrepreneur, and Marketing Hall of Fame inductee. Seth shares insight from his new book, The Song of Significance: A New Manifesto for Teams. You’ll learn how the new landscape of the American workplace requires leaders who trust their employees, embrace turnover, and encourage collaboration and creativity. Tune in now to learn how you can embrace new ways to lead and so you can have happier, more productive team members that bring health and growth to your entire organization.   Order "The Song of Significance" at   --   IF YOU'R

  • #125: Tricia Sciortino—Best Practices for Hiring and Using a Virtual Assistant

    22/05/2023 Duration: 24min

    As a business leader, you know what it's like to constantly juggle multiple responsibilities and face the demands of a fast-paced work environment. Your days are filled with meetings, calls, and strategic decisions that require your undivided attention. Time is of the essence, and it feels like you never have enough of it. In this competitive landscape, staying on top of your game requires strategic delegation and effective time management.    In today’s episode, Donald Miller talks with the CEO of Belay, Tricia Sciortino, about best practices for hiring and using a virtual assistant. A virtual assistant can help you handle crucial tasks such as scheduling, correspondence, meeting note-taking, and follow-ups to give you back hours of your workweek. With a virtual assistant by your side, you can reclaim precious time and focus on the strategic initiatives that drive your business forward. Tune in now to learn best practices on hiring and using a virtual assistant!   Schedule your free consultant from Belay to

  • #124: Mike Foster—7 Crucial Questions to Ask That Shape Your Emotional Intelligence (Part 2)

    15/05/2023 Duration: 21min

    Continue learning a new way to understand yourself and others in Part 2 of Donald Miller’s conversation with Mike Foster.   --   Humans are complex. But understanding ourselves and others is an essential part of human flourishing. When we don’t engage with our emotions and the emotions of others in a healthy way, we can develop unhealthy patterns of controlling others, people-pleasing, perfectionism, anxiety, and more. As a result, we don’t show up as our best selves in our personal or professional lives.   In today’s episode, Donald Miller continues his conversation with Mike Foster, best-selling author, speaker, and executive coach empowering people to turn their setbacks into superpowers. Mike and Don reflect on Mike’s latest book, The Seven Primal Questions, discussing the new emotional intelligence tool Mike developed after years of research. Using a seven-question framework, Mike helps people engage emotions in themselves and others in a constructive way. Tune in for a deep dive into the these quest

  • #123: Mike Foster—7 Crucial Questions to Ask That Shape Your Emotional Intelligence

    08/05/2023 Duration: 35min

    Small Business Flight School has launched! And to continue the celebration we are offering $275 off when you use promo code FLIGHTSCHOOL275 at This is a limited time offer only through the week of May 8th, 2023!   If you’re serious about implementing a plan to grow your business and revenue, Flight School is for you! Join now at and get $275 off when you use promo code FLIGHTSCHOOL275   --   Humans are complex. But understanding ourselves and others is an essential part of human flourishing. When we don’t engage with our emotions and the emotions of others in a healthy way, we can develop unhealthy patterns of controlling others, people-pleasing, perfectionism, anxiety, and more. As a result, we don’t show up as our best selves in our personal or professional lives.   In today’s episode, Donald Miller talks with Mike Foster, best-selling author, speaker, and executive coach empowering people to turn their setbacks into superpowers. Mike and Don

  • #122: Take the First Step to Double Your Revenue Today

    01/05/2023 Duration: 24min

    Small Business Flight School launches TODAY! Join now at   If you want to implement a plan to double your revenue, this is your moment!   Sure, you could keep doing what you’re doing and hopefully grow your revenue at a decent pace.   OR… you could join Small Business Flight School where we’ll help you implement a plan to streamline your business and double your revenue.   If you’re serious about implementing a plan to grow your business and revenue, Flight School is for you! Join now at   —   Most business owners play it safe when it comes to revenue goals. If you want to see growth, you need to set aggressive goals and reverse-engineer a plan to get there. But how can you know what’s going to actually move the needle? If you’re not careful, you could end up wasting a lot of time and energy that don’t make a significant impact on your bottom line.   In today’s episode, Donald Miller walks you through a practical worksheet that will help you revers

  • #121: How to Sell Your Small Business for Millions

    24/04/2023 Duration: 32min

    Small Business Flight School launches in one week! Join waitlist to get an exclusive discount during launch week at Small Business Flight School is an elite, 6-month program for small business owners who want to double their revenue.   When you join Flight School, you get…  

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