Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 252:22:17
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Couch Talk w/ Dr. Anna Cabeca is an intimate place for intimate conversation about tackling menopause, hormonal imbalance, and sexual health issues with grace and ease. Join Dr. Anna and the world's top experts, and discover how to naturally burn fat, boost energy, sleep better and stop hot flashes the Keto-Green way!


  • Reenergizing the Body with Dave Asprey: How Laziness Will Change Your Health for the Better

    21/03/2023 Duration: 49min

    Today on The Girlfriend Doctor, we welcome Dave Asprey as he launches his revolutionary book Smarter Not Harder. He takes you on a journey, as you rewire your biology for rest and rehabilitation instead of living in fight or flight.  Exercise has not changed since its inception, and Dave is here to uproot the traditional system of endless vigorous exercise. He found the flaw in the logic of working hard for better results. It turns out that your body craves rest, and endless workouts are conditioning your body to stay in perpetual survival mode! He teaches you how to reprogram your biology to achieve the best health of your life! Most people are not eating enough food, or are eating nutrient-deficient diets and depleting their energy with long bouts of extreme exercise. The path to health does not need to be a struggle. Dave teaches you how to dismantle your limiting beliefs about your health, so you can own your biology!   KEY TAKEAWAYS [2:50] Dave’s evolution into bio-hacking [9:00] The laziness principle [

  • The Healing Carnivore Diet with Dr. Robert Kiltz

    14/03/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    The Microbiome gets a lot of attention these days, but are you protecting your Glycobiome? Today on The Girlfriend Doctor, I welcome renowned fertility expert Dr. Robert Kiltz. He has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Parents Magazine, and CNBC for his work making IVF affordable and accessible. Using diet and mindset to supplement low-dose IVF therapy, Dr. Kiltz has reduced the cost of IVF to a third of the national average. He is investigating the efficacy of the American plant-based diet, and how a keto-carnivore diet could reduce inflammation, heal chronic diseases, and promote fertility.  Contrary to popular belief, fat is fuel to the body. When you consume sugar and amino acids, they are processed and converted into fat by the liver, which is evidence that your body's primary fuel source is fat. Plant-based diets potentially expose you to pathogens and microbes that ferment in the gut, destroy the Glycobiome, and cause chronic illness.  In this episode, Dr. Kiltz shares how his approach to nutrit

  • The Mind-Body Connection with Dr. Will Cole - How Neglecting your Emotional Health is Affecting your Physical Body

    07/03/2023 Duration: 44min

    Are you in tune with your gut intuition? Today on The Girlfriend Doctor, I discuss the mind-body connection with leading functional-medicine expert, Dr. Will Cole. He is among the top 50 functional and integrative doctors in America and the author of The New York Times best-seller, Intuitive Eating. In this episode, we explore the connection between mental and physical health from his soon-to-be-released book, Gut Feelings.  Conventional medicine often overlooks the mind-body connection, usually only addressing a single aspect of health. Dr. Cole’s comprehensive approach to healing trauma, the gut microbiome, and restoring homeostasis to the body is helping patients reclaim their wellness.  Emotional stress has the power to reduce the effectiveness of your healthy habits, which is why you cannot separate mental health from your physical well-being. Dr.Cole guides you through a thorough analysis of your physical and emotional traumas to find the underlying factors causing chronic disease, thyroid issues, and d

  • How Love and Oxytocin Promote Longevity with Dr. Molly Maloof

    28/02/2023 Duration: 46min

    Today on The Girlfriend Doctor, we discuss how oxytocin is the key to unlocking longevity with Dr. Molly Maloof. Her book The Spark Factor is a riveting display of the effect that love and community have on your body. Dr. Maloof deconstructs how loneliness and stress affect your health and deplete your lifespan.  To fully understand how external stress affects your body, Dr. Maloof teaches you the importance of tracking your cycle because your period is a vital sign. If your period becomes irregular, it is a sign that you need to slow down and be kind to your mind and body. In this episode, Dr. Maloof shares her biohacking protocol for reframing stress from a destructive force to a transformational tool.   KEY TAKEAWAYS [2:00] Ensuring longevity by optimizing your organ reserve while your young  [3:45] How a stressful environment can deplete energy and cause hormonal imbalance [6:00] Your period is a vital sign and a window into your overall health  [10:30] Knowing the difference between good stress and bad s

  • How to Effectively Embrace Positive Change - Setting Intentions For a Purposeful Midlife with Natalie Jill

    21/02/2023 Duration: 35min

    As you age, it’s common to feel stuck in certain patterns but today’s guest gives you the tools to reimagine your life, health and purpose. Natalie Jill, pivoted from her wildly successful fitness brand to create her podcast Midlife Conversations. Although she was thriving in her career as a fitness influencer, she no longer felt that spark of passion, so she began questioning her purpose. By following three simple steps, Natalie was able to  reshape and redefine her purpose to create a new and fulfilling path.  Decision, vision and action are at the core of long lasting change! Many women struggle to change because they focus on the action before committing and envisioning the results of the path they would like to take. Once you have gotten clear on what it is that you want, action comes naturally! Nothing is set in stone, you can improve your diet,  your relationship, your job, your home and your health all by choosing to do so and believing in the possibilities beyond your current circumstances. In this e

  • Hormone Replenishment Before Hormone Replacement with Dr. Anna Cabeca

    14/02/2023 Duration: 01h16min

    Today on the girlfriend, I am simplifying hormonal treatment plans to give you a crash course in the history, application and data on all hormone replacements, bioidentical hormones and natural ways to replenish your natural supply of hormones. Women have been needlessly suffering simply because the medical knowledge was lacking, conflicting or at times flat out wrong. In this special episode I am answering questions directly from listeners like you in hopes to help you better understand which form of hormone therapy is right for you.  As an advocate for hormone replenishment over full blown hormone replacement, I always steer my patients towards lifestyle changes that can promote a healthy resolution of menopausal symptoms because it takes more than hormones to fix your hormones! Unfortunately, hormone replacement therapies do literally replace your ability to produce your own hormones. Through education and advocating for a treatment that suits the preservation of your ovaries and enhances your body's natur

  • Dr. Mary Claire Haver: Supporting Your Health Throughout Menopause with The Galveston Diet

    07/02/2023 Duration: 37min

    Today on The Girlfriend Doctor, I am joined by Dr.Mary Claire Haver, founder of the Galveston diet! Dr. Haver is helping you master your hormones so you can confidently step into the second spring of your life. Menopause is often viewed as a disease because so many women are suffering from imbalanced hormones and poor diets that are causing the symptoms associated with menopause.  Although weight loss is a beneficial side effect, The Galveston diet is not focused on weight management but on reducing inflammation. Every woman is unique but by focusing on lowering inflammation and balancing your hormones, you can reclaim your health at any age. In this episode, Dr. Haver teaches you how you can add intermittent fasting to your menopause tool kit, to help you combat inflammation and balance your hormones. Many doctors are still recommending that ovaries should be removed after menopause to avoid ovarian cancer but studies have revealed that even throughout menopause, your ovaries are always producing essential h

  • Building Radical Confidence with Lisa Bilyeu - How to Eliminate Limiting Beliefs to Become Unstoppable

    31/01/2023 Duration: 54min

    Today on the Girlfriend Doctor, we examine how you can master your insecurities with Lisa Bilyeu, co-founder of Quest nutrition. Her book, Radical Confidence is an eye opening guide on how you can incrementally improve yourself by changing your thought patterns into a positive and empowering understanding of your own potential. Confidence is not inherent but is generated from relentless effort towards improvement.  In this episode, Lisa shares exactly how you can build awareness of the limiting beliefs that restrain your mind and subsequently the actions you take towards your best self. If you surrender to the fact that perfection is unattainable and confidence is created from competence, you will become unstoppable. You have limitless potential and a choice to shape and pursue your life mission.  By understanding yourself and defining your purpose, you will be equipped to reject anything that does not align with your heart and attract everything that does. How you perceive the world shapes your place in it.

  • Natural Beauty from the Inside Out with Rachel Varga

    24/01/2023 Duration: 33min

    Today on the Girlfriend Doctor, I discuss inner and outer beauty with Rachel Varga. She is a Double Board Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist. After personally performing over 20,000 procedures, Rachel now trains physicians and nurses, across the globe, to perform safe and holistic treatments. In her research, she has discovered some disturbing realities about the technology, products and even the lights you are exposed to in your daily life. In this episode, she provides healthy alternatives to toxic routines in hopes of reducing your toxic burden.  You may be unknowingly burdening your skin with electromagnetic frequencies that are actually making your blood sticky. Without proper circulation, your blood can not effectively deliver nutrients to your skin and also inhibits its ability to purge metabolic waste. Rachel teaches you how to mitigate exposure by grounding yourself in nature and detoxing from your devices at night.  Your skin is your body’s final alert system; redness, dryness or puffy skin indica

  • Life Beyond Illness and Discovering Your Purpose Despite Tragedy with Dr. Jill Carnaham

    17/01/2023 Duration: 45min

    Today on the Girlfriend Doctor, I uncover the beauty of suffering with Dr. Jill Carnaham, a board certified integrative medicine specialist and author of Unexpected. As a patient, Dr. Carnaham survived breast cancer, crohn’s disease, leaky gut syndrome and despite facing her own mortality now seeks to help those suffering from a similar fate. Known as the Sherlock Holmes of medicine, she instills compassion and an investigative approach to medicine, to find the root cause of her patients' illnesses.  Growing up on a farm using the toxic herbicide Atrazine, triggered Dr.Carnaham’s lifelong battle with breast cancer. What was once an uncommon diagnosis for a woman her age is now prevalent in even younger patients; as our culture accepts the use of dangerous chemicals, destructive diets and obsessive work habits that destroy your immune system. Although it is agonizing to witness this increased suffering from sickness, it is possible to forge a new path to health for yourself and society. Amidst the steady suffe

  • Thyroid Health Solutions with Elle Russ - Navigating Individualized Thyroid Treatments and What to Avoid

    10/01/2023 Duration: 52min

    Today on The Girlfriend Doctor, Elle Russ, author of The Paleo Thyroid Solution, joins us to discuss thyroid health. Elle has condensed years of knowledge from treating her own hypothyroidism to help women struggling to diagnose, treat or manage their thyroid health. Your Thyroid gland is integral to regulating everything from your sex hormones, metabolism and your endocrine system. Unfortunately, most conventional doctors are decades behind on the leading thyroid treatments and often make detrimental mistakes when treating patients.  You know your body better than any doctor could hope to with labs and testing. While there are general ranges for healthy hormones, every person has different needs that require specialized testing and individualized treatment. There is no “one size fits all” for thyroid treatment and many doctors are treating patients with an antiquated TSH protocol that is leaving patients in worse condition than they started at. If you feel worse after receiving hormone treatments, it’s a goo

  • The Keto Green 16 Day Challenge - How to Empower Yourself in the Second Spring of Your Life

    03/01/2023 Duration: 31min

    As we venture into the new year, it’s time for our annual Keto Green 16 Day Challenge! Join me and a wonderful group of women, as we embark on this challenge to rejuvenate and balance our bodies. Menopause is a natural and beautiful chapter of your life but suffering does not need to be a part of it! With this 16 day challenge you will track your PH levels, detox from caffeine and introduce a healthy ketogenic diet. I help you understand just how impactful the food you eat is on your health and how quickly your diet can reduce menopausal symptoms like hot flashes. Let this new year bring forth the second spring of your life!   KEY TAKEAWAYS [1:10] Menopause is natural but suffering is optional [3:20] Community and accountability are tools of success  [4:50] Symptoms of menopause from different cultures around the world [6:30] Dietary changes can curb hot flashes because they are symptoms of insulin resistance [8:10] The Keto Green 16 Challenge! [10:00] Increasing Urine PH reduces your risk of diabetes and car

  • Full Body Vibration Therapy with Dr. Jason Conviser - How to Optimize your Physical Fitness at Any Age

    27/12/2022 Duration: 01h41s

    Today’s guest is Dr. Jason Conviser Ph.D, a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine who has published over 40 scientific journal articles on physical fitness. An anomaly in sports medicine, Dr. Convisor abstains from treating professional athletes because he believes every person is an athlete with the potential to optimize and strengthen their body. In this episode, he shares the therapeutic uses of whole body vibration.  Your body is a machine and it needs movement to perform optimally. Vibration is a simple way of warming up your muscles so you can get the most out of your routine. No matter what age or skill level you can start your fitness journey with a simple walk around the block and full body vibration therapy can help you along your journey. It has been proven to decrease cortisol, increase flexibility, strengthen muscles and support healthy bones. This tool was made to be customized and is used to aid people of all physical stages reclaim their health and live more fulfilling lives.  KEY

  • How Negative Thought Patterns Affect Your Health, Digestion and Fertility with Aimee Raupp

    20/12/2022 Duration: 41min

    Today’s guest is Aimee Raupp, author of Yes, You Can Get Pregnant! She is a fertility coach helping women of all ages conceive. Aimee recognizes a common theme occurring in modern women; stress, premature aging and infertility. Since the 80’s women’s risk of developing an autoimmune disease has dramatically increased so it is no coincidence that women are not only struggling to conceive but are actually entering into menopause earlier in life.  Aimee’s holistic approach is informed by centuries of Chinese medicinal knowledge. This ancient culture understood just how powerful the connection between mind and body is and treated them equally. What you believe establishes your behavior and every behavior shapes your health. In this episode, Aimee shows you how to be kinder to yourself and your body so you enter into your 3rd chapter happier, healthier and fertile. KEY TAKEAWAYS [1:00] Undiagnosed autoimmune conditions causing fertility issues [5:50] Being at peace regulates your immune system  [7:10] Finding and

  • Nutrition and Mitochondrial Health - How to Detox Safely and Boost Your Immune System for Optimal Health with Sara Banta

    13/12/2022 Duration: 41min

    On this episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, I discussed mitochondrial health with Sara Banta, owner of Accelerated Health Products, a line of natural supplements aimed at balancing your overall health. She is a health coach and biohacker, with her supplements you can bolster your immune system by giving your body everything it is not getting from the food you’re eating. Mitochondrial health is critical to the health of your entire body and begins at the cellular level which is why supplements are so important when addressing any health issue.  Sara works synergistically with nutrition, lifestyle and her supplements, which focus on frequency enhanced detox that help your body get rid of the toxins overloading your system. Your body is a delicate ecosystem and can easily become dysregulated when exposed to common toxins used in daily life. Your liver is the detoxification pathway of your body and many foods that are staples of a healthy diet may actually be burdening your liver. By conscious eating and adding Sar

  • Oral Health and The Microbiome - Why Dental and Medical Care Should Not be Separate with Dr. Campbell and Danny Grannick

    06/12/2022 Duration: 59min

    On this episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, we sat down with Dr. Campbell and Danny Grannick, two pioneers who are uniting the world of dental and medical care today. Doctors are not trained to account for dental health when diagnosing patients, leaving many people vulnerable to Alzheimer's, Cancer, Infertility and a slew of other complications that are ultimately avoidable. Dr. Ellie Campbell has been working in family medicine for 30 years and is board certified by the American Academy of Integrative Medicine. Like most doctors, she was never addressing oral health with her patients until she witnessed the decline of a patient suffering from an unknown dental infection. Now, her stance is that absolutely no medical team is complete without an oral hygienist on staff.  Danny Grannick has developed an at home test kit ,using  PCR technology, to give people insight into the microbiome of their mouth. Understanding the imbalance of microbes in your mouth gives your dentist and doctor the information to address in

  • How Victim Mentality is Creating Sickness and Crushing your Soul with Dr. Kelly Brogan

    29/11/2022 Duration: 57min

    On this episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, we sat down with Dr. Kelly Brogan a clinical psychiatrist turned holistic psychiatrist after witnessing the toll addictive psychiatric drugs had on her patients. The endemic of over diagnosis has convinced many people they are sick when in fact they may just be suffering from their own narrative. If you believe you are a victim it can manifest outwardly as anxiety and depression. You won’t find solace in a prescription but by recognizing your defense mechanisms and reclaiming your power of choice, you may find you weren't actually sick to begin with!  You are rarely truly victimized in this life, because everyday you have the autonomy to choose your outlook, your location, your reactions and an infinite amount of things that make up your experience. Understanding your desires and consciously deciding  to pursue and communicate them will naturally uplift your spirit. Exploring your sexuality is just a microcosm to the greater dynamic of your life, if you can communicat

  • How Fasting Heals the Body and Mind With Dr. Mindy Pelz

    22/11/2022 Duration: 52min

    On This episode of the Girlfriend Doctor, we had a conversation with Dr. Mindy Pelz, a fasting expert and author of Fast like a Girl! She is making fasting accessible and safe for women to practice in their daily lives. The key is to build awareness of your cycle and strategically plan your fasting to support your hormones. By tapping into your body’s wisdom, you can reap the full health and spiritual benefits of fasting.  It is no coincidence that most cultures practice fasting because it allows your body and mind to cleanse. Fasting is known to increase your energy and by integrating fasting into your life you can live longer, healthier and happier lives. Your energy is often reflected back at you by those around you and fasting is a natural way to  clear negativity and gain clarity in moments of turmoil.    KEY TAKEAWAYS[1:30] The effects of long term fasting [6:50] The ideas behind Fast like a Girl [8:30] The key to the fasting cycle [11:30] Structuring your fasting around your menstrual cycle [16:30] The

  • How to Become your Authentic Self With Jenn Pike

    15/11/2022 Duration: 39min

    On this week’s episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, I spoke with Jenn Pike, the head mentor at The Hormone Project. Jenn is a medical exercise specialist and a functional diagnostic nutritionist. On her YouTube channel, Simplicity TV, she is helping women break free from negative patterns and discover their courage to live a life of authenticity.  When life demands so much of your time and attention it is easy to lose yourself, one sacrifice at a time. When burnout consumes you, there comes a moment when you must decide to prioritize your own joy and desire. Bravery can be as simple as making time for yourself everyday.  Living your authentic self is more than just a mindset, it is committing to the lifestyle that energetically aligns with your desires. This can mean giving up things you once loved or adding in new experiences that fulfill you. No matter what you’re called to do, using your body as the guide will lead you to act on what fulfills, nourishes and inspires you. It can be difficult to let go of the w

  • Eat the Rainbow And Other Longevity Practices with Serena Poon

    08/11/2022 Duration: 42min

    On this episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, I am joined by Serena Poon, a celebrity chef and certified nutritionist who’s the founder of Just Add Water, a wellness line of super-nutrient foods and supplements. Serena incorporates soul wisdom into opening up pathways to great health and longevity while also using cutting-edge science. One of the most important areas is gut health, which affects our immune system, our mind, our mood and our behavior. Having a healthy gut is the key to longevity.  She recommends eating the rainbow – ingesting all different types of fruits and veggies along with lots of water to stay hydrated. It’s also important to measure your biomarkers like food intolerance, allergies, nutrient density, hormones and thyroid levels to manage deficits. Mindset is also critical to longevity. We usually want to stay in a safe or comfortable space in our health practices. But it’s important to break out of cycles that we’ve established to break through to better health and longevity. Only then can w

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