No Format

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 51:55:34
  • More information



Trying to explain what this podcast is about would be like trying to teach grandma how to send an email. It seems easy enough at first but you'll soon find it an impossible task. No Format is not a nerd-cast; we're clearly two social, pleasant, good looking gentlemen (ep. 28). No Format is not a comedy-cast; we never joke about the topic at hand and take our jobs very seriously as distributors of internet content (ep. 15). No Format is not a videogame-cast; Josh has only beaten 6 out of 8 Zelda games and we rarely play videogames while podcasting (ep. 7). No Format is not a science-cast; the occasional episode on nuclear fission and mathematical proofs will appear now and then, but all together we are not great sources of information (ep. 11 & 39). And lastly, No Format is by no means a film-cast; we just happen to know someone who makes movies (ep. 27). It also just happens that we have excellent taste and never come to dissagreements on movies (ep. 42). So what would one expect from a typical episode? We don't really have a format. Chances are if you have a mustache, play(ed) with Ninja Turtles, own a telescope, hate ugly fonts, have a friend from Korea, enjoy a good scotch, have a favorite dinosaur, wished you could golf better, prefer the original theatrical Star Wars, or in general read Wikipedia articles at least 3 times per day, you'll probably find what you've been looking for all along in this, the No Format podcast.


  • 021 | Worst Episode Ever

    20/01/2012 Duration: 43min

    We talk about cameras...and stuff...

  • 020 | Video Game Quality Assurance

    14/01/2012 Duration: 49min

    Ever wondered what it would be like to play video games all day and get paid for it? The Aizawa Bros are here, Jared and Joe, to give us the skinny on what being a video game tester is all about. Usually I have some witty comment to say after I introduce the topic of this weeks episode, but I'll be honest, nothing is coming to mind. Except that this may well be No Format's best episode yet! So listen up! And get schooled by the Aizawa Duo!

  • 019 | Another Earth

    07/01/2012 Duration: 49min

    What? You didn't listen to Episode 18?! Well then you may not have heard we were going to do a movie review of Another Earth. You still have time to rent it, but don't worry, if you haven't seen it we won't give anything away. You should definitely watch it though because it may or may not be an excellent movie that you may or may not cherish for the rest of your life and afterwards you may or may not thank me for the possibly terrific cinematic experience it offers.

  • 018 | No Title

    30/12/2011 Duration: 50min

    No description.

  • 017 | Scotch & Cigars

    23/12/2011 Duration: 46min

    A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. This podcast, however, is none of these. Joel Paulsen joins us this week as we reminisce about boy scouts and have a man-versation about scotch and cigars. And if you've never met Joel, you should know, the man knows his scotch and cigars like a fox knows its hole.

  • 016 | Game Show!

    17/12/2011 Duration: 40min

    Ever visited If you haven't you should, but not before you listen to this week's episode of No Format! We invite 13 of our lucky listeners to take part in a bout of knowledge relating to no particular topic. Feel free to play along by yelling in your loudest voice directly into your iPhone. Hey, if this episode goes well, next time around we might ask YOU to be a contestant!

  • 015 | FeedBurner Fail

    08/12/2011 Duration: 43min

    This episode of the No Format podcast does not cover the topic of family puppy dogs being put to sleep. After long thought and consideration, I Joshua, the editor of said podcast thought it best to protect you the listener from such topics. You can thank me in the comments. What is featured in this episode is a sad story of a different sort. The sort of story concerning a failure to understand how FeedBurner works. This episode is all business, so put your business socks on and take notes cause we ain't payin' you fer nuthin'!

  • 014 | We've Got Seoul

    02/12/2011 Duration: 54min

    This time around No Format goes international! Gene Lee, former roommate of Jason and previous renter of the room which I called home, joins us all the way from Seoul, Korea to talk about things of no particular importance. Actually we talk about what's been on everyone's minds lately - the weather. Sit back and relax as we enchant your imagination with 54 minutes of cutting-edge weather coverage. The highs, the lows, even the mids. Precipitation reports, barometer readings and gossip of next months weather. It's scandalous!

  • 013 | Ancient Egypt

    23/11/2011 Duration: 56min

    Get out the readin' glasses and put your bow tie on cause this is an intellectual episode. Eric Bricmont, son of a bonifide Archeoastronomer, joins us in a riveting conversation about Egypt, from pyramid construction to mummy curses. If you've ever lost yourself in an Egypt-related wikipedia article, give this episode a listen. You may find it sophisticatedly stimulating. And what's the deal with all the Ancient Alien shows on the History Channel. Really, History Channel, aliens?

  • 012 | As Seen On TV

    17/11/2011 Duration: 45min

    Have you ever taken great care when eating a bowl of Cap'n Crunch w/ Crunch Berries to eat all the yellow things first so you can enjoy half a bowl of pure Crunch Berries? This podcast is nothing like that. It's more like taking 11 boxes of cereal from the cupboard and mixing them all together into one giant bowl of suicide cereal. Part nutritious, part sugar coated, part downright pointless.

  • 011 | Nuclear Bomb

    11/11/2011 Duration: 42min

    That's right. We're talkin' about bombs this episode. And not just any bombs, we're taking it straight to the top with the mother of all bombs. Who would have thought that while listening to your favorite podcast as you eat your Cheerios this morning that you would learn the delicate details of constructing your very own nuclear warhead? You didn't think this show was all about fun and games did you? Well I don't blame you because we kind of went off on a rant last episode about Zelda. Hey that's kind of a coincidence; last week we talked about the mother of all games, this week the mother of all bombs. Go figure.

  • 010 | Zelda

    04/11/2011 Duration: 01h02min

    So this episode, being our 10th, is kind of a big deal to us. What better way to celebrate it by discussing the biggest game of console history. And I mean that. Google it. Right now. Type "What is the best game ever?" into the google search field and read the answer: The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time. It is such a good game we decided to invite our close friend and official Zelda expert, Toni Hansen, to join us in praising the epicness that is this legendary N64 title. Sit back, put your hookshot down and give this episode a listen. If you've never played Zelda OoT, may this podcast press upon you the importance of experiencing such a masterpiece of a game, and urge you to drop a Benjamin or so on a Wii and download it for the price of a single Hamilton. You will not regret it.

  • 009 | Dinosaur

    27/10/2011 Duration: 52min

    Wow. Have we got an episode for you! Denise Soden is back to school us on the topic of DINOSAURS!!! To add a little to the conversation, we watched the greatest dino-flick ever made: Jurassic Park (1993). So hold on to ya butts, this episode is both educational and entertaining.

  • 008 | Star Trek

    20/10/2011 Duration: 51min

    We're back on track with a very special episode of No Format! This time we invite our friend Jeremy Commandeur on the show so he can school us in some Trek facts. Sorry, we didn't announce what we were going to watch during the last episode (we forgot to do a lot of things in the last episode...) but if you'd like, you could prepare yourself by watching The Best of Both Worlds, Parts 1 & 2, Star Trek, The Next Generation. Leave your popped collar and chinos at home cause we nerd out pretty bad in this one. Also, remember the gravity question we asked in Episode 6? We got an answer. And you won't believe it, we made it through this episode with out having to bleep anything Jason says!

  • 007 | Starcraft

    17/10/2011 Duration: 33min

    I'm gonna tell you right now, this was a train wreck. A conceptually good idea, gone bad. Real bad. So bad I'm not going to describe what happens. Hopefully this intrigues you to listen to it, but be warned, I told you it was bad. And it's not one of those,"he's telling us it's bad, but in the end, it will be so bad it's funny", sort of things. It's just an all around bad episode. The one good thing we get around to talking about is the bestest fast food restaurant in the world. Hope you enjoy. And believe me, we'll be back on track next week.

  • 006 | Godfather

    07/10/2011 Duration: 50min

    If you listened to us last week then hopefully you joined us in watching The Godfather, Part I. If you didn't listen to us last week, chances are, given you aren't Jason Hayes, you've probably already seen it. Have a listen to this episode to hear our impressions of the classic mafia flick. We also contemplate a classic physics problem and enlist the help of a celebrity amongst space nerds.

  • 005 | X-men

    30/09/2011 Duration: 49min

    Well, here we are, finally in the iTunes podcast directory. This week we discuss Jason's unreasonably large Ninja Turtle collection. Then, on a more serious note, we talk about building telescopes and the inherent flaws of spherical lenses. Go on, let your inner nerd out and enjoy this quality conversation in the comfort of your drivers seat.

  • 004 | Mt Everest

    23/09/2011 Duration: 45min

    Are you ready to learn about Wetenkamp family folklore, century old dead dudes, and free baby grand pianos? This week's episode discusses those topics and more. I really hope this is not your first episode of No Format, cause it's not our best. Hang in there and we'll be sure to entertain you next week as we continue to follow our motto of absolutely no ground rules. In fact, next week we will probably stake out a plot in the vast wasteland that is the iTunes directory, but for now try streaming Episode 4 right from the browser of your computer or, better yet, your mobile phone. If you don't want to depend on the airwaves, try control clicking (right clicking on a PC) the link below and download it.

  • 003 | Lottery

    15/09/2011 Duration: 51min

    If you thought last week's episode was boring, get ready for another doosey. This week Jason and Josh discuss things like the greatest video game ever made, how to have fun on the inter webs, and a certain monetary vice Jason picked up working at the grocery store. Feel free to tell us what you think about the podcast and how we should learn to plan ahead. Also, did you know you can click the link below and stream the podcast on your phone? Try it!

  • 002 | Wikipedia

    11/09/2011 Duration: 44min

    Listen to episode 2 of Josh and Jason's podcast, tentatively titled, "No Format". It's about important stuff like endangered species and Jesus websites. So basically if you don't listen to it you hate animals, Jesus and the internet. But I think you'll find it to be a worthy background noise for your commute home assuming you don't have the new Chili Peppers album or any other slightly worthwhile album, podcast or jazz flute solo. Feel free to control click (or right click) the link below and download the mp3 file so you can listen to it on your i device.

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