Duane Sheriff Ministries - Feed



Building Healthy Churches and Helping People Grow in Christ


  • Rhythms of Grace | Episode 9 | Purpose of the Law

    22/03/2024 Duration: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches that God gave us the law out of love. The law reveals our sins so that we may be saved. It acts as a mirror, showing our need for salvation and leading us towards faith in Christ. By highlighting our inability to attain righteousness on our own, the law emphasizes the significance of Jesus' fulfillment of the law on our behalf. This revelation of sin through the law is a necessary step towards embracing God's grace, ultimately leading us to a life of freedom and grace.

  • Rhythms of Grace | Episode 8 | Law

    21/03/2024 Duration: 28min

    Duane Sheriff explains the purpose of the law given to humanity. It reflects our inability to achieve righteousness through our own efforts, emphasizing our need for grace and redemption. The law reveals our spiritual condition, but grace provides the cure. Through grace, we receive the power to live a life that pleases God, not by our own strength but by the righteousness imparted to us through faith in Jesus Christ.

  • Rhythms of Grace | Episode 7 | Grace or Law

    20/03/2024 Duration: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches how grace has the power to break the power of sin. When we understand and embrace the concept of grace, it liberates us from the tyranny of sin. Grace frees us from the burdens and obligations of living under the law. Christianity is a relationship rooted in grace rather than legalism. This illustrates the contrast between living under the heavy yoke of the law and experiencing the light, restful yoke of grace, which enables believers to live in freedom and joy.

  • Rhythms of Grace | Episode 6 | Freedom

    19/03/2024 Duration: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches the concept of freedom from the law through grace. He emphasizes how grace liberates us from the constraints and demands of legalism, offering a life characterized by peace and rest. By focusing on Jesus' teachings and the grace offered through His sacrifice, we transition from living under the law to living in the freedom of grace. By embracing the restorative power of grace, we live freely and fully in the light of Christ's love.

  • Rhythms of Grace | Episode 5 | Come To Jesus

    18/03/2024 Duration: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches about the transformative power of coming to Jesus amidst life's burdens. Through God's grace, we can be freed from fear, worry, and the overwhelming pressures of life. One of the three principles of Rhythms of Grace is "Come to Me," which offers rest and liberation. By aligning ourselves with Jesus, we can navigate the complexities of life with peace and resilience, embracing a journey toward spiritual growth and freedom.

  • God's Kind of Love | Part 5

    17/03/2024 Duration: 53min

    Duane Sheriff teaches how God's correction and chastening differ from human punishment. He explains that every act of divine correction is rooted in God's desire for our ultimate good, aiming to foster spiritual maturity, holiness, and a deeper relationship with Him. This perspective encourages a receptive attitude towards God's loving discipline, recognizing it as a vital component of our spiritual journey.

  • Rhythms of Grace | Episode 4 | Divine Calling

    15/03/2024 Duration: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches that the power of grace can transform our lives and enable us to fulfill our divine calling. We can find rest in Jesus with a deep relationship with Christ. Duane addresses fear, worry, anxiety, and stress, advocating for a faith-driven approach to overcome these challenges. We can achieve spiritual maturity and resilience by following the three rhythms of grace: coming to Jesus, taking His yoke, and learning from Him. By living a life marked by peace, purpose, and power in God's grace, we can fulfill our divine calling.

  • Rhythms of Grace | Episode 3 | Grace

    14/03/2024 Duration: 28min

    Duane Sheriff explains how grace is intricately found in Jesus. Jesus is the epitome of divine grace made manifest. Through Jesus, grace is not just an abstract concept but a tangible reality experienced by believers. His life, teachings, and sacrificial love on the cross exemplify the depth of God's grace. This offers redemption, forgiveness, and the promise of eternal life to all who believe. There is a transformative power in encountering Jesus, where grace becomes the lens through which we view God, ourselves, and our purpose in the world. Through Jesus, grace is lived, received, and extended, embodying the heart of the Gospel message.

  • Rhythms of Grace | Episode 2 | Amazing Grace

    13/03/2024 Duration: 28min

    "Amazing Grace" is a divine gift that goes beyond human understanding and has the power to change lives. It liberates us from our past burdens, allowing us to embrace a hopeful and promising future. In this teaching, Duane Sheriff provides practical guidance on incorporating grace rhythms into our daily lives. He emphasizes the importance of solitude, silence, and meditation on scripture to nurture our connection with God. By combining these practices, we can experience personal renewal and spiritual growth. Engaging in these disciplines has a transformative power, which can lead to a more profound and grace-filled life.

  • Rhythms of Grace | Episode 1 | Rest

    12/03/2024 Duration: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches that, as Christians, we have been delivered from fear, worry, anxiety, and stress. Our lives are anchored in the grace and love of God, and our focus should be on our identity, transformation, and wholeness in Christ. The term "rhythms of grace" refers to an intimate and transformative relationship with God, where His divine presence flows into every aspect of our lives with love, healing, and renewal. Instead of striving, we learn to rest in the assurance of His provision and guidance. 

  • God's Kind of Love | Part 4

    10/03/2024 Duration: 55min

    How wide, long, deep, and high is God's love? God's love is immeasurable, with four dimensions depicted not just as an emotion but also as a guiding principle for actions and relationships. It is rooted deeply in God's nature and manifested through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. This sacrifice offers forgiveness and redemption to all humanity. Understanding and experiencing God's love transforms how we view ourselves and others, leading to a life of compassion, forgiveness, and self-sacrifice.

  • Basics Of Prayer | Episode 15 | Anoint With Oil

    01/03/2024 Duration: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches the profound impact of prayer, emphasizing the synergy between faith, love, and healing. He explores the biblical foundation for the anointing with oil in prayer, symbolizing the Holy Spirit's presence and power in the healing process. Duane underscores the importance of developing a personal relationship with God. Through this relationship, prayer becomes not just a request but a deep communion with the divine. This connection fosters a fertile ground for miracles, underpinned by unwavering faith and the loving intent behind every prayer. 

  • Basics Of Prayer | Episode 14 | Prayer of Faith

    29/02/2024 Duration: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches the importance of following instructions on how to pray, what to pray for, and when to pray. Faith-filled prayer is effective, and it highlights the unshakable power of invoking Jesus' name for healing and restoration. He emphasizes that faith, when aligned with the will of God and expressed through love, becomes the foundation for miraculous transformations in one’s life and relationships. Prayer is more than just a ritual; it is an act of love and a channel through which God's mercy and healing flow, affirming the believer’s relationship with the divine through the name of Jesus.

  • Basics Of Prayer | Episode 13 | Name of Jesus

    28/02/2024 Duration: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches that the name of Jesus is the most powerful name under heaven. Effective prayer is not just about repeating Jesus' name but understanding and embracing the authority that comes with it. To pray effectively, we need to align our requests with God's will and use the powerful name of Jesus. This approach to prayer requires a personal relationship with Jesus, ensuring that our requests are in harmony with God's desires and plans. Duane encourages believers to approach prayer with faith, gratitude, and a heart aligned with Jesus' teachings, highlighting that effective prayer stems from a genuine connection with Jesus rather than the mechanical use of His name.

  • Basics Of Prayer | Episode 12 | Power In Jesus' Name

    27/02/2024 Duration: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches the significance of prayer, power, and belief in the name of Jesus. Jesus granted this authority to believers, as evidenced by the Holy Spirit's empowerment, to perform miracles and act on His behalf. Duane draws examples from the book of Acts and the teachings of Jesus to illustrate that praying in Jesus' name requires alignment with His will and character, not just a verbal acknowledgment. A genuine relationship with Jesus, obedience to His commandments, and the role of the Holy Spirit in empowering believers are all necessary. Faith in the transformative power of prayer in the name of Jesus goes beyond mere ritual or formula.

  • Basics Of Prayer | Episode 11 | In Jesus Name

    26/02/2024 Duration: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches that when we pray or heal in the name of Jesus, we are accessing His authority and acting on His behalf, as if He were doing it. In the Bible, the apostles prayed and healed a man using only the name of Jesus, emphasizing that true power and miracles come not from our merit but from our faith in Jesus Christ's finished work on the cross. 

  • God's Kind of Love | Part 2

    25/02/2024 Duration: 59min

    God is love. In order to truly love and understand love, you must be born again, born of God, and have a personal relationship with God. This message focuses on the significance of God's love, as written in the book of Ephesians. Duane emphasizes the importance of the older generation teaching the younger generation to recognize and distinguish divine love from mere attraction or lust. It's crucial to understand that the world's definition of love differs from God's definition, and this understanding is essential to our faith because our faith works through love.

  • Grace, Growth & Gratitude | Sue Sheriff

    23/02/2024 Duration: 32min

    In this personal and inspiring message, Sue Sheriff shares testimonies of times that tested her faith and resilience. Facing financial difficulties, unexpected pregnancy, health scares among her children, and questioning her role as a pastor's wife, Sue navigates these challenges with a reliance on God's grace and guidance. Through her testimony, she emphasizes the importance of faith, the power of prayer, and the support of the church community in overcoming life's obstacles. This message encourages listeners to trust in God's plan, seek Him in every circumstance, and find strength in their spiritual walk, even in the face of adversity.

  • Basics Of Prayer | Episode 10 | Relationship

    23/02/2024 Duration: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches that we should rely on God as the ultimate source of our needs. We should pray to God and ask for His wisdom, blessings, and guidance in our lives. Looking for fulfillment outside of God is equivalent to spiritual unfaithfulness, which emphasizes the importance of maintaining a pure relationship with God and avoiding worldly temptations. Through prayer, we develop a close relationship with God, recognizing Him as the only provider of our happiness and contentment and avoiding selfish desires that lead us away from our divine purpose.

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