Duane Sheriff Ministries - Feed



Building Healthy Churches and Helping People Grow in Christ


  • Basics Of Prayer | Episode 9 | Kinds of Prayer

    22/02/2024 Duration: 28min

    Duane Sheriff delves into the fundamentals of prayer, emphasizing its transformative power in our relationship with the Lord. He underscores the necessity of being taught how to pray effectively, just as the disciples sought guidance from Jesus. Through exploring different kinds of prayer, as revealed in the Bible, Duane illuminates the journey from discouragement in unanswered prayers to the encouragement of witnessing God's responses. Highlighting wisdom from the book of James, he stresses the importance of praying with pure motives and faith, without doubting, to navigate life's trials and receive God's guidance and blessings. This message is a call to deepen our prayer life, ensuring it aligns with God's will, thereby becoming more effectual and fulfilling.

  • Basics Of Prayer | Episode 8 | Wisdom

    21/02/2024 Duration: 28min

    Prayer is a voluntary act that we choose to do. It involves opening our hearts to seek God's will, and when we do so, God draws closer to us, and His grace becomes available to us. Duane Sheriff teaches that we should pray for God's will instead of our own. If we do not know God's will or His promises for our daily decisions, we should pray for His wisdom. 

  • Basics Of Prayer | Episode 7 | God's Will

    20/02/2024 Duration: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches that if we pray according to God's will, God will hear us, and if He hears us, we can be confident that we will receive the petitions we ask for. God's will is found in His promises contained in the Word. 

  • Basics Of Prayer | Episode 6 | Faith in Prayer

    19/02/2024 Duration: 28min

    Prayer is a powerful part of our relationship with the Lord. Duane Sheriff teaches that when you pray, you are to pray in faith without ceasing. That means that you do not abort your prayer in doubt and unbelief. Trust God and give him thanks. The prayer of Thanksgiving effects all other kinds and types of prayer.

  • Gospel Truth Conference | Part 3

    17/02/2024 Duration: 47min

    Duane Sheriff teaches the transformative process of growing in God's Word and maturity by emphasizing the importance of transitioning from "milk" to "meat" and from being a convert to a disciple so we can hear and discern the voice of God. By understanding our identity as the salt of the earth, a city on a hill, and the light of the world, we can recognize the significance of our personal growth in benefiting those around us. As we mature, we are able to shine a light in a world that is often filled with darkness and become a positive influence on those around us.

  • Gospel Truth Conference | Part 2

    16/02/2024 Duration: 01h03min

    According to 1 Corinthians, when we are immature, our way of thinking, speaking, and understanding is like that of a child. Immaturity can hinder our personal and spiritual growth and prevent blessings intended for our lives. Duane Sheriff teaches that we will not know how to discern good from evil if we remain immature. Recognizing the signs of immaturity, such as irresponsible speech, thoughts, and understanding, is essential. Instead, we should hunger and thirst for the will of God, growing in our faith and developing a Christlike mindset in preparation for future challenges.

  • Gospel Truth Conference | Part 1

    16/02/2024 Duration: 46min

    Duane Sheriff teaches on the topic of spiritual growth and the transitioning into a mature believer. God has a specific plan for spiritual maturity, which involves transitioning and transforming our lives through the washing of the water of the Word. We are called to transition from an immature believer to a mature one, from a convert to a disciple, and from spiritual infancy to a mature relationship with Christ. Through this process, we become Christ-like and are prepared to be the mature bride of Christ, ready for His return and equipped to love others.

  • Basics Of Prayer | Episode 5 | Persistence

    16/02/2024 Duration: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches that if you pray in accordance with God's promises and His will, the scripture states that God will hear you. Therefore, if God hears you, you should believe you will receive what you asked for when you pray. However, the manifestation of answered prayer is not always instant, so it is essential to be persistent in prayer and to stand in faith.

  • Basics Of Prayer | Episode 4 | How To Pray

    15/02/2024 Duration: 28min

    God has granted us the authority and keys to bind and loose things on this earth to fulfill His will. God's power is released on earth when we collaborate with Him and pray according to His will. In his teachings, Duane Sheriff emphasizes the importance of seeking God's Kingdom and righteousness first, and he explains the significance of praying in the name of Jesus. We pray as the representative of Jesus, and it is through Him that our prayers are answered.

  • Basics Of Prayer | Episode 3 | Why Pray

    14/02/2024 Duration: 26min

    Duane Sheriff teaches that our prayers don't need to be long to be effective. The key is to mix faith with our prayers. God has granted us authority and keys to bind and loose things on this earth to fulfill His will. When we partner with God and pray for His will to be done, His power is released on earth.

  • Basics Of Prayer | Episode 2 | Forgiveness

    13/02/2024 Duration: 28min

    Duane Sheriff shares why to pray, how to pray, and what to pray in order to receive answers to our prayers. Prayer is a way for us to connect with God and see His kingdom manifest, but unforgiveness or offense will hinder our prayer.

  • Basics Of Prayer | Episode 1 | Motives Matter

    12/02/2024 Duration: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches the importance of understanding why we pray and why the motives behind our prayers are important. Duane examines the teachings of Jesus, which instructs us to refrain from praying to be noticed by others like hypocrites do. Instead, we should focus on our intentions and align our prayers with the teachings of Jesus.

  • Spiritual Formation | Part 4 | Transitioning into Maturity

    11/02/2024 Duration: 55min

    God's plan for all of us is to be transformed into the image of Christ. This means that we should have Christ in our hearts and strive to become more like Him so we can be a blessing to everyone we meet. Brother Duane teaches us about the difference between spiritual immaturity and maturity. He encourages us to grow in our faith and stand firm amidst the moral challenges of today's culture.

  • Spiritual Formation | Part 3 | Spiritual Maturity

    11/02/2024 Duration: 54min

    Brother Duane teaches that operating in spiritual gifts should be done with love and with the intent to glorify Jesus. Operating in spiritual gifts should not be used for personal ambition and does not mean we are spiritually mature. We become mature by learning the foundational doctrines of Christ. As we grow in wisdom and knowledge, we can fulfill God's plan for our lives and have an impact on others, our church, and our community.

  • Safeguards Against Deception | Part 6

    21/01/2024 Duration: 49min

    The Lord warns deception in the last days will cause believers to depart from the faith through false teachings, deceiving spirits, and doctrines of devils. Brother Duane teaches how to safeguard ourselves against this deception through the fear of the Lord. This fear enables us to discern and resist evil and ultimately thrive in wisdom and righteousness. The fear of the Lord is reverential and empowers us, compared to the debilitating fear of man. Many misconceptions about fear exist, such as the idea that misfortune is always self-inflicted. The story of Job is a great example of how to worship God even when our friends have misguided judgments. A lifestyle of true worship nurtures a relationship with God anchored in reverence and obedience. It is a safeguard against deception and an example that integrity can be maintained even through life's fiercest storms.

  • Spiritual Formation | Part 2 | Image of Christ

    17/01/2024 Duration: 47min

    As we mature from a convert to a disciple, we become a reflection of Christ. Duane Sheriff teaches us how to shift the focus from being self-centered to being dedicated to God's will. We forgive others as freely as God forgives us. "The Parable of the Sower" helps us understand how different people respond to the same message, as seeds grow differently depending on the soil. God's word flourishes when we have a receptive heart.Duane's honest aversion to changing his children's diapers teaches a profound lesson in spiritual maturity through humor.

  • Spiritual Formation | Part 1 | Disciples

    16/01/2024 Duration: 47min

    Spiritual formation is the journey of becoming a convert to a disciple, from immaturity to maturity. The distinction between spiritual immaturity and maturity is that the immature do not realize they think, speak, and understand like a child. Brother Duane teaches that to grow in maturity, we must first recognize and overcome our child-like behaviors of immaturity and make wise decisions. Not everything that happens is an act of God.

  • Safeguards Against Deception | Part 5

    14/01/2024 Duration: 53min

    According to 1 Timothy chapter 4, believers will depart from their faith due to deceiving spirits and the doctrines of devils in the later days. Brother Duane teaches that God has provided Safeguards Against Deception to protect believers so they will be able to stand firm in their beliefs. Today, our lack of reverence is leading to a crisis of equity and justice. Believers should seek God's judgment and mercy with a righteous heart. They should promote unity rather than division and distinguish between the fear that imprisons and the reverential fear that empowers.

  • Born Again-What Now? | Episode 10 | Hope & Love

    10/01/2024 Duration: 28min

    After accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior, the next step is to become a mature believer. Duane Sheriff teaches there are three cooperative powers - hope, love, and patience - that, when combined with faith, will help us become a mature believer and be a blessing to others.

  • Born Again-What Now? | Episode 9 | Grace

    09/01/2024 Duration: 28min

    According to Ephesians 2:8, we are saved by grace through faith. Duane Sheriff teaches that faith toward God is the second foundational truth or elementary principle of the Doctrine of Christ. Faith is our response to the God of grace. Faith is how we access grace and how we receive God's blessings and love.

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