Podcasts The Brick Room



A podcast with Marc and Chris


  • Episode #112: Bracket Of Badassery – Dutch vs Mad Max


    The Bracket of Badassery continues in Round 2 as the most badass characters in the history of movies are put to the test to find out:  who is the most badass character in all of action films?  Last week, Gordy joined us on the podcast to settle the dispute of who is more badass between […]

  • Episode #111: Bracket Of Badassery – Hicks vs. Furiosa


    Hello, everybody.  Sorry for the absence.  We know we haven’t posted a new episode in a little while but we are back, and so is the Bracket Of Badassery! The Brick Room returns in style with guest judge, Gordy, here to help us determine who is more badass between Cpl. Dwayne Hicks, from Aliens, and […]

  • Episode #110: Virtual Reality Movies


    Hello, everybody.  This week we are taking a break from The Bracket of Badassery to resume our normal content of us running our mouths about a random topic.  This week its virtual reality and movies.  What will happen if and when virtual reality entertainment systems like the Occulus Rift and its competitors become more popular? […]

  • Episode #109: Bracket of Badassery – Pvt. Vasquez vs Predator


    It’s time for our last match up in Round 1 of the Bracket of Badassery, and it’s about to get crazy because today we see Private Vasquez, from Aliens, taking on Predator, from…Predator. This is truly an epic battle in the bracket and one you don’t want to miss.  Last week we saw Sgt. Apone, […]

  • Episode #108: Bracket of Badassery – Sgt. Apone vs Mac


    After taking last week off to have a very important discussion about the new release of Batman vs Superman we’re back to the Bracket of Badassery this week.  When we last left our competition Ellen Ripley was facing off against Carl Weathers in what turned out to be an incredibly close match up.  Who won? […]

  • Episode #107: Batman Vs. Superman


    Here in the Brick Room, we’ve been looking forward to Batman vs. Superman for a long time, basically since the first trailer came out.  There’s two reasons for this:  1) we like Batman and we like superhero movies in general (although they are getting a little old and we see this genre coming to an […]

  • Episode #106: Bracket Of Badassery – Ellen Ripley vs Carl Weathers


    Who is the most badass character from all of action movies?  Using science and superior reasoning we are finding out the answer to that question here in the Brick Room.  Last week Max Rockatansky, from Mad Max:  Fury Road, faced off against Billie, from Predator.  And the victor was: Mad Max defeated Billie in a […]

  • Episode #105: Bracket of Badassery – Billie vs. Mad Max


    The Bracket of Badassery continues on.  We’re trying to determine which character from 5 of the most awesome action movies of all time is the most badass of all the characters.  Last week it was Major Alan “Dutch” Schaefer, from Predator, facing off against the Terminator from T2:  Judgement Day.  And the victor was…Dutch, from […]

  • Episode #104: Bracket of Badassery – Dutch vs. Terminator


    The Bracket of Badassery continues.  Last week we discovered a new game:  finding out who the most badass character is from action movies.  In order to discover the answer to this question in the most scientific way possible we devised a bracket to sort through the contenders.  Last week saw New York City Police Detective […]

  • Episode #103: Oscars and Badasses


    The Oscars happened.  We didn’t really watch them, it was on in the bar but the sound was off so we couldn’t hear anything.  So, we kind of know what happened.  More importantly, we know who should be getting Oscars for stuff.  We lead off this week’s Brick Room podcast with a discussion of who […]

  • Episode #102: Pop Culture Seriousness


    Some TV shows really work, others don’t.  Some special effects look amazing and others look cheesy.  Some video games are enthralling, others can’t hold your interest.  Why?  Obviously, there are many reasons why a project in any particular medium might be successful, or not.  Here at The Brick Room, we think one of those reasons […]

  • Episode #101: Superheroes


    How well do you know your superheroes?  How well do we know our superheroes? This week we find out because special guest Chris Daily is back in the Brick Room and Chris is a big fan of superheroes and comics in general.  In fact, Chris is an artist who currently does storyboards and has made […]

  • Episode #100: 100 Episodes!


    We hit 100 episodes!  We’re pretty excited about this accomplishment.  We both really enjoy doing the podcast and we want to thank all of you who listen and who have given us such great and supportive feedback. We’re celebrating today by having a special guest on the podcast:  Chris Daily.  Chris is an improviser who […]

  • Episode #99: Who Are You?


    I’m so sorry everybody.  This week was crazy busy for me and I totally forgot to post the podcast until today.  Rest assured, we’ll post on time in the future. In this week’s episode we get kind of deep again.  We start kind of light talking about the upcoming Batman vs. Superman movie and we […]

  • Episode #98 – Star Trek and Stuff


    Episode #98 – Star Trek and Stuff Hey everybody! We’re on our second podcast of the year, good ‘ol number 98! This week we talk about movies, specifically Star Trek (woah, bizarro-cast!) and movie themes! We kinda get into the horrors of the transporter and why away teams are always Kirk, Bones, other officers and […]

  • Episode #97 – Happy New Year!


    Episode #97 – Happy New Year!   This is our first podcast of the New Year! It’s traditional to celebrate the most on the 13th. Didn’t you know? I forgot my ‘cans’ and had difficulty judging sound and we discussed the difficulty and horrors of being born on a leap year and how to embrace this tragedy. […]

  • Episode #96: Alternate Episode


    This episode is spoiler free.  We recorded and published two podcasts this week.  If you’ve heard our podcast at all you know that both of us are big fans of Star Wars.  We saw the movie right away and there’s just no way we weren’t going to talk about it on the podcast.  However, knowing […]

  • Episode #95: Star Wars Review


    Spoilers, spoilers, spoilers!  This episode is loaded with spoilers for Star Wars:  The Force Awakens. We saw the movie.  In this week’s episode we talk all about it.  We realize that not everyone has seen the movie yet (it’s only been out a couple days) so we also recorded another podcast for this week that […]

  • Episode #94


    Happy December! This week we’re all over the place (typical) and we discuss why Vader is so kill-happy in Episode V as opposed to being docile in Episode IV, hover-boards vs speeder bikes and how we should deal with sports stars. Let us know what you think and if you want us to discuss anything […]

  • Welcome Back! Episode #93


      We’re back! Happy Thanksgiving! We took the week off to celebrate what we’re thankful for and we’d like to say thank you for listening! This week we talk about the ways to protect yourself from assassins in one specific situation as well as treasure and the mechanics of the Bermuda Triangle. This leads us […]

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