Podcasts The Brick Room



A podcast with Marc and Chris


  • Episode #92: Thanksgiving and Horror on the Moon


    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  In this week’s podcast we talk a little bit about the pros and cons of Thanksgiving dinner.  What side dishes are the best?  Is turkey really a good meat?  Answer:  no.  Why don’t we have steak or pork?  Or venison?  After discussing the coming week’s feast we move on to talk about […]

  • Episode #91: SciFi Tropes


    Brick Room Listeners, we’re sorry.  We didn’t get an episode recorded last week, due to illness.  But we’re back at the Regal Beagle today running our mouths and drinking beers.  This episode we’re talking about different tropes that seem to show up time and again in science fiction movies and TV shows.  You’ve got the […]

  • Episode #90: Video Games


    Video games are not like real life.  Nevertheless, that does not stop video game designers from trying to make them more and more realistic.  However, as the games become more realistic, it becomes easier for the games to shatter their own suspension of disbelief.  In other words, as the games become more realistic the more […]

  • Episode #89: What Could Vegas Buy?


    How much money do the casinos in Las Vegas make in one year?  We know it’s a lot of money.  What could all the casinos in Vegas buy with one years worth of profits?  Could they build a space station?  Could they fund NASA?  Cure a disease?  Marc went to Vegas for his birthday and […]

  • Episode #88: Harry Potter is Science Fiction


    Brick Room Listeners, we hope you had a good weekend, especially if you’re one of those lucky people that got a three day weekend.  We start this week’s episode talking about words of wisdom.  What sayings, that we commonly use today, will be looked back on in future times as being important?  Then we move […]

  • Episode #86: Trojan Horse


    The Trojan Horse might be the most famous deception in all of history.  It’s so famous that the words ‘Trojan Horse’ are a modern day description for anything that is used to sneak past security or get into a place it shouldn’t be.  Everything from computer viruses to sports plays reference that one time an […]

  • Episode #85: Cereal and Advertising


    It’s football season, everyone.  What’s that mean?  It means The Regal Beagle (where we record all our podcasts) is open two hours earlier on Sundays.  It also means they are serving burritos, in honor of football season.  So heads up:  if you live in San Diego and want to watch football and eat a burrito, […]

  • Episode #84: The Terminator Isn’t Evil


    Hello, everyone!  We hope you enjoyed your Labor Day weekend.  We did and now we’re back with all new content.  In this week’s podcast we talk about ‘flow’.  Flow is a term some people use to describe the focused mental state people will go into when they are performing a task at their optimal level. […]

  • Episode #83: Online Dating


    Have you ever tried online dating?  There’s a lot to do if you decide to venture into these digital waters.  You have a profile to maintain.  You have to check your account often to see if you have any messages.  You have to send messages out to other people.  It can be a lot of […]

  • Episode #82: Sitcoms and Nerds


    Is the Sitcom going away?  What do you think, Brick Room Listeners.  It seems like the multi-camera sitcom shot in front of a live audience and featuring a laugh track may finally be going extinct.  We’re pretty happy about that, despite the fact that we’ve enjoyed some sitcoms in the past.  We believe TV has […]

  • Episode #81: Planets of Animals


    Over time, humans have grown and evolved to develop society, language, learning, and technology, among other things.  What if other creatures, over a long time, also grew and evolved to have those things?  What would a planet ruled by wolves or spiders look like?  What would their society and technology be like?  Some insects kill […]

  • Episode #80: Space Tourism and Cool Vehicles


    We’re back and today we’re talking about space tourism and space advertising.  We’re both looking forward to the day when space tourism becomes an affordable thing.  We’re not looking forward to the day when space is filled with advertisements and billboards.  Some amount of space advertising is already allowed and taking place.  A company could […]

  • Episode #79: Terminator Genisys


    It’s episode #79!  That means we’re mostly discussing Terminator:  Genisys today.  We start out the episode by talking about fragile ocean ecosystems.  If you are scuba diving in a cave and need to take a leak can your pee upset the balance of nature?  We not scientists, but our answer is yes.  From that discussion […]

  • Episode #78: Undead Creatures And Accents w/ Eric Sablan


    Previous guest, Eric Sablan, is back for this week’s episode of the Brick Room.  The conversation starts off with the disgusting ways fast food companies come up with to make new menu items and the damage those “food” items can wreak on your digestive system.  Then the conversation turns to zombies.  On a previous episode […]

  • Episode #77: Money


    This week’s podcast is all about cash money.  Marc and Chris start off talking about radio voices, then quickly get into a discussion about money and how much space it takes up.  How much would a million dollars weigh?  If you robbed a bank how many bags would you need to carry a million dollars? […]

  • Episode #76: 4th of July


    It’s the 4th of July!  Happy Birthday America.  In honor of today’s special day we’ve got a Brick Room podcast that celebrates the might of this great nation against any would be challengers.  Enjoy the fireworks and your BBQ food, and enjoy the Brick Room.

  • Episode #75: Chargers Stadium


    A topic of much debate in San Diego these days is whether or not the city should build a new football stadium for the San Diego Chargers.  The Charger’s owners, for their part, are threatening to take the team to L.A.  What does the Brick Room think about this?  We’re joined once again by Steve […]

  • Episode #74: Jurassic World Review w/ Casey and Gordy, Part 2


    SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS.  We had so much to say about Jurassic World in our last episode that we split the conversation in two, much like a T-Rex might split a bloodsucking lawyer.  Here’s part two.  In this episode we get more in depth about specific plot points from the film.  We also talk more about why […]

  • Episode #73: Jurassic World Review w/ Casey and Gordy, Part 1


    SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS!  In today’s podcast we talk about Jurassic World.  This podcast is packed with spoilers for the movie.  A few weeks ago we talked about our expectations for Jurassic World based on trailers and promotional material we had seen.  If you’ve heard that podcast you know our expectations were set pretty low.  After […]

  • Episode #72: Food Trucks


    The humble food truck isn’t so humble anymore.  We talk about the food truck phenomenon today as well as breakfast foods and guys that exaggerate their drinking ability, toughness, and overall manliness.

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