Podcasts The Brick Room



A podcast with Marc and Chris


  • Episode #71: Steve’s Marathon


    If you live in San Diego and like both running and music you’re in luck.  The Rock and Roll Marathon is here every year and you are their target demographic.  But what if you don’t like running?  No big deal, you don’t have to participate. . . or do you?  Join us today as we […]

  • Episode #70: Jurassic World


    Jurassic Park is a great movie.  Are you excited for the next installment of the Jurassic Park franchise?  Jurassic World comes out this June and Marc and Chris have a lot of thoughts about the movie already.  Grab a drink and join us as we talk about recklessly standing on the shoulders of giants to […]

  • Episode #69: Horse Racing


    Do you like horse racing?  Do you think it’s exciting?  Wait until you hear our ideas for how it can be improved.  Also, what’s the deal with Marc’s phone.  It’s a piece of junk, that’s the deal.  Place your  bets, the horse racing podcast is here!

  • Episode #68: Kingdom-Con Special


    Our special guest on today’s podcast is Ross Thompson, founder / creator of Kingdom-Con.  Kingdom-Con is a four day table top gaming convention that takes place every year in San Diego.  We talk with Ross about how and why he started Kingdom Con and get his thoughts on gaming and pop culture.  Kingdom-Con is being […]

  • Episode #67: Movies and Clint Eastwood


    Hooray, The Brick Room is back once again.  We’re excited for the Brick Room.  You know what we aren’t really excited for?  Movies coming out in 2015.  For some reason, nothing is really grabbing our attention and demanding our presence in the theater.  Sure, we are looking forward to some new movies (Star Wars, Avengers […]

  • Episode #66: The Human Body


    Human biology…it’s fascinating.  In this episode we explore the inner workings of our fascinating bodies.  How do all our organs work together to keep us alive?  To keep us healthy?  Strap yourselves in for a lively discussion of the miracle that is our biology.

  • Episode #65: Death and Gordy


    This episode gets deep, everybody.  In today’s episode Gordy is back as a special guest, you’ll remember him from the Jupiter Ascending podcast.  We get into an interesting conversation about death.  Where do we go when we die, how will we die, why do we die?  It’s deep but we’re not all serious.  There’s plenty […]

  • Episode #64: Radiation


    Welcome back, Brick Room Listeners!  Grab a beer and settle in for a great episode that covers everything from good music and how to listen to it, risks of traveling to Mars, the most important safety device you probably don’t own, and what group of people comprise the typical hollywood movie crew of characters assembled […]

  • Episode #63 – Special: Jupiter Ascending


    This podcast is all about Jupiter Ascending.  We had been hearing a lot on the internet about this movie and we decided to see for ourselves just how good or bad it is.  In this podcast we talk all about the movie and we have MANY thoughts.  We also have a special guest on this episode. […]

  • Episode #62: Mexican Standoff


    Mexican Standoff.  We’ve all seen it in movies and TV.  One guy pulls a gun, another guy pulls a gun, a third guy pulls a gun, next thing you know you’ve got a bunch of guys all standing around pointing guns at each other.  No one wants to shoot, but no one’s willing to leave […]

  • Episode #61: The Oscars


    Hooray for Hollywood!  It’s our Oscar podcast!  That’s how it turned out anyway, we didn’t plan that beforehand.  So, if you’re expecting in depth analysis of what happened at the Oscars and specifics about this year’s winners and losers, well…..we don’t have that.  We did realize we were podcasting during the Oscars though and, therefore, […]

  • Episode #60: Remakes and Reboots


    Hey all! Marc here. I just want to apologize for the under produced episode last week. It’s been a while since I’ve posted and just shaking the cobwebs off. Anyway! We’re at Sidecar and we’re talking movies this week! Remakes and sequels and prequels. We talk about the movies that could be remade and those that […]

  • Episode #58: Style and Accents


    This week we have a great discussion about artistic style.  We talk about how certain musicians and certain film makers have a voice that is distinctive to them and immediately recognizable.  We also talk about how rapidly our real future is catching up to the future portrayed in movies.  Next we move on to talking […]

  • Episode #57: Animal Reputations


    Let’s change it up a bit, this week we’re broadcasting from a new bar in San Diego called Sidecar.  Sidecar is owned and run by the same people that own and run the Regal Beagle.  So, maybe we aren’t branching out too much, but hey, it’s still new. In this episode we discuss tigers, lions, […]

  • Episode #56: Vacations and Crime


    Happy New Year, Brick Room Listeners!  We’re back in the Brick Room after a nice break and ready to make many more excellent podcast episodes in 2015. This time we’re back in the Regal Beagle.  We’re having a drink and talking about our memories of Christmas Break and summer vacation from when we were in […]

  • Episode #55: Eric Sablan and Chris George


    Merry Christmas, Brick Room Listeners!  We have a special holiday-cast for today’s episode.  Joining us in the Brick Room today are special guests Eric Sablan and Chris George.  In addition to being great friends of ours Eric and Chris are our former team mates from the Sunday Company at National Comedy Theater, which is where […]

  • Episode #54: Horror Movies


    It’s a storm in The Brick Room!  We’re recording outside today and it’s absolutely pouring rain in San Diego.  And by pouring rain we mean it’s kind of spritzing just a little bit of moisture from the clouds onto the ground in sort of a mist form.  But we won’t let the storm of the […]

  • Episode #53: Movie Re-Casting


    They’re rebooting the Terminator franchise over there in Hollywood (kind of rebooting it) and after viewing the trailer for the new movie it got us thinking.  If very well known movies and movie franchises were rebooted, who would we cast in those iconic rolls we’ve all come to love?  Who would you cast today to […]

  • Episode #52: Movie Love


    Jamo And Ginger is the official drink of the Brick Room Podcast and this week we explore a little bit about what makes a good drink.  After that, we get into the portrayal of love in movies (Hollywood loves a good love story) and then discuss a little bit of the Marvel Movie Universe.  Make […]

  • Episode #51: Crime v1.0


    Crime doesn’t pay, Brick Room listeners.  But if you’re gonna do crime, wouldn’t it nice if you could have a more pleasant experience?  In this episode we discuss the ways modern technology could be used to add a more social aspect to the world of crime.  Also, how does one even get started with a […]

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