Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 229:51:43
  • More information



Wilderness leader and adventurist, author of Composure and Moments, leadership mentor


  • 7 Leadership expert Zoe Routh on the myths of men and leadership

    07/10/2020 Duration: 16min

      What stories are we telling about men? Do they support where we want to go as a society? In this episode, we discuss: 3 myths about men and leadership that need debunking 2 critical things we need to do as leaders - male and female - to create a new leadership story in a robust society The number one thing BOTH men and women get told they need to improve in performance reviews.

  • 6 Leadership expert Zoe Routh on the leadership actions you need to take when things seem overwhelming

    06/10/2020 Duration: 25min

      Struggling to make sense of the election and what it means for the USA, the world, and you? We look at helpful perspectives to help advance compassion and understanding in the world, as well as how to take leadership action when events seems overwhelming.

  • 174 Leadership strategies to improve diversity and inclusion with Stephen Frost

    01/10/2020 Duration: 43min

    Subscribe to the podcast here. Listen on iTunes here. Listen on Spotify here. We are wired to be wary of the unfamiliar: it helps us to stay safe. When this wariness goes unchallenged, it can turn into unhelpful bias. Sometimes this bias can be deadly, as shown by the rates of incarceration and death in custody of aboriginal people. To unwind bias, we need to address the systems that perpetuate it. Expert Stephen Frost has some simple and powerful ways to do just that.

  • 5 Leadership expert Zoe Routh on how to influence without authority and the tips to overcome pushback

    30/09/2020 Duration: 39min

      Significant shifts in organisational structures are heralding shifts to new ways of engaging with people talent. This has huge repercussions on culture, systems, and business performance. One of the big issues is how to influence without authority, especially when there is push back. 5 reasons why people push back and resist new ideas/projects 5 critical mistakes in trying to get people to do what they don't want to do 6 tips in how to avoid push back and build buy-in

  • 4 Leadership expert Zoe Routh on how to influence change in the workplace

    30/09/2020 Duration: 24min

      In this podcast, we discuss: What to do instead of just complaining (even though that is tempting!) How the anti-smoking lobby changed society's thinking (and how you can too for the causes you care about). How to find influence points in the workplace.

  • 3 Leadership expert Zoe Routh on how to be an agent of change

    30/09/2020 Duration: 25min

      Want to drive change instead of being dragged along by it? Here are three critical things you need to get right to be effective and sustainable as a change agent. Plus, how dealing with a sick chicken offers a tough leadership truth.

  • 2 Leadership expert Zoe Routh on silencing work worries

    30/09/2020 Duration: 12min

      In this podcast, we discuss: 3 work worries that are doing nothing to help you solve your biggest challenges How your worries are like repellent to clients and supporters Simple antidotes that will put you back in the driver's seat

  • 1 Leadership expert Zoe Routh on a critical leadership skill you can learn right now!

    30/09/2020 Duration: 24min

      In this podcast, we discuss: 6 secret friction points that are hampering productivity and what to do about it The number one thing all productivity programs are missing, that you can fix right now The critical leadership skill you can learn today that does not cost you a cent.

  • 173 Leadership lessons from Antarctica with Rachael Robertson

    30/09/2020 Duration: 47min

    Subscribe to the podcast here. Listen on iTunes here. Listen on Spotify here. Imagine being around the people you worked with 24 hour/7, for 12 months on an ice station. People could very easily drive you nuts and get under your skin! Imagine you are the leader - how do you keep the powder keg of tension going up in smoke? Station Leader Rachael Roberston shares her key insights on leadership and people in this fun and fascinating interview.

  • 90 Canberra based leadership expert Zoe Routh outlines the journey from expert to leader

    30/09/2020 Duration: 16min

    How we do leadership can change over time, as we (hopefully) mature and develop. These shifts are not always easy and can be quite confronting! The most challenging transition is going from expert to manager. When we get promoted because we are technically good at our job and then discover that managing others is a whole new ball game. What happens when how we see the world completely changes What kinds of things can trigger a stage transition The 3 skills to keep in mind as you move through a stage transition #boundlessleadership

  • 91 The secrets of longevity in leadership with Andrew Spencer

    30/09/2020 Duration: 33min

    CEO turnover is less than five years. How then do you stay relevant and fresh 13 years into the role? CEO of Australian Pork Limited, Andrew Spencer shares his key lessons from 13 years at the helm. How failure is essential to leadership The one thing that really gets you earning your money as a CEO How a simple shift in terminology changed an entire approach as an industry #boundlessleadership

  • 92 Canberra based leadership expert Zoe Roth on the importance of language

    29/09/2020 Duration: 23min

      Ever been told that your behaviour was having a negative impact on others? This kind of feedback is confronting! None of us intentionally try to be a jerk. And yet we might be coming across as less than our ideal selves. There are important people reading maps to be mindful of, and language patterns to navigate. Dig below the surface and map read human emotions with this change trigger tool Be mindful of language patterns that are aggressive and passive aggressive (3 types to avoid) WHY you need to avoid dramatic and downplaying language #boundlessleadership

  • 93 Canberra based leadership expert Zoe Routh on how to improve productivity and focus

    29/09/2020 Duration: 15min

      Do you jam your day with back to back appointments? Do you have a crushing sense of not enough time in the day? Do you rush from one thing to the next? This is not helping. You don’t optimise productivity by squeezing more in your calendar. You become more productive when you manage the gaps better. The Boundless Leadership paradox: no borders and no barriers means we also have to work with limitations 5 reasons why gaps - and naps - help your brain defrag How to take an effective break #boundlessleadership

  • 94 Canberra based leadership expert Zoe Routh on the principles for a boundless leader

    29/09/2020 Duration: 26min

      Do you ever wonder, ‘Am I living a life well-lived? Am I doing enough? Am I living up to my potential? Or am I wasting my time, letting life slip me by…’ If you have, then this podcast episode for you! I share the 9 principles for being an AMPLIFIER - someone who looks beyond results to true transformation, and life well-lived. How being bored jolted me into a life-changing question: ‘what is a life well-lived?’ Jason Fried of Basecamp does not have goals or targets - he has 6 week improvement projects instead Why RESULTS are for transformation, not for goals. #boundlessleadership

  • 95 Canberra based leadership expert Zoe Routh reviews 'Atomic Habits'

    29/09/2020 Duration: 25min

      Do you have any bad habits? How many times have you tried to break them? New book by James Clear is an awesome antidote to intractable bad habits, and creating ones that nudge us towards what we really want. I walk you through the key points, and use myself as a guinea pig. (Nothing like fear of public shaming to create accountability!) How to avoid being a Sea Squirt and not eat your own brain Real behaviour change is identity change Four steps to real change: cue, craving, response, and reward. #boundlessleadership

  • 96 Canberra based leadership expert Zoe Routh on the importance of failure

    28/09/2020 Duration: 19min

      How do you deal with failure? Do you have a bunch of motivational quotes to help you reframe the experience? How do you process the deep shame and anxiety you feel with it? I think we need to RETHINK FAILURE. It’s not just feedback. We need to fail with a framework. Give yourself permission to fail How rejection is akin to physical trauma Two frameworks we need for failure: external risks like financials and safety, and one for ego and reputation. #boundlessleadership *** SHOWNOTES: The key frameworks: Ask so you can learn. Try so you can grow. Permission Granted Permission granted to be, indulge yourself, do the unexpected, stop with unrealistic expectations, get started, to not fit in, be alone, stop catastrophising, stop feeling sorry, break tradition, enjoy the weather. Stories of Failure Rejection Therapy Desensitize yourself to failure. Jia Jiang: 100 days of rejection Letitia Gasca: Failure Institute Leticia Gasca is co-founder of the movement Fuckup Nights and Executive Director for

  • 97 Canberra based leadership expert Zoe Routh reviews 'The 25 Minute Meeting'

    28/09/2020 Duration: 13min

      Habits and meetings: how we can move the dial 1% for more energy and more time. An update on implementing James Clear’s Atomic Habits and a book summary and review of Donna McGeorge’s 25 Minute Meeting. Cement identity with visual cues and celebrating small wins. Meetings for business as usual: 25 minutes,no more than 5 people, no more than 3 agenda items Use Scan, Focus, Act as the formula for meetings.

  • 98 Canberra based leadership expert Zoe Routh on questions for emerging leaders

    28/09/2020 Duration: 16min

    How do you move from management to leadership? It’s a key question for every emerging leader, and for every Boundless Leader to keep in mind. There are key distinctions as well as overlaps in management and leadership. The key things are ripples, questions, and frames. How simple decisions can have a cascading effect How questions might have prevented unwanted repercussions Sample questions to guide you into the leadership space

  • 172 The importance of empathy in leadership with Sharon Tuffin

    23/09/2020 Duration: 36min

    Subscribe to the podcast here. Listen on iTunes here. Listen on Spotify here. You’d be hard pressed to find a more composed and humble leader than Sharon Tuffin, CEO of Karralika, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation service. Challenged by a coach to align values and behaviour in all aspects of her life, Sharon ended up serving on the Board of Karralika, then became staff, then CEO. She gravitated towards the values of the place, and helped consolidate her own in doing so. In this interview be inspired by Sharon’s no frills insights into leadership and the tough stuff.

  • 171 Leadership lessons from a global pandemic with Dr Audrey Tang

    16/09/2020 Duration: 38min

    Subscribe to the podcast here. Listen on iTunes here. Listen on Spotify here. Dr Audrey Tang is a Chartered Psychologist, mindfulness expert, and a completely joyful bundle of energy! As a fellow people stuff expert, we took a deep dive into cool stuff like shadow work, how to develop self awareness, and leadership insights from Covid-19. A must listen.

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