Impossible Coin



Join Tegan, Rocky and Brian as they hurtle through keeping up with modern video games. They'll cover big games, indie games, mobile stuff, good games and bad games. While they're at it they'll also spend time trying to figure out where games fit in our rapidly changing world. Also cheap jokes.


  • Winner Winner Mushroom Dinner

    05/10/2017 Duration: 01h57min

    A day late and a dollar short. Look, you are here for truth and not excellence. Despite this episode's tardiness the gang has both truth and excellence in abundance. Learn more of Tegan's postman suitor and the unusual place she grows sweet potatoes. Hear Rocky recount tales of Golf Story for the Switch. And Gabe Newell put down his knives long enough to throw some trash off Steam.

  • Very Inky Not a Lot of Head

    28/09/2017 Duration: 01h57min

    Greetings friends! The crew is back with the goods. They get into fine Japanese dining, craft beer, Gabe Newell's knife collection, Tokyo Game Show highlights, Randy Pitchford's hubris and a tear jerker of a hidden golf game. Rocky backs off his previous speculation about Octopath Traveler and Brian has a dress-up fashion good time. Thankfully for Tegan, she got to autumn just in time.

  • Sexy Spider Skill Trees

    21/09/2017 Duration: 02h25min

    Welcome gentle listeners to another episode of Impossible Coin. This week the hosts dig into the Nintendo Direct, Brian's improbable love of fashion games, real banana bread, intangible guacamole, Nintendo voice chat, Apple exclusives, Bruce Straley's future, Bungie's need for a memeologist and a Scandanavian man-child. Just remember that Mario Party is or is not fun depending on your perspective and believe in Festival Hardbody's eventual comeback. Convex buttons are not the issue, FChamp. #freehardbody #convexconspiracy

  • Peak 90s Fighting Game Hubris

    14/09/2017 Duration: 01h34min

    Hey there listeners! Tegan is out of office and no one sat in to supervise Brian and Rocky. So it went the way you expected. There is affectionate discussion of bad fighting games both new and old, Brian hates weather news, they're both continually horrified at WB Interactive and they find reason in The Pokemon Company's salty statement. 

  • Youthful Exuberance

    07/09/2017 Duration: 02h10min

    Greetings listeners! Rocky, Tegan and Brian get into it this time. By "it" we mean Twin Peaks and its influence on some games we have played, Subsurface Circular, the incredibly pleasant surprise of Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle and secret Switch voice chat. The team finds time to compliment a developer's uniquely awesome business practices, marvel at Japanese MacDonald's, try a little ASMR marketing, suggest Overwatch's fanbase fan fervor and horniness could power the earth and tell everyone about a very dangerous fire hazard.

  • Get You A Man On The Inside

    31/08/2017 Duration: 02h46min

    The Impossible Coin crew sort through the hard-hitting issues. Theses topics include an impending format change for the show, the Night Trap contest, Nintendo's resemblance to Yeezus, the gig economy, the slow redesign of Cortana, managing a cult and the introduction of a new host who specializes in Instagram. His name is Festival Hardbody. 

  • This Is Why We Can't Have Physical Cards

    17/08/2017 Duration: 02h28min

    The team at Impossible Coin hit a variety of topics this week. Rocky explores a work without tanks in Final Fantasy XiV and burning husks in Fortnite. Tegan digs into Splatoon and the NEED for physical cards. Brian's hometown was invaded by Nazis and bought Night Trap. And now we are giving away Night Trap. Listen to the episode to find out what you need to do throw your crumpled fedora into the ring for it.

  • The Great EsScam (Hamilbang)

    03/08/2017 Duration: 02h59min

    Howdy listeners! It's Wednesday night and so Impossible Coin has you covered. This week's topics cover a broad range. They include a series of fake weddings in order to get gifts, Aaron Burr hentai and gendering Pikachu costumes. Also there was a metric ton of Splatoon 2 talk. Hate was laid at the feet of mayo and anime was a mistake. Brian may have finally recommended a game that Tegan will be interested in and there is some discussion around Wal-Mart. It goes places you can expect but it gets there with styyyyyle.

  • Illinois is the new Oklahoma

    20/07/2017 Duration: 02h10min

    First off, the gang is late with this episode. LORD THIS OVER THEM YOU JERKSTORES. Rocky reports live from EVO. (Rocky didn't just go to EVO and have an episode happen to coincide. We swear.) Brian has some outstanding concerns regarding Marina and the DeviantArt crowd. Tegan faces a bat and it is either the beginning or ending of a Disney movie. Light news is reviewed. Team takes their pulse on GOTY stuff now that the year is half over. And there is more timey-wimey Doctor Who talk than is probably healthy for a video game podcast. Join Impossible Coin as they explore Doctor Actually's adventures with Rose aboard the BangBus.

  • Second Best Mario Platformer featuring Joe Spiro

    06/07/2017 Duration: 03h21min

    Rocky, Tegan and Brian decide that the only appropriate follow-up to Jim Sterling and E3 coverage is to have on the dude who got them together in the first place. Impossible Coin welcomes SuperFamiCompLit's Joe Spiro to talk VR, crappy Kirby golf games and the cultural imperative of a Pokemon Go clone based on Bloom County. Tegan has had enough of Devolver Digital and everyone is sure that Brian put a picture of a dong in the show notes. He didn't. He put it in the Skype. Rocky still isn't in the Cobra Club but he is willing to hear about The Tearoom and VR is for exactly what you think it is for.   Starfox is a bad video game.

  • Janina Can Step On Rocky

    22/06/2017 Duration: 03h54min

    OKLAHOMA HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL RULES!!! The hottest video game podcast in Oklahoma digs in and reviews the bidness of E3. This involves all the hits include like Devolver's press conference, tearful Ubisoft moments and Janina Gavankar. Always Janina Gavankar. We cannot be held responsible lame drumlines, that Porsche moment and what passed for a Sony press conference. Getting engaged is better than a knife fight.

  • Serious Trubbish Featuring Jim Sterling

    07/06/2017 Duration: 03h09min

    Tegan is out of office. She's at Colossalcon having a grand time while Rocky and Brian endeavor to hold down the fort. That was probably their first mistake as this is a podcast and not a fort. Hold that L boys. Thankfully, Jim Sterling hangs out for a bit and talks tabletop role-playing, Friday the 13th, changes at Steam and easy mode in Dark Souls and Monster Hunter. There is also considerable effort devoted to examining why werewolves suck and are not good. Basically fuck werewolves. After Jim heads out Rocky and Brian tumble headlong into the darkest timeline and discover that Square Enix has always and will always hate them and most other news is terrible. At least Pyre has a release date.

  • Hi Goes At The Beginning Tegan

    25/05/2017 Duration: 03h13min

    Hey all! The team has another banger for you. First they struggle with ideas like how to start the show or what the listenership should call themselves. Tegan totally gets us up to date on her con prep. Then Rocky buries the lead and totally mentions his harrowing car wreck as an aside. Once Tegan educates Brian on the finer points selecting a cat tree the team digs into business. Business includes gushing praise of Prey, Rocky's victory over Persona 5 and some full-on drooling over the Arms Direct. (Did you even see Thicctelle?) Bad Kickstarters, empty Splatoon boxes, virtual reality and the monsters at Square Enix dominate the news. 

  • Tom Hardy Trusted Me (E3 2017 Prediction Spectacular)

    18/05/2017 Duration: 02h52min

    Hey jerks! No need to check your calendar this is normally an off-week for Impossible Coin but the crew wanted to get on record with their E3 predictions. Sure there are things that are always true about E3 but there are always a lot of moving parts and with opening to the public there are more so than usual this year. Join the gang as they discover that they care about EA. (Not like in a Love Actually way but they care.) They are pretty sure Microsoft will kill Will Ferrell and make a few predictions that are sure to disappoint them. (Mother 3, Beyond Good and Evil 2) Avoid Knack 2. Please.

  • They Worked Hard On Those Suits

    11/05/2017 Duration: 03h50min

    What's up nerds? Rocky, Tegan and Brian get another episode out on time so you can't lord that over them. Not today. They talk about the frustrating video game Tumbleseed while a dog barks. Rocky explores his frustration and fear of furries. Tegan cautions against cosplay shaming despite rampant Tingle problems. Community gets invoked a few times and Chris Pratt has not apologized for Jurassic World. Tegan deep dives Call of Duty on an episode with a lot of Activision news. They explore some alternatives for Call of Duty including a fatal shoot-out using a meat slicer in a Jimmy Jangles. There was a fire fight!

  • The Minimum Age For Doritos

    26/04/2017 Duration: 03h33min

    Greetings podcast friends! Tegan, Rocky and Brian gather to discuss the newest, hottest jams. They also discuss The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild because some of them are incapable of escaping its grasp. The team has lots of hot takes in this episode and they take the time to come up with artisanal, handcrafted disdain for all of the things you love and hold dear. They insult people from Omaha, people who like The Fast and Furious and sandwich artists. Tegan also discovers that Gamergate is a verb when she gamergates. Join us as we take a tour through cockroach infested Playstations as Brian creeps toward death.   And Nintendo call Impossible Coin. They think they found your McRib.

  • I’m Not In The Cobra Club

    13/04/2017 Duration: 04h19min

    Buckle up folks. This one is a certified, S-tier banger. No amount of artisanal show notes can prepare you for this oversized episode. Initially Tegan and Brian ride solo and discuss the finer points of finer theaters and agree on heavy penalties for theater texters. Then Rocky shows up and reveals that he is older and that people hit him because of that. The gang digs into to what they have been playing. Spoilers, it includes more Zelda. They are covetous of Fierce Deity Armor, have a friendly disagreement over Persona 5 streaming, discover that the Xbox is personified by a shouting Will Ferrell and Rocky reveals that he is not in the Cobra Club.

  • Do Gerudo Use Tinder?

    05/04/2017 Duration: 02h42min

    Rocky and Brian attempt to wade through important issues while Tegan is out of office. They discuss how no one is happy with Mass Effect Andromeda, manufacturing variations, speed running, the soulful and confessional nature of malt liquor videos and deep dive the first season of The Good Place. Later they try to sort out why there is an increasingly large and colorful population of loudmouth jerks on YouTube and what, if anything, should be done about. It's heavy lifting to be sure. Finally, they dig into Breath of the Wild in an effort to determine which character is the thirstiest and if Gerudo trips to Pound Town are on the DL because Gerudo are super busy. Spoilers: they are.

  • Bad Boyfriends Don't Buy Flowers

    20/03/2017 Duration: 03h01min

    Here's another episode coming right at you with some artisanal show notes. This time Rocky, Tegan and Brian discover the power of last names and hip-hop air horns. They spend more time digging into The Legend Of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Tegan also reveals herself to have an abnormal distaste for jazz while waxing nostalgic for peak anime. Rocky and Brian advocate for watching Get Out and the group comes down against YouTube stars who drink malt liquor in ski masks. Some discussion is had around various recent things that Activision has screwed up. Nintendo's GDC presentation is picked clean and we determine that bad boyfriends don't buy flowers.

  • Guys, have you seen this Zelda?

    06/03/2017 Duration: 55min

    Brian, Tegan and Rocky gather for a special, emergency episode to gush about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. We find that Rocky has just dipped a toe in because he has wrecking youngsters in the hawt, new Bomberman jam. Tegan has been bear watching, riding spotted horses and greeting enemies by putting her spear away. Brian has been getting bodied left and right all over Hyrule and suddenly understands the appeal of Dark Souls. One of the biggest observations our fearless hosts make is that the experiences are diverse and how they have been passing their time is already unique and personal in the early going. Especially getting a fly purple suit. Tegan and Brian put aside the Zelda talk long enough to make a wager. So join us for a special off-cycle episode with a weird length which the hosts hope doesn't throw off the audience's expectations for the show. No Bokoblins were harmed in the recording of this roundtable.

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