Help & Hope



Podcast by Dr. Chuck & Sharon Betters


  • Heroin Addiction: There Is Hope

    19/01/2017 Duration: 57min

    It's an epidemic that knows no cultural, age, race or financial boundaries. Whole neighborhoods are struggling with the challenge of heroin addiction. Why does an addict continue to use heroin when they know it's destroying the lives of their loved ones? What is it about heroin that a user is willing to do anything necessary to get their next fix? Why is it so hard to break the chains of heroin addiction? Is relapse a normal part of the heroin addict's journey? How should a family respond when relapse happens? We ask all these questions and more in this interview with Joey, a recovering heroin addict, and his grandmother, Ann. Ultimately, we ask, is there hope for a heroin addict? It's our hope that those who hear this redemption story will know, there is hope, even in the darkest corners of heroin addiction.Support the show

  • Ovarian Cancer Fighter The Constant Battle

    05/01/2017 Duration: 46min

    In 2009, Debbie Kahler was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, a disease that strikes fear in the hearts of anyone familiar with its deadly prognosis. Over the next few years, Debbie battled this virulent disease while watching her mother and her mother-in-law lose their battles against the same disease. Debbie now says she has added “cancer fighter” to her job description as she continues to pursue treatment that has extended her life in a way that enables her to enjoy her family and friends. Most people would respond with despair to such tragic losses, tempted to give in to the fear of losing their own battles. Yet that is not the message of Debbie’s journey. Listeners will agree that Debbie is a Warrior Woman, a woman who faces life’s challenges with faith, grit and determination to experience joy and purpose. We are confident Debbie’s story will help equip you for your own life journey, no matter what your circumstances.Support the show

  • Same Sex Attraction - Analysis Of The Six Key Scriptures Part 2

    16/12/2016 Duration: 46min

    There are six key scriptures that specifically address homosexuality. Dr. Chuck F. Betters interviews three pastors about their understanding of how to interpret each one of these Scriptures, not as stand alone words, but as part of the whole Bible. Listeners will be struck not only by the clear presentation of hard words, but by the Shepherd’s hearts of each of these pastors, Rev. Dan Betters, Rev. Jim Weaver and Dr. Chuck L. Betters. This conversation will equip Christians to better understand and communicate with kindness and compassion a scriptural position on homosexuality. The Scriptures are:Genesis 19Leviticus 18:22Leviticus 20:13Romans 1:26-271 Cor. 6:9-101 Timothy 1:10Support the show

  • Same Sex Attraction - A Pastoral Response Part 1

    16/12/2016 Duration: 28min

    What’s the Christian Church to do? Western Culture not only accepts but also celebrates same sex attraction as an appropriate and normal lifestyle. Are people who do not accept homosexuality as right and appropriate hateful and small minded? In this frank conversation, Dr. Chuck F. Betters leads a conversation with three pastors about how the historical response of the local church to homosexuality and those in a gay relationship has contributed to an environment that is not conducive to demonstrating the Gospel. These pastors offer their own observations and understanding of the real application of the Gospel, not just to those in a homosexual relationship but every person struggling with sin.Support the show

  • A Widows Journey - There Is Purpose And Hope

    15/12/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    About 700,000 women are widowed in the United States every year. Losing a spouse is considered one of life's most devastating events. Many widows share that the loneliest time of the day is the dinner hour, when they sit at a table by themselves after many years of sharing that evening meal with their husband. You are about to hear a conversation between Sharon Betters, Executive Director of MARKINC Ministries, and Carolyn Fredericks, a widow who shares her own grief journey after the death of her husband. This transparent interview will encourage widows and their families, that there is hope and purpose after the loss of a beloved husband.Support the show

  • Same Sex Attraction: A Woman's Perspective

    01/12/2016 Duration: 47min

    Our western culture encourages us to embrace and encourage same sex attraction as normal, appropriate and just as “right” as any other sexual relationship. But is it? In this transparent interview Sharon Betters talks with Donna and her counselor, Ellen Dykas about Donna’s struggles with same sex attraction. Donna transparently shares that prior to marriage she had some inappropriate relationships with other women that were sexual in nature. In college her relationship with the athletic director led her to other inappropriate friendships but ultimately ended in extreme guilt and feeling trapped. She says that as a married woman, she found herself having “wrong feelings” for a couple of women. Donna’s story is universal and her transparent story will help college students and any woman with similar struggles.Like all of our Help and Hope resources, this interview goes beyond a discussion of the life crises and digs deep into how each of us can grow in our own walk of faith as we process and face the challen

  • Adoption: Acknowledging the Primal Wound

    17/11/2016 Duration: 01h11min

    Well meaning people sometimes exhort adopted children to be thankful for the many privileges they have as a result of having a "forever family." Here we encourage that gratitude but also acknowledge that side by side with a grateful heart is often a broken heart as a result of feeling abandoned by their birth parents. We are grateful to offer this compelling interview that is designed to equip adoptive parents and adopted children to better understand the "primal wound."Support the show

  • Same Sex Attraction: A Man's Perspective

    03/11/2016 Duration: 01h08min

    Our western culture encourages us to embrace and encourage same sex attraction as normal, appropriate and just as “right” as any other sexual relationship. But is it? In this transparent and sometimes emotional interview, Dr. Chuck F. Betters talks with three men and their counselor about their struggles with same sex attraction. No question was off limits and listeners will hear these men address such issues as how people who loved them treated them even though they disagreed with their life choices; how their churches responded; and ways they were hurt by people who claimed to be Christians.They talk about their greatest misconception about God’s view of sex and homosexuality and how same sex attraction is similar to other sinful choices.Listeners will be encouraged to hear scriptural principles that will help guide relationships with loved ones who identify themselves as gay and how parents can create a safe place for their kids to talk to them about same sex attraction.Like all of our Help and Hope resour

  • Breast Cancer

    20/10/2016 Duration: 51min

    Breast cancer. The very words are terrifying. The first thing I did when I heard that diagnosis was to find a woman who had already traveled through the foreign land of cancer. I needed a guide - someone to help me navigate the maze of unknown terrain. It is my hope that through this message we can come alongside you as you walk this new pathway. You'll hear some practical ways to take the terror out of the word "cancer" and how to face your journey with hope and courage. It is my prayer that this message will be one more tool that equips you for the days ahead.Support the show

  • Same-Sex Attraction: An Interview With An Unlikely Convert Dr Rosaria Butterfield

    06/10/2016 Duration: 01h05min

    Do you have questions about same sex attraction? Is it wrong? Is it ok? Are you struggling with same sex attraction personally? Is your child? What about your church? What is their response? In this interview with Dr. Rosaria Butterfield, Chuck and Sharon Betters ask these and many more questions about a topic that has numerous families struggling to understand. Dr. Butterfield is uniquely qualified to provide guidance and wisdom to those who are desperate for help and hope as they are challenged by life choices that are foreign and even scary.Listeners will be encouraged and better equipped to walk this pathway as well as come alongside of others who are struggling with same sex attraction.From Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert by Dr. Rosaria ButterfieldRosaria, by the standards of many, was living a very good life. She had a tenured position at a large university in a field for which she cared deeply. She owned two homes with her partner, in which they provided hospitality to students and activists tha

  • Suicide and Mental Illness: Jonathan's Story

    14/09/2016 Duration: 01h05min

    Suicide is the third leading cause of death in the United States among 10 - 24 year olds. It is the second leading cause among 25 - 34 year olds. Suicide is a broad and deep issue that has many different contexts. Sometimes mental illness plays a role in suicide, but not always. In this transparent conversation, Jonathan's parents share their son's story of mental illness that didn't show itself until he was in college. For many years, Jonathan worked hard to live in the context of mental illness, but one day he could not bear another minute of life on this earth. Jon and Marian, Jonathan's parents, share their son's story in a way that offers help and hope, not only to men and women who struggle as Jonathan did, but to their family and friends as they struggle to pick up the shattered pieces of their own lives.Support the show

  • Loss of a Child - A Conversation with Chuck & Sharon Betters

    25/08/2016 Duration: 58min

    The phone rings. . .A stranger says, “Mrs. Betters, your son has been in an accident. You must come immediately.” And you know in your heart that you have received the phone call every parent dreads. Your life will never be the same. We received that phone call on July 6, 1993. We raced to the hospital to learn that our youngest child, Mark, and his friend, Kelly, had died in a car accident. Suddenly we belonged to a private club no one would ever willingly join. Since that horrific night, we have met many other parents who are struggling to find a new level of normal as they face each day without one of their children. Some were taken at birth or shortly after. Others were toddlers, pre-teens, teens. Some were established with children of their own. Each child’s death, whatever age, ripped their parents’ hearts to shreds. In this message we share our story. We are honest about our struggle to not only face each day without Mark but also to reconcile the love of God with His sovereign care. How could God real

  • Terminal Illness: Living With Hope and Terminal Cancer

    25/08/2016 Duration: 54min

    "Your prognosis is poor. You have a few months, maybe a year."In this transparent interview, Mike and Sherry share their response to hearing these shocking words. Their story is one of help and hope, as they describe the impact of cancer on their children and marriage, the reaction of friends and the practical implications of such a diagnosis. They share how their journey has encouraged them to enjoy each day, knowing that life is fleeting. And they share practical suggestions for those just starting this cancer journey. Their story will not only encourage the cancer fighters, but will equip those who love them to help them find the right medical care and face the challenges of each day.Support the show

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