Holly Springs Bible Fellowship Podcasts

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 363:35:05
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Weekly Bible teaching from Pastor Jim Thomas at Holly Springs Bible Fellowship in Hornick, Iowa.


  • Moses 34 - 10 were bad 2 were good

    01/11/2020 Duration: 42min

    Number 13,14 - Israel does not get to experience what God has prepared for them because of their unbelief, fear, and focus on the past.  They were so focused on what they were afraid of, that they did not get to experience the life that God had prepared for them.  God honors the 2 men that honored Him.  Our challenge this week is to trust God and go forward into the life He wants us to live. 

  • Moses 33 - Be careful what you ask for - 2020 1025

    25/10/2020 Duration: 39min

    Number 11 - Complaining and griping glamorize the past, distorts the present, and ignores the future.  This world and all it has is temporary.  We have to focus on a God who is working out a plan for His entire creation.  It is not about me, it is about His plan for my life.  This week serve Him in gratitude and be content with the manna He has given you. 

  • Moses 32 - Led by Fire and a Cloud - 2020 1018

    18/10/2020 Duration: 37min

    Number 9:15-23 - Israel learned to wait and focus on God.  They moved when God moved.  Life for Israel had an uncertain certainty.  They had to trust and stay close to God every day.  His presence was constantly evident in their life.  God is at work in your life today and will be all week.  It is your job to see, follow, and join Him in what He wants to do this week. 

  • Moses 31 - God in a Tent - 2020 1011

    11/10/2020 Duration: 34min

    Exodus 35-40 - God designed the Tabernacle to allow Him to be close to His people.  It was unique, beautiful, and center to the life of Israel.  We are the tabernacle of God designed for the same purposes.  This week as we live in the world, may we be unique, beautiful reflections of God's glory and care for His people.  Each of us has a role and all of us must do our part.  

  • Moses 30 - Moses in a Mask - 2020 1004

    04/10/2020 Duration: 30min

    Exodus 34 - Moses reflected the glory of God because he had spent time with God.  People noticed something remarkably different.  God has chosen to use Christ through us to show the glory of God to the world.  Difficult times and struggles allow the world to see God's glory as we respond in ways that show forth God's work in our lives.  Don't lose heart - God is at work using you for his glory as you faithfully follow Him. 

  • Moses 29 - Glory of God - 2020 0927

    27/09/2020 Duration: 39min

    Exodus 33 - God desires a relationship with us.  In order for us to experience all that involves, we must learn to trust and obey God.  Experiencing God comes as a result of daily following and obeying God's instruction for us.  While living according to His will, it will be impossible for us to not do His will and experience His working in our lives.  

  • Moses 28 - Golden Calf - Part 2 -2020 0920

    20/09/2020 Duration: 38min

    Exodus 32 - This is a passage about choices.  Aaron listened to the crowd while the Levites choose to follow God.  Every choice you make has a consequence.  Good choices have good consequences, bad choices have bad consequences.  Choose wisely this week as you follow and honor God with your life.  

  • Moses 27 - Moses - Golden Calf - part 1 - 2020 0913

    13/09/2020 Duration: 33min

    Exodus 32 - This passage is about choices.  Do we follow God or the crowd?  Aaron listened to the demands of the crowd and would pay a price for that.  Because Moses had been in fellowship with God, he saw the people and situation from an eternal perspective.  He sought God's glory, not his own agenda.  Moses decided to follow God with his whole heart.  We need to walk close to God this week and allow Him to use us as we honor Him.  

  • Moses 26 - 10 Commandments - Review - 2020 0906

    06/09/2020 Duration: 35min

    Matthew 22:34-36- God establishes these 10 words or ideas as a foundation for how we should live in this world.  Jesus explains it in 2 simple ideas - Love God and Love people.  Our challenge is to love as Jesus loved and show the world a fearless life sourced in love.  Show that love to a lost world this week. 

  • Moses 25 - 10 Commandments 10 - Content - 2020 0830

    30/08/2020 Duration: 35min

    Exodus 20:17 - Commandment 10 - Contentment - God provides our daily needs.  In order to live godly in this world, we must decide how much is enough.  Our focus determines our direction which ultimately determines our destiny.  God wants His people to learn contentment.  This week appreciate all God has provided because we are truly blessed to be in this country at this time.  

  • Moses 24 - 10 Commandments 09 - Truth - 2020 0823

    23/08/2020 Duration: 31min

    Exodus 20:16 - Commandment 9 - Truth - As Christians, we are to be people of truth.  We should walk in truth this week in our words and actions.  Sincerity, transparency, and integrity should be a part of our everyday life.  

  • Moses 22 - Love

    17/08/2020 Duration: 40min

    Exodus 20:14 - Commandment 7  - Love - God reminds us that adultery - contaminated love is not part of His plan for our lives.  It is a poor substitute for life as God intended.  We can commit physical emotional, mental, or spiritual adultery by loving the wrong thing or person.  When we find our hearts wanting to go in this direction, we have to remember, repent, and return to the path that God has for us.  We have to love God with our whole heart.

  • Moses 23 - Generosity

    17/08/2020 Duration: 40min

    Exodus 20:15 - Commandment 8 - Generosity  God's world is a world of generosity.  His children are to be generous with their time, money, and resources because God was generous to them.  If we want the world to see Jesus, they must see generosity in our lives.  Don't steal this week, but more importantly be generous and allow people to see Jesus in you.  (We had a problem with the live feed, so this is the complete message)

  • Moses 21 - Value

    02/08/2020 Duration: 41min

    Exodus 20:13 - Commandment 6  - We are challenged to value people with the same value that God places on them.  People need to be honored, loved, and valued.  Strife, Anger, Hatred, Revenge, Envy, and Pride are ways that we show a murderous heart that has no place in the life of God's Children.  God has designed us to live in a way that values the people God has created, loved, and given His life for.  Love God with all your heart and your neighbor as you love your life.  

  • Moses 20 - Honor

    26/07/2020 Duration: 33min

    Exodus 20:12 - Commandment 5  - Honoring your parents is the start of having a healthy relationship with others.  You get what you honor and showing honor to those who raised us is essential to life as God intended.  

  • Stones of Remembrance

    19/07/2020 Duration: 21min

    Stones of Remembrance (Proverbs 22:28 / Joshua 4)- We are taking a week break from our series on Moses.  We are challenged to focus on the ways God has worked and blessed our lives.  As a Pastor, I appreciate our church family, our authenticity, and the support we have been provided over the years.  

  • Moses 19 - Rhythm - The Sabbath.

    12/07/2020 Duration: 39min

    Exodus 20:8 - Commandment 4 - Rhythm - God established creation with a rhythm that includes celebration and rest.  It is easy to become an observer rather than a participant in this thing we call life.  The practice of a weekly Sabbath forces us to take time each week to participate in God's creation, rather than just observe this thing we call life.  Let's live life this week as God intended.  

  • Moses 18 - Reputation - What's in a name?

    05/07/2020 Duration: 36min

    Exodus 20:6 - Commandment 3 - Reputation - God's name is something that must be treasured, valued, and respected.  His reputation is at stake as we live our daily lives.  We show honor or dishonor to Him with our words and actions each day.  Give God the best, not the leftovers.  Honor Him so that others may come to know Him. 

  • Moses 17 - Priority - Who will be at the center of your life?

    28/06/2020 Duration: 34min

    Exodus 20:3 - Commandment 2 - Priority - God makes it very clear that he wants to be the authority in your life and have first priority in your affections.  He does not want you to accept substitutes, or add other "gods" to your life.  He wants to be central in all you do and He desires for you to reflect His image to those around you.  

  • Moses 16 - Authority - Who or what will be your authority for life?

    21/06/2020 Duration: 43min

    Exodus 20:1,2 - Commandment 1 - Authority - Everyone has chosen who is going to be the authority for their life.  That authority is internal (you) or external (outside of you).  Your choice of authority will determine your direction in life and eternity, so choose wisely.  I believe that God as your creator and redeemer is the only one who has earned the right to be the ultimate authority in your life.  Follow Him with all your heart, soul, and mind this week. 

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