Holly Springs Bible Fellowship Podcasts

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 363:35:05
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Weekly Bible teaching from Pastor Jim Thomas at Holly Springs Bible Fellowship in Hornick, Iowa.


  • Parables 09 - Lost Son - 2021 0321

    21/03/2021 Duration: 35min

    Luke 15:11-32 - Lost Son - Jesus concludes the stories of lost things by talking about a Father's love for his children.  In this story, we are challenged to think about the things that anger us.  Jesus reminds us that the Father welcomes everyone who comes to Him in repentance and without demands.  May each of us reflect God's love, grace, and kindness in all we do.  May we all rid ourselves of any self-righteousness that allows us to think we are better than anyone else and that everyone is deserving of God's love.  

  • Parables 08 - Lost Coin - 2021 0314

    14/03/2021 Duration: 43min

    Luke 15:8-10 -  Lost Coin - Jesus reminds us that each person has value in the eyes of God.  It takes great effort and commitment to seek out people who are lost.  Jesus put great value in dealing with people individually one on one.  We must learn to see the value of one soul and rejoice when that person repents and chooses to follow Jesus.  

  • Parables 07 - Lost Sheep 2021 0307

    07/03/2021 Duration: 31min

    Luke 15:1-7 - Jesus sees the world as lost.  This story challenges His followers to live in such a way that the world is attracted to what we possess and desire to be friends with us.  Jesus reminds us of our obligation to go to those that are lost without Him.  Ask God to burden your heart for those that are lost and desperately need a savior. 

  • Parables 06 - Fishing Nets 2021 0228

    28/02/2021 Duration: 40min

    Matthew 13:47-52 - Jesus reminds us that a Day of Judgment is coming when God will sort the righteous from the unrighteous.  This parable is a warning to make sure that we have a personal relationship with Jesus and that we are part of His Kingdom.  It is also a challenge to share Christ with everyone we can.  We are required and encouraged to be a light in a dark world.  

  • Parables 05 - Treasure and Pearl 2021 0221

    21/02/2021 Duration: 35min

    Matthew 13:44,45 =  For those of you who are reluctant to follow Jesus, please consider His free gift of salvation.  But understand, Being part of the Kingdom is an all-in kind of thing.  For those of you who possess salvation, may you value the joy of your salvation.  If you have gotten away from the joy of your salvation, may you find it this week.  

  • Parables 04 - Leaven 2021 0214

    14/02/2021 Duration: 41min

    Matthew 13:33 =  God's kingdom is like leaven.  It has a tremendous ability to influence and impact from within.  God's kingdom will grow and prosper and Jesus will build His church and Satan will not win.  Make sure you allow God to impact your life from within.  Let God to use you to impact the lives of those around you to further God's Kingdom. 

  • Parables 03 - Mustard Seed - 2021 0207

    07/02/2021 Duration: 36min

    Matthew 13:31,32 =  The parable of the mustard seeds reminds us that what begins in obscurity ends in glory.  God establishes His Kingdom with a tiny group of people, and it continues to grow.  God works the same way in our lives.  Do not minimize the impact that your life can make on those God puts in your path.  

  • Parables 02 - The Wheat and the Tares - 2021 0131

    31/01/2021 Duration: 35min

    Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 - The parable of the wheat and the tares is a story that provides fear and comfort.  Fear to those who are playing "Christian."  It gives comfort to Christians who can rest in the fact that one day will sort everything out.  The real will be permanently separated from the false.  Our job is not to sort but to be light in a dark world.  

  • Parables 01 - The Sower and Soil - 2021 0124

    24/01/2021 Duration: 33min

    Matthew 13:1-23 - The parable of the sower deal with how one enters the Kingdom of God.  Jesus explains that the true believer is not someone who only professes Christ but a person who is faithful, obedient, and growing in Christ.  Make sure that you are hearing and doing what God desires of you this week.  

  • Parables 00 - Understanding the Parables- 2021 0117

    20/01/2021 Duration: 43min

     Matthew 13:1-13 - Jesus uses parables to both conceal and reveal the truth.  He challenges His listeners by telling them parables relating common everyday things to spiritual truth.  Jesus seeks out those who want to genuinely follow Him and He spends his last days helping those people grow in their knowledge of Him

  • Confidence in God - 2021 0110

    11/01/2021 Duration: 33min

    Psalm 46 - In an uncertain world, we need to be tethered to something that will not move.  David does not live in fear, because his confidence is in God.  He waits patiently on God and he understands that God is with him in every situation.  David understands that God is still on the throne and we must remember that as we go forward in 2021. 

  • Moses 39 - Entering the Promised Land - 2021 0103

    03/01/2021 Duration: 29min

    Joshua 3,4 - After Israel prepared to cross the Jordan, the day came when they had to act.  They went forward in faith, trusting that the God of the desert was also the God of the water.  No barrier (included a flooded river) would keep them from the Land God promised them.  They were committed to following God completely and the same should be true of us as we head into 2021.  

  • Moses 38 - Preparing for the unexpected - 2020 1227

    28/12/2020 Duration: 40min

    Joshua 1-3 - As Israel comes to the end of 40 years of wandering in the desert, they face a new journey.  Joshua challenges the people to be strong and courageous during the days ahead.  They must obey and follow God in order to claim the victory that already belongs to them. May we each face the new year with strength and courage in the road that God has ahead for us. 

  • Christmas 2020c No Savior - December 20 (Communion Service)

    20/12/2020 Duration: 40min

    Luke 2 - In the Christmas story we see young and old, poor and rich worship Jesus.  The story is about Jesus and He is the center of the story.  His birth demands a response and you will either see Him as a baby or as your savior.  He came to die for you and save you from your sin.  What you do with Jesus determines your eternal destiny.  Please accept Him as your savior the season.  

  • Christmas 2020b No Lights - In Darkness - December 13

    13/12/2020 Duration: 30min

    Luke 1,2 -   Light is an important theme in the Christmas story.  The light that surrounded the angels, or the star that led the wise men were all part of the story.  Jesus came as the Light of the world and saved us so that we could be light to the world.  This season may you be a light in a very dark world so that people may see Christ in you.  Live this week as Children of light.

  • Christmas 2020a - If there were no Christmas - No Celebration - December 6

    06/12/2020 Duration: 27min

    Luke 1,2 - If there were no Christmas, there would be nothing to celebrate.  Celebration is ingrained in the Christmas story.  All of creation celebrates the savior's birth from the lowly shepherds to the highest angels.  An unborn child celebrates and an old man Simeon and the elderly widow Anna bless this miraculous child.  Make this Christmas a season of celebration, because a Savior was born.   

  • Moses 37 - When God Buries you

    29/11/2020 Duration: 39min

    Number 21 - We come to the end of a life of a man who faithfully, humbly, and boldly served God.  His story ends with God-honoring a life that was lived for and with God.  The reality is that life will end for every one of us, and we will stand before God.  What happens at that moment is determined by what we have done with Jesus Christ.  Please make sure you are ready for the appointment you have with death because you will not escape it.  

  • Thanksgiving 2020 - John 6 - 2020 1122

    22/11/2020 Duration: 32min

    John 6 - In a world that is faced with hardship and crisis, it is important that we focus on a heart of gratitude.  We cannot focus on our ability or resources.  We have to focus on Jesus and be grateful for the things He has already provided.  This week cultivate a heart of gratitude in spite of the circumstance or any crisis you face.  

  • Moses 36 - Snake on a Stick - 2020 1115

    15/11/2020 Duration: 31min

    Number 21 - Look and live.  The message to Israel thousands of years ago is the same message Jesus offers to everyone today.  Don't make it more complicated than Jesus did.  Make sure you have placed your faith and trust in Him alone.  For those of you that have, live like you have a different destiny and purpose for life.  Point others to the cross with the way you live your life each day. 

  • Moses 35 - Disobedience of Moses - 2020 1108

    08/11/2020 Duration: 33min

    Number 20 - God's blessing requires that we do the right thing, the right way, at the right time.  While our actions may produce results, they only produce God's blessing when we do all 3 things equally.  Moses allowed sin to take root and grow in his life (over 40 years) without dealing with it.  Serve God honestly this week and deal with the things in your life that you know are not pleasing to God.  

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