Dr. Friedemann Schaub

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 143:04:29
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Empowerment Radio:  Breakthrough Solutions for Confident Living with Dr. Friedemann   Every 1st & 3rd Wednesday at 11AM PT / 2PM ET.    Time to Move Beyond Your Perceived Limitations    Join Dr. Friedemann for insights and self-empowering approaches on many of the most prevailing challenges in our day-to-day lives. For more than a decade, Dr. Friedemann has discussed such hard-hitting topics as “Are you Addicted to Stress and Anxiety”, ...


  • When Dreams Become Your Guides with Kelly Lydick

    17/10/2018 Duration: 56min

    Have you ever awakened from a dream that left you feeling stunned a dream so vivid or impactful so unexpected that it changes your life from that point forward? Imagine you could ask a question to a dream character, or the dream itself, and watch as a profoundly surprising response appears. Suppose you could take action in your dream to eliminate a recurring nightmare, heal a relationship, or even a physical ailment. Dr. Friedemann Schaub s special guest on this episode of Empowerment Radio is Kelly Lydick, dream-coach and co-author of the fascinating book, Dreams That Change Our Lives. Join Dr. Friedemann and Kelly on Wednesday October 17 at 2PM ET / 11AM PT, and learn about lucid dreaming, dreams of past lives, and how your dreams can become your guides and mentors. Find out more about Kelly at www.kellylydick.com

  • From Self-Loathing to Self-Appreciation

    03/10/2018 Duration: 56min

    Let s be honest, how often have you been rude to yourself, calling yourself stupid, fat, ugly, a loser, not good enough? How often have you blasted yourself with derogatory insults that you would never dare fling at anyone else, because your words would hurt them, and they d likely cut you out of their lives? Self-loathing and self-hatred are probably the most self-destructive emotions for our mind and our body. However, self-loathing isn t something we are born with, but usually a pattern we learn during our early years. Over time, we get so used to self-loathing thoughts that they become the normal way in which we think about ourselves. And that is not healthy. Join Dr. Friedemann Schaub on Empowerment Radio this Wednesday, October 3rd, and learn how you can break through old patterns of self-loathing and self-judgment. Develop a healthier and more appreciative relationship with yourself.

  • How To Go The Extra Mile With Shawn Anderson

    19/09/2018 Duration: 55min

    We all have dreams, goals and aspirations. And we probably have all encountered on our pursuits to success and happiness the biggest obstacle, which are two simple words: I can t. We then justify the I can t belief with reasons such as being not smart enough, not educated enough, too old, too young, etc. Whether you believe you can or whether you believe you cannot, you are always right. Henry Ford s quote perfectly encapsulates the power of our beliefs. But how can we overcome our limiting beliefs, so that we can go the extra mile to reach our goals? Dr. Friedemann s guest on Empowerment Radio is Shawn Anderson, a bestselling motivational author, unlimited thinker, and lifetime entrepreneur with a history of inspiring others. Shawn is also the creator of Extra Mile Day, a day recognizing the power we each have to create positive change when we "go the extra mile." Shawn walks his talk. He built a million dollar company, pedaled a bike solo across the U.S. (twice), and created adventures in 45+ countrie

  • Small Habits That Will Change Your Life

    05/09/2018 Duration: 56min

    Do you sometimes feel your life is on auto-pilot or that you re stuck in a rut? Do you want to make a change, but just don t know how and where to start? The same way little hinges swing big doors, small habits can open you up to more joy, growth and purpose. Join Dr. Friedemann Schaub during this upcoming episode of Empowerment Radio, Wednesday September 5th at 11AM PT / 2PM ET and learn about the live-changing habits and adjustments that have helped him to become healthier, happier and more fulfilled.

  • Fear Less: Living Beyond Fear, Anxiety, Anger, and Addiction with Dean Sluyter

    15/08/2018 Duration: 56min

    These days there s so much fear in the air, you can almost taste it along with all the varieties of anxiety, anger, and addiction that grow out of it. How can you navigate your way through the fear and confusion, and find your way to peace? Dr. Schaub s special guest on Empowerment Radio is award-winning author Dean Sluyter, who talks about his new book Fear Less. Dean Sluyter shows how to use simple meditative techniques and subtle tweaks of body, mind, and breath to open your life to deep, relaxed confidence. Drawing on ancient enlightenment teachings as well as contemporary research, he lays out practical, easy-to-follow steps for addressing such issues. Tune into Empowerment Radio on Wednesday August 15th at 11AM PT / 2PM ET and learn how you can let go of compulsive overthinking, loosen the bonds of addiction and find stillness in the thick of activity.

  • The Phobia and Panic Solution

    01/08/2018 Duration: 57min

    If you ever have been dealing with a phobia or suffered from a panic attack, you know how overwhelming and powerless your emotions can make you feel. Whereas phobias make you carefully avoid whatever you are afraid of, such a planes, spiders or simply other people, panic attacks make you almost avoid yourself. The fear of another sudden onslaught of anxiety can became all-consuming and turn in itself into a phobia of your own emotions. But are your feelings truly not to be trusted, or are these forms of anxiety messages from your mind that need to be deciphered and responded to? Join Dr. Friedemann Schaub on this upcoming episode of Empowerment Radio, Wednesday August 1st at 11AM PT / 2PM ET, and learn what causes phobias and panic attacks on a subconscious level and how you can address and overcome these emotional challenges.

  • How Life-Saving Answers Get Ignored by the Medical Establishment with Dr. Gerald Buckberg

    18/07/2018 Duration: 57min

    Dr. Gerald Buckberg is a cardiac surgeon and researcher whose landmark procedures are used by 85% of surgeons in the USand nearly that many worldwide. However, more recent breakthroughs that he and his team developed are being ignored by the medical establishment. The resistance to new approaches means that proven treatments for major cardiac illnesses exist, but are not being used! In his new book, Solving the Mysteries of Heart, Dr. Buckberg provides valuable information including: Why 90% of patients die from sudden death, when there are procedures that could save 80% of lives How CPR can be done for up to 150 minutes without any brain damage (currently 15 minutes is the average) How to avoid damage to the heart after a heart attack, extending the patient's life and preventing heart failure How rigidity in the medical system is preventing these life-saving solutions from being adopted, and what patients can do to force a change that can save their own and their loved ones lives Tune into Empowerment Rad

  • What Do You Value More – Freedom or Security?

    04/07/2018 Duration: 55min

    Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the United States, said: Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Yet, the more we are dealing with fear and anxiety, the more easily we are willing to trade in freedom for a sense of security. We avoid speaking up, making changes, or taking risks. We hide in the safety of our comfort zones, and no longer take advantage of the freedom to explore and express our true potential. We stop being open, curious and tolerant towards others, and instead judge and reject all those who we deem as different. While these self-protective patterns are understandable, the truth is that safety and security come from within and are more than just avoiding anger and discomfort. Join Dr. Friedemann Schaub on Empowerment Radio, this Wednesday July 4th from 11 to noon PT, and learn how you can achieve a sense of security through the freedom of being your most courageous and authentic self.

  • Psychoanalytic Healing and Buddhism with Dr. Pilar Jennings

    20/06/2018 Duration: 55min

    Whether you feel always occupied and busy, constantly pressured and on the run, whether the mountain of to-dos seem insurmountable, or whether you have a sense of isolation and loneliness, stress and anxiety are probably your daily copilots as you navigate through life. Anxiety, fear and depression are the epidemic of the 21st century, and many people are searching for ways to heal themselves, and create a greater of calmness and centeredness. In this regard, Buddhism and its meditative practices have become increasingly popular. A series of studies have confirmed that meditation and, in particular, mindfulness meditation, which has its origins in Buddhism, are effective methods to alleviate stress, anxiety and depression. However, according to my special guest on this upcoming episode of Empowerment Radio, Dr. Pilar Jennings, who is a psychoanalyst and practicing Buddhist, there are potential psychological pitfalls that come with solely focusing on this practice. Dr. Pilar Jennings is a psychoanalyst in priv

  • How to Train Your Subconscious to Be Happy No Matter What

    06/06/2018 Duration: 56min

    Do you want to be happier on a daily basis, but find yourself often stuck in stress, worry and discontent, even though you have more than enough reasons to celebrate your life? Obviously, emotions don t necessarily make rational sense, since they come from the part of our mind that doesn t care about logic and reason our subconscious. This deeper, powerful and busy part of our mind has two main agendas, which are to either protect us, or to make us happy. Thus, depending on how our subconscious has been programmed, we live either in anticipation of getting hurt, waiting for the other show to drop, or are able to enjoy most days with ease and happiness. The good news is that our subconscious is, by nature, eager to learn and please, which is why we can train it to shift its focus towards greater happiness and contentment. Join Dr. Friedemann Schaub on this episode of Empowerment Radio to program your subconscious mind to find and create more happiness no matter what your circumstances are.

  • PGS - Intuition is Your Personal Guidance System with Award Winning Filmmaker Bill Bennett

    16/05/2018 Duration: 01h13min

    We may call it the voice in our head, our gut instinct or our intuition. But what is it really? And where does it come from, and how to we connect to it? Bill Bennett asked these questions when one day, he heard a whisper that lead to a remarkable experience: it saved his life. His strong desire to discover the source of this voice took him on a global journey to meet with leading experts on intuition from the Prince of Bhutan, Caroline Myss, Ph.D., Dr. Norm Shealy and James Van Praagh. His three year journey culminated with his film PGS - Intuition is Your Personal Guidance System.Join us on this week's show of Empowerment Radio to discover the subtle energetic system that seeks to protect and guide us along life s journey.For more information, please visit: www.PGSthemovie.com Playing in theaters around the country starting January 2018. Available on Demand in April 2018.

  • How To Change Limiting Money-Mindsets

    02/05/2018 Duration: 56min

    Do you ever get the feeling no matter what you do, you just never have enough money? Or are you financially well off, but constantly wonder, when the other shoe will drop and all that you have will be taken away? How we relate to money is largely dependent on the mind-set of our parents. Not to blame them, but as children, we don t really understand the concept of money, so we observe and learn from what our mothers and fathers model to us. Whether you heard your parents saying "money doesn't grow on trees," "money is the root of all evil," or "it is selfish to want a lot of money," chances are that your subconscious mind adopted their limiting beliefs and with that their perspectives and behaviors around earning, spending and saving. Listen to this episode of Dr. Friedemann's Empowerment Radio and learn how you can change your money-mindset and become a more mindful and joyful steward of your finances.

  • Adrenal Fatigue - How to Recover Naturally with Marcelle Pick, NP

    18/04/2018 Duration: 56min

    Do you wake up every morning feeling tired, overwhelmed, and stressed? Are you constantly reaching for coffee, soda, or some other promise of energy just to keep yourself going? Do you struggle through the day sluggish, irritable, forgetful, depressed, and craving sweets only to have trouble sleeping at night? If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, you may be suffering from adrenal fatigue. Dr. Schaub's guest on this week's Empowerment Radio is Marcelle Pick, author of Is It Me Or My Adrenals? Marcelle, who has received a M.S. in nursing from Boston-College-Harvard Medical school, talks about the root causes of adrenal fatigue and how you can restore adrenal balance through diet, lifestyle adjustments, and reprogramming of stressful emotional patterns. Find out more about Marcelle Pick and her work at www.marcellepick.com. .

  • Early Signs of an Abusive Relationship

    04/04/2018 Duration: 56min

    With spring being in full swing, love is in the air. Humans and animals alike are especially during springtime motivated to find a mate. Unfortunately, the combination of the desire to no longer be alone and the fear of rejection can make us enter into relationships, which are neither healthy nor fulfilling. Considering the validity of the old saying love is blind, how can we avoid ending up with the wrong person. Listen to the next episode of Dr. Friedemann s Empowerment Radio show and learn how you can spot early signs of a toxic relationship.

  • Courageous Aging with Dr. Ken Druck

    21/03/2018 Duration: 59min

    Are you afraid of getting older? Does the prospect of losing some of your vitality and good looks scare you? Or are you worried about becoming increasingly invisible and irrelevant in a youth obsessed society?Join Dr. Friedemann Schaub and his special guest Dr. Ken Druck, author of Courageous Aging on this Wednesday episode of Empowerment Radio. In this new book, Dr. Druck uses examples from his life and work to address some of the most destructive and limiting myths, biases and misconceptions of getting older. Learn practical approaches on how you can make peace with and find joy in every stage of your life.

  • Five Ways to Feel Less Powerless

    08/03/2018 Duration: 56min

    One of the most alarming trends in our society is, that more and more people feel powerless. Higher demands at work, the disturbing political climate, a mountain of unpaid bills or the increase in gun violence, these are just a few examples of why a rising number of men and women rely on pain-killers and anti-anxiety drugs to manage their paralyzing sense of powerlessness. The problem with feeling powerless is not only that it smothers our innate drive and ability to change and improve ourselves and the situation we are in. The biggest problem with feeling powerless is, that it is often an illusion. Join Dr. Friedemann on Empowerment Radio this Wednesday and learn five effective ways to conquer feeling powerless.

  • How to Reset your Life with Dr. Foojan Zeine

    22/02/2018 Duration: 57min

    Have you ever wished you could just wake up one day and hit the Life Reset button? Do you struggle with old self-sabotaging patterns and limiting beliefs that prevent you from having success in your career, financial security or the loving relationship you deeply desire? Dr. Foojan Zeine, author of Life Reset, introduces Awareness Integration, a new model in the field of psychology that offers an opportunity to choose and reset your life. Join Dr. Friedemann and Dr. Foojan this Wednesday on Empowerment Radio and learn how 12 simple questions can help you to enhance your self-awareness, release emotional blocks, increase your self-esteem and become more positive and proactive in creating a purpose- and joy-filled life.

  • How the Fear of Being Alone Sabotages Love

    08/02/2018 Duration: 56min

    Are you afraid of being alone? Do you avoid spending time by yourself, because you get too restless, nervous or frustrated with your own company? Just like you can t overcome the fear of not being good enough by either procrastinating or striving for external from others, you can t overcome the fear of being along by either avoiding yourself or becoming dependent on others. What causes this fear isn t the absence of a relationship with others but the absence of a relationship with yourself. Listen to Dr. Friedemann Schaub on Empowerment Radio and learn how you can heal the fear of being alone at its subconscious root cause level, so that you are able to enjoy and appreciate the one person, you will spend every day for the rest of your life with.

  • Writing for Bliss and Healing with Dr Diana Raab

    18/01/2018 Duration: 58min

    Reflective writing and personal narrative can truly have healing and transformative powers. Dr. Diana Raab, author of Writing for Bliss, is Dr. Schaub s special guest on this week s empowerment radio show. Join Dr. Diana and Dr. Friedemann to learn the steps on how to use writing and journaling as a path to healing and self-discovery.

  • How to Make 2018 a Year Without Fear

    04/01/2018 Duration: 56min

    After a turbulent 2017, many people are looking with worry and concern at this New Year and ready to make 2018 a year without fear! The unpredictability of the current political climate, the conflict with North Korea, global warming and the ongoing threat of terrorist attacks are just a few topics that keep worriers awake at night. But to quote Franklin D. Roosevelt: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. So how can you make 2018 a year, were you aren t held back by fear, stress, and anxiety, but instead are able to show up as the best version of yourself? Listen to this episode of Dr. Friedemann s Empowerment Radio and learn an empowering daily routine that allows you to stay calm, centered and confident, no matter what the circumstances are.

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