Dr. Friedemann Schaub

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 143:04:29
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Empowerment Radio:  Breakthrough Solutions for Confident Living with Dr. Friedemann   Every 1st & 3rd Wednesday at 11AM PT / 2PM ET.    Time to Move Beyond Your Perceived Limitations    Join Dr. Friedemann for insights and self-empowering approaches on many of the most prevailing challenges in our day-to-day lives. For more than a decade, Dr. Friedemann has discussed such hard-hitting topics as “Are you Addicted to Stress and Anxiety”, ...


  • Encore: Stress-free through the Holidays

    21/12/2017 Duration: 55min

    Are you looking forward to the holidays as a time of good cheer? Or counting the days for the happiest time of the year to be over? A recent study showed that women especially feel more stressed and worried during the holidays, in part due to the many additional tasks they take on. So what can you do to be stress-free through the holidays? Listen to Dr. Friedemann's Empowerment Radio and learn effective strategies on how to make this holiday season truly joyful and stress-free.

  • Five Ways to Create Unbreakable Boundaries

    07/12/2017 Duration: 56min

    The #MeToo movement sadly demonstrates the widespread nature of sexual harassment and misogynistic behavior in our society. Sadly, it's a way too common phenomenon, that especially men, use their power to exploit and maltreat others, knowing that they can get away with it. The question is, how can women (and men) protect themselves from harassment, ranging from unwanted attention, inappropriate actions and comments to abuse and assault? Listen to Empowerment Radio with Dr. Friedemann Schaub and learn about 5 different ways to strengthen and enforce your personal boundaries.

  • Deep Listening - How to Calm Your Body, Clear Your Mind, and Open Your Heart

    16/11/2017 Duration: 57min

    "I am insanely busy" - how many times have you given this response when someone asked you how you are doing? Always running around, getting a lot done and conquering to-do lists appears almost like a justification for our existence. However, it is also often an escape - a way to avoid the discomforts and uneasiness in our body and mind. Jillain Pransky's new book, Deep Listening, invites us to stop doing and instead to reconnect with ourselves in gentle and mindful ways. Join Dr. Friedemann Schaub and his special guest, Jillian Pransky and learn effective techniques on how to use the power of self-awarenss to shift out of constant busyness into a harmonious balance of mind and body.

  • The Psychology of Political Mass-Manipulation And What We Need To Learn From Nazi Germany

    01/11/2017 Duration: 56min

    Are you feeling confused and manipulated by politicians and the media? Do you feel that political marketers try to make you feel anxious, angry or disgusted in order to get your vote? The history of mass-manipulation is long and dark and more than ever needs to remembered and learned from. Growing up in Germany, raised by parents who were teenagers during World War II, I always wondered, how was it possible that an entire nation could be seduced to make Hitler, a little Austrian man without any background in politics or economics, their Fuehrer? What is disconcerting now is that new populistic movements arise all over the world and already start to create a divide among families and friends. In the wake of their uprising basic principles of decency, honesty and compassion no longer seem to unite the nation, but are denounced by some as wimpy and liberal. It appears that it is time to remind ourselves of some of the strategies Hitler used to manipulate his people to gain absolute power - and of the horrors t

  • Conscious Communications

    18/10/2017 Duration: 57min

    Whether we realize it or not, the words we use dictate and control our lives. The persistent messages we repeat can frame our thoughts and trap us into a mind-set that is difficult to break. This mind-set often manifests itself with statements like I can t, I m not good enough, and I ll never find the [insert the blank] I want. Many times, we don t stop to consider the profound impact that these negative, limiting words have on our mentality, life choices, and the path of possibility that we manifest. Join Dr. Schaub on Wednesday, October 18 at 11:00 AM PST as he speaks with Mary Shores. She shares how we can create new neural pathways simply by changing our words. You can align your words, thoughts, and actions to produce the results you want. Conscious Communications can show you how!

  • How to Overcome Millennial Anxiety

    04/10/2017 Duration: 56min

    If you were borne during the 80s and 90s you may agree with this quote: Millennials are the generation that were sold a dream and are afraid to have to deal with a nightmare. A recent study found that more than 50% of Millennials suffer from anxiety, trouble sleeping, and almost 30% have panic attacks. Some blame technology, lack of rest and bad eating habits for this surge in anxiety. Others believe that peer pressure, the unrealistic need to be special and the resistance to growing-up and becoming like their baby boomer parents are the real reasons why generation Y is freaking out. But what is the deeper message of the anxiety and what can you do to overcome this challenge, which seems to keep you stuck in your tracks? Join Dr. Friedemann Schaub s Empowerment Radio as he addresses these and other questions on anxiety in Millennials.

  • Wired for Love - How to Understand Your Partners Brain and Attachment Style

    20/09/2017 Duration: 58min

    "What the heck is my partner thinking?" is a common refrain in romantic relationships, and with good reason. Every person is wired for love differently, with different habits, needs, and reactions to conflict. The good news is that most people's minds work in predictable ways and respond well to security, attachment, and rituals, making it possible to actually neurologically prime the brain for greater love and fewer conflicts. Dr. Friedemann Schaub's guest this week is Dr. Stan Tatkin, author of Wired for Love, a complete insider s guide to understanding your partner s brain and enjoying a romantic relationship built on love and trust. Tune into Empowerment Radio and learn how how to create a secure-functioning relationship, how to have a good fight with your partner, why you need more than love to make a relationship work and much more.

  • The One Thing We Need To Survive As A Species

    06/09/2017 Duration: 56min

    As the tragic events surrounding Hurricane Harvey and the terrible destruction it caused are still unfolding, it becomes obvious that without the thousands of volunteers, who spontaneously answered the call to help their fellow citizens in need, the death toll would be much higher. Countless people owe their lives to those, who put their own safety at risk in order to rescue those, who couldn t help themselves. The citizens of Houston and other areas hit by the storm showed that the one thing we need to overcome such challenges isn t more power, control or money - but compassion and love for each other. To quote the Dalai Lama: Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive. But how can we deepen our compassion during a time, which is described by some writers as the death of compassion and the age of anger. Join Dr. Friedemann Schaub on Empowerment Radio and discover 5 effective ways to make compassion a priority in your life.

  • Encore: When the Night Gets Long - How to Overcome Insomnia

    16/08/2017 Duration: 55min

    You may know that feeling. It is getting late and you should turn in. But just the thought of going to bed makes you anxious. You have spent too many nights lying awake, tossing and turning, waiting in vain for sleep to finally overtake you. And the longer you wait, the more you get worried that you won t have enough energy and clarity to handle all the tasks and obligations that are waiting for you tomorrow. Or you have no problems falling asleep, but after 2 to 3 hours, you are wide awake again, unable to get back into a comfortable slumber. Insomnia is one of the most prevalent health challenges. More than 40 million Americans are diagnosed with some kind of sleeping disorder. Listen to Dr. Friedemann on Empowerment Radio and learn tools and insights on how you can identify and address the root causes of insomnia and create deep and rejuvinating sleep.

  • Answers To All The Anxiety Questions You Were Too Afraid To Ask

    02/08/2017 Duration: 56min

    This is the show many of you have, who have been struggling with anxiety have been waiting for. Anxiety can make you feel trapped and powerless. And since most of your energy is dedicated to fight this feeling, you find yourself often exhausted and easily irritated; you may lack enthusiasm for life and feel disconnected from the people around you. You may start dealing with insomnia, chronic pain or other physical symptoms. So why does anxiety seem so difficult to overcome? And is there anything you can do to make yourself feel better? There is a lot of confusing, misleading and disempowering information about anxiety and the do's and don'ts on how to overcome this challenge. In this episode of Empowerment Radio, Dr. Friedemann Schaub, the author of The Fear and Anxiety Solution, will answer your questions and give you tips and tool on how to turn anxiety into a catalyst of growth and personal empowerment. Call in at 888-418-6890, ask your questions live via the chat box or send an e-mail to info@thefearand

  • Control your Emotions with EFT and Energy Psychology

    19/07/2017 Duration: 54min

    Many of us have felt burdened or trapped by sadness, anger, anxiety or shame. Although we often consciously know that dwelling on these "negative" emotions doesn't really serve us, once we are in the pit of these feelings we don t easily find our way out. One of the most powerful ways to interrupt and overcome the spiral of negativity is Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT. Dr. Schaub's guest, Dawson Church, is the editor of Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, Treatment, a peer-reviewed professional journal, an expert on EFT and Energy Psychology and the founder of www.EFTUniverse.com. Tune into Empowerment Radio and learn through a sample session guided by Dawson Church how to effectively apply the breakthroughs of Energy Psychology and EFT to gain more balance and emotional control in your life.

  • OCD — A Phobia of Powerlessness

    05/07/2017 Duration: 57min

    Do you have a hard time leaving your house, because you have to check at least ten times that the iron is unplugged or that the door is locked? Do you struggle with intrusive thoughts about hurting a loved-one, death or other horrible events? Or are you overly concerned with germs or keeping your books or tools in perfect order? If so, you may suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), a form of anxiety, which can become so excessive in that it put your daily life on hold. People, who are dealing with OCD know that their behavior is completely irrational, yet they feel unable to resist the urges or stop the disturbing thoughts. But there is hope. Logic and rational thinking aren t sufficient to stop OCD, because the thoughts and behaviors are rooted in the subconscious mind. Why does the subconscious mind create such debilitating patterns and what does OCD have to do with an overall sense of powerlessness? Join Dr. Friedemann Schaub, the author of The Fear and Anxiety Solution, on his next Empowerme

  • The Mind-Body Connection – the link between health and illness

    21/06/2017 Duration: 54min

    We are living in a world defined by rapid pace, high unpredictability and intense pressure. No wonder that more and more people suffer from stress and anxiety emotionally and physically.Research suggests that chronic stress and anxiety are a 30 times higher risk factor for cancer than smoking. On the other hand positive thinking, a self-empowered attitude and optimistic beliefs have shown to stimulate and enhance the health and healing. So how do we use the mind-body connection to get out of our stress patterns and create more harmony and well-beign - emotionally and physically. Dr. Friedemann Schaub and his guest Johannes Fisslinger, founder of www.lifestyleprescriptions.tv discuss practical and effective solutions to stay healthy and reverse chronic illnesses.

  • Are you lost in love?

    07/06/2017 Duration: 56min

    We all want to love and to be loved. But after a series of failed relationships for many love becomes synonymous for pain and grief. So when you are looking back at your history with love, do you notice some self-limiting patterns? For example: Do you feel needy when you are in a relationship? Do make the person you are with the center of your Universe and tend to neglect your friends and other important aspects of your life? Do you feel constantly scared and worried that your partner may leave and hurt you? And after each break-up, do you feel your life is over? If you have been repeating one or several of these patterns, you may have wondered whether you are just destined to live without love. The truth is, that most people who struggle with love are dealing with common subconscious blocks, which distort their perception on love and intimacy. Listen to Dr. Schaub s Empowerment Radio and find out, how you can heal your troubles with love by identifying and resolving these blocks.

  • The Tablets of Light: The Teachings of Thoth on Unity Consciousness with Danielle Rama Hoffman

    17/05/2017 Duration: 57min

    Introducing The Tablets of Light: The Teachings of Thoth on Unity Consciousness by Danielle Rama Hoffman. Each tablet transmission in this book includes embedded light codes of high vibrational energy and consciousness, which activate hidden keys to conscious evolution within your soul. Offering the opportunity to leave behind and evolve outdated ways of being, such as acting from fear, being restrained by self-consciousness, and hiding your brilliance, the teachings of the Tablets of Light enable you to awaken oracular vision, re-establish quantum consciousness, become vibrationally autonomous, and activate your Divine Light Body.

  • What Anxiety and Your Dog have in common

    03/05/2017 Duration: 56min

    Anxiety may have made you feel overwhelmed, powerless and somewhat flawed. And even if you happen to wake up without anxiety, you are already worried about, when it will raise its ugly head again. The problem is, that the more you fear your own anxiety the worse it becomes. One of the first and most important steps to overcome and outgrow anxiety is to change our perception of it. Anxiety is created by the subconscious mind. This powerful part of your mind has two primary missions to keep you safe and to make you happy. If you embrace anxiety as a message or an expression of that part of your mind, that has only your best interest at heart, chances are that you will much more easily learn to understand, appreciate and be in charge of this emotion. This is where the dog analogy can come in handy. So what exactly does anxiety and your Fido have in common? To find out listen to Dr. Schaub's next Empowerment Radio Show.

  • Messages from the Spirit World: A conversation with channeler Paul Selig

    19/04/2017 Duration: 53min

    Most of us are searching for the path to happiness. Whether we are seeking wealth, relationships, orspiritual enlightenment, our shared endeavor to achieve fulfillment is what defines us. But, how do weknow if we are focusing our efforts in the right places?As celebrated channeler Paul Selig reveals in THE BOOK OF MASTERY: The Mastery Trilogy: Book I , we often allow our concept of happiness to eclipse the true desires of our inner self. In this first installment of the widely anticipated Mastery Trilogy, Selig benevolent guides through clairaudient dictation. Listen to Dr. Schaub's interview with Paul Selig and learn more about the surprisingly practical, otherworldly insights these unseen intellects provide to help us achieve fulfillment and peace by setting healthy boundaries and making life-altering decisions.

  • Why Women are More Likely to Suffer from Anxiety

    05/04/2017 Duration: 57min

    Anxiety is the epidemic of our century. More than 40 million Americans are diagnosed with anxiety disorder and according to statistics women are twice as likely to be affected as men. But what are the reasons for this gender difference? Are women just biologically more prone to worry? Are we as a society raising girls to be more emotional than boys? Or are men just less in touch with their feelings or too embarrassed to admit they are struggling? Listen to Dr. Schaub s Empowerment Radio and find out why more and more women are dealing with anxiety and what you can do to overcome this emotional challenge.

  • Midlife Mojo- How to Get through the Midlife Crisis and Emerge as Your True Self with Frankie Picasso

    15/03/2017 Duration: 57min

    For many, Midlife is a time of great questioning. It is a time when many seek their purpose and look for a more esoteric existence, searching for their spirituality, their soul and more meaning to their life. It is also a time when many feel TRAPPED within the confines of responsibilities, family and fears. Listen to Dr. Schaub s interview with author and coach Frankie Picasso and learn how we can overcome these obstacles and emerge as our true self.

  • Embrace aging with greater ease and confidence!

    02/03/2017 Duration: 57min

    We all know that there are 2 inevitable facts in life: everyday we are getting older and at the end we die. Yet in a youth obsessed culture, more people than ever before are struggling with the fear of aging. Of course there are worries of becoming weaker, getting sick and ending up dependent on others. However, the most common fear in regards to aging is to no longer appear attractive, youthful and relevant. Aging is a part of life we cannot escape, so what can we do to no longer be afraid of it? Listen to Dr. Friedemann s Empowerment Radio and learn tips and tools on how to embrace aging with greater ease and confidence.

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