Zoe Nightingale

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 83:22:57
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You're Welcome is a satirical improv comedy show whose goal is to find and share peoples stories, from all over the world. Each episode is unique and can range from 5 minutes to an hour, and will feature a brand new topic usually with someone Zoe has just met. This podcast is not for the faint of heart, buckle up. ABOUT YOU'RE WELCOMELike most brilliant ideas, this show was started over a molotov concoction of alcohol and various illicit substances. Zoe had given up on her life long dream, of being the female Howard Stern years ago but finally set out armed with a folding table, a couple lawn chairs, and a foam board sign that read "Free Sex Advice." One by one strangers stopped what they were doing and sat down to talk to them about their lives. We'd like to take this moment to thank you for coming to our site and leave you with the eternal words of Oscar Wilde:"I was under the impression that inordinate joviality can atone for an entire lack of class" ABOUT ZOEWhen Zoe's Pre K teacher told her parents that she had best negative leadership qualities she had ever seen in 20 years of teaching," her family knew they were in trouble. After professionally taking up space all over the world for years, traveling extensively throughout South America and Europe, Zoe went to school in Charleston South Carolina, where she stuck bumper stickers like "Bush Lies" "Keep You Laws Off My Body" "It's a Choice Not a Child," on the back of her car and was then shocked when 8 tired super charged red necks hopped up on Mountain Dew would try to kill her. Since she was the sole representative for Yankees and Jews, she probably set both causes back a century. In college she lived with three wonderful European men who introduced her to the electronic music scene. The love of this music caused her to have brief yet passionate love affairs with Paris and Berlin, finally deciding to settle down and marry New York City. For the last 29 years hurricane Zoe has swept through countless countries leaving a cornucopia of chaos and laughter in her wake.


  • The Dark Truth About Fake News

    06/06/2020 Duration: 35min

    As a podcaster, in moments like this, you want more than ever to be able to take your microphones to the streets and be able to amplify as many voices as you possibly can and try to help further causes like Black Lives Matter. However, I am deep in Colorado on road trip with my entire family with almost no access to the internet or phone service so for now, I am proceeding with another podcast that was scheduled for this week and will have to wait to join in the protests when I return to NYC this Monday. I promise you, I will do everything in my power to see the systemic racism that has plagued our country since it's inception stopped. I will do it with storytelling, fundraising, protesting, and getting representatives elected who can actually change the laws that have for centuries purposefully tried to suppress, oppress and incarcerate  the African American community.  But for now, I bring you the story of Dakota Gruener, the founder and CEO of ID2020.  A person that I am honored to call a friend and a woma

  • Susanne Bartsch vs. Corona - Taking the Party from The Club to the Couch

    28/05/2020 Duration: 37min

    Hello hello hello!  I am beyond delighted to bring you my next episode with the Queen of NYC, Susanne Bartsch. I shouldn't need to fill you in on who she is, but to sum her up in one word, it's ICON. If her name is unfamiliar to you, just do a quick google search, and you'll get a faint idea of the kind of lioness you're about to listen to. For more info you can also check out the Netflix documentary about her called ON TOP, that will make you feel like the least fashionable person in the entire world.  This podcast has one purpose only, to promote her next level online parties, which she has put on every Thursday since Typhoon Corona washed up upon our shores and eviscerated our ability congregate together.  Corona has effected all of us differently, but there is one community that has been effected dramatically, the arts. NYC is home to some of the best and brightest underground stars on the planet, and they rely on parties to make their living. They work their asses off, literally, and most of them don't h

  • The Matryoshka - Human Edition

    21/05/2020 Duration: 36min

    Introducing - Justin Jedlica - the human Ken Doll.  A plastic surgery aficionado who to date had over 800 procedures on his entire body. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, you name it, Justin has invented a way to modify it. Justin has been featured on countless interviews and TV programs, all which bottle him up into this packaged person, and routinely hyper fixates on his bod mod and rarely deigns to go beyond surface level to explore the bubbling geyser of identity, gender, abuse and sexuality struggles he has faced throughout his life. The more I learn about the pressures facing the LGBTQ+ community, the more I am blown away by the strength it requires to stand up to the prison like standards most cultures put around sexuality and stand proud and tall and say listen, this is who the fuck I am, deal with it.  He is fascinating, and an incredible storyteller, and I am so thankful to him that he allowed me to meet the tiniest doll inside of him.   Follow him @justinjedlica his website: www.justinjedica.com Fol

  • The Boy Who Cried Botox

    14/05/2020 Duration: 17min

    Todo,  I am definitely not in New York anymore.  I AM IN LA...and LA is a WILD. I've been here for two months now, and I still feel like Mork, but without a Mindy. It's this bizzaro combination of lush nature contrasted with super ugly highways and strip malls, poverty, new money, old money, itty bitty dogs, over caffeinated mountain bikers, hot yoga moms who don't vaccinate their babies but believe in the healing power of crystals, dumb as actual rocks super babes, brilliant artists, lovely hippies, sick street art, incredible tacos, looming mountain ranges, waterfalls, homelessness and dashed dreams - OH and by the way, EVERY SINGLE DAY IS THE SAME WEATHER. I can't explain how weird that is to me. Same temp, same sun, same same same all day every day. All of this I could handle, but my next two podcasts, cemented for me that I am in fact in a 4th dimension.  Now, I originally was just going to interview Justin Jedlica, who was baptized, "The Human Ken Doll," by none other than Babs Walters herself. Why may

  • Debbie Does Downtown Abby - Love in the time of Corona Ep. 2

    08/05/2020 Duration: 28min

    Greeting and salutations you gorgeous homebodies.  Can you believe it's May! What the actual fuck. When has time ever been so elastic yet so rigid? I got lost in the woods for a couple weeks with zero internet access and way to many lizards to look at and once again dropped the ball on my storytelling duties but like the great backstreet boys before me I am BACK! So next up we have the fearless leader of the Skirt Club - Genevieve LeJeune. This is not Ms LeJune's first time gracing my podcast, and I'm delighted to be able to catch up with her and share with you what one does when their companies bread and butter comes from  bi curious female only sex parties.  Yes, skirt club is a genius society where women who have always wanted to dip their toes into the warm folds of multiple labias can go to put on 400 dollar lace under pants, sip pink champagne, nibble raspberries and then get laid down gently on 4000 thread count satin sheets and get face fucked by women of all shapes and sizes!  Doesn't that just sound

  • Love in the Time of Corona with Vikram Gandhi

    16/04/2020 Duration: 45min

    HELLO WORLD!  It is I, Zoe Nightingale and I am BACK.  I know I know, it's been a minute, and for that I am deeply sorry. I got swallowed into a work worm hole without and exit but thankfully Corona in her all knowing glory, eviscerated my business and left her to die a slow prolonged death on the side of the highway! The silver-lining of that of course, is that it gave me the time to get back into my first love, podcasting.  Granted, it took me a while to grieve the loss of my previous life and settle into my new one. Turns out it's not easy to podcast when all you want to do is crawl into a ball and evaporate, but after a lot of green juice, ocean air and hardcore journaling, I AM BACK!  I am am here to provide you with the same kind of hard hitting investigative journalism that I have always have...but with a twist! Almost all of my new podcasts will be done over the phone... but never fear, we will be virtually tackling all your favorite topics such as: SEX DRUGS GLITTER DRAG QUEENS FAILURE SUCCESS DEPRES


    26/08/2019 Duration: 02h53min

    So in between dealing with the ABSOLUTE SHIT SHOW THAT IS ORGANZING A FUCKING CAMP FOR MY FUCKING ASSHOLE VIRGIN DICK HEAD FRIENDS - I put all my episodes I've ever done in 8 years of burning man together for you to download and listen to on the murderous drive in - it's not going to be flawless, I thew this thing together with medium service while running around trying deal with MURPHEYS LAW which is SO FUCKING HARDCORE HERE I CANNOT EVEN BEGIN.  I LOVE YOU BURNING MAN. I LOVE YOU MOM. I LOVE YOU LARRY. FUCK YOUR BURN.    zoenightingale.com/burningman tinyurl.com/Burning-Man-Guide Music by: Noah Lampert - "The Way" and "Pure Land- Rhapsody" www.syncpodcast.com/ Edited by: Emily Armstrong ebrodtman.wixsite.com/emilylaurenedits

  • THIRTY FUCKING FIVE - What a difference two years makes

    31/07/2019 Duration: 13min

    This is the happiest day of my life.  Hands down. ZeroSpace, my Alien Adult Playground opens tonight.  I am turning 35, today, which in my mind was always a scary age because it was the age of Miranda when Sex and the City started and she seemed like a female crypt keeper to me with her lawyer job and awkward accessories and pleated pants and real old lady ovary problems.  But, it turns out, thirty fucking five is amazing.  Because it took me this long to actually come into my body completely. To let go of the literal weight my choices had piled on top of my broken shoulder bones.  No matter what else happens in my life, today, I got to hold my mothers hand and show her that I'm going to be ok. That all the lessons she's been teaching me in her way have finally come home to roost. Today, I finally have earned my name.  Today I finally feel like I deserve her love.  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.  Music: Sia, Elastic Heart Remix by Noah Lampert           Cruel Intentions remix - Simian Mobile Disco   Rate an

  • I Only Smoke Organic Colorado River Toad - You're Welcome Vs. Very Ape: Round 1

    20/07/2019 Duration: 55min

    So, I never do this. I don't usually go on other peoples podcasts, but when my new podcast advisor tells me to do something I do it. So he connected me to Sean and Cass from the Very Ape Podcast, two psychonauts who are also on the Mind Pod network I am in, I scheduled a meeting with them the very next day.  Full warning, this podcast, was a huge departure for me in many ways, mostly, because I have never done a joint interview in this way, but predominantly because I talked about many, many personal things that I usually keep in a tiny pandoras box inside my tummy. The next morning I experienced a "vulnerability hangover" so intense that I just wanted to crawl into a ball and expire.  So...I have nothing but intense love for these two. Sean and Cass are documentary film makers (all of their films are available for free HERE where they tackle such topics as Oxycotin, addiction, fandom, Americana, Jugaloo's  thrupples (a working relationship involving three loving equally loving partners) Trump, cam girls, all

  • Work Real Hard to Get Lucky

    11/07/2019 Duration: 20min

    People who live amongst NYC streets are my favorite people to interview. No filter, nothing to hide, full of stories of survival, and often incredibly funny and charming. I have been trying, for years, to find a way to use my podcast for actual good and have been searching for a platform to take the work I want to do with the homeless community, and I had found one, in the Bowery Mission. I had created a show, that I was going to personally fund, that was going to try to find five NYC homeless and get them the counseling and training they need to qualify for NYC free housing. Could I actually use the tools that are available in one of the richest cities in the world to affect someones life in a real way forever.  But alas, my past caught up with me and despite telling them from the very beginning that I was a person with a colorful internet search history who had a penchant for felons, drug addicts, sex workers and niche communities...they decided after many moons of work together that who I was overshadowed

  • The Luckiest Unlucky Man in the World: DEMF ep. 5

    06/07/2019 Duration: 25min

     The game of Life. If only it came with instructions that made any sense. Sometimes you meet people so good at navigating the twists and turns their little plastic car must make that it leaves you speechless. This man was one of them. A literal walking miracle. He survived something that would have killed almost anyone else, and he did it with style. This was my last interview from Detroit, and is happened literally on the way to the airport with an anonymous man that made my heart swell to twice it's size and all my problems seem like a grain of sand being washed up against the shore. Wishing you all the luck in the world -  To me, you are a superhero. To me you are the best dad in the universe. So this ends our brief time in Detroit, next up were going back into the lions den of Ketamine and depression with Dr. Will Siu. Get excited! You can now get K at a compound pharmacy NEAR YOU! New episode Every Friday, be here AND be queer.  Edited by Emily Stretch Armstrong whose patience and support keeps me sane i

  • Detroits Undercover Federal Agent Dance Queen: DEMF Ep. 4

    28/06/2019 Duration: 13min

    Introducing Sierra!  I was at Motor City Wine Bar, dancing with an umbrella that had a giant middle finger on it, basically alone to the literal sickest tunes. However, there was one other person on the floor, a women whose skin was the color of milk dropped into espresso. In a slick silk flight suit, dancing harder than me. We circled each other on the dance floor like lions circling their prey. It wasn't long before I introduced myself and informed her that I was going to have to escort her outside and talk to her about her life, and talk we did. Almost any time I did this in Detroit, I was blown away but the infinite icebergs that lived inside my dance companion.  I love you Detroit. Don't forget to Follow me!  @drznightingale instagram @genuinelyfalse twitter www.zoenightingale.com website  I HAVE A NEW SURVEY TAKES TWO MINUTES https://zoenightingale.com/survey Music: Music Sounds Better With You - Stardust  Edited by the AMAZING Emily B. Armstrong www.emilybrodtman.com  

  • I Love Eating Pussy - No Homo: DEMF Ep. 3

    21/06/2019 Duration: 10min

    I can't even begin to explain the whirlwind of dancing I was in when I met Simone. I casually was trying to explain and show to a bunch of women why I've always had a hard time twerking. These women thought this was hilarious. I just can't do it. One of these women was covered in star tattoo's, and had this huge gorgeous smile and a boatload of banter and I thought, yep this is a woman who probably needs to step into a dark ally way with me sit on a pile of hazardous construction materials and chat with me about her life. And chat we did! I learned a lot from Simone, and what's interesting is she helped me understand some things about how you can live with dual sets of beliefs running concurrently inside your mind without them crashing up into one another. It's something I've been thinking about a lot as the upcoming elections loom closer and I try to figure out how is it that so many people can be so warm and loving and kind and still harbor these icebergs beneath the surface that need to be thawed out. So h

  • Javonntte - Aretha Franklins BBoy: DEMF Ep. 2

    14/06/2019 Duration: 12min

    Introducing JT and Javonntte - two men I met inside of Motor City Wine Bar during DEMF music festival. Both little rays of happiness and sunshine, both there to celebrate the music that is the fabric that holds Detroit together.  I can't say enough about how much fun Detroit it. For a girl who knows her dance parties, this one is just the ultimate. There's no bullshit, it's accessible and affordable, it's full of people there to dance not to be seen. All ages, all colors, all religions, everyone there just to lose themselves in the moment of release.  Thank you Detroit, thank you JT, thank you Javonnette for welcoming me with open arms and sharing your infinite love with me.  I have a new survey on my website www.zoenightingale.com please take it and help me connect with you better! Find Javonntte! Instagram @javonntte  Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2qBuzbYgrjGhnf79c60kxi   Follow me:  Instagram: @drznightingale Twitter: @genuinelyfalse email: genuinelyfalse@gmail.com 

  • Motor City Blues: DEMF Ep. 1

    06/06/2019 Duration: 14min

    Detroit, the Motor City. Once one of the most prosperous destinations for the American Dream, now a city in full recovery from devastating economic hardship. Established as a fur trading outpost by the French in the 1700’s, Detroit became a thriving metropolis where immigrants from all over the world could come to pursue a life free of persecution. The birthplace of Motown, and Techno and the manufacturing epicenter for Ford, GM and Chrysler, this was always a city that was full of life, prosperity and innovation.  But this is a place that has faced bankruptcy, drug infestation, violence and crime so overpowering that a large portion of it’s inhabitants abandoned their homes in search of calmer waters leaving a city with a stale economy, depressed housing prices and little chances of upward mobility through employment. But that’s changing, and little by little, Detroit is rising up from the Ashes it was reduced too. Almost everyone I met were some of the most open, hard working, musical, fascinating hustlers

  • The Moon Represents My Heart

    17/05/2019 Duration: 20min

    Ladies and gentleman, introducing BIG VOICE MAN. I love him. I love him so much. The first time I saw him sing he crushed my heart into a little pieces. He lights up the room when he smiles and has a kind of natural charisma and charm that you just can’t learn. He loves Aerosmith, he loves love songs, he loves the cranberries, he does a mean cover of Radio heads creep, and apparently can make the best chicken wings in Hong Kong. No matter what challenges he has faced throughout his life he has found a way to smile right through it.  There is nothing that impresses me more than people who have so much human spirit, that it literally is like a flashlight, shedding light in the darkest caves where it goes.      

  • A Dreamless State

    09/05/2019 Duration: 25min

    China is insane. Hong Kong is literally like being inside of Tron. I have never in my life seen so much wealth, or been so unhappy with the cost of literally everything. It’s an amazing city, but its very difficult to live there. Some of the highest rents on the planet for the tiniest apartments, 29 dollars for a salad, you need to be a member of the Saudi Royal Family to buy gas, laundry detergent costs about one once of gold. However, it is a little fantastic shining metropolis inside of the big belly of the beast that is the People’s Republic of China.  Millions and of people are everywhere. Everyone is in designer clothes, everyone has pockets full of cash and suitcases they are stuffing to the literal brim with medicine, diapers, baby formula, potions, lotions and gems. It's nuts. The whole place is a giant shopping mall. It's very odd, and made me very uncomfortable.  Now, real China makes me nervous. For someone who has a large and increasingly loud mouth, this is a nightmare place to be. There are cam

  • Dr. Will Siu - The Ketamine Pyschiatrist

    26/04/2019 Duration: 19min

    LIVE SHOW IS APRIL 28th! On it you will find Dr. Will Siu, who I've been spending some time with learning the ins and outs of the breakthroughs that are happening in the world of mental health. You will be able to hear him, in all his glory live on my Instagram TV channel, and I will be uploading the Live Show here on Monday. Get ready, he's amazing. Were talking big Pharma, depression, how ketamine works and how it's helping cure addiction. SO! Come find me in union Square in the Abracadabra Bus, a giant big blue burning man bus with a huge platform on top where I will be amplifying our conversation for the world to hear, hope they live it! So this was actually a 2 hour interview, that's Ive cut down to it's bare bones to give you a taste of what kind of hard hitting investigative journalism I will be doing with him Live. Enjoy! Music: Benoit and Sergio - Walk and Talk Edited by Emily B. Armstrong follow me! Instagram: @drznightingale website: www.zoenightingale.com Review my podcast on ITUNES PLEASE Find WI

  • The Unsung Heroes of Hong Kong

    19/04/2019 Duration: 29min

    When I first got to Hong Kong, the first thing I noticed were thousands of non Chinese women, sitting on cardboard, laughing, drinking, eating, gossiping, having a grand old time. This, looked very very odd. In the middle of a bank metropolis, surrounded by the largest shiniest buildings imaginable, were literally 100,000 women camped out and no one was acting like it was odd. To me, it looked very very odd. First of all, it was all women, and while they seemed happy, it made me feel really confused. I desperately needed to understand what was happening here. So I started asking around and was told since it was a National holiday, all of the domestic helpers were out celebrating. There are 385,000 domestic workers currently in Hong Kong. They make up the literal back bone of society, and also are making up large amounts of the GDP in both Indonesia and the Philippines with the money they are sending back home. All good right? Well, alot of them are not being treated kindly, many of them are being abused, over

  • The Shaktivator - The Tantric Terminator

    27/03/2019 Duration: 36min

    I met the Shaktivator in Ubud Bali, which seems to be the Mecca for lost souls seeking spiritual guidance and radical change. I had been shown his website by one of my friends, and I instantly wanted to meet this complex creature. Now, I like pretty much all shapes, sizes, colors, genders, niches, the weirder the better. But I have had very very bad experiences with men who follow similar mantras about how to procure pussy, so in my quest through Bali to identify what practices were bullshit and which were actually helpful to the development of your soul, I set out to meet him. Often in life, we come to quick snap judgements, and I very wrongly walked into this interview thinking I was going to meet an entirely other person. Who I met, was Dennis AKA the Shaktivator. A man who has some very interesting ideas about how men can better connect to women and harness their own sexual energy for good. So, get ready, for the wisdom of the Shaktivator. Edited with endless care and thoughtfulness by Emily B Armstrong F

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