Ask Julie Ryan



Ask Psychic and Medical Intuitive Julie Ryan. Julie Ryan well known for her psychic abilities is not only a profound psychic, she is also an animal communicator and helps those who are ready to transition through the help of Angels. Join her on her live show every thursday by going to Http:// Ask her your question and be amazed! Psychic Julie Ryan


  • Episode 154 – Canker Sore Cure


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie is asked by a woman living in Miami to help her figure out what is causing her constant canker sores and how to heal them. Julie provides information and suggestions that provide a unique perspective. Then, a caller asks Julie for career advice while another caller asks Julie to scan her to learn why she has frequent cystitis. A woman from MN asks Julie to do a healing on her ocular melanoma that has metastasized throughout her body, and a TX caller asks Julie to do a healing on her dog named Pearl. A Canadian caller wants to communicate with a deceased love while another caller wants advice on whether or not to sell her home. Lastly, a woman asks for validation of a date that is important in a book she is writing. As usual, Julie provides lots of suggestions and insights based on the psychic information she accesses and receives. The show is fascinating and fun. Please join us and call in with your question next week. Thursdays at 8

  • Episode 153 – Dr. Northrup Unplugged


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie interviews Christiane Northrup, MD. Dr. Northrup is an OB/GYN physician and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. She is also a several time New York Times bestselling author. On this show, you’ll get to know Dr. Northrup the person including where and how she grew up and what led her to go into obstetrics and gynecology. Dr. Northrup will also talk about why she gave up her practice and what she hopes to accomplish with educating women about their bodies and spirits. The show is fascinating and fun. Please join us on May 16th for the next live show and call in with your question: Thursdays at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 5pm PT. (712) 770-4160 Access Code: 533677# And, please leave a review and subscribe so you can hear all the new episodes. For more information go to To listen to previous episodes, go to

  • Episode 152 – The Angel Lady


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie interviews Sheri Leigh Myers. Sheri is an actress, author, screenwriter and movie producer. She grew up in central Ohio and decided she wanted a career in the entertainment industry. Her theater training took place at The Drama Center in London. Sheri has worked on Presidential and congressional campaigns, and is the author of two books: “Cheated!” a graphic narrative about the 2004 presidential election, and “The Bride Revealed,” a photographic essay about getting married. Currently, Sheri and partner Dan Moore own Sheridan Film Company and are working on a movie called the Glitch and an exciting new venture on Alexa called My Angel Prayer. The show is fascinating and fun. Please join us on May 16th for the next live show and call in with your question: Thursdays at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 5pm PT. (712) 770-4160 Access Code: 533677# And, please leave a review and subscribe so you can hear all the new episodes. For more information go

  • Episode 151 – Distant Loved One


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie is asked by a woman living in Australia to scan a family member in the UK to learn if she and her husband need to go see them. Julie provides information and suggestions that provide a unique perspective. Then, a Canadian caller asks Julie to do a medical scan on her to find the cause of her rash and a woman from Atlanta asks Julie to scan her husband regarding his back pain. A caller wants Julie to chat with her deceased grandmother about career advice and another caller asks for clarification about a dream she had about a possible invention. Other callers ask for information about shoulder pain, weight gain and sore joints, while several callers ask to talk with deceased loved ones. As usual, Julie provides lots of suggestions and insights based on the psychic information she accesses and receives. The show is fascinating and fun. Please join us and call in with your question next week. Thursdays at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 5pm PT. (712) 7

  • Episode 150 – Angel Channel


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie teams up with Angel Therapy Practitioner, channeler, and medium Sarah Hall ( to answer questions from callers. While Julie provides practical information, Sarah adds an ethereal component to the guidance they give. A woman from VA asks why her horse is acting up while a couple of callers ask questions about their dogs. An Alaskan woman wonders why she is having twitches and a caller from TX asks for a medical scan. There are several relationship related questions and a couple regarding a deceased loved one. As usual, Julie (and Sarah) provide lots of suggestions and insights based on the psychic information they access and receive. The show is doubly fascinating and fun. Please join us and call in with your question next week. Thursdays at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 5pm PT. (712) 770-4160 Access Code: 533677# And, please leave a review and subscribe so you can hear all the new episodes. For more information go to askjulier

  • Episode149 – Pancreatic Cancer Concerns


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie gets to scan and do a healing on ayoung man with pancreatic cancer. She gives suggestions and encouraging words to a concerned wife. A caller from Canada asks Julie about her GYN area and a woman from CA asks Julie if her deceased father has any advice for her. Other callers ask Julie for career advice, how close to death a parent is, if surgery is needed to heal a sore neck and if a foot is broken. Lastly, a caller from SC asks Julie to check on her dog to see if he has a tumor or cyst and whether or not it is malignant. As usual, Julie provides lots of suggestions and insights based on the psychic information she accesses and receives. The show is fascinating and fun.Please join us and call in with your question next week. Thursdays at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 5pm PT. (712) 770-4160 Access Code: 533677#And, please leave a review and subscribe so you can hear all the new episodes.For more information go to* Please post the whol

  • Ask Julie Ryan- Episode148 –Sunshine State Blues


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie gets to scan a woman if Florida to help figure out why she is so depressed. The answer Julie provides may surprise you. In addition, a woman who is seven weeks pregnant asks Julie to scan her fetus. An Iowa caller asks Julie to communicate with a recently deceased friendto find out why she committed suicide. Another woman asks Julie to figure out why her new rescue kitty is so schizo, and a Chicago caller asks Julie to do a healing on her jaw. A Canadian caller asks about a friend with concussion symptoms and a woman from Boston asks Julie to help her learn the cause of her migraines. As usual, Julie provides lots of suggestions and insights based on the psychic information she accesses and receives. The show is fascinating and fun.Please join us and call in with your question next week. Thursdays at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 5pm PT. (712) 770-4160 Access Code: 533677#And, please leave a review and subscribe so you can hear all the new episodes.F

  • Episode 147 – Australian Mystery Child


    Episode 147 – Australian Mystery Child This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie gets to scan a little girl in Australia to see what is causing her Myasthenia Gravis symptoms. Her conclusion is simple and may surprise you. Then, a caller asks Julie to check her past lives to see if something relates to the claustrophobia she experiences in this life. Again, the answer Julie shares makes perfect sense. Other callers ask Julie to scan their dying loved ones and their pets. A man wants to know if he has any energetic cords connecting to others that need to be removed. And then there are callers wanting to know who the presence is they feel around them and why their parent was so abusive. The show is fascinating and fun! Please join us and call in with your question next week. Thursdays at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 5pm PT. (712) 770-4160 Access Code: 533677# And, please leave a review and subscribe so you can hear all the new episodes. For more information go to

  • Episode 146 – Souls Squared


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie gets to chat with an extraordinary woman for the entire hour. Angie Erway is an Intuitive Soul Coach who retired herself from her cushy, safe, executive banker job to pursue a life that brings her joy. She is passionate about helping women find their light again. Angie helps women heal from corporate conditioning by inviting them take a seat as the CEO of their own empire. She believes through healing the matriarch of a family, a better functioning family can thrive. Angie thinks every person is just one decision away from their best life. For more information about Angie and her new podcast Souls Squared, please visit her Facebook page at: Please join us and call in with your question next week. Thursdays at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 5pm PT. (712) 770-4160 Access Code: 533677# And, please leave a review and subscribe so you can hear all the new episodes. For more information go to askj

  • Episode 145 – Career In Art


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie gets to chat with a lot of callers about a multitude of topics. A caller from San Diego asks Julie to communicate with her recently deceased father and ask him to send a sign he is around her and her family. He does and it involves orange blossoms. Another caller gives an update about a medical scan Julie did for her last week. Her doctor corroborated what Julie identified. A Florida woman asks Julie to help her figure out why her feet are so swollen and a caller inquires about cochlear implants and sciatica pain. Julie receives guidance on both issues. Lastly, Julie does a healing on a torn tendon and communicates with the great grandmother of a caller. As usual, Julie provides lots of suggestions and insights based on the psychic information she accesses and receives. The show is fascinating and fun. Please join us and call in with your question next week. Thursdays at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 5pm PT. (712)

  • Episode 144 – Carpooling With Ghosts


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie gets to chat with a lot of callers about a multitude of topics. A woman from KY asks Julie about spirits she felt in her car. She said she was able to catch them on video. Julie does a replay of the event and provides answers that educate and calm. Another caller asks Julie to scan her daughter who is plagued with chronic kidney problems and a woman from CA wants Julie to take a look at an usual blemish on her face. Julie scans both and makes helpful suggestions. Patti from Queens asks Julie to check out her injured toe to see if it is broken, and Susie from San Francisco wants to know why her cat Coco is acting so strangely. The answer Julie provides is not what the caller expects. Lastly, a dad from GA wants to know what kind of toxins his daughter is being exposed to and a woman from Idaho asks for relationship advice. As usual, Julie provides lots of suggestions and insights based on the psychic information she accesses and receives

  • Episode 143 – Resuming Joyful Activities


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie gets to chat with a lot of callers about a multitude of topics. A man from Florida asks Julie to investigate his myriad of minor, pesky, health issues. He claims they are interfering with his social life. Julie scans him and does several interesting energetic healings on him to help him feel better. Then, a caller asks Julie to scan her husband who has lost sight in his right eye. Julie again does an energetic healing on him to help restore his vision. A San Francisco woman asks Julie if it is in her best interest to attend a family counseling program and if so, with which facilitator. Julie gets guidance for her. Another caller asks Julie to scan her throat and the sinuses of her husband. Julie reports her findings and does healings on both. As usual, Julie provides lots of suggestions and insights based on the psychic information she accesses and receives. The show is fascinating and fun. Please join us and call in with your que

  • Episode 142 – Follow The Yellow Brick Road


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie gets to chat with a lot of callers about a multitude of topics. A woman from Australia asks Julie to help her figure out how to find her purpose in life and true love as well. Julie gives her practical suggestions on both that will be useful to all who hear it. A woman from Portugal asks Julie to scan her elderly grandmother to see if she is dying. Julie identifies which of the Twelve Phases of Transition the woman is in and explains what that means. In addition, a caller from Alaska asks Julie to scan her to see if kidney stones are causing her excruciating pain and another caller wants Julie to scan her home for mold. A recent widowed caller with a young son has questions for her deceased husband. Julie acts as a go between and gets her the answers she is longing to hear. Among other questions, a couple of callers ask for romantic relationship advice and there are several pet related questions. As usual, Julie provides lots of suggest

  • Episode 141 – Heart Expansion


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie gets to chat with a lot of callers about a multitude of topics. A woman from Wisconsin asks Julie to check on her husband who is having heart health issues. Julie does and explains the energetic healing she sees performed on the man. Then, a woman from Portugal calls in for help finding her missing cat Poppy. Julie shares information about the cat that makes her owner happy. There are a couple of callers asking for career advice and a woman asking Julie for the name of her principal spirit guide. A man from Florida asks Julie to scan a growth on his head and a woman wants guidance about taking a medication. Other questions involve the cause of a restless pet and whether or not a caller has heart or lung issues. The answers Julie conveys are simple and understandable. As usual, Julie provides lots of suggestions and insights based on the psychic information she accesses and receives. The show is fascinating and fun. Please join us and

  • Episode 140 - Missing Min Pin


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie gets to chat with a lot of callers about a multitude of topics. A woman from Missouri asks Julie to figure out what happened to a dog her parents had for years. It seems the pup disappeared one day never to be found. Julie solves the mystery. Other callers have questions ranging from wanting advice about a murder trial for a deceased daughter, to the cause of back pain, weight gain and urological issues. In addition, questions about the best time to take a vacation and whether or not a past life is currently influencing the career path of a young musician are asked. As usual, Julie provides lots of suggestions and insights based on the psychic information she accesses and receives. The show is fascinating and fun. Please join us and call in with your question next week. Thursdays at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 5pm PT. (712) 770-4160 Access Code: 533677# And, please leave a review and subscribe so you can hear all the new episodes. For

  • Episode 139 – Past Life Influence


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie gets to chat with a lot of callers about a multitude of topics. A woman from Vancouver Island, Canada asks Julie for help in determining the cause of her frosty relationship with her mother. Julie taps into her past lives and finds a correlation corroborated by historic data. Then, a caller from Acapulco, Mexico asks Julie to scan her sore knee and do what she can to help relieve pain. A man asks Julie to help figure out the cause of his chronic neck pain and a woman wants advice about her adult son who is suffering from depression. Other callers ask for relationship, career, and relocation guidance. Julie answers everyone with succinct information designed to help in their decision making process. As usual, Julie provides lots of suggestions and insights based on the psychic information she accesses and receives. The show is fascinating and fun. Please join us and call in with your question next week. Thursdays at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 5

  • Episode 138 – Quieting Mind Chatter


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie gets to chat with a lot of callers about a multitude of topics. A woman from the Bronx asks Julie if she is mentally ill or just stressed because her mind never seems to shut off the constant chatter going on in her head. Julie answers with easy remedies that will help her calm her mind. A caller asks Julie to scan her to find out why she does not seem to be able to lose weight. Julie pinpoints the cause and makes suggestions that can help. Another caller wants to know what Phase of Transition her dying father is in and a woman from FL asks Julie to scan her traveling husband to learn why he feels so poorly. Other callers ask questions about selling a family business, selling a home, visiting elderly relatives abroad, and whether a job offer is forthcoming. Lastly, a caller asks Julie to scan a house to see if it is haunted. Her answers correlate with what is known about the history of the home. As usual, Julie provides lots of suggesti

  • Episode 137 – Angelic Attendants


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie gets to chat with a lot of callers about a multitude of topics. A woman from South Africa asks Julie to answer a couple of questions from her young son about why our spirits need confirmation they are going to Heaven when they die. His questions are very insightful and Julie answers them in a way he and others can understand. A caller from Ohio wants to know why she keeps thinking and dreaming of a former love who is now deceased and another caller from Ontario, Canada has questions for Julie about her abusive mother and the role she is playing in her life. A man joins the show and wants to know why three hawks are often on the driving range of the club where he is the golf pro. Julie tells him hawks are spiritual messengers and then proceeds to deliver their message. It is heartwarming. A caller from NYC asks Julie to scan her dying family member to see what phase of transition she is in and a gal from CA asks Julie to do a healing on

  • Episode 136– Weight Gain and Chaos


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie gets to chat with a lot of callers about a multitude of topics. A woman from Sedona, AZ asks Julie to scan her for back pain. Julie identifies the cause and does an energetic healing to repair the problem. Another caller is not feeling well and Julie figures out what is causing her joint pain and water retention. A caller from NY asks about how long the United States partial government shutdown will last and a woman from KY asks Julie to help her communicate with her recently deceased cat. Other callers ask questions about how to best treat a son with depression and how to stop chronic pain in their bodies. As usual, Julie provides lots of suggestions and insights based on the psychic information she accesses and receives. The show is fascinating and fun. Please join us and call in with your question next week. Thursdays at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 5pm PT. (712) 770-4160 Access Code: 533677# And, please leave a review and subscribe so you c

  • Episode 135 – Is The World Flat


    This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie gets to chat with a lot of callers about a multitude of topics. A man from Washington asks Julie her opinion about the concept of the world being flat. Her answers come from consulting spirit guides, the universe and others. Then, a couple of callers ask Julie to scan their pets who are having health problems and a California caller asks Julie to communicate with a deceased friend who died suddenly. Julie finds out the cause of death and some suggestions on how her friends can honor her. A Florida caller asks Julie to communicate with her estranged husband on her behalf and a woman asks Julie to see what Phase of Transition her dying father has reached. As usual, Julie provides lots of suggestions and insights based on the psychic information she accesses and receives. The show is fascinating and fun. Please join us and call in with your question next week. Thursdays at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 5pm PT. (712) 770-4160 Access Code: 533677#

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