Human Resources For Small Business

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 250:59:01
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The Human Resources for Small Business podcast is the ultimate resource for HR professionals and small business owners. Join Xeniums Brandon Laws as he chats with guests from all sides of the industrydigging up tips, tools and insights you can apply to your own small business. Well dig into a different HR-focused topic each episoderanging from business strategy and leadership to HR policy, legal updates and more.


  • Addressing the Invisible with Jill Griffin

    12/07/2022 Duration: 29min

    In this episode of Transform Your Workplace, Brandon Laws discusses the pressing yet largely unaddressed issue of invisible disability. Guest Jill Griffin, career strategist and executive coach, defines the term and provides best practices for how to advocate for it when working toward comprehensive inclusivity in the workplace. Think that invisible disability isn’t an issue in your workplace? Listen in to learn how an estimated 20% of the US population is dealing with this struggle, in many cases without speaking up.   TAKEAWAYS It’s common for people to assume that if you look a certain way, you're able-bodied, and this assumption is a hindrance to creating a truly inclusive workplace environment.  Those with invisible disabilities may need additional accommodations to perform their duties effectively. By not disclosing an invisible disability, the employee doesn't create a capacity for the leadership to help them. When employees are working side by side with people with visible and non-apparent disabiliti

  • Resolving Workplace Conflict with Chris Sheesley & Clare Fowler

    05/07/2022 Duration: 32min

    Many businesses are returning to face-to-face operations. As the dust of the pandemic settles, the workplace conflict that we set aside while dealing with the unexpected is, in some cases, bigger than ever. So what is a leader to do? In this episode, you’ll hear from Chris Sheesley and Clare Fowler of In-Accord, a conflict management company based in Portland, Oregon. They discuss pitfalls and best practices for resolving conflict so that businesses can move forward united by purpose.   TAKEAWAYS Post-pandemic business leaders are meeting conflict issues head-on, which has resulted in a significant increase in morale. The pandemic taught us to humanize each other and prioritize relationships in the workplace. Diversity should reflect not only an appreciation for different demographic backgrounds and different cultures but also for neurodiversity and different approaches. Today, people are more empowered to share concerns and to raise issues, and that creates more confrontation that must be resolved.  If we c

  • Fostering Gender Equality in the Workplace with Christine Wzorek

    28/06/2022 Duration: 27min

    When it comes to gender equality, are businesses missing the mark? In this episode, Brandon Laws and guest Christine Wzorek take a hard look at the data and evidence surrounding gender equality in the workplace. According to Wzorek, businesses that recognize and maximize the distinct skill sets of female employees are setting themselves up for even greater success.    TAKEAWAYS Businesses must make a stronger effort to recognize the indispensable qualities that women bring to the table. To make measured progress in gender equality, men and women must come to the table and work together toward this common goal. Leaders must move beyond networking and acquiring talent from within their comfort zone. Businesses with executive boards that have greater female representation have shown better sustainability and longevity. Businesses must be intentional about creating better pathways and access to leadership positions for women.   A QUICK GLIMPSE INTO OUR PODCAST 

  • Should Employers Support Employees Who Have a Side Hustle?

    21/06/2022 Duration: 29min

    Join us for a special episode of the Transform Your Workplace podcast, where host Brandon Laws gets a chance to be on the other side of the mic for an interview about side hustles. Al Nodarse, Client Development Manager at Xenium HR, gets the lowdown on if and how employers should support employee side hustles. The two discuss laying down ground rules and the unexpected benefits that employers can see at their own companies when they let their employees explore the idea of a side hustle.   TAKEAWAYS Side hustles can reinvigorate and engage employees who have lost interest in their full-time roles. Employees who pursue a side hustle learn new skills that they might be able to bring to their role at the organization. A side hustle gives employees an opportunity to earn more money, leading to lower dissatisfaction with their full-time pay. When balancing a full-time position and a side hustle, leaders and employees should err on the side of caution by over-communicating and setting clear ground rules.   A QUIC

  • Creating Inclusive Workplaces with DDS Dobson-Smith

    14/06/2022 Duration: 33min

    A sense of belonging is critical to the productivity of any business, but how can leaders tackle the challenge of creating an authentic climate of diversity, equity, and inclusion? In this episode, listen in to a discussion between host Brandon Laws and guest DDS Dobson-Smith, executive coach and belonging advocate. The two talk about the underpinnings of an inclusive workplace and how to shift perspectives and facilitate change.   TAKEAWAYS In today’s workplace, the employee’s sense of belonging is critical to a productive team, and businesses are realizing more and more that they cannot ignore it. Without a sense of belonging, employees have to expend an enormous amount of energy curating an identity that helps them fit in. When employees don’t feel fully accepted at work, there is a monumental impact on their workplace performance. To have the experience of belonging, you have to have the behavior of inclusion. and to have the behavior inclusion, you have to have the fact of diversity. Psychological safet

  • Navigating Remote Work with Ali Greene

    07/06/2022 Duration: 28min

    In March of 2020, small and large businesses alike had only hours to pack up and begin navigating the new normal of remote or hybrid work. And a little over two years later, it’s clear that the pandemic has left an indelible mark on our teams and our processes. In this episode of Transform Your Workplace, Brandon Laws interviews Ali Greene, remote work expert, speaker, and advocate, about how to keep remote teams connected and productive no matter where their “office” is.     TAKEAWAYS When leading a remote or hybrid team, leaders must ensure that their employees have access to information so they can be more effective and efficient in their roles. By defining terms like “remote” or “hybrid,” leaders give their teams clear expectations of what it means to be part of an organization. Remote Works contains reflection questions and activities that managers and leaders can ask themselves to make sure that they’re using best practices for keeping teams connected. Business leaders must take advantage of communicat

  • Innovating Employee Appreciation with Aaron Rubens

    31/05/2022 Duration: 27min

    SHOW NOTES Struggling to find a genuine, streamlined method for sharing appreciation with your employees? Aaron Rubens, CEO/Co-Founder of Kudoboard and expert in employee recognition and appreciation, is here to talk about an innovative, authentic tool for making employees feel seen and valued. It’s called Kudoboard, and just under 3 million users have already bought in. Listen in today, and learn more about how Kudoboard could transform your employee appreciation measures.   TAKEAWAYS Kudoboard is an online group card for honoring employees and recognizing special milestones both inside and outside of the workplace. Users can create a Kudoboard, invite others to collaborate, and post short or detailed messages, GIFs, photos, or videos to commemorate a special occasion. The more formulaic an appreciation initiative is, the less authentic it feels to the employees. Employees need specific and consistent recognition from their workplace peers and leaders. When times are difficult, Kudoboard brings people toget

  • How to Tell if You're an A**hole Boss with Tamica Sears

    24/05/2022 Duration: 23min

    It’s time to get honest about what makes a horrible boss. According to executive coach Tamica Sears, a**hole bosses play a significant role in employee attrition and low productivity, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Most horrible bosses are redeemable, and it starts with recognizing the tell-tale signs and committing to change. Listen in to this episode featuring the author of the How to Tell if You're an A**hole Boss: A Humorous, Yet Honest Exposé on Misguided Management Behaviors.   TAKEAWAYS Those without leadership skills may start off at that bottom rung, but they “aren’t stuck there” — they are still capable of learning and growing in their leadership roles.  Bad bosses are inextricably linked with higher employee attrition and lower productivity. Good leaders must take real action on the data collected from employee engagement surveys. Succession planning is critical to effective future leadership and employee placement. This episode is sponsored by Get 10% off your order by going to ht

  • How a 150-Year-Old Business Keeps Thriving with Kyle Chown

    17/05/2022 Duration: 36min

    SHOW NOTES Chown Hardware was founded almost 150 years ago, and despite countless ups and downs, the company is still thriving. So, what’s the big secret? In this episode of the Transform Your Workplace podcast, Brandon Laws interviews President and CEO Kyle Chown of Chown Hardware. Chown gives listeners an insider’s glimpse into casting vision, conquering team or leadership complacency, and laying the groundwork for a stable, successful future.   TAKEAWAYS Work-life balance is a significant challenge for those leading family-owned and operated businesses. Chown Hardware, as with any successful business, has a responsibility to care for not only the employees themselves but also the families of those employees. During his transitional period into the role of President/CEO, Kyle Chown grappled with interpersonal conflicts about his identity as a leader. To lead effectively, leaders must be intentional about being their authentic selves. Involving team members in goal setting toward a common vision helps them

  • Starting with Equity with Réland Logan and Katy Byrtus

    10/05/2022 Duration: 32min

    In this episode, Brandon Laws sits down with Réland Logan and Katy Byrtus of Cinder, a staffing agency headquartered in Hillsboro, OR. The group discusses the growing emphasis on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) initiatives in today’s business world. Instead of just checking the EDI box, learn some best practices for creating an authentic and equitable culture at your business.   TAKEAWAYS By beginning with a goal of equality across all people, companies will inevitably become more diverse and more inclusive. Allowing employees to air out their grievances allows Cinder to get a deeper understanding of what it is that they need.  Leaders must create a common language and understanding because we all come to work with different lived experiences and perceptions. One common challenge in cultivating effective EDI initiatives can be leaders who aren’t willing to accept that there are issues that need to be resolved.   A QUICK GLIMPSE INTO OUR PODCAST 

  • A Look Inside a Successful Post-Pandemic Business with Emmy Thomas

    04/05/2022 Duration: 37min

    In this episode, Brandon Laws sits down with Emmy Thomas, VP of Brand and Marketing for Logical Position, a premier PPC management company and digital marketing agency. Emmy talks about her career with LP and how the company has tackled challenges brought on by the pandemic and an ever-increasing remote workforce. Listen in and learn how to engage employees, ramp up clear communication, and lead effectively, whether your team is in-office, hybrid, or remote.   TAKEAWAYS The pandemic caused companies to have to fill unexpected ‘holes’ left by the switch from in-office to remote work.  The remote work environment has leveled the playing field of the employee experience since all employees receive the same communication at once. The remote onboarding experience must be dynamic and engaging — not just talking to employees through a screen all day.  The LP leadership team has open ears for feedback from all levels of the company. Through frequent employee surveying, LP leadership can get a pulse on how employees

  • Striking the Communication Balance with Renée Marino

    26/04/2022 Duration: 32min

    Is your team struggling to communicate effectively in the remote or hybrid workplace? According to our recent guest, Renée Marino, we can’t lean too heavily on new school tools, or we’ll find ourselves facing constant workplace miscommunication and conflict. Instead, a balance between what’s new and that “old school” face-to-face interaction is critical if we want to make it in this post-pandemic workplace. Listen in as Renee shares insight from her new book, Becoming a Master Communicator, and find out how to step up your communication game at work.   TAKEAWAYS Too much dependence on impersonal tech tools is a recipe for conflict and miscommunication. To become master communicators, we need to balance old school and new school communication methods. Master communicators know when it’s appropriate to reach out through email versus hopping on a quick Zoom call.  We cannot forget that we are human beings, and human beings are meant to connect.  One of the most crucial components of being a master communicator

  • Spark Brilliance in Your Team with Jackie Insinger

    20/04/2022 Duration: 37min

    Our most recent guest, Jackie Insinger, believes in the power of the positive. In this episode of Transform Your Workplace, she and host Brandon Laws talk about the science behind Positive Psychology, especially when it comes to the workplace. Looking to transform your team? Listen in and get an inside glimpse into Jackie’s new book, Spark Brilliance, all about how leaders can effectively implement Positive Psychology at work.   TAKEAWAYS In business, we can’t stay in the neutral, but instead must push forward and maximize the potential in the positive. Positive Psychology is about “building what’s strong, not just fixing what's wrong.” The Platinum Rule is to treat others how they wish to be treated, a mindset that positive leaders must adopt.  Growth and innovation happen when leaders lay a foundation of safety that encourages people to take risks. Positive leaders have the power to “spark brilliance” in the people around them by deciding how they want to show up in the workplace.   A QUICK GLIMPSE INTO O

  • Promotions Are So Yesterday with Julie Winkle Giulioni

    12/04/2022 Duration: 27min

    SHOW NOTES It’s time to give your people what they need — a career with purpose and meaning that transcends their job titles. In this episode of the Transform Your Workplace podcast, Brandon Laws sits down with Julie Winkle Giulioni, career development expert and author of Promotions Are So Yesterday: Redefine Career Development. Help Employees Thrive. Listen in to learn about some common misconceptions when it comes to career growth and how to incorporate employee development into everything you do. TAKEAWAYS The dysfunction surrounding career development is due to a lack of an expansive definition for the concept itself. Employees who don't perceive growth opportunities are 7.9 times more eager to leave, even if they like their job. Employees need a career growth roadmap that takes them from experience to experience. Employers need to seize the opportunity to create a custom growth experience that will speak to the unique needs of each employee. Conversation and relationships are the keys to finding out wh

  • Building Connection at Work With Charmaine Hammond

    05/04/2022 Duration: 26min

    Craving connection at work? According to our most recent guest, Charmaine Hammond, personal connection is critical to mental health and the overall health of a business. Listen in to learn some best practices for increasing opportunities for meaningful connection among in-office, remote, and hybrid workers alike.   TAKEAWAYS Workplace conflict increases as employees navigate frequent change and uncertainty. With the rise of remote work, teams are missing impromptu or informal connection in the workplace. Informal connection is critical to workplace culture and team elements like building trust and maintaining relationships. When employees can see only names and black squares in a Zoom meeting, assumptions and miscommunications abound. Even though we’re connected virtually through different platforms and tools, many say that the quality of that connection is not as meaningful. Meeting norms, courtesies, or rules of engagement help employees know how to “show up” to business meetings. A QUICK GLIMPSE INTO OUR

  • Your Approach to Employee Wellness with Ravi Swaminathan

    29/03/2022 Duration: 28min

    When it comes to the well-being of employees, how much responsibility should an employer take on? According to guest Ravi Swaminathan, a growing number of companies are doing more than just giving lip service regarding employee wellness. In fact, they’re taking action by offering some unconventional benefits. One such benefit is TaskHuman, an app that gives users virtual one-on-one access to experts in virtually every category of wellbeing. Listen in to learn about this exciting new offering and how it may help you attract and retain top talent.    TAKEAWAYS Wellbeing is simply the state of who you are and how you feel. Your wellbeing can change depending on what you’re going through physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Companies engender employee loyalty by choosing more areas of your personal life to support.  Supporting employees with new and unconventional benefits helps companies attract and retain the best talent. TaskHuman allows employees to access live, unlimited one-on-one coaching f

  • "It's Time to Pass the HR Hat" with Matt Tanner

    22/03/2022 Duration: 27min

    Having trouble scaling your business when it comes to HR? According to our most recent guest, you’re not alone. In this week’s episode, host Brandon Laws sits down with HR aficionado Matt Tanner. The two discuss common HR blunders that business leaders make when trying to keep up with company growing pains. Ultimately, Matt explains that whether you outsource or hire, passing the “HR Hat” to an expert is vital to the growth of your business. TAKEAWAYS In smaller organizations, it’s not uncommon for someone to wear the “HR Hat” who isn’t trained or lacks the experience to do the job effectively. Many small businesses are terrified that they are “missing something” when running HR, putting them at risk for being sued. Employees are often wearing many hats, but oftentimes, the HR Hat is one of the last that small teams pass off. Once a business has an official employee, an HR expert is necessary. When untrained or inexperienced employees are wearing the HR Hat, they tend to lean toward staying out of trouble in

  • Don't Feed the Elephants with Sarah Noll Wilson

    15/03/2022 Duration: 42min

    Avoiding the “uncomfortable” has become so common that we have a famous term for it: it’s “the elephant in the room.” But according to guest Sarah Noll Wilson, author of Don't Feed the Elephants, it’s possible to free yourself and your team from that overwhelming awkwardness. In today’s episode of Transform Your Workplace, our guest provides tips on how to address your elephants and create a transparent culture in your workplace.  TAKEAWAYS “The elephant in the room” creeps into the workplace when we avoid talking about or acknowledging something uncomfortable. Avoiding honest discussion is a harmful barrier to business success. A leader’s response in moments of disagreement or feedback sets the tone for how safe others will feel speaking up. Freeing the elephant from the room is a process that happens one conversation at a time, not all at once. A QUICK GLIMPSE INTO OUR PODCAST

  • Creating Your Business Playbook with Chris Ronzio

    08/03/2022 Duration: 29min

    If you’re a business owner, you know that scalability is crucial to a company’s success. Listen in as Brandon Laws interviews Chris Ronzio, author of The Business Playbook, and learn what you can do to ensure that your company grows in healthy ways. Gain a fresh perspective on how to document and delegate when it comes to your company’s profile, people, policies, and processes.  TAKEAWAYS Owners shouldn’t be stepping in to do every job in the business; instead, they should create and implement solid systems. Leaders and employees must be aligned because consistency equals growth. A complete business playbook is made up of the company’s profile, people, policies, and processes. A business playbook isn’t a top-down assignment to be passed off to employees but rather a living set of documents that leaders and employees alike can own. Scalability is about giving employees clear expectations and letting them take ownership of improving their area of the business. A QUICK GLIMPSE INTO OUR PODCAST

  • Making Your Employees Happy with Dr. Noelle Nelson

    01/03/2022 Duration: 26min

    What’s the key to productivity and engagement in the workplace? According to recent guest Dr. Noelle Nelson, it’s all about making your employees happy. Listen in to get the latest research from her book, Make More Money by Making Your Employees Happy, and get an inside glimpse into how some companies survived and thrived during the pandemic by focusing on employee engagement. Avoid common pitfalls and implement best practices so that you too can ensure your employees feel appreciated and heard. TAKEAWAYS Companies that thrive no matter what are companies who truly appreciate their employees Successful companies create a culture where employee feedback is encouraged, rewarded, implemented, and acknowledged. In today’s business world, individual preference matters, so leaders should pay more attention to what their employees want. The most powerful thing you can do to engage an employee is to catch them in the act of doing it right. A QUICK GLIMPSE INTO OUR PODCAST

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