Henry Pryor



Comments on the housing market on radio programs since 2007. More detail at www.HenryPryor.com (www.henrypryor.com)


  • Jeremy Vine 6th April 2015 - Pension Freedom Day

    07/04/2015 Duration: 02min

    Revolutionary changes to pension rules come into force today but should people pile their pensions into property? Jeremy spoke first to head of Institute of Direct Marketeers and then me before interviewing the current pensions minister about how to avoid the inevitable scams Copyright BBC

  • Radio 4 PM - 3rd March 2015

    04/03/2015 Duration: 04min

    Speaker John Bercow has warned that urgent repairs are required to the Palace of Westminster to keep the rain out. Eddie Mair wants to know where we could relocate Parliament whilst the £3bn refit was going on. My first of several turns - for LBC and BBC World Service. Copyright BBC

  • FiveLive Drive - 30th Dec 2014. Christmas round-up

    05/01/2015 Duration: 04min

    Possibly my last chat with the lovely Dominic Laurie before he moves to BBC World Service this time looking back at 2014 and forwards to the election. The delay is down to 'LuciLive', the app that gives ISDN quality links. It's annoying but enabled me to speak to Salford parked in my car using wifi in the Dolphin pub in Thorpeness, Suffolk. Copyright BBC

  • Today Program - 4th Dec 2014. Stamp Duty changes.

    04/12/2014 Duration: 03min

    In his Autumn Statement Chancellor George Osborne announced big (and welcome) changes to Stamp Duty Land Tax. Simon Jack, Today Business Correspondant wanted to know more. Copyright BBC

  • Local housing market comment BBC Radio Gloucester

    03/10/2014 Duration: 07min

    Most of the time I talk about "a national housing market' and an 'average house price" but when speaking to BBC local radio stations we can be much more specific. What's happening to prices in Gloucestershire? Where are rents heading? I'm chatting to Mark Cummings via LuciLive.

  • BBC Your & Yours 26th Sept 2014

    26/09/2014 Duration: 04min

    Govt. announces new Rent to Buy scheme. £400m available to housing associations and others to build homes to be let out at discounted rents for 7 years after which time the tenant can then purchase the property. I'm speaking to Peter White and joined by Seb Clear from Generation Rent. Copyright BBC

  • You & Yours - Aug 2014. A solution to the housing crisis? - "I'll ask the questions".

    27/08/2014 Duration: 07min

    I went to Sunderland to meet the company called Gentoo who have an innovative product based on the Sharia Mortgage idea to help those wanting to buy a home. I met Steve Hicks, Chief Exec of Genie, Ben & Lucy Watson and their daughter Daisy who have signed up to the scheme. I travelled with Jon Douglas, reporter and producer for Radio 4's You and Yours and got to ask the questions! Copyright BBC

  • Ten minutes with James Max - July 2014

    18/07/2014 Duration: 13min

    The monthly PropertyWeek podcast is hosted by broadcaster James Max. The full half hour program is available to download from iTunes but here's the lighter ten minute chat at the end where we discuss pigs, the market, the media and why so many property folk seem unable to be objective about what is really going on in the housing market. Copyright PropertyWeek - http://www.propertyweek.com

  • "What's the biggest risk to the financial system?"

    03/07/2014 Duration: 42s

    BBC journalist Adam Parsons asks Bank of England deputy governor Jon Cunliffe

  • BBC London 94.9 - 13th June 2014

    13/06/2014 Duration: 09min

    Talking to Harriet Scott about Boris Johnsons plans to encourage builders to use 'brown-land' and produce an extra 50,000 homes in the Capital over the next decade. (Using LuciLive)

  • 20th May 2014 - interviews with 9 local BBC radio stations.

    22/05/2014 Duration: 06min

    I'm chatting to Chris Mann of BBC Radio Cambridgeshire (as I did to eight more local BBC stations) linked up by 'GNS' the General News Service in New Broadcasting House. It's a matter of pride to try and personalise each interview for the listeners in each area and something I enjoy doing every fortnight. This time, a review of the housing market after the Bank of England governor sounds alarm bells over house prices and the lack of new homes being built.

  • BBC 5 Live Sunday Breakfast.

    19/05/2014 Duration: 05min

    Reaction to the Governor of the Bank of England warning that Britain's housing market has 'deep, deep problems' - including the former member of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee David Blanchflower and from me. Using LuciLive and talking to Tony Livesey and Sam Walker in Salford.

  • Generation rent all week on Radio 5Live 'Drive'

    11/05/2014 Duration: 05min

    All week Drive are looking at the housing market and at the pro's and con's of renting. I'm chipping in on day 1 and again on day 4. Today I'm on the phone with Peter Allen and Caroline Barker from Italy where (compared to our 66% in UK) 80% of Romans own their own home than rent or live with mama!

  • Today program - 18th April 2014

    18/04/2014 Duration: 08min

    The Office for Budget Responsibility took no account of changes to pensions announced in the Budget when predicting house prices. Sounds staggering but Andy Verity wants to know if the market is expecting an impact.

  • Agent superlatives - The Verb on Radio 3. 11th April 2014

    12/04/2014 Duration: 09min

    As a profession famous for mugging the english language it's high time estate agents are asked to answer for their crimes. Ian McMillan sits in judgement in my first (and last?) visit to the cerebral space that is Radio 3. I was asked to write up an advert for the same property through the last forty years. I chose Grey Gables in Ambridge. Part of the hour long show which included contributions from author Donna Leon.

  • Setting the record straight. LBC 28th Mar 2014

    29/03/2014 Duration: 09min

    Daily Mail columnist Andrew Pierce steps in to Iain Dale's DriveTime program and brings some of the newspapers views of the housing market with him. A chance for me to correct some of his sensationalist views. (Sadly interviewed on the phone rather than using clearer ipDTL or LuciLive which LBC are trying to decide if they can afford.)

  • Greening landlords & tenants - You & Yours 24th Mar 2014

    25/03/2014 Duration: 04min

    There's a big conference on in London all about the 'Green Deal', making the nations housing stock more environmentally friendly. I'm talking to Winifred Robinson about the likely take up in the rented sector.

  • How much help has Help to Buy been? Call You & Yours - 18th March 2014

    19/03/2014 Duration: 04min

    My contribution to great Call You & Yours on the success so far of Help to Buy. Hear the whole program on the iPlayer here; http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03y10gv I'm speaking to Winifred Robinson in Salford via LuciLive

  • Celebrate the self-builders - BBC FiveLive 14th Mar 2014

    15/03/2014 Duration: 07min

    A late-night chat with Stephen Nolan on Radio 5 Live about homes getting smaller. We are joined by Leeds based mobile pizza man Martin Whyment who featured recently on BBC's 'The £100k home' which he built himself. An interview when LuciLive actually worked beautifully and it sounds like I'm in the studio with Stephen in Salford!

  • Postcode envy? BBC Radio 5Live 4th Mar 2014

    05/03/2014 Duration: 03min

    Chatting to Phil Williams about the impact your postcode can have on the value of your home. More here; http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-26367320

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