Pony 411



Pony 411, a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic-themed podcast. Nemesis and Alca7raz tackle the news of the week and some of the timely topics of the brony community.


  • Episode 47- Taken for Granite

    18/03/2014 Duration: 46min

    Episode 47! We have a lot of news this week! The Quick Hits include a lot con announcements (mostly from BABSCon), new McDonald's toys, upcoming episodes, and more! Alca7raz and Nemesis then talk about the new episode, "Maud Pie." Does it, in fact rock? We're not sorry for that. They also have Friends Forever #3 to discuss (Spike and Celestia, how odd), plus some good old fan content. Oh, and the first 2 winners of the Funko giveaway are announced. 2 more will be announced next week, so don't forget to enter! Show Notes: http://pony411.libsyn.com/shownotes (episode 47)

  • Episode 46- Don't Forget Your Helmet!

    11/03/2014 Duration: 52min

    It's time for another episode of Pony 411! This week, we have a lot of Quick Hits to go over! They include con news, lots of plushies, and... Equestria Girls 3?! But the second one hasn't even come out yet! Oh dear. After that, there is a discussion about "Somepony to Watch Over Me." What did Nemesis and Alca7raz think of the newest episode. Plus, some merchandise reviews, including the Aurora sitting plushies and the newest Funko figures. And there's also a couple of songs in Fan Content! Oh by the way,you might want to listen in to know how to win some Funko figures. Just sayin'. Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SRcq1j-MYBJFF-I7Tev12Dihdq4UtbF63p6JgyvXVIk/pub

  • Episode 45- A Leaf on the Wind

    04/03/2014 Duration: 46min

    It's time for another Fluttershy episode! But first, some quick hits! There is a lot of con news this week, a bit of merchandise, and some more information on future episodes. After that, Alca7raz and Nemesis talk about "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies!" Including the key stuff. And the transformations at the end. Plus, they have issue #2 of Friends Forever to review, and some fan content! So sit down and tune in! Unless you prefer to remain standing. That's alright with us. Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DJzAFXjpR4XgzTZd0xr1TVrIQ-wagJTsso-DLJfey9g/pub

  • Episode 44- McPony

    25/02/2014 Duration: 45min

    It's time for another edition of Pony 411! In the Quick Hits, we have con guests, potential high-end toys, and some news about upcoming episodes! In the main discussion, Nemesis and Alca7raz talk about "Twilight Time." Just what did they each think of the episode? And Twilight really liked those burgers, didn't she? Afterwards, they wrap it up with some fan content. Check it out! Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OYe_M9AwNjBMC4Es4iTXf3p72a5fm9-pS-VrGH4BhIs/pub

  • Episode 43- Grammy Revoked

    18/02/2014 Duration: 47min

    Hey there, listeners! It's time for episode 43! To start off in the Quick Hits, there's quite a bit of news, including "Rainbow Rocks" being officially confirmed, and some spoiler-y toy news! Quite a bit about that. Afterwards, Nemesis and Alca7raz talk about "Filli Vanilli," the recent Fluttershy episode. Then there's a discussion of issue 16 of the MLP comic. Finally, FAN CONTENT RETURNS! We have 3 songs to share with you, plus a fanfic! So check us out. Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q1vc08Xuu-kWBnpoEMbcwBNKQoBOc3G0sYIeMEmq0EI/pub

  • Episode 42- Her Husbando

    11/02/2014 Duration: 54min

    A new Pony 411 is here! This week, Alca7raz hosts for the first time (gasps all around)! He leads the show with some Quick Hits, including some con news, more merchandise, and a Tara Strong AMA! Afterwards, he and Nemesis talk about "Simple Ways." A lot of talk about Rarity's antics here, plus they start going off into discussion about the future of season 4, including a bit of speculation on the finale! So tune in! Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r5iVnOr-CFwd5EN_KYV4QnDrDLITkvMv9k7b7SCyyYk/pub

  • Pony 411 Episode 41- Polka Party

    04/02/2014 Duration: 36min

    Time for a rather crazy episode of Pony 411! This week we have a lot of news, including yet more con news, a ton of merchandise stuff, and some other things as well. Oh, and apparently Alca7raz is trying to cough up a lung. Well, after that, they talk about "Pinkie Pride." Which was insane! This is the long anticipated Weird Al appearance, so did it live up to the hype? Were the songs good? And what was with the live action scenes? All this and more, on Pony 411! Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LYtwKkSLkfW69ZZH3pP1QfMvp_8hVGjvziNc3NZyT3k/pub

  • Pony 411 Episode 40- Floaty Thing

    28/01/2014 Duration: 46min

    Time for more Pony 411! This week, the news includes such things as more con announcements, upcoming episode synopses, and a potential sequel to Equestria Girls! Did anyone else hear screams in the distance? After that, Nemesis and Alca7raz talk about "Three's a Crowd!" The jokes, the song, the lasers, and more! Like if Nemesis started to lose it after seeing a certain yellow pony... Finally, they end the episode with comic talk, reviewing issue 15 of the main MLP series and issue 1 of Friends Forever. So tune in! Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-fUUQ6iwKVW0uKomE9_JD_bt-XQm_T1RgJuFtXbJlWQ/pub

  • Pony 411 Episode 39- Nothing Important

    21/01/2014 Duration: 40min

    Another week, another edition of Pony 411! To start this episode, we have some news, including cons, plushies, and upcoming episodes! Oh and some new Twitter accounts. Those probably matter to people... After that, though, Nemesis and Alca7raz talk about "Rainbow Falls." What did they think of the first Dash-centric episode of the season? Did Alca7raz, in fact, squeal like a girl? And what of these whispers of a pony making their return? Listen in for the answers to these questions, and more!   Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aQsotfjQ6MT2p4Zw5lwJQDjRYS7N6AaXRD_SNJaRiSE/pub

  • Pony 411 Episode 38- Eagles Are Sneaky Birds

    14/01/2014 Duration: 38min

    We're back for another week of podcasting! Nemesis and Alca7raz have quite a bit of news to talk about, including the usual con and merchandise stuff, but there are a couple of big things as well! Like episode synopses, many new titles... AND SEASON 5 IS CONFIRMED?! Well, maybe. But still, this could be big! Anyway, after that exitement dies down, they turn their attention to the recent episode, "Pinkie Apple Pie." What did they think of it? What about the song? Is Pinkie really related to the Apple family? And what is with that eagle, anyway? Find out all this and more on Pony 411! Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZkawmL4B-Ev-6H0F-cxVHuxQfWFV8Fc2JOhMcTFt4EE/pub

  • Pony 411 Episode 37- Thread of Fate

    07/01/2014 Duration: 46min

    Another episode of Pony 411 is here! This week, we have some news involving the Weird Al episode, the game formerly called "Fighting is Magic," and merchandise news that may or may not impact the show. Oh fun! And some other news as well. Those are important. After that, Nemesis and Alca7raz talk about "Rarity Takes Manehatten." The first Rarity episode in a long time! Hear what they thought of it, including the song, a certain pony who is creating an unnecessary stir, and Rarity herself! Plus, what does that thread at the end entail? They think they know what it means, and what future episodes may bring! So tune in if you want to find out! Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19u2fh5Id49DFshQu_Q9V537atUsyfOIWoPwLOQ5mccs/pub

  • Pony 411 Episode 36- The Batmare

    31/12/2013 Duration: 01h10min

    It's that time again! You know, Pony 411. In this week's show, we have a new round of Quick Hits, including news about cons, a corrections regarding an announced episode, and a brand new game! With lesbian horses! Er... Aaaaanyway, after that, Nemesis and Alca7raz talk about Bats! Of course, that talk includes a bit about the song, Fluttershy's... condition, and the barn. DID IT MAKE THROUGH UNSCATHED? Finally, they wrap it up by taking a brief look back at 2013 in general. Which was quite the eventful year. So tune in! Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T3ep9UGRwCu_X5A3TlaLIq8E5m2L5xB-yh8ObUd0AM8/pub

  • Pony 411 Episode 35- Powers and Pirates

    24/12/2013 Duration: 57min

    Hey there! We're a bit late this week, but we have quite a bit to talk about. To start off in the Quick Hits, we talk about some comic news, and a lot of new synopses, including one which was definitely not added later when editing. No siree.Afterwards, Nemesis and Alca7raz talk about Power Ponies, as if you didn't know. This includes talk of what heroes inspired each pony's powers, as well as other big, hulking, slightly terrifying things. Finally, they wrap it up with a discussion on the most recent issues of the MLP comics, which turns into a discussion on tiered canon. Oh boy.   Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1if1W3j3NV2139djot3_MYew7_qLT4XwNQT1CqoUk47s/pub

  • Pony 411 Episode 34- Professionalism

    16/12/2013 Duration: 45min

    Hello again! We're back to with more news and an episode discussion! In the Quick Hits, we talk about some upcoming episodes, some upcoming merchandise, and some upcoming comics! How many times can we use the word "upcoming?" Afterwards, Nemesis and Alca7raz talk about "Flight to the Finish," down to ridiculous detail in some cases. This includes a bit about some fanon destruction, which is always good with some popcorn. Then the discussion turns to plushies, because Alca7raz recently received his Pinkie Pie from 4DE. So come join us! Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S5nwVIj3gZGpjKOLo0bbHZ7XC4tCzFFMu3CYzW8STW0/pub

  • Pony 411 Episode 33- Authorial Intent

    10/12/2013 Duration: 44min

    It's time for episode 33 of the Pony 411 Podcast! In this episode, we bring back the quick hits, and talk about some con news, some info about upcoming episodes, and more! Afterwards, Nemesis and Alca7raz discuss the recently releases Ponies the Anthology 3, and what they thought of it. Then they wrap it up with a conversation about Daring Don't, the most recent episode of MLP. So tune in! Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ECCYGVZoZAYSk_C_EniNRHeqzsGd2kDscsj-2B3no7g/pub

  • Pony 411 Episode 32- Wall Chicken

    02/12/2013 Duration: 32min

    WE'RE BACK, BABY! And we brought someone new onboard! His name is Alca7raz, and we hope that you like him enough to stick around. We forego the usual Quick Hits (they'll be back next week!) and instead use that time to introduce him to you guys. After that, he and Nemesis jump in and talk all about Castle-Mania! Did we like this episode? And just what is a pony, anyway? Sorry about missing the premiere, but sometimes things happen. Also, you can follow Alca7raz on Twitter, @_Alca7raz_.

  • Pony 411 Episode 31- It's Raw

    04/04/2013 Duration: 51min

    We're back! Sorry for the extended leave of absence, but we needed a small break, and then we has some scheduling conflicts. But it's all good now. To start things off, the crew goes over an alarming amount of news, including several bits of con news, season 4's premiere time frame, and the release of a few fan episodes, including Double Rainboom.Afterwards, Nemesis, Four String, and Artfan go back in time and watch My Little Pony: The Movie. From 1986. Is it really that terrible? Did they leave with their sanity intact? Find out! Finally, Nemesis talks about 2 issues of the MLP comic that came out. Tune in!Show notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XOlBADNU9R451z3BqYO35l39msSDiHP9A7AQjV-rnpE/pub

  • Pony 411 Episode 30- Fanontastic

    15/03/2013 Duration: 49min

    Hey there people, we have some more Pony 411 for you! We start this show off with some quick hits, as per the usual. Quick hits which are mostly about conventions. Seriously, that's the majority of it.But anyway, we then have our main discussion. It's all about fanon this week. Likes, dislikes, canonized fanon, and rejected fanon. Yay! Also, a bit of derailment about Metallica. And a... picture that Four String found. Good heavens. Finally, it's all wrapped up with a talk from Nemesis about issue 4 of the IDW My Little Pony comic. Enjoy!Show notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fryMfXci8j7S-1Gvqen2cTFeFpJZzUrI0vKTqpwAh9s/pub

  • Pony 411 Episode 29- It Never Ends

    07/03/2013 Duration: 42min

    Hey there, people! Pony 411 is here for another week, and we have a bit to talk about. Like some quick hits, including a season 2 DVD release, the final fate of Fighting is Magic, that Equestria Girls thing, and more. Oh boy.Afterwards, Nemesis, LordFunkyFist, and Artfan talk some more about Unicon. Yes, we're still on about that. We discuss some of the new information since last week, and rehash some old information as well. A more detailed talk of Unicon's effect on other cons is had, plus some judgements are made on the situation in general, fair or not. Listen in!Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lwixEClbdP9QHvAj09lkf9tclGiVlVKuUpr-9hC--_s/pub

  • Pony 411 Episode 28- Orson Welles As Unicon

    28/02/2013 Duration: 01h41s

    The ride never ends! The 3rd season is over, but that doesn't mean that Pony 411 stops! We have quite a few quick hits this week, including Brony Doc news, official plushies, fan animations, and more!Afterwards we talk a bit about show news out of Unicon, both about season 3 and 4. But then we get to the meat of the show, the recent, um, meltdown at Unicon. What went wrong, theories, speculation, and rumors, and the fandom reaction. We also talk a bit about how this might affect other cons in the future, as well as discover the official Unicon statement towards the end. Finally, Nemesis talks a bit about the first MLP Micro-series comic. So tune in!By the way, we're changing how we deliver quick hit links and whatnot to you this week. Check it all out in the Show Notes doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BNtWl7NZpOr68-M0fSV0lhGDGUGqijf8sWBWjjEedI4/pub

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