Hsp Sos

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 31:26:14
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This is a weekly podcast for Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs), introverts, empaths, intuitives, INFJs or anyone else that wants a little help supporting sensitivity! My name is Michelle Lynn. I share my experiences as a highly sensitive person while discussing the works of Dr. Elaine Aron. It is my intention to provide useful tips and resources for other individuals looking to balance, maintain, and enhance their own unique sensitivities. The show is perfect for HSPs, introverts, empaths, intuitives, individuals with ADHD, and anyone that has regular interaction with people that have sensory needs. The information I provide is not only helpful for HSPs, but it can also benefit parents and spouses of the highly sensitive, educators, employers, individuals with autism or other sensory processing sensitivities and disorders. Its candid, useful information that listeners can apply to their life immediately. I want to acknowledge and celebrate sensitivity. Its time to help the people that help everybody else.


  • HSP SOS #40 - Very Highly Sensitive Problems

    12/04/2018 Duration: 40min

    Should we embrace our quirks and be ourselves, or should we try a little harder to "fit in" with everyone else? For a highly sensitive person, this dilemma is the daily struggle. Most of the time we find ourselves apologizing for who we are, and it can leave us feeling a bit alienated and lonely. Sometimes, however, it's fun to just shine the spotlight on what makes us different in order to connect with other highly sensitive people. In this special 40th episode of HSP SOS, Michelle and The Captain dive deep into some of their own very highly sensitive problems, and remind you to check out previous episodes to further explore the personal challenges, as well as the gifts of being a passionate, feeling person. Hopefully listening to this helps you realize that you are not alone, and you do have a highly sensitive tribe that gets you when it feels like you are going through this on your own. ---Subscribe to the HSP SOS Podcast!--- iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hsp-sos/id1221116848   Google Play ht

  • HSP SOS #39 - Analysis Paralysis

    01/03/2018 Duration: 36min

    Are you afraid of making a wrong decision?  Do you feel like you often overthink choices?  On this episode of HSP SOS, Michelle and The Captain discuss something called analysis paralysis.  They explain how many highly sensitive persons find it challenging to commit to a plan of action, and how choice overload can be overwhelming for HSPs.  They share their own decision making troubles, as well as provide some tips on how to take action when it comes to making everyday decisions.   ---Subscribe to the HSP SOS Podcast!--- iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hsp-sos/id1221116848   Google Play https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Inavjhxeg2rdkub26frsppa7pca ---Follow HSP S.O.S. on social media--- On Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/hspsos On Twitter at: @hsp_sos   ---More episodes, articles, and resources!--- Website: http://hspsos.com/ Libsyn Podcast Page: http://hspsos.libsyn.com/   ---Contact Michelle Lynn with questions, comments, or show ideas!--- feelzspecialist@gmail.com   ---Contact The

  • HSP SOS #38 - Aging & The Highly Sensitive

    02/08/2017 Duration: 50min

    No one escapes getting older, but how does aging impact HSPs differently than non-HSPs?  Michelle and The Captain share Dr. Elaine Aron's view on why highly sensitive persons are more in-tune with the aging process, as well as discuss their own perspectives on aging.     Resources:  "HSPs and The Accumulation of Birthdays" Dr. Elaine Aron http://www.hsperson.com/pages/2Nov07.htm   "3 Tips on Combating Ageism From and Anti-Aging Activist"  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-tarnoff/combating-ageism_b_6420470.html   ---Subscribe to the HSP SOS Podcast!--- iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hsp-sos/id1221116848 Google Play https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Inavjhxeg2rdkub26frsppa7pca   ---Follow HSP S.O.S. on social media--- On Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/hspsos On Twitter at: @hsp_sos   ---More episodes, articles, and resources!--- Website: http://hspsos.com/ Libsyn Podcast Page: http://hspsos.libsyn.com/   ---Contact Michelle Lynn with questions, comments, or show ideas!--- feel

  • HSP SOS #37 - Addiction & Highly Sensitive Persons

    19/06/2017 Duration: 49min

    Addiction is not an easy topic to talk about, but it is an important one. On this episode, Michelle Lynn and The Captain start a conversation about the possible connection between sensitivity and addiction, as well as explore why addiction is a highly sensitive persons topic.  If you have struggled with addiction, or someone you know has struggled with addiction, please take a moment to be a part of this important discussion.  It's not about judging or educating.  It's just about taking the time to pause and reflect on the role addiction plays in our lives and why our current approach to helping people with addiction doesn't always work. ----- ----- Resources- Clean:  Overcoming Addiction and Ending America's Greatest Tragedy https://www.amazon.com/Clean-Overcoming-Addiction-Americas-Greatest/dp/0544112326   ---Subscribe to the HSP SOS Podcast!--- iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hsp-sos/id1221116848 Google Play https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Inavjhxeg2rdkub26frsppa7pca   ---Follow HSP

  • HSP SOS #36 - Keeping Passion Positive

    20/04/2017 Duration: 57min

    Are you an extremely passionate person?  Do you go "all in" on the projects, activities, and topics that interest you?  On this episode of HSP SOS, Michelle and The Captain discuss how highly sensitive people demonstrate an intense passion for their interests and talk about how this truly is an amazing gift.  They also dive into what happens when a passion starts to become an obsession, as well as share some helpful tips on how HSPs can pursue their passion without it leading to problems.  ----- ---Subscribe to the HSP SOS Podcast!--- iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hsp-sos/id1221116848 Google Play https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Inavjhxeg2rdkub26frsppa7pca ---Follow HSP S.O.S. on social media--- On Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/hspsos   On Twitter at: @hsp_sos ---More episodes, articles, and resources!--- Website: http://hspsos.com/ Libsyn Podcast Page: http://hspsos.libsyn.com/ ---Contact Michelle Lynn with questions, comments, or show ideas!--- feelzspecialist@gmail.com

  • HSP SOS #35 - Hormonal and Highly Sensitive

    20/04/2017 Duration: 49min

    Are you feeling hormonal?  As a highly sensitive person, that's the last thing you want to be accused of, but is it possible that HSPs are more sensitive to hormonal changes in their bodies than non-HSPs?  On this episode of HSP SOS, Michelle and The Captain discuss how hormones might impact HSPs at different stages of their lives, and this isn't just a conversation for the ladies.  The highly sensitive men out there might be surprised by the discussion of male hormone cycles and something called Irritable Male Syndrome.  If you've ever wondered if you were more sensitive to the hormonal changes in your body than others, then you won't want to miss this awkward and informational episode! ----- Resources   Male Hormone Questionnaire  http://hormonehealthandweightloss.com/bhrt/bhrt-for-men/hormone-test-for-men/ Female Hormone Questionnaire http://hormonehealthandweightloss.com/bhrt/bhrt-for-women/hormone-test-for-women/ How Female Hormonal Changes Can Contribute to Anxiety and Panic Attacks http://www.artic

  • HSP SOS #34 - Emotional Balance

    19/04/2017 Duration: 54min

    Are you in control of your emotions, or are your emotions in control of you?  On this episode of HSP SOS, Michelle and The Captain discuss Dr. Elaine Aron's definition of emotional regulation, as well as the reasons why highly sensitive people can have a more difficult time processing and handling their emotions. Listen in as these two talk about the consequences of allowing oneself to get emotionally out of balance, and hear ten ways that HSPs can start better regulating their emotions to truly honor their sensitivity as a gift instead of a curse. ---- Resources Dr. Elaine Aron on Emotional Regulation http://hsperson.com/emotional-regulation-and-hsps/   Psychology Today's Emotional Regulation Strategies for Adults https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/in-practice/201304/10-essential-emotion-regulation-skills-adults   ----- ---Subscribe to the HSP SOS Podcast!--- iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hsp-sos/id1221116848   Google Play https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Inavjhxeg2rdkub26frsppa7pca

  • HSP SOS #33 - Low Self Esteem in HSPs

    19/04/2017 Duration: 57min

    Are you really hard on yourself?  Do you battle constant self doubt?  In her book The Undervalued Self, Dr. Elaine Aron explains how highly sensitive people often struggle with low self-esteem more so than non-HSPs. In this episode of HSP SOS, Michelle and The Captain discuss low self-esteem attacks, why HSPs suffer from LSE more than others, as well as highlight the work of Dr. Marilyn J. Sorensen, a leading expert in the area of low self-esteem. They share their results from Sorensen's low self-esteem assessment, and even provide some quick tips on how HSPs can begin to boost feelings of self worth. ---- Resources Breaking the Chains of Low Self-Esteem by Marilyn J. Sorensen PhD. http://www.getesteem.com/books-and-toolkit.html   Link to Sorensen's Low Self-Esteem Assessment http://www.getesteem.com/Files/Sorensen_Self-Esteem_Test.pdf   The Undervalued Self by Dr. Elaine Aron http://hsperson.com/books/the-undervalued-self/   5 Ways Highly Sensitive People Can Boost Their Self-Esteem by Introvert Dear htt

  • HSP SOS #32 - HSP/HSP Relationships - Double the Love or Double the Trouble?

    18/04/2017 Duration: 01h04min

    Is it really better to be in a relationship with another highly sensitive person?  Does doubling the sensitivity double the love?  On this episode of HSP SOS, Michelle and The Captain discuss Dr. Elaine Aron's research on the benefits and pitfalls of two HSPs being in a relationship together.  Some useful tips for couples trying to maintain a happy and healthy relationship. ---- Resources 53 Questions to Ask That Will Change Your Relationship http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/53-questions-ask-that-will-change-your-relationship.html   The Highly Sensitive Person in Love by Dr. Elaine Aron http://hsperson.com/books/the-highly-sensitive-person-in-love/   ----- ---Subscribe to the HSP SOS Podcast!--- iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hsp-sos/id1221116848   Google Play https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Inavjhxeg2rdkub26frsppa7pca   ---Follow HSP S.O.S. on social media--- On Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/hspsos   On Twitter at: @hsp_sos   ---More episodes, articles, and reso

  • HSP SOS #31 - Perfecting Perfection

    18/04/2017 Duration: 56min

    Have you ever been called a perfectionist? Do you worry endlessly about getting things right? In this episode of HSP SOS, Michelle and the Captain talk about why highly sensitive people have a tendency to exhibit traits of perfectionism. They also discuss healthy types of perfectionism vs. destructive forms and share their personal perspectives on their own perfectionistic qualities. It's possible that you aren't as bad as you believe, or as ridiculous as others have made you feel, in regards to your own brand of perfectionism. ---- Resources -"What Flavor of Perfectionist Are You?  It Matters!" by Dr. Timothy A Pychyl https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/dont-delay/200804/what-flavor-perfectionist-are-you-it-matters   -"How Other-Oriented Perfectionism Differs from Self-Oriented and Socially Prescribed Perfectionism: Further Findings" by J. Stoeber http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10862-015-9485-y   -"In The Not-Worth-An-Entire-Article Department: Some Thoughts on Perfectionism" by Dr. Elaine Aro

  • HSP SOS #30 - Fear and Arousal in Highly Sensitive Persons

    17/04/2017 Duration: 53min

    How big of a role does fear play in your life? On this episode, Michelle and The Captain discuss the difference between fear and arousal in highly sensitive persons, as well as why forcing introverts and HSPs to face their fears isn't always successful. We share some of our own personal strategies for handling perceived dangers, real dangers, and the manufactured fears of the media. If you find yourself constantly questioning whether to protect yourself or open yourself up, this is an episode you don't want to miss. -----   ---Subscribe to the HSP SOS Podcast!--- iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hsp-sos/id1221116848 Google Play https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Inavjhxeg2rdkub26frsppa7pca ---Follow HSP S.O.S. on social media--- On Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/hspsos   On Twitter at: @hsp_sos ---More episodes, articles, and resources!--- Website: http://hspsos.com/ Libsyn Podcast Page: http://hspsos.libsyn.com/ ---Contact Michelle Lynn with questions, comments, or show ideas!--

  • HSP SOS #29 - I Feel Lonely

    17/04/2017 Duration: 31min

    Do you often feel alone?  Has the feeling of loneliness become a reoccurring part of your life?  On this episode of HSP SOS, Michelle and The Captain discuss common misconceptions about loneliness, Dr. Elaine Aron's description of feeling alone, the latest research and science behind loneliness, as well as how loneliness can be especially challenging for a highly sensitive person and what can be done about it.  ---- Resources:   "To all the Lonely HSPs" by Michelle Lynn  http://hspsos.com/to-all-the-lonely-hsps/   "This Will Completely Change How You Think About Loneliness" Christie Wilcox https://www.yahoo.com/health/this-will-completely-change-how-you-think-about-113881858902.html   "Downtime, Solitude, Silence, and Loneliness" Dr. Elaine Aron  http://www.hsperson.com/pages/1Nov12.htm -----   ---Subscribe to the HSP SOS Podcast!--- iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hsp-sos/id1221116848 Google Play https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Inavjhxeg2rdkub26frsppa7pca ---Follow HSP S.O.S. on socia

  • HSP SOS #28 - Maintaining Friends

    16/04/2017 Duration: 53min

    Making and maintaining meaningful friendships is something that many HSPs worry about.  Do we have enough friends?  Why do people like us initially, but then get turned off by our intensity?  In this episode, Michelle and The Captain tackle tough questions like these, as well as discuss how  introversion, ADD, anxiety, depression, and perception can  factor into the complexity of highly sensitive friendships.  If you have ever struggled as an HSP with making and keeping friends, then you won't want to miss HSP SOS #28! ---- Resources   Articles by Michelle Lynn "I Will Rain on Your Parade" http://hspsos.com/i-will-rain-on-your-parade/   "On Being Nice When You Can" http://hspsos.com/on-being-nice-when-you-can/   Articles from others  "9 Rules for Being Friends with an Introvert" by Jenn Granneman http://introvertdear.com/2015/03/25/9-rules-for-being-friends-with-an-introvert/   "HSP Topics: The Challenges of Friendships" by Peter Messerschmidt http://hubpages.com/health/HSP-Friendship   "The Difference Betwe

  • HSP SOS #27 - Highly Sensitive Children

    15/04/2017 Duration: 33min

    "Some highly sensitive children are fairly difficult–active, emotionally intense, demanding, and persistent–while others are calm, turned inward, and almost too easy to raise except when they are expected to join a group of children they do not know. But outspoken and fussy or reserved and obedient, all HSCs are sensitive to their emotional and physical environment” -Dr. Elaine Aron. If you are a parent of an HSC, or you were an HSC, you are well aware of the gifts and challenges associated with the trait of sensitivity. On this episode of HSP SOS, Michelle and The Captain talk with fellow HSP Melissa Schwartz. Melissa is a coach for parents of highly sensitive children, author, speaker, and co-creator of Leading Edge Parenting, not to mention just an enthusiastic advocate for HSPs internationally. It’s HSP SOS #27 Highly Sensitive Children! ----- Website www.leadingedgeparenting.com   Facebook Pages/ Groups fb.com/leadingedgeparenting fb.com/highlysensitivechildren  fb.com/groups/highlysensitivechildren   Au

  • HSP SOS #26 - Am I Enough?

    15/04/2017 Duration: 54min

    Some HSPs struggle with the feeling that they just aren't enough.  Fear of disappointing others, combined with self-doubt, can convince highly sensitive persons that friends and loved ones would be happier without them around. In this very intimate and personal episode of HSP SOS, Michelle puts The Captain on the spot and forces him to reconsider his own worth.  If you ever find yourself feeling like you are too much, yet at the same time not enough, then please listen. There are many reasons that HSPs struggle the most with the people they love the most, but there are also many things we can do to put our lives and relationships back into perspective. ---- Links to articles "In a Relationship with a Highly Sensitive Person?  Here's What You Need to Know."  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/22/highly-sensitive-person-relationship_n_7614832.html   "Can There Be Too Much Romantic Sensitivity" https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/in-the-name-love/201504/can-there-be-too-much-romantic-sensitivity -----  

  • HSP SOS #25 - Sensitive and Sick

    15/04/2017 Duration: 21min

    What happens when a highly sensitive person gets sick?  Honestly, it's not always pretty, but there are some real reasons why HSPs are more physically and emotionally impacted by the sniffles than non-HSPs.  Michelle and the Captain share tips on how to minimize conflict when the highly sensitive get sick, as well as contemplate why some people seem to share their misery more with others.  ---- Resources: Too Loud, Too Bright, Too Fast, Too Tight by Sharon Heller: http://www.amazon.com/Loud-Bright-Fast-Tight-Overstimulating/dp/0060932929   "When the Highly Sensitive Spouse Gets Sick"  http://growingmarriage.com/when-the-highly-sensitive-spouse-gets-sick/   ---- ---Subscribe to the HSP SOS Podcast!--- iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hsp-sos/id1221116848 Google Play https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Inavjhxeg2rdkub26frsppa7pca ---Follow HSP S.O.S. on social media--- On Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/hspsos   On Twitter at: @hsp_sos ---More episodes, articles, and resources!--- Web

  • HSP SOS #24 - Highly Sensitive Body Image

    14/04/2017 Duration: 40min

    How do HSPs react to the media's portrayal of the "perfect" body and body shaming? Is it possible that the highly sensitive are more negatively impacted by perceptions of an ideal body than the non-HSPs?  On this episode, Michelle and the Captain share their struggles with developing a healthy body image, as well as challenge other HSPs to take a more active role in combating the stereotypes, put-downs, and myths perpetuated by society.     ----   Resources:   Dr. Ted Zeff The Strong, Sensitive Boy: http://www.amazon.com/The-Strong-Sensitive-Boy-Zeff/dp/0966074521   Social Issues Research Centre Statistics: http://www.sirc.org/publik/mirror.html   ---- ---Subscribe to the HSP SOS Podcast!--- iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hsp-sos/id1221116848 Google Play https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Inavjhxeg2rdkub26frsppa7pca ---Follow HSP S.O.S. on social media--- On Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/hspsos   On Twitter at: @hsp_sos ---More episodes, articles, and resources!--- Website: http

  • HSP SOS #23 - Happy Highly Sensitive Holidays

    14/04/2017 Duration: 32min

    What do HSPs want for Christmas?  They probably want everyone to just chill-out and relax a little.  On this episode  Michelle shares her personal experiences with something she calls Seasonal Spiraling, and she explains to The Captain how everyone's anxiety around the holidays triggers her own anxiety.  Introverts and HSPs don't hate Christmas.  They just enjoy different aspects of the season than a majority of the population. ----   Link to "Seasonal Spiraling" by Michelle Lynn https://thecaptainspod.wordpress.com/2015/11/22/seasonal-spiraling/   ---- ---Subscribe to the HSP SOS Podcast!--- iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hsp-sos/id1221116848 Google Play https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Inavjhxeg2rdkub26frsppa7pca ---Follow HSP S.O.S. on social media--- On Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/hspsos   On Twitter at: @hsp_sos ---More episodes, articles, and resources!--- Website: http://hspsos.com/ Libsyn Podcast Page: http://hspsos.libsyn.com/ ---Contact Michelle Lynn with questio

  • HSP SOS #22 - Emotional Balance for HSPs & Empaths

    13/04/2017 Duration: 48min

    When you feel EVERYTHING, maintaining emotional balance can be a real challenge.  On this episode, Michelle and The Captain talk about the danger of being too fixated on feelings, as well as the moodiness that arrises from “putting a lid on it.”.  For HSPs and empaths, dealing with emotions is a bit of an art form.  Traditional self-help strategies aren’t always enough.  Sensitive souls often need to go deeper and acknowledge what psychologist Carl Jung calls the shadow self in order to truly establish and maintain emotional balance.   Motivation for HSPs "For When You Forget" by Michelle Lynn http://hspsos.com/for-when-you-forget/   ---Subscribe to the HSP SOS Podcast!--- iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hsp-sos/id1221116848   Google Play https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Inavjhxeg2rdkub26frsppa7pca   ---Follow HSP S.O.S. on social media--- On Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/hspsos   On Twitter at: @hsp_sos   ---More episodes, articles, and resources!--- Website: http://hspsos.com/  

  • HSP SOS #21- Gender Roles and Highly Sensitive Persons

    13/04/2017 Duration: 44min

    Do you feel like you are a poor excuse for a "traditional" woman? Maybe you don't like baby showers, don't want children, and feel less "girly" than other women.  If you are a male, perhaps you don't want to talk about the latest sporting event over beers with the boys, could care less about a man cave, and feel overwhelmed with the pressures put on you to be "the provider" for your family.  It's possible you feel like you are constantly disappointing others when you are just trying to be yourself?  There's a reason for that!  HSP's often have a difficult time understanding and accepting traditional gender stereotypes, and it can be even more confusing when trying to navigate relationships with others.  In this episode of HSP S.O.S, Michelle and The Captain talk about their own struggles with gender roles and how that has impacted their perception of self.  If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, it's quite possible then that HSP's are out of this world! Links:   Article by Michelle Lynn "Those Kind

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