God, Sex & You! With Dustin Daniels



God, Sex & You! is a daily discipleship podcast on healthy sexuality. It's listened to in 80 countries around the world and hosted by purity pastor, Dustin Daniels.


  • Is Forgiving Him For Sexual Sin Really Possible?

    24/10/2020 Duration: 25min

    Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. - Ephesians 4:31-32 Martin Luther King Jr, said, “The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind.” Forgiveness. It is one of the bedrock principles of our Christian faith. As Jesus hung from a bloodstained cross… “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” - Luke 23:34 Is it really possible to forgive your spouse, after some type of sexual betrayal….whether its pornography, an emotional affair or adultery. After all, your spouse promised to “have and hold only you” from your wedding day forward. And now that promise has been broken, and those vows …. shattered. Today, we discuss forgiveness, and the hope of a stronger marriage through the pain of sexual betrayal. Guest: Debbie Laaser Book: Shattered Vows: Hope & Healing For Women Who Have Been Sexually Betraye

  • How Can I Ever Trust Him Again?

    23/10/2020 Duration: 25min

    The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. -Hebrews 11:1 That is God’s Word, and it is true, because Almighty God is the only one who is Faithful and True. He is faithful to the faithless. On today’s program we will be speaking about our trust level in God when the unthinkable happens…when your spouse sexually betrays you. Whether its pornography, an emotional affair, or adultery…it doesn’t matter the kind of sin. Your spouse has been unfaithful and has hit you with an emotional baseball bat. How do you recover from such a blow…as you lie on the ground with the wind knocked out of you emotionally. Will you ever trust your spouse again? Will you ever trust God again? Guest: Debbie Laaser Book: Shattered Vows: Hope & Healing For Women Who Have Been Sexually Betrayed Website: https://www.faithfulandtrue.com

  • When Marriages Go Right

    22/10/2020 Duration: 25min

    The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the Lord. - Proverbs 18:22 Have you noticed that the God given institution of marriage is under attack from the world? We hear about statistics, we watch the news, we see the blatant disrespect for marriage on television and in the movies. And it seems that the world is evangelizing the Church instead of the Church evangelizing the world on this God given institution. It appears that many of us have given up trying to spend time with our wives. Apparently its just easier to medicate ourselves with work, sports and porn instead of re-engaging in the activities that we did to pursue our spouse in the first place. Well, I’ve got news. It doesn’t have to be that way! By the grace that is given through Almighty God, you have the ability to engage and to strengthen your marriage by dating your wife once again. Guest: Pastor Justin Buzzard Book: Date Your Wife Website: http://www.justinbuzzard.net

  • Date Your Wife!

    21/10/2020 Duration: 25min

    For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. - Ephesians 5:25 Gentlemen…If you have to summarize what is wrong with your marriage in a single sentence, what would it be? Now …do you recognize that men all over the world just thought a thousand different things? Brothers, that’s not good…at all. In fact I don’t even think we need a sentence to figure this out…we just need - one word. So let’s try this again….If you had to summarize what is wrong with your marriage with just one word, what would that word be? Let me see if I can help here....it starts with an M and ends with and E. Its ME! I’m what’s wrong with my marriage, and you are what’s wrong with yours! Isn’t it amazing how Almighty God has given man the ability to either be the best thing or the worst thing that ever happened to a marriage. Before you can be the best thing that ever happened to your marriage, you must see that you have been the worst thing …. first. Guest: Pastor Justin Buzzard Book: Date Your Wife Website:

  • Men of Valor

    20/10/2020 Duration: 24min

    So Joshua went up from Gilgal, he and all the people of war with him…. and all the mighty men of valor. --Joshua 10:7 What does it look like to a mighty man of valor? What does it take to be a regular guy that has great courage in the face of great danger? Now, does this mean there are not brief moments of fear and doubt in your life? I would submit to you that a mighty man of valor is someone who moves toward those moments of fear and doubt and embraces them….instead of letting it paralyze and silence them. So…let’s bring this analogy into the realm of your sexual sin. Just like Joshua was in a real physical battle in Jericho, there is a very real spiritual battle that rages around you dealing with your sexual integrity. What does it look like to be a man of valor in today’s culture? What does it look like for you to be a Godly man of character and purity? Someone who is faithful and true to His God, his spouse, friends and Church. Guest: Dr. Mark Laaser Book: Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addictio

  • Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction

    19/10/2020 Duration: 24min

    They offer superficial treatments for my people’s mortal wound. They give assurances of peace when there is no peace. Are they ashamed of these disgusting actions? Not at all—they don’t even know how to blush. -Jeremiah 8:11-12a Have you ever noticed that the world wants to fix you in five easy steps? Ten minutes a day will revolutionize your life! Drink this, eat that…. Sadly we do this with advice, coaching and counseling, as well don’t we? Always looking at the behavior and never really dealing with the root problem. The world offer’s superficial treatment for the Church’s mortal wounds…especially when it comes to the wounds of sexual sin. Today on the program, we’re going to discuss the root of the sexual sin problem….and learn how to heal those wounds. Guest: Dr. Mark Laaser Book: Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction Website: https://www.faithfulandtrue.com

  • Praying For Your Husband From Head to Toe - Part 2

    17/10/2020 Duration: 25min

    … the Spirit also helps us in our weakness, because we don’t know how to pray for what we need. But the Spirit intercedes along with our groans that cannot be expressed in words. - Romans 8:26 How many times have you heard this? “Well, I guess all we can do now… is just pray about it? Why do you think its our natural tendency to do everything we can first….and then when that fails we turn to prayer as a last resort. And then when we do turn to prayer….we don’t even know how to pray for the circumstance we’re in…just like the Apostle Paul states Romans 8:26. Is it possible that we have turned prayer into a religious activity…when Almighty God simply wants us to have a conversation with Him throughout the day. This means, both speaking and listening. Ladies, are you concerned about your marriage? Is your marriage everything you ever dreamed it would be as a little girl? Single ladies… are you wondering when the Lover of Your Soul will give you a Godly man that will love and protect you from the marriage day for

  • Praying for Your Husband From Head to Toe

    16/10/2020 Duration: 25min

    Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it… labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake… in vain. -Psalm 127:1 Have you ever put this verse in context with your own marriage…your own home? How…exactly are you strengthening your home, coming along side your husband or wife and teaching your children? Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Those are some pretty sobering words for all of us….and on todays show we’re really going to get practical on how to build your home, marriage and family….all from the wife’s perspective by learning how to pray for your husband from head to toe. Guest: Sharon Jaynes Book: Praying For Your Husband From Head to Toe Website: http://sharonjaynes.com

  • Fast Food Sex

    15/10/2020 Duration: 25min

    Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. -Psalm 37:4 Whenever I hear the word… “desire”, the first thing I think of is Bono and the boys of the rock band U2. “Desire”…don’t worry I won’t sing it for you, I’ve been asked not to even sing in the shower, but I do like that song. The second thing I think about… is how my desires tend to be…..hmmm, not so Godly. Not so healthy. And for the first 30 years of my life, I just simply….just gave into those desires with little or no thought. But after meeting Jesus… there was this strange new tension, struggle and yearning. Especially when it came to sex. Have you felt like your own desires are… sideways? Like this longing in your heart is just bent, it’s just twisted. Is it really possible that Psalm 37:4 could be true in your life? That Almighty God wants to fill your heart with a Godly desire…that you didn’t even know you had? Guest: Christopher West Book: Fill These Hearts: God, Sex & The Universal Longing Website: http://cor

  • Fill These Hearts! God, Sex, & The Universal Longing

    14/10/2020 Duration: 25min

    The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son… from the Father, full of grace and truth. -ESV Have you ever pondered that text from John 1:14? That Almighty God would step down off His throne where myriads of angels continually sing Holy, Holy Holy….for the sole purpose of showing us how to live, how to die, defeating death and casting our sins as far as the east is from the west. Yes my dear Brothers and Sisters the veil has indeed been torn. How? The Word became flesh…. Why? Why would the Word (Jesus Christ) become flesh? Revelation 21:3 tells us: Behold, the dwelling place of God is with….man. He will dwell among them….and they will be His people… and God Himself will be with them… as their God. Wow! So, if Jesus Christ became flesh, and He is physically going to dwell among His people in the New Heaven & the New Earth….why do we as His bride tend to think our own physical bodies as…. bad? That somehow our flesh is just a mere “tent” that houses all our

  • The Passion Priority

    13/10/2020 Duration: 24min

    Teach us to number our days so that we may truly live and achieve wisdom. — Psalm 90:12 The old adage is true isn’t it? The days are long, but the years are short. And when it comes to numbering our days, the priorities in our life must be addressed. The things that don’t seem like priorities seem to weasel their ugly little head to the forefront of our lives… and the truly important things….well, they tend to get pushed aside another day, another week…and so on. Today, I want us to think about ….our intimacy priority with our spouse. I want us to reflect on Psalm 90:12 and ponder how short life really is so that we can truly learn to live in the communion of God and in communion with our spouse through the lens of intimacy….a one flesh union - of husband and wife. So the big question for today is specifically for my dear married Sisters in Christ….Am I pursuing passion God’s way in my marriage? Guest: Linda Dillow & Dr. Juli Slattery Book: Passion Pursuit: What Kind of Love Are You Making? Website: http:

  • Passion Pursuit: What Kind of Love Are You Making?

    12/10/2020 Duration: 25min

    Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies. Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. -Proverbs 31:10-12 My dear married Sisters in Christ…let me ask you this. Can sex…be holy and erotic? Do you truly believe that Almighty God has an opinion… on sex? Would I make you blush if I told you that God’s intention for husband and wife is to have eye popping pleasure… and soul to soul intimacy?! Have you ever pursued this kind of holy passion? Would you consider it? Well, My guests today invite you into this journey….a journey titled “Passion Pursuit”. Guest: Linda Dillow & Dr. Juli Slattery Book: Passion Pursuit: What Kind of Love Are You Making? Website: http://www.authenticintimacy.com

  • The Digital Impact on Dating, Sex, Marriage and Pornography

    10/10/2020 Duration: 23min

    Don’t love the (Digital) world’s ways. Don’t love the (Digital) world’s goods. Love of (Technology) squeezes out love for the Father. Practically everything that goes on in the (Digital) world—wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important (on Facebook, Twitter or Linked In) —has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from Him. The world and all its wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out—but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity. 1 John 2:15 from The Message with a few added words for effect from yours truly. Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out from life in the digital world? Does this idea of living freely and lightly sound to good to be true? I’m curious to know what happens when you head out the door for school or work and you forget your phone. Do you turn around to get it? Are you easily irritable when your email is not working? How do you respond when you can’t connect to your Wifi? Is your laptop/tablet rendered useless at that point? Toda

  • The Digital Invasion - How Technology is Shaping You & Your Relationships

    09/10/2020 Duration: 25min

    Do not be conformed to this…. (digital) world… but be transformed by the renewing of your…. (unplugged, Christlike) mind. —-Romans 12:2 So be careful how you live (in this digital world). Don’t live like fools (checking email every hour), but live like those who are wise. 16 Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. 17 Don’t act thoughtlessly…. (by your postings on Facebook), but understand what the Lord wants you to do. Ephesians 5:15 Now some of you are thinking….hey man, that’s not what scripture says….you’re messing with the text! Will you forgive me if I did it for effect? So let me ask you this: How many times per day do you check email? How much time do you spend on Facebook per day? How many times per day do you tweet? Would you rather text someone or call them? How much time do you spend looking at pornography? Or maybe you’re not looking at things that the world would consider pornographic, but they are things that are not healthy and will eventually lead you down that roads. So really

  • What Really Happened on the Cross?

    08/10/2020 Duration: 25min

    or our sake… God made Jesus to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Jesus we might become the righteousness of God - 2 Corinthians 5:21 Have you ever pondered what really happened on the that wooden…bloodstained…Roman cross? Have you ever meditated on what truly transpired that day? A transaction between God the Father and God the Son that seems to good to be true. Ahhh, but its not. It is true! That Almighty God would step down off His throne in Heaven to become flesh, to become His own creation to show us how to live, how to die while at the same time being the substitution for our sins…that Jesus alone bore the rightful and holy wrath of The Father so that we could be in a right and pure relationship with Him once again. So here’s the big question? How can we possibly wrap our minds and hearts around this? How can we ever understand the love of Almighty God? How can we ever learn to actually live…truly live in the Father’s affection? Guest: Wayne Jacobsen Book: He Loves Me - Learning to Live in the Father's

  • He Loves Me - Learning to Live in the Father's Affection

    07/10/2020 Duration: 25min

    Do you remember this game as a child…the one where you take a flower, and the precious little girl would slowly pluck the petals off the flower and say “He loves me, he loves me not”? I wonder how many of us have unknowingly brought this seemingly harmless little game into our adult life. It could certainly be with our marriage…but let’s ponder this question with our relationship with God. Is it possible that we have turned this little childhood game into our theology when it comes to knowing our Heavenly Father? Do we think God loves us more based upon our attitudes and actions…or is it really possible that He would love us for the sole purpose of loving us because we are His children? Guest: Wayne Jacobsen Book: He Loves Me - Learning to Live in the Father's Affection Website: http://lifestream.org

  • Becoming a Thermostat, Not a Thermometer

    06/10/2020 Duration: 25min

    Who can ever forget the 1992 Olympics… With the help of his father, Derek Redmond finished the 400-meters race after tearing his hamstring. And here’s a name that you may not recognize….Bert Trautmann. Bert may have been before your time. He was a professional soccer goalie for Manchester City. Bert finished the 1956 FA Cup with a broken neck. We as a culture love and admire these great athletes because they are willing to do anything to win. No matter what the cost, no matter how much pain….they play through the pain. They know how to play…hurt. So this week, we continue our conversation about how to play through the pain and the hurt during those tough seasons in marriage, and learn how to become a thermostat rather than a thermometer. Guest: Pastor Brian Goins Book: Playing Hurt - A Guy's Strategy for a Winning Marriage Website: http://catapultconcepts.org

  • A Guy's Strategy for a Winning Marriage

    05/10/2020 Duration: 25min

    We as a culture love and admire great athletes because they are willing to do anything to win. No matter what the cost, no matter how much pain….they play through the pain. They know how to play…hurt. In this show, we discuss how to play through the pain and the hurt during those tough seasons in marriage. Guest: Pastor Brian Goins Book: Playing Hurt - A Guy's Strategy for a Winning Marriage Website: http://catapultconcepts.org

  • Your Daughter's Value & Identity

    03/10/2020 Duration: 25min

    In this week's show we continue our conversation with Shannon Hoffpauir. She is no stranger to the questions that middle school and high school girls ask. Questions that may make a parent, pastor or teacher squirm or blush... especially when it comes to homosexuality and oral sex, Shannon handles through Biblical Truth and grace-filled relationships. Guest: Shannon Hoffpauir Website: www.OikosMinistries.org

  • Kids Are More Curious Rather Than Embarrassed By Sex

    02/10/2020 Duration: 25min

    Do kids have an internal hunger for God's Word? Our guest this week has spent the last two decades teaching students and says emphatically.... "YES!" they do. We'll also discuss how kids are more curious rather than embarrassed by sex, and provide a great example as to how to have the "sex, sexuality and pornography" discussion with your kids. Guest: Shannon Hoffpauir Website: www.OikosMinistries.org

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