Manifestation Babe



The Manifestation Babe Podcast is your weekly dose for all things related to manifesting your best life, cultivating a positive mindset & attracting more money than you could ever dream of. Your host, Kathrin Zenkina, is the CEO & Founder of Manifestation Babe, a multi-million dollar personal development brand, #1 Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and Manifestation Expert. Featured in Forbes, Thrive Global, Goalcast, CNET, and Bustle.


  • (#57) How To Handle Negative People

    02/08/2018 Duration: 30min

    It's inevitable. You're going to come across negative people on this personal development journey. Not everyone is ready for the "positive thinking" movement, and not everyone is even AWARE that they're being negative--let alone that they have total control of what they're focusing on, but that doesn't mean you have to go down the black hole with them. In this episode, I share with you how I used my 3 steps to overcome an "uber ride from hell" home from the airport. I also get super transparent and vulnerable with you in this episode and teach you something called the "me society vs we society" pendulum and why it's so important to stay authentic to who you are.  Enjoy the episode and be sure to share it with someone you love! Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook group: Manifestation Babes Website:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#56) 4 Ways You Are Resisting Money Without Even Realizing It

    11/07/2018 Duration: 19min

    July is MONEY MINDSET MONTH at Manifestation Babe! I am so excited to bring to you some incredible money mindset content this upcoming month to prep you for the launch of Rich Babe Academy. This episode is all about 4 ways you are resisting money without even realizing it. I see these common mistakes/habits/behaviours ALL the time and I believe that the moment you are aware of them and decide to change them, you will open up the flow of abundance and start attracting more DOLLA BILLS into your life.  Are you guilty of these 4? Tag me on Instagram and let me know!  As mentioned on this podcast: Tapping Into Massive Wealth Rich Babe Academy Waitlist Follow me on the Instagram: @manifestationbabe Join the Manifestation Babes FB Group: Manifestation Babes. For more inspiration check out:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#55) Manage Your Time Without Losing Your Sanity

    02/07/2018 Duration: 22min

    Hey beautiful souls! In this episode, I share with you 4 of my best tips on how I've been able to build a 7 figure business, published two books, manage a team, and travel the world full time WITHOUT a schedule, planner, extensive to-do list, or calendar. Sounds crazy, but I believe my tips will help you be more productive while following your inspiration and accomplishing all of your big goals. LOVE this episode? Be sure to leave a review and share with your friends! Every single review and share is deeply appreciated and motivates me to keep inspiring you via my free content.    Follow me on the Gram: @manifestationbabe Join the Manifestation Babes FB Group: Manifestation Babes. For more inspiration check out:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#54) The BEST Way To Handle An Internet Troll

    25/06/2018 Duration: 12min

    Nothing will get your blood boiling like scrolling past a negative comment or receiving a message from an internet troll. It's so easy to go right into reaction mode and respond to this "hater"... but I want to share an alternative point of view. Before you react, understand that a hater only means you're on the right track, you're becoming more successful, AND this person is just hurting. They're looking for that outlet, and that outlet is YOU. Listen to this episode to pick up on my 4 tips on how to handle haters. LOVE this episode? Be sure to leave a review and share with your friends! Every single review and share is deeply appreciated and motivates me to keep inspiring you via my free content.    Follow me on the Instagram: @manifestationbabe Join the Manifestation Babes FB Group: Manifestation Babes. For more inspiration check out:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#53) The Missing Link To Your Success

    18/06/2018 Duration: 21min

    In this episode, I share with you a trend that I find way too often in the people who WISH to be successful... but aren't for this very reason.  Are you taking 100% responsibility for everything in your life? Let me know by sharing your thoughts with me on my Instagram at @manifestationbabe or leaving me a review on iTunes!   Follow me on the Instagram: @manifestationbabe Join the Manifestation Babes FB Group: Manifestation Babes. For more inspiration check out:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#52) Lessons Learned From Manifesting an Audi R8

    11/06/2018 Duration: 54min

    Last week was a crazy, whirlwind, up and down energy for me that led me to get sick, unable to sleep for 4 nights, and my resting heart rate was over 100bpm. I think that’s the normal physiological response to a massive uplevel and manifestation of something that’s been on your vision board for 10 years, right?! Last Tuesday I officially signed the papers for my DREAM CAR-- a 2018 Audi R8. On Friday, I got to drive it home. Tune into this episode to hear the story of how I manifested it, how we finally got Audi to take us seriously, and the two powerful lessons I learned from the process. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend and leave a review to let me know! Follow me on the Gram: @manifestationbabe Join the Manifestation Babes FB Group: Manifestation Babes. For more inspiration check out:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#51) The Power of the Subconscious Mind & How to USE it

    28/05/2018 Duration: 42min

    Today's episode is one that excited the hell out of me. Ever since I learned about the sheer POWER of our subconscious mind, my entire life changed... and I was able to connect so many dots together from all the knowledge I had on manifestation/Law of Attraction that I couldn't before. In this episode, I'll share with you what the subconscious mind is, why it's important to get into alignment with it, and tons of fun facts that explain HOW it works and how to use it before IT uses YOU.   Manifestation Babe Academy  Follow me on the Gram: @manifestationbabe Join the Manifestation Babes FB Group: Manifestation Babes. For more inspiration check out:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#50) What To Do When You Feel Like A Piece of Crap

    26/05/2018 Duration: 23min

    Ever have those days when you're sad or feel like a piece of crap for no good reason? Like... for instance... PMS? Because of my mostly female audience, I KNOW this episode will resonate with you!  Tune into this episode to find out how I handle those days and what personally helps me get through the "low vibe" period.   Follow me on the Instagram: @manifestationbabe Join the Manifestation Babes FB Group: Manifestation Babes. For more inspiration check out:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#49) The Power of Surrounding Yourself With The Right People - My Mastermind Reflections

    21/05/2018 Duration: 26min

    There is power in surrounding yourself with the group of the right people. And not just those who pump you up, lift you up and give you endless positive feedback, but those who force you outside of your comfort zone and help you grow. In this episode, I share with you how my mastermind stretched me this weekend and how getting the right accountability, support, and feedback from the RIGHT people will take you to the next level. Manifestation Babe Academy  Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook group: Manifestation Babes  Website:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#48) My Evening Routine For Lasting Success

    15/05/2018 Duration: 18min

    After sharing my morning routine, naturally, the question I started to receive next was: Kathrin, what's your evening routine?  My evening routine gets me SO excited for bed, sets me up for success, and it's only THREE steps. Tune in to listen to the breakdown & don't forget to share with me what resonated most about this podcast episode by tagging me on Instagram!   For more inspiration check out:  Follow me on Instagram: @manifestationbabe Join the FB group: Manifestation Babes To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#47) The Million Dollar Podcast

    14/05/2018 Duration: 01h12min

    I got some BIG news to share with you! Manifestation Babe has officially crossed over the $1,000,000 mark in just TWO years since I started this company. Tune into this episode to hear the ENTIRE play-by-play. The start, the highs, the lows, and everything in between. From one female entrepreneur to another... YOU GOT THIS BABE. It's 100% worth it, and you will never regret chasing your dreams.   For more inspiration check out:  Follow me on Instagram: @manifestationbabe Join the FB group: Manifestation Babes To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#46) My Exact Morning Routine That Helps Me Own The Day

    09/05/2018 Duration: 28min

    This is a question that pops up the most often for me: What is your morning routine? I've shared it a few times before... but now it's time to get it on the actual podcast.  In this episode, I will share with you the evolution of my morning routine from 3 years ago, to where it is now. I'll share with you what I do and why, and how YOU can establish a morning routine that sets you up for the day before the day owns you. For more inspiration check out: Follow me on Instagram: @manifestationbabe Join the FB group: Manifestation Babes To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#45) Feeling Uncertain is 100% Normal

    08/05/2018 Duration: 16min

    Do you feel lost? Like you're on a dirt road, walking in the dark, there are potholes everywhere, and you have no idea where you're going? There's a myth that all successful people are fearless, always certain, have clarity 100% of the time, and always know what they're doing. But that couldn't be further from the truth!  Feeling uncertain is 100% normal. Allow me to share with you a time when I ALMOST gave up on my business in early 2018! For more inspiration check out :  Follow me on Instagram: @manifestationbabe Join the FB group: Manifestation Babes To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#44) This Little Habit That's SCREWING UP Your Success

    08/05/2018 Duration: 35min

    There's a little habit you may not be aware of that's screwing up your chances at success. It's small though, so it's easy to change it. There's a phrase I almost NEVER hear from successful people and ALWAYS hear from unsuccessful people. It's a phrase I decided to stop telling myself and anyone else around me 3 years ago. Find out what this phrase is in the episode AND get a little taste of my casual Q&A's I like to do on Instagram + find out more about my book progress that's scheduled to launch this October.   Follow me on Instagram: @manifestationbabe Join the FB group: Manifestation Babes For more inspiration:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#43) Drop the EITHER OR Mentality

    05/05/2018 Duration: 28min

    Feel like you can have EITHER success OR sanity? Wealth OR happiness? Love OR a thriving business?  A social life OR time for yourself? If so... this episode is for you. Tune in to listen to a breakthrough I had from a conversation with Brennan and something a psychic once told me that I've successfully proved wrong. It's not EITHER OR... It's BOTH. In this abundant Universe, you can have it ALL.  Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook group: Manifestation Babes Website:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#42) How to LET GO of the "HOW"

    02/05/2018 Duration: 17min

    Feeling like you need to know the "how" it's going to happen and every little detail of your manifestation journey?  Well... since we will NEVER know the "how," why not finally learn how to LET GO and surrender? Allow me to share with you a game-changing perspective exercise that allowed me to trust in the divine timing and divine unfolding of everything I've ever manifested. Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook group: Manifestation Babes Website:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript  

  • (#41) I'm NEW To This... Where Do I START?!

    02/05/2018 Duration: 29min

    Overwhelmed in the self-help department? Excited about personal growth but don’t know where to start? You hear everyone talking about the new coach they just hired, the book they just read, the crystals they just purchased, how their tarot-card reading went, and whose course they just went through... And here you are: Overwhelmed, paralyzed, and need someone to give you that FIRST STEP. In this episode, I will share with you where I believe you can start that won't lead you to overwhelm AND produce kick-ass results.  Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook Group: Manifestation Babes  Website:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#40) 5 Things They Don't Tell You About The Path To Success

    23/04/2018 Duration: 33min

    It's been one of those weeks where the Universe has been throwing hurdle after hurdle my way. I take this as a great reminder that polarity serves us and every single challenge is an opportunity for growth. There are 5 things that I was never told about when it came to the path to success until I personally experienced it myself. As someone who wants to pave an easier way for you, I wanted to share these 5 things with you. Not so you EXPECT them, but really a reminder that a mindset of steel will serve you from beginning to end. Catch the episode to learn what these 5 things are :) 12 Universal Laws Masterclass Follow me on Instagram: @manifestationbabe Join the Facebook group: "Manifestation Babes" Check out the web for more inspiring content: To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#39) How To Get Your SIGN From The Universe

    20/04/2018 Duration: 27min

    Ever wondered when the Universe would finally start throwing 11:11's, feathers, butterflies, and all kinds of signs your way? This was a huge question that came up via the Manifestation Babe Bali Retreat that I felt like I should share on the podcast. There is no science to receiving your sign -- it is an art. Just like the art of Manifestation! In this episode you will learn: How I started to notice synchronicities in my life after asking for my first sign   How to open up the channel of communication between you and the Universe What to expect when asking for a sign If you enjoyed this episode, please be sure to leave me a review letting me know how much you loved it! Every single rating and review helps rank this podcast so that more beautiful souls can come across its path. I appreciate you so much for doing so!! Follow me on Instagram: @manifestationbabe Join the Facebook Group: "Manifestation Babes" Check out more things MB:  To see my current offers, please visit manifestatio

  • (#38) The BEST Manifesting Ritual That'll Give You Crystal Clarity On Your Life

    01/04/2018 Duration: 27min

    Ready to try an amazing manifesting ritual that will not only give you a clear vision of your desires but actually lead you to the VERY action steps you need to take in order to make it your reality? In this episode, I will break down my most effective 3 step process that I have condensed almost a decade of manifestation knowledge into. Get ready to create MAGIC!!! 12 Universal Laws Masterclass  Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook Group: Manifestation Babes To see my current offers, please visit Website:  Download Podcast Transcript

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