Manifestation Babe



The Manifestation Babe Podcast is your weekly dose for all things related to manifesting your best life, cultivating a positive mindset & attracting more money than you could ever dream of. Your host, Kathrin Zenkina, is the CEO & Founder of Manifestation Babe, a multi-million dollar personal development brand, #1 Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and Manifestation Expert. Featured in Forbes, Thrive Global, Goalcast, CNET, and Bustle.


  • (#36) MONEY: How Do We Manifest More Of It?

    10/03/2018 Duration: 52min

    In this episode, I go into all of the beliefs I had to overcome in order to get myself OFF of my grandma's couch and build a 7 figure business in under two years.I also dive super deep into why doing the inner MONEY work is SO, SO important, especially for us women who feel unworthy of having money in the first place.  If money has been one of those funky things for you where you just couldn't seem to grasp it, this is the episode for you! Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook Group: Manifestation Babes Website:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#35) Still Searching For Your Life Purpose? Allow Me To Relieve Your Pressure!

    06/03/2018 Duration: 14min

    There's a question I get more times than any other question. It's "How do I know I'm living my life purpose?" or "How do you even find your life purpose to begin with?  The phrase "life purpose" is so hot right now in the personal development world and most people are making this very mistake when deciding what their life purpose is. In this episode, I will share with you why I believe that your life purpose is less about what you're DOING and more about who you're BEING. Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook group: Manifestation Babes Website:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#34) My Alternate Reality Reiki Experience & How It Can Help You Manifest

    02/03/2018 Duration: 20min

    Do you believe in alternate realities? Whether or not you do, I'm about to teach you one of my most potent and powerful manifesting tips and share with you a crazy cool experience I had while getting a Reiki massage in Costa Rica. It involves floating above palm trees! Yes, seriously! I promise you this is relevant to you ;) Instagram: @manifestatiobabe Facebook Group: Manifestation Babes  Website:   To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#33) It's Not The Elimination Game. It's The Focus Game.

    01/03/2018 Duration: 13min

    Have you ever been frustrated with negative thoughts, fears, doubts, and worries taking over your mind? How much energy do you waste on trying to eliminate them rather than choosing to put that same energy into something more productive? This episode may just switch your perspective on the battle between positive thoughts vs negative thoughts and how to thrive when your mind is filled with both.  Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook Group: Manifestation Babes Website: To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#32) Why Having Money IS Spiritual

    21/02/2018 Duration: 24min

    There's an annoying subconscious belief that so many of us are getting caught up in believing to the point where we are keeping ourselves broke, struggling, and living a life far beyond below our potential. So many of us struggle with the belief that having more money isn't spiritual. We believe that money is going to corrupt us, make us do evil things, and that we are actually going to change as soon as we have money. Allow me to settle this belief once and for all and help you see it differently. Having money IS actually spiritual and I can't wait to share with you what helped me overcome this limiting subconscious belief.   Rich Babe Academy Unleash Your Inner Money Babe Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook Group: Manifestation Babe Website:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#31) Make Sense of the Universe in 45 Minutes (The 12 Universal Laws)

    08/02/2018 Duration: 48min

    We all know about the Law of Attraction, we've heard about it a million times, and we could recite the meaning of "like attracts like" in our sleep. But are you familiar with the other 11 Immutable Laws of The Universe? When you get to know the other laws, all of a sudden, the Universe makes complete sense.  Find out how you can manifest even more into your life by going BEYOND the Law of Attraction!   Freebie Library 12 Universal Laws Masterclass Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook Group: Manifestation Babes Website:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#30) Why You're Actually In The Business of Love

    06/02/2018 Duration: 15min

    If you were to die in 7 days, what would you do? What would actually matter to you? What would be most important for you to focus on? Would you spend those last 7 days stressed out behind your computer? In this episode, I share with you a question I was asked that changed my perspective entirely on my business. I went from worrying about all the little technical things that don't really matter to appreciating every single relationship I have in my life--clients, customers, AND my intimate relationships. Business is about love and relationships. Once you've understood that, then the money, the success and the accolades you are striving for will effortlessly follow. Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook Group: Manifestation Babes Website: Download Podcast Transcript 

  • (#29) Help! I'm Feeling Uninspired!

    03/02/2018 Duration: 21min

    Do you ever find yourself hitting periods where you have a lack of inspiration and creative flow? Especially for the female entrepreneur who relies on her creativity, this period of time can be really stressful. Resistance can build up if we don't surrender to whatever it is that the Universe is trying to tell us. Sometimes, slowing down can be really hard. This is my take on how I handle a lack of inspiration. You'll learn an epiphany I had recently by sharing a metaphor that ties in nicely with this lesson. Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook Group: Manifestation Babes Website:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#28) How I Manifested Away My Shyness

    24/01/2018 Duration: 28min

    I grew up REALLY shy and most who know the child version of Kathrin Zenkina, would agree that I NEVER said a word in group environments. I was always so afraid of being myself and identified myself as a super shy person. Speaking on stage was my BIGGEST fear.  Today, I'm a completely different person. I'm a speaker, I host a podcast, I don't remember the last time I was alone because I'm always surrounding myself with other people, and I LOVE going live on Facebook. It's like a whole new world for me. But it didn't happen overnight and not without the 5 tips/steps that I'll be sharing with you in today's episode. If you're someone who is OVER being shy and introverted, then this episode is for you.   Rich Babe Academy Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook group: Manifestation Babes Website:   To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript 

  • (#27) Ready To Become A MASTER Manifestor?

    23/01/2018 Duration: 09min

    Quickie episode for you to ask yourself... are you the thinker or the be-er? Are you the ritualist or the liver of life? None of the above may be real words, but tune in if you're feeling called to access your natural state of manifestation simply by accessing this quick mindset trick. I'll give you a hint: EXPECT the best. Rich Babe Academy Unleash Your Inner Money Babe Instagram:@manifestationbabe Facebook group: Manifestation Babes Website:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#26) Your Peers Define Your Future

    20/01/2018 Duration: 27min

    Jim Rohn says that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. In this episode, I explain why your peers really DO define your future & why the RIGHT peers should initially intimidate you and make you uncomfortable.  This episode was inspired by Lewis Howes' Greatness Mastermind weekend and my initial thoughts walking into a room of high level people. I also answer the most common question I get, which is "How the hell do I find the right peer group?" Take it from this previously shy and quiet introvert to let you know it really isn't that hard.  ---- Rich Babe Academy Unleash Your Inner Money Babe Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook Group: Manifestation Babes Website:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#25) Is It Possible To Vibe On The Same Wavelength As A Couple? OUR STORY!

    18/01/2018 Duration: 01h08min

    I get asked A LOT about how Brennan and I grew to vibrate at the same frequency and link up on the same wavelength as a couple. So many people are led to believe that we began our relationship as two believers in the law of attraction & manifestation when that couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, Brennan had one of the biggest lack mindsets I've EVER come across! Find out how Brennan and I grew as a couple and what REALLY shifted in him to raise his vibration and wake up to the powerful awareness he has now. Did I mention he's a master manifestor and manifests incredible things all the time now?!    Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook group: Manifestation Babes Website: To see my current offers, please visit  

  • (#24) How To Raise Your Vibration FAST In Under One Minute

    15/01/2018 Duration: 10min

    Ever find yourself in a low vibe space and not believing in your ability to manifest your desires? This is my favorite trick in the book for raising your vibration super fast in just under a minute using the most powerful phrase in the Universe. You're gonna feel AMAZING after this episode!   Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook group: Manifestation Babes Website:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#23) Stressed & Overwhelmed? Listen to THIS.

    12/01/2018 Duration: 19min

    In this episode, I share with you what REALLY went down in my business in December and how the 80/20 rule went into effect quickly to actually DOUBLE my business, my reach & my impact in the last 30 days. Success does NOT mean you have to be busy, overload your to-do list, or live in a constant state of stress.  If you're feeling overwhelmed, then you must listen to this episode!   Rich Babe Academy Unleash Your Inner Money Babe  Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook Group: Manifestation Babes Website:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#22) Q&A Episode! You Asked, I Answered.

    11/01/2018 Duration: 01h06s

    Hey gorgeous souls! In this episode, I answer some of your questions that were left underneath one of my posts on Instagram. Hit play to listen to my answers to the following questions: 1. What did you want to be when you were little? What keeps your passion fires going on the down days? 2. Any mindset tips for nurturing your email list without feeling like you’re bothering them? 3. Do you have any advice to women who really want to quit their job and work on their dream business but feel blocked because they have bills to pay? 4. How did you grow manifestation babe so quickly from an energetic perspective? 5. What is the first thing you would suggest for someone who wants to change their life in 2018 but doesn't know where to start? 6. I have a question related to the 10/10/10 rule. If I can't afford that amount at the moment, what about substituting a dollar amount with time?  ----- Rich Babe Academy Unleash Your Inner Money Babe Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook group: Manifestation Babes Website: w

  • (#21) The Habit That's SLOWING DOWN Your Business Growth

    06/01/2018 Duration: 18min

    In this episode, Kathrin talks about a recurring theme she's noticed amongst her clients, students, and social media friends. It's a habit guaranteed to slow down your business growth unless you decide to nip it in the bud starting today. What is the habit? Be sure to listen to today's episode to find out! --- Rich Babe Academy Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook group: Manifestation Babes Website:  Unleash Your Inner Money Babe To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript 

  • (#20) Faith Is Like WiFi - December Money Babe Challenge

    03/01/2018 Duration: 18min

    In this episode, Kathrin digs into Day 21 of the #DecemberMoneyBabeChallenge going on in Kathrin's Facebook group, Manifestation Babes.  In Day 21, Kathrin talks about the importance of FAITH when it comes to your money manifesting journey. It's not when you see it that you'll believe it (although that's how many people operate), it's when you BELIEVE IT that you will see it! Get on the Rich Babe Academy Waitlist To grab your own copy of "Unleash Your Inner Money Babe," click HERE! Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook Group: Manifestation Babes Website: To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#19) The Magic 10/10/10 Rule - December Money Babe Challenge

    01/01/2018 Duration: 22min

    In this episode, Kathrin digs into Day 20 of the #DecemberMoneyBabeChallenge going on in Kathrin's Facebook group, Manifestation Babes.  In Day 20, Kathrin shares her magic 10/10/10 rule for prosperity that is sure to bring back abundance into your life 10 fold. She swears by this rule, has helped MANY people transform their finances using this rule, and now it's YOUR turn! Get on the Rich Babe Academy Waitlist To grab your own copy of "Unleash Your Inner Money Babe," click HERE! Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook Group: Manifestation Babes Website:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#18) Scripting + Where The Money Comes From - December Money Babe Challenge

    01/01/2018 Duration: 28min

    In this episode, Kathrin digs into Day 18 & 19 of the #DecemberMoneyBabeChallenge going on in Kathrin's Facebook group, Manifestation Babes.  Kathrin shares a peek into how far you can go in just ONE year if you put your full trust into yourself and the Universe, as well as one of her FAVORITE journaling exercises to manifest your ideal life. Plus find out what other people have to do with YOUR money manifestation and why it's so important to cultivate positive relationships with everyone around you. Get on the Rich Babe waitlist: Rich Babe Waitlist To grab your own copy of "Unleash Your Inner Money Babe," click HERE! Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook Group: Manifestation Babes Website:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#17) December Money Babe Challenge - Up Your Value, Up Your Income

    28/12/2017 Duration: 39min

    In this episode, Kathrin brings Brennan on & they dig into Day 16 of the #DecemberMoneyBabeChallenge she hosted in Kathrin's Facebook group, Manifestation Babes.  Day 16 is all about recognizing the value within yourself FIRST to activate your innate money magnet, then increasing your value in all kinds of different ways to keep increasing your income. Day 16 has personally transformed Kathrin's life in a matter of just one year where she was able to 10x her income from the previous year. This is a really good listen especially for those who are afraid to make that first big investment in themselves.  Get on the Rich Babe waitlist: Rich Babe Waitlist To grab your own copy of "Unleash Your Inner Money Babe," click HERE! Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook Group: Manifestation Babes Website: To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

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