Caged Vision



As a successful business owner, do you ever ask yourself, is this it? Do you feel trapped by the vision of what could be? If so, Caged Vision, is the podcast for you. Each week, we explore ways to unlock your business potential, provide tips for how to execute your idea and discuss the most efficient ways to scale your new source of revenue.


  • 69: The Fundamentals of Customer Experience

    20/06/2019 Duration: 23min

    The Fundamentals of Customer Experience Show Notes: Your customers want an experience with your brand that is: - Unique - Memorable - Personalized The problem is your staff have different personalities and approach customer experience differently.

  • 68: What's Stopping You From Starting?

    13/06/2019 Duration: 20min

    The imposter shepherds will: 1) Steel your passion 2) Kill your vision What are these imposters: 1st, CERTAINTY is not your shepherd. The quest for certainty is draining. 2nd imposter, INSECURITY. You’ll never be fully alive as a leader following your insecurity. Insecurity will eventually lead to dishonesty, which erodes your credibility & undermines moral authority. 3rd imposter is ENVY. Envy will just lead you to do what everyone else is already doing. You’ll end up arrogant or depressed.

  • 67: Storytelling Your Vision

    06/06/2019 Duration: 19min

    Storytelling Your Vision: 1. Your employees want to be relevant to your organization 2. The problem is they're disconnected from your strategy: - It's not contextual/relevant - They don't know how to add value 3. As the CEO, you understand, because you've been an employee

  • 66: Is It Your Season To Say No Or To Grow

    30/05/2019 Duration: 33min

    This week on the Caged Vision podcast, we are talking with Clay Cark, host of the Thrivetime Show podcast, and serial entrepreneur. At the age of 13 Clay decides to “go for it” with ingenuity and scrappiness he made it through, but his vision was not uncaged until he realized it was about paring with someone to help you think big…even when it doesn’t come natural to you.

  • 65: Stay Focused On The Vision

    23/05/2019 Duration: 23min

    "People that accomplish major things focus on the vision and focus on the vision and focus on the vision. They know the destination." ~ Anthony Zolezzi This week's show with the CEO of Twinlab Consolidation Corporation, Anthony Zolezzi, is all about keeping your eye on the end goal...the vision of what you know you can achieve.  Stop worrying about the "how" and the challenges that may arise in your pursuit. Stay focused on the end goal. Thanks to Anthony for such a great show!

  • 64: Why Are You So Afraid?

    16/05/2019 Duration: 22min

    1. Compose Strategic Questions at their level Make Strategy Contextual Make Them More Engaged and That They Have Something to Add 2. Get Them to a Place of Self Discovery Don't Give the Plan Help Them Think Through the Assumptions 3. Remove Fear and Anxiety Show the Path Let Them Find Steps Iterate at a Small Level Leads to the Next Step

  • 63: Status Quo - NOT The Risk Free Option

    09/05/2019 Duration: 18min

    How Status Quo Happens: 1 - Drink Your Own Kool-Aid 2 - What Got You Here Will Get You There 3 - Build Trenches So Deep All You See Are The Sides Why The Status Quo Is So Sticky: 1 - Over Intellectualizing Strategy 2 - Not Engaging People Emotionally 3 - Defend Market Share What To Do About Status Quo: 1 - Risk Rate Status Quo 2 - Look For Language That Reaffirms Your Status 3 - Look For New Ways To Add Value

  • 62: Don't Trade Self Discovery and Exploration for Aughtness

    02/05/2019 Duration: 21min

    Don't Trade Self Discovery and Exploration for Aughtness How Aughtness Happens: 1. Schooling 2. Career Advice 3. Keeping Up With The Joneses 4. Regret / Fear Of Missing Out 5. Not Making The Decision To Invest In Yourself What It Takes To Be Okay With Self Discovery & Exploration: 1. You Have To Believe That You Are Worth Investing In 2. You Have To Become Okay With Not Having All Of The Answers 3. You Have To Reframe Failure As An Opportunity To Learn About Discovery And Exploration

  • 61: The Power Of Habit

    25/04/2019 Duration: 20min

    Using The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg to discuss the Cue, the Routine, and the Reward, but through the lens of the customer journey.

  • 60: How Do You Know When You Are Minnovating?

    18/04/2019 Duration: 20min

    Creativity with a purpose that drives a better result for your target customer.

  • 59: Fear of Unlocking Caged Vision

    11/04/2019 Duration: 22min

    “Strategy is sexy and cool and everyone likes to talk about strategy, but the rubber meets the road in executing a plan.” ~ Mark J Forchette How are you coming? Astute business leaders already know…they feel it. Is it another year of: 1. Same old, same old 2. Verdict is still out, or 3. Clear, distinct path

  • 58: How Surrounding Yourself With The Right People Can Help You Achieve Anything

    04/04/2019 Duration: 22min

    "I was so determined and the coaches had mercy on me… But really that I had the confidence and I wasn’t going to leave. And because of that confidence, they kept coaching me. And by the time I finished that three months, I came back and became the best in the U.S.” ~ Bonny Simi This is an excerpt from Bonny Simi’s Olympic rise from becoming a novice to the nations best in 3 short months. How did she do it?

  • 57: Hope Is Not A Strategy

    28/03/2019 Duration: 20min

    Hope is not a strategy... We all want to move forward, but the path most traveled will just leave you in the middle of the pack. Figure out how to best tackle complexity and you're on the path to success.

  • 56: LinkedIn Tips To Unlock Your Caged Vision

    21/03/2019 Duration: 16min

    Tips for unlocking your Caged Vision using different tactics on LinkedIn. Carey walks you through some of his favorite tactics for engaging with our target audience on LinkedIn.

  • 55: Lessons From Forged In Crisis

    14/03/2019 Duration: 16min

    "Forged In Crisis" - by Nancy Koehn. A brilliant book that teaches us about leaders and how to prepare for turbulent times. It shows an appreciation for effective leadership and the lack of it in the world today.

  • 54: A Message For All Of The Naysayers Out There

    07/03/2019 Duration: 27min

    Today’s episode is packed full of lessons about living the life you want first and figuring the rest out later. Today we’re joined by Tim Alison, founder of Screw the Naysayers Productions, which includes a book, podcast and tons of life lessons. Tim has great stories about how he just figured it out, that I think will serve as encouragement to anyone looking to unlock their caged vision I know you’ll enjoy and learn a lot from Tim’s story. So please help me welcome Tim Alison.

  • 53: Learning to Navigate the Messy Middle in Any Business Venture

    28/02/2019 Duration: 20min

    There is no straight line in business. In today’s episode, we try something different from the norm, that we hope you love. One of my favorite new books is by Scott Belsky. The book “The Messy Middle” is about finding your way through the hardest and most critical part of any bold venture. Throughout the podcast, we play audio clips from the book, and discuss how it applies to both business and unlocking caged vision. We hope you enjoy this format. If you do, please let us know…

  • 52: Lessons from Across the Globe with Ed Andrew

    21/02/2019 Duration: 33min

    In today’s episode of the Caged Vision Podcast we’re joined by Ed Andrew, who started his career as a barrister in London, and then moved into the entrepreneurial world. Today, Ed is a startup advisor who helps people grow themselves & their businesses to multi-million dollar profits. We can learn from Ed’s approach to understanding a market, how he’d navigate obstacles, & constantly driving to do the work he loves. I know you’ll enjoy and learn a lot from Ed’s story. So please help me

  • 51: Understanding The Signals That Drive Your Purpose

    14/02/2019 Duration: 23min

    On today's show, we discuss a talk given by Damien Patton (Founder and CEO of Banjo) that we loved and just had to share. The talk was put on by the Stanford eCorner.

  • 50: 7 Steps to Build a Moat Around Your Ideas

    07/02/2019 Duration: 22min

    With just 7 steps you can begin to turn your vision into a reality. As it turns out, the process you go through to make your vision a reality is the same process that makes your vision unique. So as you look out at other's ideas, you have options. Listen to learn more.

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