Global Truths With Dr Keith Suter



One issue in global politics explained each week, so you understand whats really going on, why its happening and whats likely to happen next.Dr Keith Suter is Australia's leading media commentator on global affairs and geo-politics. This series gives you the global truths in straightforward and short episodes.


  • The Australia and US relationship - how strong is it really

    22/02/2018 Duration: 22min

    After a rocky start to their relationship Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is now on a visit to the US to meet with President Donald Trump.  Is the Australian / US partnership really as strong as Australian leaders would like to think? How is this alliance impacted by the rise of China as a regional and global power? Dr Keith Suter explains all points from an historical and present day perspective, and looks at how the future could pan out.See for privacy information.

  • War against North Korea - is it inevitable

    15/02/2018 Duration: 19min

    Is military action and war inevitable? What is the background to this tension? What role have successive US administrations played in being unable to broker a positive outcome with North Korea? What are the likely scenarios to come out of the current conflict? Dr Keith Suter lays down the background and current context with North Korea and explains the need for planning for multiple possible scenarios and outcomes.See for privacy information.

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