Global Truths With Dr Keith Suter

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 94:16:20
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One issue in global politics explained each week, so you understand whats really going on, why its happening and whats likely to happen next.Dr Keith Suter is Australia's leading media commentator on global affairs and geo-politics. This series gives you the global truths in straightforward and short episodes.


  • Could 2027 be the year World War III begins?

    21/12/2023 Duration: 20min

    Chinese president Xi Jingping may use the 100th anniversary of the People's Liberation Army in 2027 as motivation to invade Taiwan. The US has military bases in Japan and Korea, so any move on Taiwan would inevitably include America, bringing about the likelihood of World War III. In this episode of Global Truths, Dr Keith Suter looks at how and why 2027 is shaping up as a big year for Xi Jingping, and what how his decisions on China's future will resonate around the world.See for privacy information.

  • What is the new Washington 'consensus'?

    14/12/2023 Duration: 19min

    The Washington consensus is about the major driving forces in the global economy stemming from the US government.  Joe Biden is now leading a NEW consensus, focusing on keeping the US economy strong, by focusing not on the global economy, toward onshore manufacturing.  Bringing it all back home. In this episode of Global Truths with Dr Keith Suter, we take a deep dive on Washington's new consensus and what it means for the global economy.See for privacy information.

  • How fundraising is undermining feminism

    07/12/2023 Duration: 19min

    The National Organization for Women was a game-changer for women. It led the second wave of feminism creating opportunities unimagined a generation before. It was funded and grew through grassroots activism and fundraising. American academic Katherine Turk suggests donation-driven activism is undermining activism, in particular feminism. In this episode of Global Truths, Dr Keith Suter looks at the history of activism fundraising, where it all went wrong, and why feminism in particular is suffering as a result.See for privacy information.

  • Why you need to know about 'risk tipping points'

    30/11/2023 Duration: 20min

    What are 'risk tipping points' and why you need to know about them. The UN University Institute for Environment and Human Security has come up with six 'risk tipping points', a list of potentially catastrophic events in the world's near future. An RTP is defined as “the moment at which a given socioecological system is no longer able to buffer risks and provide its expected functions, after which the risk of catastrophic impacts to these systems increases substantially.” In this episode of Global Truths, Dr Keith Suter explains what a risk tipping point is, and why you need to know about them.See for privacy information.

  • Is Putin the new Stalin?

    23/11/2023 Duration: 20min

    Russia needs strong leadership - and Vladimir Putin is repeating history as he develops his leadership into a dictatorship similar to Joseph Stalin. In this episode of Global Truths, Dr Keith Suter takes a look back at Russia's past leaders, Stalin and Lenin, to compare their reign with Putin.  He also talks about why Russia needs dictators and why Putin's reign is developing into the very modern version of a dictator. Is Vladimir Putin the new Stalin?See for privacy information.

  • The enduring mystery of JFK's assasination

    16/11/2023 Duration: 19min

    November 22 is the 60th anniversary of the assasination of US President John F Kennedy and there are still multiple theories and conspiracies as to who killed him and why. In this episode of Global Truths, Dr Keith Suter discusses Lee Harvey Oswald and his motivations - and the "magic bullet" theory.   Many are unaware the term 'conspiracy theory' actually comes from the inquiry into Kennedy's death.  So who killed Kennedy?  And why?See for privacy information.

  • The rise and rise of Rupert Murdoch

    09/11/2023 Duration: 18min

    Rupert Murdoch has created a global multi-media empire.  How and why? In this episode of Global Truths, Dr Keith Suter explores Rupert Murdoch's history and motivation, to discover how he went from inheriting a small Adelaide newspaper to being one of the richest and most influential people in the world. The rise and rise of Rupert Murdoch.See for privacy information.

  • A future for Palestine and Israel

    02/11/2023 Duration: 19min

    What does the future hold for Israel and Palestine?   In this episode of Global Truths, Dr Keith Suter outlines four possible scenarios for the future of the two nations and how the wider conflict in the Middle East may play out. The disputes between Israel and Palestine are not only over land but also religious interpretation. When it comes to war, truth is the first casualty and God is the first recruit.See for privacy information.

  • A New Agenda for Peace

    26/10/2023 Duration: 18min

    The UN has released 'A New Agenda for Peace'.  What happened to the OLD Agenda for Peace?? Currently, a quarter of humanity is living in places affected by violent conflict, with the world facing the highest number of violent conflicts since the Second World War. In this episode of Global Truths, Dr Keith Suter explains how and why the UN plans to implement its New Agenda for Peace and what it means for the world.See for privacy information.

  • The problem with growing old in the USA

    19/10/2023 Duration: 20min

    The global population is ageing, but our systems are not keeping up.  Elder care is becoming big business and that means it's more costly.  Having fewer children means older people are more likely to have to provide for themselves in their twilight years.In this episode of Global Truths Dr Keith Suter investigates why growing older in the US is harder and more expensive than it's ever been.What can Australia learn from the Americans' mistakes?See for privacy information.

  • The rising cost of higher education

    12/10/2023 Duration: 17min

    What is the correlation between higher education and Japanese cars?If American universities aren't careful, they're going to end up like American cars - too expensive and cumbersome.  Customers are going to choose cheaper and more accesible options, or choose not to go to university at all.In this episode of Global Truths, Dr Keith Suter talks about the rising cost of higher education and what it means for the future of first-world countries like the United States and Australia.  He also talks about whether we actually need a university education and advocates for more people to go to TAFE and to take up trades.See for privacy information.

  • Age of Uncertainty

    05/10/2023 Duration: 19min

    In this episode, Dr Keith Suter examines the history of physics and how it has impacted modern society while discussing Tobias Hurter's book "The Age of Uncertainty".See for privacy information.

  • US in crisis

    28/09/2023 Duration: 18min

    What is cliometrics, and what might it reveal about the future of American society? Dr. Keith Suter examines the reasons for the US's downfall and the underlying causes of the current state of affairs.See for privacy information.

  • The migrant crisis impacting Europe

    21/09/2023 Duration: 18min

    The flood of migrants heading to Europe is creating crisis conditions in the EU.  The UNHCR, says 159,410 refugees and migrants have arrived this year via the Mediterranean route compared with 89,921 this time last year – a 77 percent increase.  Getting in to the EU is the holy grail of migrants, but they have to overcome extraordinary odds to make it, including pirates.   In this episode of Global Truths, Dr Keith Suter explores what this crisis means for the changing face of Europe.  See for privacy information.

  • Why China snubbed the G20

    14/09/2023 Duration: 18min

    Why did Chinese President Xi Jinping snub the G20 in India last week? What is his motivation for moving Beijing further away from the West? In this episode of Global Truths, Dr Keith Suter discusses China's move toward establishing greater ties with what's called the BRIC group of developing nations - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The world is watching Xi's every move as he rallies to rejuvenate a failing economy while keeping up appearances of a global power on the rise.See for privacy information.

  • The billionaires threatening democracy

    07/09/2023 Duration: 19min

    Why would billionaires want to end democracy? In this episode, Dr Keith Suter explains why there is a global movement pushing for governments to get out of the way to let big business run countries - and it's leading to the demise of democracy. Who are the people who see economic return as more important than democratic freedom?See for privacy information.

  • The rot economy

    31/08/2023 Duration: 18min

    What is the rot economy and how will it affect you and your future?    In this episode, Dr Keith Suter explains we all want information at light speed, but it means we're ruining the internet.  Businesses are moving away from supplying quality goods and information and instead focusing entirely on growth. The rot economy is the world moving away from useful transactions and is all about making money - and clicks.See for privacy information.

  • CIA and mind control

    24/08/2023 Duration: 18min

    America's CIA has kept secrets hidden from view for generations, think JFK and MKULTRA.  A new investigation has uncovered terrifying research on ethnic bioweapons and mind control experiments. In this episode of Global Truths, Dr Keith Suter talks about the startling research projects that saw experiments conducted on prisoners and in particular, people of colour. What will it take for the CIA finally have to come clean on what it did in its mind control experiments?  See for privacy information.

  • Gap between rich and poor

    17/08/2023 Duration: 19min

    A recent book, The Big Myth: How American Business Taught Us to Loathe Government and Love the Free Market, breaks down the flow of wealth between the rich and the poor.  The numbers are staggering.  47 trillion dollars has lined the pockets of the rich, sourced from the poor. In this episode of Global Truths, Dr Keith Suter explains why relying on a 'free market' has led to a widening divide between the haves, and have-nots. It turns out teh TV show Utopia is a lot closer to the mark than we think.See for privacy information.

  • The increasing impact of global diasporas

    10/08/2023 Duration: 18min

    It's a small world - and it's getting smaller.  Diasporas around the world, where people move from one country to another, are growing in influence in their chosen home. Think how many Indians are working in IT in Silicon Valley, or the number of Chinese here in Australia.  Their growing influence in their chosen home, is ever growing. In this episode of Global Truths, Dr Keith Suter looks at how and why global diasporas make such a big impact in global communities, what it means for the future of those chosen nations.See for privacy information.

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