Dosha Karma Dharma Podcast With Akshata | Ayurveda, Yoga, Vedanta, Spirituality, Women's Wellness

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 17:35:41
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Akshata (Akee) Sheelvant is an Ayurveda/Yoga Lifestyle Consultant studied in Rishikesh, India. Her passion is to help women balance lifestyle disorders with an Ayurveda and Yoga lifestyle. She specializes in crafting food medicine for Hormone Balance, Thyroid Health, Digestives Issues, Diabetes Management, Preventative Lifestyle. She offers 1-1 consultations and workshops/classes.


  • When To Be And When Not To Be Gluten Free - What does Ayurveda Say? Part I

    22/10/2022 Duration: 26min

    Do you know how long we as humans have had this long relationship with wheat - when I did some research - our relationship with wheat began more than 10000 years back - think about this - it almost goes back to as old as Ayurveda. According to the recent article by Allied Market Research the gluten free snack industry was estimated at $843.6 million in 2021, and is set to reach $1.8 billion by 2031 globally. Why is our loyalty towards wheat shifting - why are we in such a hurry to ditch this relationship that stood the time for thousands of years and made us who we are today? Why, what might be the reason? More importantly what does the scientific wisdom of Ayurveda tell us about wheat and  gluten free grains? The topics covered in this episode - 1) When to eat and when not to eat gluten free grains 2) What season is more beneficial to incorporate gluten free diet 3) How to access each dosha to the gluten free properties and make an informed decision when and when not to be gluten free 4) Which dosha suffers

  • What’s the best Breakfast - Smoothies/Fruits? Ayurveda Science of Eating

    12/10/2022 Duration: 27min

    Why do we eat food? What is the most common answer - to keep us ALIVE, we eat food to sustain us, to keep our body and mind healthy. It is not the food it is the nutrients from the food that is sustaining us - to absorb maximum nutrients from the food Ayurveda clearly tells us optimal digestion contributes to optimum nutrition absorption. Everything sounds perfect in a smoothie -  FAST,SIMPLE,DELICIOUS, and EFFECTIVE - but one big thing is missing in this equation- listen to the podcast to know and understand the MISSING PIECE of the equations that aids in optimal digestion which in turn aids in optimal nutrition absorption per Ayurveda.  Interested to know more about Ayurveda please contact me - Email -  Website -

  • Ayurveda Wrong Food Combinations Part II - Full Episode

    15/09/2022 Duration: 21min

    Ayurveda is nothing but practicing COMMON SENSE! In this episode Akshata offers you the long list of 18 categories Ayurveda prescribes as wrong food combinations.    Akshata dissects the scientific wisdom of Ayurveda and makes it practical to apply in our daily life while it fully convinces your logical mind.  She tells you how the thoughts you think are directly connected to the eating pattern of your life. She also touches on the modern day Western medicine and their approach to wrong eating combinations and how that leads to discomfort and disease in life.  Website - Ayurveda Online Learning - Email -  

  • Ayurveda Nutrition Part II - Wrong Food Combinations for the Mind & Body (PREVIEW)

    03/08/2022 Duration: 08min

    This episode talks about the list of wrong food combinations Ayurveda prescribes to avoid in our everyday meals. We first dive into the Spiritual significance of wrong food combinations how it affects the MIND.  We live on the plane of Duality - we are in a constant war to either pick the voice of the EGO or the voice of the BUDDHI to react to any situation in life.  In this episode you will get a list of Wrong Food Combos and why it is mentioned in the Ayurveda texts to avoid.  Your comments are deeply appreciated.  Email - Website - Ayurveda Online Learning -

  • Science of Ayurveda Herbo-Minerals for Women’s Wellbeing with Ayurveda Doctor (MD)

    25/07/2022 Duration: 35min

    On the auspicious day of Guru Purnima - I am chatting with a very well known Ayurveda doctor from India specializing in the Science of Ayurveda Herbominerals. I have personally studied Ayurveda herbominerals from this doctor and feel privileged to know him and learn from the authentic lineage of vaidyas in India.  In this episode with my Guru's blessing will be launching Ayurveda Women Lifestyle courses partnering with the Ayurveda doctor. Here we will be learning What is Ayurveda Herbominerals? Is it safe to take heavy metals, minerals in our bodies?  We will focus on the Pre-Pregnancy phase of a woman's life and how she needs to get physically and mentally ready to accept the soul gifted to her by the Divine.  We will also learn on how to prevent/mitigate hereditary conditions, genetic disorders during pregnancy by administering herbominerals.  Interested in joining the Ayurveda Courses online please email  Email -  Website - Ayurveda Online Learning

  • Ayurveda Nutrition Part I - What is Food (Ahara)and how the journey of Soul influences what we eat

    21/03/2022 Duration: 42min

    AHARA, NIDRA, and BRAMHACHARYA are the three weight bearing blocks of our body and mind says Ayurveda.  Food plays an important role in Ayurveda - what you eat is directly connected to your ego, your desire, your ambition and everything in life! Show me your Ahara (food), Ayurveda can tell precisely your personality and your mental makeup.  In this episode we learn what is AHARA - how it influences our thoughts, words, and actions in life. To know this we will discover the journey of soul - we did not come here as HUMAN BEINGS we have travelled a long long path and finally taken the form of human species. This journey will help us understand about Ayurveda nutrition in a totally different way.  You will also learn Ayurveda guidelines on how to effectively cook and eat the right food for your body type.  Website - Ayurveda Online Learning -  Ayurveda Online Consultation -  Email -

  • Understanding Vata Phase of Depression through the Science of Ayurveda (full episode)

    16/01/2022 Duration: 27min

    It is hard to recognize subtle vata phase of depression - it needs attention, introspection and wisdom guided intuition to understand vata depression. In this episode I share my experience in understanding vata phase of depression by learning from my clients and observing life in general.  I share with you how subtly the imbalanced vata manifests in mind and can create havoc in life. You will also learn Ayurveda proven remedies to combat vata imbalance. Why life looks meaningless and boring for the vata mind? In this episode you will get a good understanding on how to recognize imbalanced vata mind.  Website - Email - Ayurveda Online Learning - Ayurveda Online Consultation -  Ayurveda Recipe Link -         

  • Understanding Vata Depression through the Science of Ayurveda (Preview)

    11/01/2022 Duration: 09min

    Understanding Vata depression is tricky as it is subtle by nature just as vata dosha is - you need to pay attention and more importantly your intuition guided wisdom will really help you recognize your vata form of depression and Ayurveda has proven remedies to help with this state. This is a PREVIEW only - you will learn my 3 UNCONVENTIONAL TIPS TO AVOID FOR VATA PERSONALITY and how creatively vata depression is subtly manifested in the mind.  Website - Email - Ayurveda Online Learning -

  • Understanding Pitta Depression through Science of Ayurveda (Full episode)

    04/10/2021 Duration: 52min

    In this episode I talk about how Pitta plays the role in the journey of depression. Pitta blessing is needed for acceptance, it is only when we accept we start on the journey to heal. I talk about my personal journey and how I was stuck for a long time in the pitta phase of depression.  You will also learn from Bhagavad Gita the three ways to burn Karma in this life. We will listen to the difference between Delusion and Illusion and how they influence us in our life.  Spiritualizing Your Emotional Boulders Online Workshop -   Are you serious in learning Ayurveda please check out my Online Ayurveda Learning - Website -  

  • Understanding Pitta Depression through the Science of Ayurveda (Preview)

    04/08/2021 Duration: 09min

    This is the preview of Part 3 in the series of Depression seen through Ayurveda and Vedanta teachings.  The actions of Pitta are generally Pronounced, Severe, and Intense and also Self-Harming....listen to the preview to get an idea on how Pitta works. The full episode will be uploaded soon.   Website - Ayurveda Online Learning Academy - Email -

  • Understanding Kapha Depression through the Science of Ayurveda

    23/07/2021 Duration: 40min

    This is the part TWO of Understanding Depression through Ayurveda & Yoga Philosophy.  In this episode we will learn how to identify Kapha state of depression and how the two gross elements of Earth and Water play the song to express the emotional toxicity of depression when it is influenced by the kapha dosha.  You will listen to personal stories and "practical" tips and remedies to help overcome your depression caused by kapha imbalance.  WORKSHOP LINKS - SPIRITUALIZING YOUR EMOTIONAL BOULDERS (60 mins recorded video) SPIRITUALIZING YOUR EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE (personal 1-1 workshop) WEBSITE EMAIL

  • Understanding Depression through Yoga & Ayurveda Philosophy

    30/06/2021 Duration: 28min

    This is the Part 2 of the 'Become A Mind Gardener' episode. Depression is still a taboo in our modern culture and is sadly viewed as a form of mental disease.  What does Depression mean through the lens of Vedanta teachings? - In this episode I share with you the forms of depression according to the ancient teachings. Why Spiritual Depression is the "root cause" for all suffering in life!   Are you interested in overcoming your Depression through Ayurveda & Spiritual teachings? Here is the link to the education video -  SPIRITUALIZING YOUR EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE WEBSITE EMAIL  

  • Become A Mind Gardener - From The Texts of Ayurveda, Vedanta & Bhagavad Gita

    11/10/2020 Duration: 14min

    Mind is the doorway where Happiness, Health, Prosperity enters and Mind is the doorway where Disease, Fear, Anger, enters. What enters through the mind DEPENDS COMPLETELY on what we feed our mind says the ancient texts of Vedanta. My Guru Paramahansa Yogananda has said this so aptly -    Mind is the cause of LIBERATION and Mind is the cause of BONDAGE in this LIFE. In this episode we will get to know from the texts of Vedanta, Bhagavad Gita & Ayurveda -  WHAT MIND IS? WHO CONTROLS THE MIND? DOES MIND RESIDE IN THE BRAIN? WHY DO WE SUCCUMB TO MOOD SWINGS? DEPRESSION ACCORDING TO AYURVEDA? HOW TO BECOME A CONSCIOUS MIND GARDENER? I would love to hear from you! Like what I share please do SUBSCRIBE to my podcast and share it with family and friends interested in Ayurveda & Yoga and natural holistic lifestyle. Thank You! Email - Website - Ayurveda Online Learning Academy - Instagram (recently opened) - https

  • The Right Ways To Drink & Store Water per Ayurveda Texts

    29/09/2020 Duration: 35min

    Are you curious to know if you are drinking water the right way? Do we need EIGHT GLASSES OF WATER EVERY DAY?  When NOT TO DRINK WATER? When is the BEST TIME TO DRINK WATER during the day? All these questions and much more are addressed in this podcast episode and we get our answers directly from the original Ayurveda texts!  Ayurveda is a highly customized science tailored to our unique cellular type - and precise instructions are given in accordance to our dosha (body type). I also share my personal experience following Ayurveda principles of drinking water the right way.  SURPRISE BONUS:  You get the recipe to make SWARNA JALA (Gold Infused Water) and RAJAT JALA (Silver Infused Water) in this episode and why it is important to consume this water.  THIRSTY TO LEARN AUTHENTIC AYURVEDA?  - Here you will find EDUCATIONAL COURSES and AYURVEDA ONLINE CERTIFICATION COURSES. Please check out my ONLINE AYURVEDA LEARNING ACADEMY. Follow me on social media - Website, Instagram, Facebook   Thank you for listen

  • Get To Know Ghee From The Original Texts Of Ayurveda

    27/07/2020 Duration: 36min

    Ghee - the clarified golden butter needs no introduction as it has become hugely popular in the West just in past two - three years!    In this podcast you will learn why Ghee is revered so highly in the ancient texts of Ayurveda. I share with you Ayurveda sutras and explain to you the numerous benefits of consuming ghee.    Here is the link of my educational video on ghee - How To Make Authentic Ayurveda Ghee (Preparation-Storage-Benefits)   The topics covered in this podcast episode -  Qualities of ghee - get to know ghee personality according to Ayurveda Which doshas benefit the most from Ghee? Why Ghee is the Divine Elixir of Life according to Ayurveda Sutra? What kind of butter makes authentic Ayurveda Ghee? When is the best time to make ghee per Ayurveda sutra? Why ghee made from Cow's Milk is important? Did you know Ghee never spoils - Ayurveda uses ghee as old as 100 year old! How I personally take ghee in my own daily life? What are

  • Digestive Fire (Agni) - The Foundation of Your Life!

    19/06/2020 Duration: 01h10min

    In this podcast episode I share all about Agni (Fire) and different forms of Agni in accordance to Ayurveda & Yoga Philosophy. I also share sutras from Vedanta. I have shared few types of Agni in Yoga and Ayurveda. There are many more types of Agni in both Yoga and Ayurveda which I cover in detail in my Ayurveda certification courses. You can also watch the YouTube Video on Digestion where I share more detailed information on this topic.  The topics I have covered in this episode are below-   1) What is Agni?  2) Different Forms of Agni in Yoga  3) Different Forms of Agni in Ayurveda  4) What is Digestive Fire?  5) Ayurveda Proven Remedies for optimum Digestive Fire  6) You are what you DIGEST  7) What is Mental Digestion?  8) Digestive Fire of Vata Dosha  9) Digestive Fire of Pitta Dosha  10) Digestive Fire of Kapha Dosha  11) How to live an authentic life? I share my own Ayurveda & Yoga experience. I would love to receive your comments. If you have any questions please email me at Jee

  • Humility - Contentment in Action (sharing my personal experience)

    05/06/2020 Duration: 21min

    In this episode you will listen to my take on Humility and my personal journey influenced by the teachings of my Guru Paramahansa Yogananda.  I give you step by step approach I took to learning one of the highest virtue Humility in my own life.  I would love to receive your comments. If you have to contact me please email me at  Website - JeevaLifestyle Instagram - akshataayurveda Facebook Page - JeevaLifestyle FREE GIFT - AYURVEDA GOURMET DRINKS EBOOK  When you take a moment and write a review and rate my podcast on Apple Podcast, please send me the screen shot of your posted review and rating by email - I will send you my own crafted gourmet drink recipe ebook free to your email. Thank you!!  

  • How To Tame our Monkey Mind with Ayurveda

    16/05/2020 Duration: 33min

    On the auspicious day of Hanuman Jayanthi (May 16th) I thought it would be appropriate to talk about the monkey mind which is a vata imbalanced mind per Ayurveda.  Recently I came across a very interesting research done by the US Library of Medicine on brain research done on vata brain, pitta brain, and kapha brain. I am sharing the result of this interesting article in this episode and how it accurately ties with Ayurveda which was told more than 10000 years back.  In this episode you will learn practical tips on balancing the monkey mind of vata - 1) How the age-old ghee called Purana Ghritha in Ayurveda helps with various mental issues? 2) How Ojas (the refined by-product of Kapha dosha) helps to bring security and stability to the vata mind?  3) What are tangible signs that give us clues that Ojas is not sufficient in life? 4) How reciting of vedic mantras and meditation help to calm and center the monkey mind? 5) I recite one paragraph of Hanuman Chalisa for you to get inspired to recite this mant

  • Social Distancing to Self Communing

    10/05/2020 Duration: 40min

    During this corona virus pandemic - I wanted to share my feelings and my thoughts with you all. This is a very organic raw episode where I am sharing my thoughts as they come along with no editing....just going straight for approx 40 mins on what I felt like sharing with you all - so please keep in mind this is a very authentic organic sharing I have done in this episode.  This episode is sharing my own personal journey towards my higher Self influenced by the teachings of my Guru Paramahansa Yogananda.  In this episode I talk about -  1) How to utilize this "precious" quarantine time and maximize it for our own well-being 2) Prayer is the highest form of Charity! 3) How "emotional leeches" can be a BIG roadblock in our journey to knowing our higher Self 4) How to simplify life - by simplifying our thoughts - words -actions in our own life! 5) Take assessment of our "wants" and "needs" in life!  6) How to carve time out for daily Meditation and Communing with our higher Self Want to conta

  • Ayurveda Weekly Satsanga Recording (Fix Your Digestion - Fix Your Life)

    30/04/2020 Duration: 01h12min

    Namaste Everyone! This is a recording of my weekly Free Ayurveda Satsanga held on Zoom. Last Sunday (April 26th 2020) we talked about The Fire of Life - Fix Your Digestion - Fix Your Life.  In this recording you will hear practical tips on how to optimize Digestive Fire (agni) to keep our immune strong and healthy. Want to attend future FREE WEEKLY AYURVEDA SATSANGAS? - please email me at Website - Facebook Page - YouTube Channel -

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