Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast



Sandra Rea is one of Irelands foremost spiritual teachers. Named the perfect guide by Womans Way Magazine, she has a genuine passion for helping women to deeply heal, step into their power and live their best life. In each episode Sandra brings you inspired wisdom, spiritual guidance and practical steps to apply the teachings in your life so that you can begin to see the changes you desire. Trust your inner wisdom, know your worth and become your best self.


  • April Energy Explained: Numerology, Astrology Dates, and Angel Cards for the Month Ahead

    27/03/2023 Duration: 17min

    Are you ready to manifest change and step into the truth of who you really are? In this episode I explore the themes of numerology, astrology dates, and angel cards to guide you through this significant time. Discover the powerful energy shifts that will take place as we move from fiery Aries into dependable Taurus energy, and learn how to harness this energy to manifest a better way of living. Explore the significance of the number four, the protection it offers, and how to create solid foundations for growth. Learn about the healing secrets that the Full Moon in Libra brings, and the chance to let go of limiting beliefs and step into your truth with a huge Total New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries. Finally, embrace the slower pace of Taurus season and ground your dreams into reality with the help of your Angels and guides. Enjoy this video to connect with your Guardian Angel straight away so that you can raise your vibration, feel your Angels presence and receive clear guidance: https://courses.sandr

  • Do Angels Walk Among Us?

    16/03/2023 Duration: 08min

    Do you ever wish you could know for sure that your Angels and spirit guides are real? If you’ve been asking yourself if Angels walk among us and what happens when you call on Angels for guidance and support, this episode will answer those questions. If you want to start connecting in a more pure way with your Angels and guides, I think you’ll love this episode. Fiercely Spiritual Family membership is open for the next few days. Click here to join:

  • March Astrology & Energy - Huge Shifts Coming

    02/03/2023 Duration: 20min

    In this podcast episode, you'll discover the powerful energies and themes that will be present throughout the month of March. As we move from the introspective and contemplative Pisces season into the more dynamic and assertive Aries season, there's a sense of newness, wonder, and playfulness in the air, providing ample opportunity for growth and transformation. During the episode, you'll learn about the significance of the number three in numerology and how it can be a positive sign from your angels and guides. You'll also discover the transformative energies of the upcoming Full Moon in Virgo, Aries season, and the Equinox, as well as the potent new beginning that the New Moon in Aries will bring. March encourages us to embrace change and take bold steps forward, tapping into our own courage and passions to fuel desires and goals. Energy Alchemy: you can click here to get instant access to Energy Alchemy now:

  • Heal and Transform: How February's Energy is Helping You Let Go of Emotional Baggage

    26/01/2023 Duration: 19min

    February will be a time of emotional healing. This month is all about balance, union, relationships and opportunity, and it is the perfect time to face your emotions head on. Don't let the thought of emotional healing overwhelm you, with the right mindset, it can be enjoyable and satisfying. Discover how to harness the power of February's energy, including the Full Moon in Leo and the start of Pisces Season, to make breakthroughs in your emotional healing journey. With Mercury direct for the entire month, and no planets in retrograde, there's never been a better time to make progress. Don't miss this opportunity to transform on new levels. And remember if you are drawn to working with the energy of your ancestors, here’s the link to Heal Your Ancestral Lineage:

  • The Unexpected Energy Shifts Coming in 2023: Empaths Are You Ready?

    30/12/2022 Duration: 23min

    Are you ready for a deep dive into the energy of 2023 and the astrological insights for January? This episode brings together intuitive insights, astrology dates, angel cards, and guidance on how to connect with the energy the New Year brings. 2023 will be a year of awakening for many people on different levels, as well as a time of reshuffling power and the collapse of outdated leadership structures. January is set to be a month of new beginnings, with opportunities for emotional healing and aligning with your inner self. Keep an eye out for astrological events like the Mercury retrograde and the Full Moon in Cancer, and tap into the energy of Aquarius to focus on your aspirations, intuition, and integrity. Let Angel Cambiel help you access the Water of Life and transform through purification of your intuition. Don't miss out on these powerful and potentially life-changing insights. Whatever you’re creating in your life, know that everything is possible. Sending you so much love and Angel blessi

  • The Best Method to Master Your Vibration in 60 Seconds (or less)

    20/12/2022 Duration: 07min

    In this video I’m going to give you a quick “hack” to master your vibration in 60 seconds or less. This method is pure genius and it works! You’ll instantly dissolve any resistance allowing your vibration to bounce back to it’s naturally high state. If you’d like to go deeper with this, to celebrate the solstice, Vibrate Higher, my 5 day energy reset is available for the next few days. You will kick start your frequency so you can effortlessly raise your vibration. I will walk you through the exact steps to work with your Angels and guides to release heavy energy so you can end suffering and struggle and experience more peace and ease in your life. Click the link below to get start straight away You’re Watching the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast. Sandra shares powerful tips, techniques and insights about all things Angels, Archangels, Guides, Spirit, Angel Signs, Connect with Angels, Abundance, Meet your Angels, Angel Guidance, Angel Numbers, Astrology, Alignment,

  • What are you searching for? December 22 Energy Update and Angel Reading

    01/12/2022 Duration: 19min

    Moving into the New Year we can use the energy December brings to really introspect and gain an insight into our direction, our motives and our goals. In this video I’m sharing: The theme for December including a surprising question that may bring unexpected results. Intuitive Insights for the month ahead and their meaning. Astrology Dates & essential understanding of how to work with these cosmic events. Angel cards and central guidance for December 2022. And how to meet your Guardian Angel December holds lots of potential to go within gain new insights, balance on new levels and attain your hearts desires. Enjoy this video to connect with your Guardian Angel straight away so that you can raise your vibration, feel your Angels presence and receive clear guidance. Disclaimer: The content in this audio is for information purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any mental or physical illness.

  • 3 Steps to Quickly Awaken Your Psychic Abilities

    28/11/2022 Duration: 13min

    In this video I am sharing 3 simple steps to awaken your psychic abilities. I’ll explain what the different psychic powers are and how to tune into your predominant psychic ability and I’ll give you some tips so you can get started straight away. Here’s the link to download the guided meditation to experience a powerful energy purification and psychic activation. It’s free to download and it’s so cleansing, uplifting and transformative!

  • You Are Not The Victim, You Are The Creator - November Energy Update and Angel Guidance

    29/10/2022 Duration: 22min

    November might feel like an energetic rollercoaster but it doesn’t have to be… you can ride the waves of November energy. In this episode I am sharing the theme for the month of November, the upcoming eclipse energy and how to deal with it, the Astrology key dates and influence they will have and the Angel cards and their guidance for the month.

  • Dark Night of the Soul - Meaning, Symptoms and How to Get Through it

    28/10/2022 Duration: 07min

    What is a Dark Night of The Soul? How do you know if you’re going through one, and if you are what can you do to shorten it’s span? In this video I address all these questions and also share which Angels you can lean on to bring strength, protection, courage, empowerment, love, compassion, peace and harmony. You can click here to download Invocations with the Angels to help you in times of need:

  • Be prepared for HUGE transformation! October energy update & Angel Guidance

    30/09/2022 Duration: 28min

    Coming up there will be some big shifts in energy in October. What does this mean and how can you prepare for what’s to come? In this video I share: What the key astrological dates are for October and how to work with the energy. Which Angels to work with and why. How to sync with the numerology for October and what it means. Ways to connect with ease and flow and step out of struggle. And I share the Angel cards for the month and reveal their meaning (some really interesting cards this month). With the start of eclipse season, Scorpio season, Samhain and the 10/10 portal, October is really going to bring huge opportunity for transformational shifts. If you’d like to register your interest for the next round of Certified Angel Intuitive so you can find out first when applications open next week, you can register here:

  • Cracking Open - September Energy Update and Angel Guidance

    30/08/2022 Duration: 20min

    I always feel drawn to start new projects in September. There is very much a sense of new beginnings and the theme for the month nudges us towards being open to something new. I’ll dive into the theme fully in this episode plus I’ll be sharing: - Spiritual insights for September and the power of openness. - The numerology for September - a nine month & 9/9 gateway. - Astrology forecast and important dates to note. - Angel guidance for the month and messages. - How to work with the upcoming Equinox energy. Overall, September will bring the opportunity to open up and embody the truth of who you are. This month will be a powerful turning point if you are open to working with the energy available. If you’re an empath and you’d like to connect with your Angels, click here to sign up for this free training on how to get clear Angel guidance each day:

  • Angel Numbers and their meaning 111, 222, 333, 444, 555 | Why you see repeating numbers

    12/08/2022 Duration: 14min

    Angel Numbers and their meaning 111, 222, 333, 444, 555 | Why you see repeating numbers by Sandra Rea

  • Your Hidden Power - August Energy Update & Angel Reading

    30/07/2022 Duration: 23min

    The energy of August is so exciting with so much opportunity for change, transmutation, transformation, manifesting and abundance. August energy is going to hand us the opportunity on a golden plate to step out of old paradigms and into something new, something wonderful! I’ll explain exactly what this means for each of us plus I’m sharing: The theme and insights for August and the power of choice. The numerology for August - an eight month. Important astrological dates and the Angels to work with. Angel card reading for the month and divine guidance. How to supercharge your intuition and receive new insights. Overall, August brings huge energy, it will be important to stay spiritually aligned and grounded and keep connecting in with your Angels and guides so you can lean on their guidance and support. Namaste, Sandra P.S. If you are joining us for the Lionsgate portal Activation, you can click below to sign up and also get instant access to one of the bonus gifts I have created for you: https://cours

  • Huge Lionsgate Portal - Here’s What To Expect

    25/07/2022 Duration: 10min

    Coming up on the 8th August we have a huge Lionsgate portal. What does this mean and how can you prepare your energy? In this video I explain: What the lions gate portal is and how to sync your energy. How to use the portal to Fast track manifestations. Ways to connect with & harness the lions gate energy. And I answer the question - Is it possible to jump timelines and manifest a higher version of your reality? The Lionsgate portal really is such a powerful gateway of spiritual alignment. Everyone will feel it on some level but if you’re empathic or sensitive to energy this will be an extra powerful time for you. If you’d like to join our live gathering on 8/8 for the Lionsgate Portal Activation you can reserve your place here: -

  • July Energy Update & Angel Reading

    30/06/2022 Duration: 18min

    July is going to offer us the chance to start over, to turn a new page and rewrite the story of your life. The decisions we make now will affect how the rest of the year unfolds. This opens the door for opportunities and miracles to take place. I’ll dive into this in detail in this episode plus I am sharing: - The theme for July and how you can work with the energy. - The numerology of July - a seven month. - Key astrological dates and the Angels to work with. - Angel cards for the month and their message. - How to work with the energy to create positive, inspired change. July is going to be a really transformative month with lots of opportunity to start over and create something new and beautiful in your life. Namaste, Sandra P.S. Certified Angel Intuitive - Applications are OPEN! Apply here:

  • June Energy Update and Angel Cards

    30/05/2022 Duration: 21min

    As eclipse season closes out, June is set to bring some welcome energy. There will be opportunity for release, a chance to raise your vibration and tap into heightened intuition and awareness. Lots of good stuff! In this episode I am sharing: The theme for the month and how it will effect us. A quick guide to the numerology of June. How to use the key astrological events to support your spiritual growth. The Angel cards for June and the messages they reveal. How to work with your soul guidance to create fulfilment in June. And lots more! My hope is that this episode supports you in harnessing the energy June brings so you can experience greater spiritual growth and thrive in new ways. For more details and guidance to connect with the Angels visit:

  • Energy Update & May Angel Reading

    29/04/2022 Duration: 15min

    When I was tuning into the theme for May, usually I get a clear indication of an overarching theme for the month. For the first time this didn’t happen because May is going to bring a bit of everything! Get ready! It will either be a month of incredible change or incredible upheaval. We always have the opportunity to choose positive change but if we are not super focused on what is wanted in our lives, we may inadvertently open up to what is not wanted simply by misdirecting our energy. May is a time for spiritual mastery and of course lots of support from our Angels and guides! Discover all the details in this months podcast, I share: - The energy that lies ahead during May. - May numerology of the number 5. - Astrology key dates during the month and their meaning. - How to work with the eclipse energy the month brings. - Angel cards for the month ahead and their message. Have you read my new book? You can get your copy of Presence, Awakening To The Light Within here:

  • April Angel Reading

    28/03/2022 Duration: 21min

    We have some interesting energy coming up in April… it will be an auspicious time for spiritual awakening and even shifts in planetary consciousness. So many are awaking right now to the truth and our Angels and guides are with us, encouraging us and assisting the process. In April we have a chance to turn to our inner truth, that quiet still inner-voice of truth. Remembering we have the answers, knowing we are the truth, becoming empowered and believing in ourselves again. I’ll share about this in more detail in the podcast and you’ll also learn about: The theme for April and what it means for us Numerology of the month and the 4/4 gateway Key astrological dates and their significance The focus of this months eclipse energy Angel cards for the month and their meaning And so much more! Fiercely Spiritual Family is OPEN and we have 30 spots available to join. If you want be one of the 30 who joins us, you can sign up here today:

  • March Angel Reading

    23/02/2022 Duration: 25min

    Do you ever wish you could become instantly aligned with the flow of the universe and live through ease and joy? March is going to be one of those months where the opportunity to become aligned and enjoy the richness of life is available to all of us! With no planets in retrograde make sure your intentions are focused and pure because manifestations will be forthcoming! March will also be a supportive month with lots of opportunities to work with your Angels and guides in a big way. I dive into all of this in this episode plus I’ll be sharing: The theme for the month and it’s significance. The numerology of the month and it’s meaning. Key Astrological dates for the month ahead and what to expect. The Angels to work with during March. The importance of 20th March. And of course the Angel Cards for the month ahead and their guidance. And so much more! __________________ If you'd like to apply for the Angel Intuitive Certification, you can fill out your application here (applications closing on 23rd Feb):

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