Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast



Sandra Rea is one of Irelands foremost spiritual teachers. Named the perfect guide by Womans Way Magazine, she has a genuine passion for helping women to deeply heal, step into their power and live their best life. In each episode Sandra brings you inspired wisdom, spiritual guidance and practical steps to apply the teachings in your life so that you can begin to see the changes you desire. Trust your inner wisdom, know your worth and become your best self.


  • Are You A Highly Sensitive Person?

    12/08/2018 Duration: 36min

    If you’re a highly sensitive person but you don’t know it, you may be suffering unnecessarily. You may think that you are different or stressed or broken in some way when the truth is you just need to nurture yourself and recognise your unique needs. So what does it mean to be a highly sensitive person? What are the traits? Is this something you are born with or does this develop over time? And how can you manage your sensitivity at home, at work and when out in public? These are all questions I ask my good friend Donna Bacon in this episode of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast. Donna is an accredited psychotherapist working in Dublin and is the founder of Trua Counselling and Psychotherapy. Her passion is to work with those who are highly sensitive, supporting them to understand themselves and the highly sensitive trait to reduce overwhelm, and to live more peacefully and with greater self-acceptance. I loved hearing her insights, especially her tips for helping highly sensitive children.

  • Episode 19: Finding Your Why

    06/08/2018 Duration: 13min

    If you were to reach the end of your life and someone asked you “why did you choose to live life the way you did?” How would you answer? Would you explain the clear choices you had made or would you stare blankly back wondering the same? Is your life happening to you or are you making it happen FOR you? In this episode of the Podcast, I’m sharing a process known as the Seven Why’s. It will help you to get to the bottom of your decisions and find out what drives you. It’s a process that I use all the time and one that anyone can adopt to help them to live a better life, a life of your own choosing. If we don’t make conscious choices, then we will keep repeating the same old habits and patterns over and over. When this happens, life sweeps you along, you’re no longer in the drivers seat, you aren’t even in the passenger seat, you’re in the back seat wondering why life hasn’t met your expectations. Don’t let that happen. Take back control starting now! FOLLOW ME ON: Facebook:

  • Episode 18: How To Recognise If You are Addicted To Suffering And What to Do About It

    28/07/2018 Duration: 18min

    If you’ve been caught in a cycle of suffering and drama, let this episode be the catalyst for change. I hate to say it but most of us are addicted to suffering. Myself included! I’ve had times in my life where I have been suffering unnecessarily because it’s addictive. You’re probably thinking I’m crazy and that suffering is absolutely not addictive, it’s painful and something to avoid at all costs. And you are right and wrong. It all depends on the degree of suffering. A little can be addictive, a lot can be unbearable! So why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we endure so much suffering? Largely because we don’t realise we’re doing it in the first place. So what’s the solution? Well, that’s what I’m sharing with you in todays episode - how to recognise if you are addicted to suffering and what to do about it.

  • Episode 17: Aligning Your Vibrational Signature (to Allow everything you desire to come to you)

    23/07/2018 Duration: 24min

    If you want to master your vibration so that you can align with your desires, I think you’ll love this episode. Today I’m talking about what vibration is, why it’s so important and your own unique vibrational signature. My hope is that you will have at least one “ah-ha” moment listening to this episode that will bring you closer than ever to your desires.

  • Episode 16: Mastering Spiritual Expansion (even when it feels uncomfortable)

    13/07/2018 Duration: 13min

    In today’s episode of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast I talk about how to master spiritual expansion (even when it feels uncomfortable). Because nobody tells you that, no-one says that spiritual growth can be uncomfortable, unknown and sometimes messy. Instead we mostly see the glamorous side of spirituality, the manifestations, the Law of attraction and the bliss of meditation. And yes, it is all that too. But there are times of spiritual expansion and growth when we feel vulnerable and powerless and lost and that’s okay. Find out why and how to move through these phases with greater ease in today’s episode.

  • Manifesting with the Angels (so you can finally get what you want)

    09/07/2018 Duration: 22min

    This will be the last thing you will ever need to watch, read or listen to when it comes to manifesting. It is not magic but there is a formula to it and that is what I’m sharing with you today. I’ll be talking about what manifesting really is and why it’s not that difficult. My magic manifesting formula. Hint, you don’t have to be a wizard or have superpowers! And some of the Angels you’re going to want to work with to supercharge your manifesting mojo!

  • Episode 14: Manifest A Better Life Through Reiki

    02/07/2018 Duration: 36min

    Not many people associate Reiki with manifesting, it’s usually associated with healing, but what is healing? It’s simply manifesting better health! Reiki, when used appropriately can be a powerful manifesting tool. I was chatting with someone recently who has done just that. Kara Maryn is a Reiki Master who helps change people's mindsets by renewing their energy and raising their vibrations. But she didn’t always lead the life she lives today. Her circumstances were very different not so long ago. She has gone from being homeless at one point in her life to now running a successful Reiki practice. Her secret? Kara has used Reiki consistently to take her from where she was, to doing something she loves. Her mission is to help others to do the same so that they can release their fears and love themselves deeper. I love Kara’s inspiring story and I know you will too.

  • Episode 13: The Problem With the Law of Attraction

    25/06/2018 Duration: 17min

    This week I’m talking about the Law of Attraction and the problem with it! When you get this, it will make using the Law of Attraction so much easier for you. I don’t want you to just listen to the episode though and think “yeah that makes sense”, I want you to put what you learn into practice. After you’ve listened message me on Instagram and let me know how you are going to put this into practice. When you commit to something you become more accountable, so let me be your accountability partner!

  • Episode 12: Pellowah, A Radical Shift in Consciousness

    19/06/2018 Duration: 35min

    Recently I had a conversation that really excited and inspired me. It’s not often that you meet someone on Facebook who lives over the other side of the world and you have an instant connection with them when you first chat together. But that’s exactly what happened when I interviewed this weeks guest. In this episode I’m chatting with Julie Parker, a Pellowah Healing Technique Trainer. What is Pellowah you ask? I know, I hadn’t heard of it either until Julie brought it to my attention. Listen to find out all about Pellowah and how it can help to transform your life.

  • The Secret to Easily Integrate Life Lessons

    11/06/2018 Duration: 11min

    Life lessons repeat themselves until they are learnt & integrated. Rather than having to go through the same experience again you can learn from past lessons and release yourself from the repetitive cycle. In this episode I'll take you through the five steps to easily integrate life lessons so that you can learn the lesson the first time around. Once you’ve mastered the process it can be used on a day to day, minute by minute basis.

  • Episode 10: Reframing Death and Suicide

    04/06/2018 Duration: 48min

    This week I was chatting with author and psychic medium Wendy Terry. Wendy shares her story about how she could always see people who she could see through, how she was the only one in her family who had this gift and the problems that led to. She also shares about: - Her fear of the night and how she got over it. - The soul purpose behind suicide. - Messages from spirit and how death isn’t a barrier to communicating with loved ones who have passed over. - Past lives and multi dimensional reality. - The significance of dreams and the messages we receive. - Unconditional love and the lessons “difficult” relationships can bring. - Breaking through limiting beliefs and the process of evolving. - And so much more! My hope is that in this episode you’ll receive comfort from grief and loss while also expanding your awareness of the afterlife. There is still so little we know about death but Wendy gives us a peek into the other side, which may not be as far removed as you might have thought.

  • Episode 08: The Essence of Creation

    21/05/2018 Duration: 46min

    Today I’m chatting with Yoga teacher, facilitator & teacher trainer, Lou Horgan. I’m excited to share some of the fascinating insights Lou will be revealing in this interview. - Hear about Lou’s personal story and how her Yoga journey began with Madonna! - Using the natural rhythms and cycles of life, in particular drawing on the power of the menstrual cycle. - Discover the power of the Divine Feminine and the embodiment of spiritual practices. - The possibility to touch into deep states of divine inspiration. - How we’re missing out on so much through being numb and not fully feeling. - Inviting in that profound, instinctual wisdom that is present in each of us. - Learn about Shakti, it’s power and how to create space for it to arise. - The undervalued and under practiced state that can lead to massive spiritual and personal growth. “I touched into a place that not only transformed me, but it transformed my worldview, how I taught yoga and it created a questioning about what I knew so far… a big missing

  • Episode 07: You're Being Called To Live Your Purpose

    06/05/2018 Duration: 34min

    If you are hiding your gifts or believe that you have nothing to share with the world you will be inspired to go out and do what you love. My guest today is Eileen Ainglin, a wonderful example of someone who believes in what she has to share with the world and knows that her gifts can help to make a difference. She felt called to be of service, a call so strong it is the driving force behind everything she does.

  • Podcast Episode 06: Feeling Blah? Clear Your Negative Energy!

    23/04/2018 Duration: 12min

    Today I’m talking about energy cleansing, what it is, why it’s so important and how to experience it for yourself. It’s not just something that’s nice to do, but absolutely necessary if you want to feel good. A bit like having a shower! If you manage just fine without showering then maybe you can pass on this one too! ;) Otherwise, listen and find out my top tips about what energy clearing can do for you.

  • Episode 05: Are You Stuck In A No-Win Fear Loop?

    16/04/2018 Duration: 22min

    In today's podcast episode I talk about how an experience during a yoga class caused me to realise that I was experiencing a fear loop. I'll go into how to recognise this when it happens, what you can do about it and how to step out of this loop. I'll also talk about what to do when fear has got you in its grip and there seems to be no way out. If you're experiencing any fear in your life right now, it could be a fear of letting go, a fear of not being able to pay your bills or a fear of rejection. Whatever way fear is manifesting for you, recognising when you have become stuck in a fear loop is the first critical step. Then you can take action to get out of it, but without awareness you're stuck!

  • Episode 04: The Secret To a Fulfilling Life

    09/04/2018 Duration: 25min

    In this episode find out: - One thing to focus on for a fulfilling life. - What this is and how to use it. - The importance of living this way. - The pitfalls to recognise and how to avoid them. - The immediate results of living in this state.

  • Episode 3: How To Do A Quick Energy Reset

    02/04/2018 Duration: 12min

    On the podcast today I’m sharing a practice I use to do a quick energy reset. This is really good for days when everything seems to be going wrong, your energy is low or you are just feeling off. Your going to discover: - What is an energy reset? - Why most people feel helpless to transform an “off” day (it is possible & easy). - How to do a quick but powerful energy reset. - What else this practice is good for. Be prepared for significant transformation after you try this for yourself!

  • Episode 02: Igniting Your Power

    26/03/2018 Duration: 20min

    In this episode learn all about: - What is your source of power?
 - The big mistake most people make when it comes to finding their power.
 - Where you can find it (and where not to go looking for it).
 - What happens when you give your power away.
 - How to stop giving your power away.

  • Episode 01: Discovering Your Spiritual Superpower

    20/03/2018 Duration: 44min

    In this first episode I’m chatting with a good friend and founder of Angelic Connections, Debbie Boyle about discovering your spiritual superpower! If you’ve ever wondered what your spiritual gifts are, or if you even have any, this one is for you! You’ll discover: - Debbie’s transformative journey from stress to spirituality. - What really happens when you first step onto your spiritual path. - Her tips to begin opening up to your own spiritual gifts. - What to do if you’re feeling blocked. - How to best use your gifts. - The one spiritual practice that Debbie recommends everyone should do. I loved chatting with Debbie and I just know you’ll love what she has to say. Enjoy listening and please subscribe to my podcast on iTunes to get instant updates about new episodes.

  • You Are Enough

    19/02/2018 Duration: 20min

    A relaxing guided meditation with Sandra Rea to believe in yourself and know your worth.

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