John Rosemberg Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 200:40:31
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Joined me where we discuss Bible,Love ,Relationship ,Politics ,Religions Health, Economic, Sports, History, Sex , Genders, Healthy Cooking . This would be an open forum. Let me know whats on your mind . I am looking forward to hear from everyone on this podcast.


  • Donald Trump Government Shutdown

    08/01/2019 Duration: 13min

    I can’t believe it’s been three weeks since this Government Shutdown. This is ludicrous . People have bills that need to get paid. Let’s get this straight u Shutdown the Government because the democrats didn’t approve your 50 Billions dollars to build a wall. You rather build wall instead investing in education, health, infrastructure and paid teachers a higher pay rate. This is what happened when u have a oxymoron as your president. I thought Bush JR was bad . You’re a disgrace to the Americans people. Call in Let’s Chat --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Hispanic And Latino Is Not A Race

    02/01/2019 Duration: 17min

    For many of us who have chosen to call yourself Hispanic or Latino. U need to understand Latin is a language not a race. Hispanic is not a race is a culture. U have millions of so called Hispanic with dark skin.. However when u watch Spanish television u Hardly see them. If u see them on Tv.They usually portrays them as maid, butler and uneducated. Black is status and colour not a race. White is status and colour not a race. You have to know the difference. 98% of us have black status. I don't care what colour you are or what languages u speak. It's time to know who u really are. Call in. Lets discuss --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Christopher Columbus The greatest thug Of All Times

    31/12/2018 Duration: 16min

    Christopher Columbus was commissioned by the Vatican and queen of Spain. To conquer the New world. He introduced Christianity to the indigenous people . After subduing the indigenous people with his ideology. He brought back the conquistadors to kill and stole the land from indigenous people. Unfortunately most of us don’t know he killed millions of people throughout the America’s. We should not celebrate this man . He brought a lot of nightmares to our people. There’s nothing great about this man. He is savage and a thief. It’s time for us to wake up and reclaimed our names and land back from those aristocrats. Call in Let’s Discuss --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Simple Minded Negros

    31/12/2018 Duration: 16min

    There's a lot of simple Negro's around . They're I. Your Churches, schools, Jobs , and your Neighborhood --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • 2018 Update

    29/12/2018 Duration: 02min

    I would like to thanks all my listeners . I am wishing everyone a Happy New Year Thanks you for your support. I hope 2019 will be better than 2018 one love --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Jessie Jackson The Author Of African American

    23/12/2018 Duration: 12min

    Jessie Jackson The Author African American. During his presidential campaigns in 1988. He quote the term African American. During that time most indigenous people of America where again it. Only a few who were for it most of them are Boule . The aristocrats always used those sambo to confuse our people. We need to do a full investigation on Jessie Jackson. I am convinced he is government agent. U may agree or disagreed with me. However there’s a lot coalitions between him and the government covert operations within the US. He played a part of a lot criminal activities during the 60’s 70’ and 80’. I strongly believe he doesn’t have the indigenous people of America best interest at heart. It’s time to revealed the true motives behind this man success. The US government when dealing with the so called African Americans. It’s time waked up and claim our land back from our oppressors. The America’s is our Homeland not Africa contrary to popular belief. For thousands of years most of us barely traveled to Africa.

  • Should We Boycott The Holidays

    18/12/2018 Duration: 15min

    Black people have been mistreated by the police officer most of the times. It’s time for us stand up and boycott those companies throughout the United States. If we don’t do it. Most companies make the lion shares of their profits during the holidays. They will never give us justice. First of all we need to rectify the US Constitution. So they won’t be able to kill us like animals in the streets. Every times you watched TV or Social Media. You always seen us getting mistreated and killed unjustly by the police. We do understand the police are there to protect and serve not harassed us. It’s imperative we come together as one . So can be able to defend ourselves from this lawlessness. Secondly it’s our taxes money that paid their salaries. The least they can do it’s to treat us as human beings not like animals . I am very adamant about boycotting those companies. That’s the only way going to get some respect in this nation. Black need to arms themselves from the police. That’s doesn’t mean u should go out ther

  • We’re Not African Part 2

    11/12/2018 Duration: 19min

    For many centuries we have been told . We came from Africa. What they failed to tell us. We were already here. When Christopher Columbus arrived 1492 in the America’s. He referred to us as Negro or Copper tone . They don’t refer to the African as such. We have different phenotypes from the West African. Most historians are aware of those facts. First of all Africa have two seasons. America’s have four seasons. It don’t make economic sense for them to go to Africa and bring African to work the land . When we have already cultivated the land before the Europeans arrived here. Secondly it doesn’t make scientific sense the bring boat full of people from west Africa. The boat would have so much bacteria from urinating and defalcating . Most people wouldn’t make it. In those day we didn’t have the Panama Canal or Suez canal . That would have been over ten thousand miles trip.It not possible to bring 100 of millions of west African to the America’s. What they failed to tell u. African was trading other African to t

  • George HW Bush 41’ST President

    08/12/2018 Duration: 21min

    George WH Bush (poppy) George Bush have been in politics since 50”s however must us don’t know much about the Bush family. Prescott Bush financed the German during World War || and provided them with nuclear warhead allegedly . Bush was born in Milton, Massachusetts on June 12,1924 . Bush joined the navy at 18 years old . He was pilot for the navy. He decease on November 30, 2018. He served as the 43rd Vice President of the United States from 1981 to 1989 in the Ronald Reagan administration. He was the Director of Central Intelligence. In 1981 he became the 41st President of the United States from 1989 to 1993. He lost to Bill Clinton in 1992 in Presidential campaign. He favourited quote during the reelection was “ Read Mine Lips No New Taxes” . The have been speculations . He was behind JFK assassination and Ronald Reagan attempt assassination. He was part of the Contra operation in Panama and Nicaragua with Oliver North. He graduated from Yale University in 1948. He is a member of Skulling Bone Fraternity

  • Trans Atlantic Slave Trade Myth

    04/12/2018 Duration: 13min

    Since 1492 when Christopher Columbus arrived in the America’s . He was commissioned by the Vatican and the Queen of Spain. To go and explore a new territory. He thought the earth was flat. When he saw the Aborigines people he referred to them as Negro Or copper tone . He never used the terms African. The term Africa derived from the Roman general Africanist . We’re not African. We’re Aborigines American . Most of African who have studied history are aware of those facts. Most African suffered from same dilemma. We both were colonised by European. Most west African wasn’t aware of the trans Atlantic Slave Trade until. They arrived in the United States. That’s a fact if u ask them . They will tell u that’s true. The. Pam African movement have been preaching this gospel of going back to Africa for decades. However they tell u Africa have 54 nations and thousands of tribes. If u decided to go to Africa witch country are u going to and what tribes do u belong to. You will be very confused. --- Send in a vo

  • Stay Away From A Rachet Women

    03/12/2018 Duration: 10min

    A rachet women is not wife material. She can’t maintain a home or raise your children properly. A lot of men find themselves dating those kind of women. A rachet Women is detrimental to your spirit mental and physical health. She will never be wife material. Because that’s her character. In some cases you have women who have changed however most of those women will never change. If you’re dating or married to those women. You need to separated from them. If u don’t be careful u will end killing them. My advice to men out here. Please stayed away from a rachet Women. Call in Let’s discuss. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Are You Dating A Mama Boys

    03/12/2018 Duration: 13min

    If you’re dating or married to mamas boys . He won’t be able to lead or protect u. A mamas boys are not emotionally sound. They quick to react without thinking just like a women. Therefore it creates problems in the relationship. Unfortunately many black women are raising children by themselves. I blame the liberals policies and the feminist movement that started in the late 60’s . God created the men to lead the household not the women. Now u have a few women who are successfully on raise their by themselves. However you need both parents to rise a child properly. A women cannot raised a boy by herself. If she does he going to be very emotional that’s a fact . If he grew up around women all of his life. He going to be very emotional.A boy need a men to teach him how to be a men not a women. Before you date or married a men get to know him mentally not physically. Caution Stay away from mamas boys . Call in let’s discuss --- Send in a voice message: Support this

  • Adultery VS Fornication

    02/12/2018 Duration: 10min

    For most of us who goes to church every Sunday. Don’t understand the difference between adultery and fornication . Adultery is when married a men sleep with another men wife. For the women it’s when she sleep with any men who ain’t her husband. Fornication is committed when a person sleep with the same sex , children , and animals. However most pastors don’t take the time explain those differences between adultery and fornication. It’s not only extramarital sex . It’s much deeper than that. Call in let’s discuss. Shoot Out to Chronicle Of Judah on YouTube. This brother is very enlightening go check him out . One Love --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Byron Allen Media Mogul/Comedian Part2

    30/11/2018 Duration: 13min

    Byron Allen was born in Detroit Michigan April 22,1961. His comedian and media mogul. Early this year. He purchase the weather channel for 300 Millions dollars. According the insider this was bargain . He studied film in USC . He started his comedy career at age 14 years. At 18 years of age . He made his first appearance on the Jonnie Carson Show In 1980. This man have been in Hollywood for many decades. He understands all about the business of the media industry. He owned his media enterprise. For many years he have witnessed the cable company have been discriminating against negro Americans . He noticed there were not enough money going to black owned media. So he decided to sued them by using the civil act of 1866 41 U.S.C 1981 . He filled the lawsuits in Los Angeles circuit court. He sued Comcast and Charter media for a combined 30 billions dollars. After many years of fighting for equal opportunities in the media. He won the lawsuit. It was monumental this never happened in America. This lawsuit was a h

  • Kim Porter Death

    25/11/2018 Duration: 09min

    Kim Porter died last week. Kim was a model. She have dated Al B Sure and Sean Combs aka Puff Daddy . Her death look very suspicious to say the least. Her body was found in the bathroom . He neck was bruised. Causes of death is suicide. There were reports that she writing base on puffy homosexual lifestyles and puffy wasn’t happy about it. The book was supposed to be released next year. Her laptop was taken from the murder scene. It seems to me puffy didn’t want this information to be published. It would have damaged his public image. Everything I said stated here are alleged. I don’t know all of the facts. Call in let’s discuss --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Bryon Allen Media Mogul just won two historic case against Comcast for 20 Billions / Charter for 10B

    25/11/2018 Duration: 22min

    LOS ANGELES, Nov. 19, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Byron Allen’s Entertainment Studios (ES) and the National Association of African-American Owned Media (NAAAOM) – plaintiffs in federal lawsuits filed against Comcast and Charter Communications – are pleased to announce two decisions issued today by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. The lawsuits were filed against two of the largest cable television carriers in the country—$20 billion against Comcast and $10 billion against Charter—for violating the Civil Rights Act of 1866, 42 U.S.C. § 1981, prohibiting racial discrimination in contracting. For years, Entertainment Studios has been requesting that Comcast and Charter carry its networks, which are distributed by Comcast and Charter’s competitors, including Verizon, DirecTV, AT&T, DISH, and many other carriers, to millions of people around the country. Both Comcast and Charter, however, rebuffed all of Allen’s requests for network carriage. Accordingly, Allen filed lawsuits in federal distr

  • What Is Black Power

    24/11/2018 Duration: 14min

    For decades we have used the term Black Power. Most of us don’t know the true meaning of black power. The true meaning of black Power is being spiritually, mentally, united and financially. Only then u can have black Power. For many centuries religions have keep us in bondages. Consequently it damaged our spirit and our souls. I would love to have black Power however we are not there yet as people. Until we’re united as one. Only then we can truly have black Power. Call in let’s discuss --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • It’s Not All About The Wood

    14/11/2018 Duration: 11min

    U can’t solely base a relationship on a men wood . U have to base on his character . We all know sex is part of life but u can’t base a relationship solely on sex. If u do that relationship is going to fail eventually. A relationship should base on family first. Not sex , money, careers or possessions. Those things doesn’t last long. Call in let’s discuss --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • Characteristics Of Good A Women

    14/11/2018 Duration: 17min

    Those are the characteristics of a good women Submissive, naturing intellectual loving and take care of her home. Doesn’t like to gossip. She know her role as woman in the relationship. She supports her husband dreams and aspirations. She don’t compete with her husband or boyfriend. She is not manly and she embraced her Femininity. She doesn’t like to argue all of the times. Call in let’s discuss she enjoyed cooking a good meals for her family --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

  • White Privileged

    03/11/2018 Duration: 10min

    White Privileged have affected a lot of black Americans. We’re subjected to it wherever we go. Wether we at an upscale neighbourhood, school, Grocery Stores And department stores . Most of white people are aware of it . However since they’re not subjected to it . They pretend like it doesn’t exist. White Privileged is byproduct of slavery . We need to address it. It’s affected us directly and indirectly unfortunately. Call in let’s chat --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

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