John Rosemberg Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 200:40:31
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Joined me where we discuss Bible,Love ,Relationship ,Politics ,Religions Health, Economic, Sports, History, Sex , Genders, Healthy Cooking . This would be an open forum. Let me know whats on your mind . I am looking forward to hear from everyone on this podcast.



    06/01/2021 Duration: 11min

    This kind of behaviour is unacceptable . Those of you have voted for Donald Trump . I understand your frustration But we can’t be out here acting like monkey. Trump must address this problem ASAP. This is an example why I am not optimistic about the new Year. Stay tuned There’s more to come.


    06/01/2021 Duration: 19min

    Throughout the century millions of people have lost their lives thru medal malpractices. Unfortunately most of those people are Negro Americans. The black women have suffered a lot at the hands medical doctors and nurses. Most of them don’t get adequate care and usually end up dying at the hands of those medical professionals. It’s imperatives for us to built our own medical clinics and hospitals. So we can prevent those malpractices from happening to our people. Secondly an average C-section cost 25,000 . C-section should only be used for emergency birth. Secondly it’s damaged the womb muscles over times. This why I would suggested for all black women to get midwife instead of going to hospital. It’s much safer and cheaper that way. “We Got Next”

  • LET’S TALK STIMULUS ($600 Dollars Check )

    06/01/2021 Duration: 11min

    $600 dollars stimulus check is not sufficient for single mother or single father to take care their children. The government should have given every family $25/$30 thousands dollars and $15/$20 thousands for every single persons. This why we have to be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. I want to be optimistic about this year however they way things are going rite now I am not. There might be another government mandate lockdown and internet blackout. If those things event’s happened. How the Americans people going to cope with it especially black Americans. Negro Americans must be ready for the worst and hope for the best. Stay tuned


    03/01/2021 Duration: 15min

    The mega movement started back in 2015 during the presidential election Donald Trump VS Hillarie Clinton. Most of them are conservative southerners Christian. They resides in Deep South and the Midwest . Majority voted for Donald Trump and they were not satisfied with this election outcome. Secondly they don’t want to take this vaccines. They will be out in the streets protesting come this year against Biden administration. This mega movement is much bigger than Trump. I am predicting the Democratic Party will lose a lot seats in senate and the house come midterm elections. Those of us who have voted Democratic. If you think mega movement is over you’re delusional. Stay tuned


    03/01/2021 Duration: 30min

    I want to be optimistic about this year. However there’s a sinister motive behind this pandemic. I am not 100% sure there will be a government locked down where most people won’t able to leave their home. It may last a couple weeks or a couple of months. Secondly there might be a internet blackout. Those events may course a mass protest in this country. This is “ The Age of Aquarius “ many people especially Doctors ,nurses ,and government employees are going to spill the beans on this fake pandemic. Many families are going to be divided over this pandemic. This is why u can’t be around paranoid people. They’re detrimental to our spiritual and mental health. We must be vigilant and aware of what’s really going on with this government.

  • 2020 AN UNFORGETTABLE YEAR☠️☠️☠️☠️

    30/12/2020 Duration: 32min

    This year have been an unforgettable year . Many people have lost their jobs , lives and livelihoods. The Democratic Party have used black people to get elected once again. Unfortunately most black Americans are going to be very disappointed come next year 2021. Kamala Harris have given her senate seat in California to a Latinos. Black women were defending this woman However she doesn’t have our best interest at heart. Her main objective is to become “ Madame president in 2024. Joe Biden doesn’t have the mental and physical stamina to run this country effectively. He is 78 years old by 2024 He will be 82 years old. Ask yourself who going to run this country most of the time. It’s going to be Kamala Harris. I don’t trust her and she haven’t been transparent with our people. That’s why we most invested in our community and people. We need stop wasting our time and energy on this political party’s. “Wake Up People “ We Got Next”


    29/12/2020 Duration: 15min

    Christ is a metaphor and symbol not a person. Jesus Christ God sun/son is our risen saviour. The sun is truly our risen saviour without it we will died. Christ also represents the lion . The 12 tribes of Judah, 12 months of the year, 12 zodiacs signs. Christ represents Leo ♌️


    28/12/2020 Duration: 12min

    Dr Fauci, Big Pharma ,and the New Administration are going to implement vaccines card to all citizens come next year. If you’re planning to travel go to schools, hospital, work and groceries shopping. You’re going to need a vaccines card. Throughout the centuries there have been many outbreaks. They never gave us vaccines card. So why now there’s a sinister motive behind this vaccines. Big Pharmaceutical companies are going to make trillions of dollars and millions of people are going to died from this vaccines. We need to be vigilant and aware what’s going on with this vaccines. ☠️☠️☠️☠️

  • JIMMY Carter ( 39th President Of The United States)

    27/12/2020 Duration: 10min

    Jimmy Cater was elected on January 1977 as 39th president of United States. He severed one term. 1977-1981 . He served two terms as Senator state of GA. He was born on October 7, 1924. Spouse Rosalyn Carter 1946. Contrary to popular belief Ronald Reagan wasn’t the one who got those hostages out of Iran. Jimmy Carter and his administration was the one who got those hostages out of Iran


    22/12/2020 Duration: 20min

    There’s a lot hypocrisy among Latinos artists who have used black American culture. Once they get famous they have a tendency of forgotten who gave them their start. Many Latinos are classified as white “ EL Blanco” There’s no black and brown coalition. The media and government like to create this false narrative. When they know it’s doesn’t existed. Rosie Perez Jennifer Lopez, Gloria Estaphan ,Julio Pitt Bull, Fat Joe , Marc Anthony, Daddy Yankee and Shakira . All of them got their start from black American culture. It’s time for them paid homage to those have paved the way for them. “ We Got Next”

  • Colourism Brainwashed Among Hispanics.

    19/12/2020 Duration: 24min

    Hispanics are known to hate so called black people. It’s part of their culture unfortunately. Most Hispanics children was raised to hate black at young age. Whenever you watch Hispanics TV . They always showed black people in a negative light except if they’re athletes. As parents it’s poisonous to teach your children. they’re better than someone base on skin, hair and eyes coloure. It’s time to this nonsense. It’s detrimental to our spirituals and mental health. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


    18/12/2020 Duration: 18min

    Recently Australia have terminated the COVID-19 testing due to patients having facials paralyses and they have found traces of HIV in the vaccines. According to their scientist. I don’t understand why they’re rushing this vaccines on our people. I strongly believe there’s sinister motive behind this Covid-19 allegedly. I am not sold on this vaccines. Do u really think those people care about our health. They’re same people who have given us Syphilises, HIV, AIDS, Cancer, HN1, and Ebola. But I digress You can go TIMES Magazine to read article.

  • KAMALA SUTRA HARRIS ( Madame President 2022)

    14/12/2020 Duration: 08min

    Today December 14, 2020 each state’s will decide who will be our next president. The college electoral assembly will count electoral votes for each candidates to decide who won this election. Giving the circumstances I don’t think Joe Biden have the mental and physical stamina to run this country effectively. He is 78 years old and will be 82 in 2024. It’s seem to Kamala Harris might be our next Madame President come 2022. Joe won’t be able to deal with all stress that come with being a president. But I digress

  • Stay tuned for next the episode

    14/12/2020 Duration: 21s

    Kamala Harris ( Madame president 2022) --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


    09/12/2020 Duration: 34min

    Yesterday on Instagram Dr. Umar Johnson Aka Prince of PamAfricanism. He finally spoke the truth about Africans immigrants. Who have used the negro Americans to get here. However when they get here most of them like to look down on so called African Americans. This PamAfricanism is only practical here in America not Africa. Name one countries in Africa that have provide us with dual citizenship, lands and education. In the past 100 years. none of those African countries haven’t given us an olives branch of gratitude. Except for Ethiopia and Ghana . It’s time for those immigrants to pay homage to the Negro Americans. If wasn’t for them none of us would been here. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


    08/12/2020 Duration: 13min

    Ronald Reagan was born on February 6, 1911 Tampico Illinois. Died on June 5, 2004 cause of death pneumonia and Alzheimer’s disease. Vice President: George W Bush Sr Spouse : Nancy Reagan ( 1952/2004) Children: Patti Davis , Maureen Reagan , Christine Ron Reagan, Micheal Reagan. Term in office: 1981/1989 He served as a Governor of California 1967/1975. During his administration the crack epidemic destroyed the black community throughout this country. This substance was mainly used to targeted black people by the CIA . The stocks market crashed in 1985. He deregulated the housing market. In 1982 unemployment broke 10% in the month of November. This was the highest unemployment since Wall war ||. The. Iran contra conflict was done under his watch with George W Bush and Oliver North. In 1986 he almost got assassinated by lone gunman. In 1981 Contrary to popular belief . He wasn’t Ronald Reagan who got those hostages out of Iran. It was Jimmy Carter and his administration who got those hostages out of Iran. Unfort


    07/12/2020 Duration: 09min

    Lamelo Ball was drafted #3 Charlotte Bobcats. Micheal Jordan make the right choice by chosen Lamelo Ball. He have great court vision and high basketball IQ . If can He can stay healthy and worked on his defence. He will be a great NBA player. Lavar Ball is great father and raised threes boys into NBA player . We need show some respect to this man. He deserved all of the credit. We haven’t seen nothing like this in our life time. BBB can be a multi Billions company within next 10 years. Call in discuss --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


    05/12/2020 Duration: 19min

    Big pharmaceutical companies and Washington DC have been promoting this COVID-19 vaccines heavy in the media. I am not sold on this vaccines. Those people doesn’t care about our health. For centuries they have been using us as Winnie pig to test their vaccines from Syphilises, HIV , AIDS , cancer and Ebola. They usually used the NGO and missionaries to give out those vaccines throughout Africa, Central America, Caribbean Islands, Asia and South America. It’s time for us to wake up and be very vigilant. We can’t let those people to test those vaccines on us enough is enough. “ We Got Next”

  • FBA VS IMMIGRANTS ( Aborigines Americans Aka Black )

    04/12/2020 Duration: 20min

    Negro Americans are not immigrants contrary to popular belief. Those people have been here for thousands of years. America is truly their homeland not Africa.. All of us immigrants who came from other countries. Should pay homage to negro Americans. If wasn’t for them we couldn’t be here. Negro Americans have sacrificed their sweat , tears, and their lives so we can have a better future in this country. They’re the epitome of greatness. Secondly they’re most copied and imitated people than any group in the world. Especially when it’s come to our music , sports, history and fashions. “ WE GOT NEXT “


    04/12/2020 Duration: 09min

    We can demand respect from others people. When we don’t show each other the same respect. Yes twerking is part of our culture however u can’t twerk everywhere we go. As so called black it’s up to us to hold each other to higher standards. Rachettness doesn’t represent every black women in America that’s false narratives the media like to portrayed of our people. Wake up people --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

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