Coffee & Kettlebells



Coffee & Kettlebells gives you a strong dose of hot topics from nutrition, fitness, self-help, style, entrepreneurship, motherhood, and more, inspiring you to live your life with greater balance, vitality and empowerment. From full-time mom, personal trainer, Co-Founder and COO of Burn Boot Camp, our host, boss babe Morgan Kline, brings you honest advice, real-life stories, and unedited authenticity. So, grab a mug and join us for a cup of coffee & kettlebells!


  • Motherhood & Entrepreneurship: Why They’re the Perfect Match

    03/09/2021 Duration: 35min

    I'm so excited to have Rachel Brenke on the podcast today! Rachel is a cancer survivor, mom to five, and wife to an Army veteran. When not training to show her kids that women can do anything they put their mind to - she runs multiple businesses including; a law firm, a podcast, and a virtual business course. Rachel brings her expertise to her tips, strategies, and stories needed to implement the real business, real-life mission. Rachel shares timeless strategies that she used to build multiple seven-figure businesses in a variety of industries all while growing her family, competing with Team USA, and dealing with the stressors of life. Some of the topics we discuss today are motherhood & entrepreneurship, overcoming fear, practical tips for working moms, the parallels between athleticism and business success, how to start your biz, and more!Join our conversation over on Instagram, and find Rachel at

  • 5 Ways the Pandemic Has Strengthened Me

    31/08/2021 Duration: 16min

    For most of us, the coronavirus pandemic represents a completely unprecedented circumstance, as novel as it is life-changing. No event in recent history has affected us as profoundly and pervasively.Not only does it remind us of our physical fragility, but it also undermines economic security, throws daily routines completely upside down, wreaks havoc on business plans, and isolates us from friends and neighbors.It has also given us an opportunity to dig deep and reflect on what is really important. I want to hear from you - what have you learned in the last 18 months while navigating the unchartered pandemic waters? Join the conversation over on my Instagram. 

  • Ask Morgan Anything

    26/08/2021 Duration: 27min

    In this episode, Morgan is answering your questions from Instagram! Subscribers of the podcast and members of Burn Boot Camp are welcome to message Morgan on Instagram and ask her anything - literally, she's an open & honest authentic book!Hear about how Burn got started, how Morgan and Devan handle business conflict, and how to get yourself out of a personal or professional funk!

  • Unpopular Mom Truths

    24/08/2021 Duration: 12min

    What's up guys, welcome back to another episode! Today I'm talking to you about some Unpopular Mom Truths. These are things you may not expect, but you still struggle with. A few topics we touch on today... Motherhood can be hard as heck while still being the most rewarding part of lifeThe parents who look like they have it all together all the time had to work really hard to make it look like they doSometimes motherhood is just round the clock cleaningSometimes you give into the sweets, or maybe the iPad, or maybe the drive-thru Chick Fil ABeing the default parent OR “bad cop” is hard but someone has to do itNo one wants to be perfect and no one should be held to that standard. Especially in parenting. If someone looks like they have it all together, they don't. Especially me!Join the conversation over on my Instagram. 

  • 10 Productivity Hacks for Working Moms

    19/08/2021 Duration: 16min

    Whether you're an entrepreneur, go into the office every day, or are working from home - this episode is for you! Morgan is sharing her tips for productivity as a working Mom and what she's found that works best for her.Some of the tips we cover today:Baby-wearing. Hello, hands-free! Snuggling the little one + working at the same time doesn't sound too bad!Stop multitasking. It’s BS. Close the tabs, start time blocking your priorities.Sleep better, work better.Hire someone. Help isn’t something to be ashamed of. Bonus points for hiring someone to do something that is better at the thing than you are!Always batch process. Think of it as an assembly line. One person doesn't build a whole car. Instead, they make one part over and over because it's much more efficient. Apply this same principle to your business.Have self-awareness. What works for one person may not work for you. Speaking of to-do lists, don't add too many tasks. Try to focus on just one to three things a day. If you

  • Being Labeled the ‘B’ Word as a Strong Female, Breaking Bad Habits and Exercise 'Snacking' with Devan Kline

    17/08/2021 Duration: 50min

    Morgan and Devan, Founders of Burn Boot Camp, answer your questions on today's episode! Being labeled the 'B' word as a strong female leader in a male-dominated industry, breaking bad diet and lifestyle habits, and 'snacking' on fitness - just to name a few.Join our conversation over on Instagram!

  • Exploring Your Dark Side Through Shadow Work With Devan Kline

    12/08/2021 Duration: 39min

    Morgan and Devan Kline sit down today for a conversation that leaves no stone unturned. They're answering YOUR questions, talking through mental health topics, and physical health trends. Shadow work involves getting in touch with the parts of yourself that you've repressed — or what many might refer to as their "dark side." Throughout this episode, we refer to a recent article that Shape published, which you can find here. Morgan shares her childhood traumas and the work she has put in, and still is in the practice of, to heal and uncover her true self. We want to hear from you! Join our conversation over on my Instagram. 

  • 6 Facts About Parenting That No One Talks About

    10/08/2021 Duration: 12min

    While it is true that every family is different, there are some experiences, observations, and feelings about parenting that go without saying—literally. And although you can't really comprehend them until you've actually been there, it seems like no one warns you ahead of time about these universal truths either! I am here to break it all down. So, whether you're a first-time parent or you're expecting your fourth kid, you'll likely be able to identify with several, if not all, of these startling, and sometimes funny, truths about parenting. Check out our list of cold, hard parenting facts that no one warns you about.Join the conversation over on Instagram and let's talk about the cold, hard, and hilarious parenting truths that no one warns you about.

  • 5 Life Lessons My Mom Taught Me

    05/08/2021 Duration: 17min

    You may have seen on my most recent Instagram post, that my Mom is omy biggest cheerleader in life. When I stop and reflect on where I'm at in life, how and why I got there, all roads lead back to Lorrie. She supports Devan and I through all walks of life.  Join me for a reflective episode where I take a look back on why I am where I am today, and the huge influence my Mom has had, and continues to have, on my life today! Hard work, kindness, gratitude, and showing respect for everyone I meet are just a few of the lessons that I've learned by being my mother's daughter. What has your Mom taught you that you've carried into your adult life? Join the conversation on Instagram!

  • Mom's Mental Health With Psyched Mommy Dr.Ream

    03/08/2021 Duration: 39min

    Today I’m sitting down with Dr.Ream, who you may recognize from social media as ‘Psyched Mommy’. She specializes in helping women rediscover themselves after baby, navigating their BIG feelings, and getting the support they need. She uses her platform to provide mental health guidance and parental support.Mom guilt; identifiers and remediesThe mental load of MotherhoodSocial media comparison Parent burnout and the stress response cycleBaby blues vs. perinatal depressionSupporting yourself, or a loved one, who is experiencing PPA or PPDJoin the conversation over on Instagram and follow my guest, Dr.Ream!

  • Intuitive Eating & How To Trust Our Bodies

    29/07/2021 Duration: 12min

    In today's conversation, we are breaking down the basics of Intuitive Eating. We're learning how to discover satisfaction and respect while honoring our bodies and their signals.Intuitive eating is an evidence-based framework and a non-diet approach to promoting health. It's focused on attunement with your body's signals. Simply put: it's eating when you are hungry, and stopping when you are full. Seeing food as fuel, not filler. A combination of head, heart, and body wisdom. It is NOT about weight loss. It is an ongoing lifelong practice.Join the conversation over on Instagram and please rate, review & subscribe!

  • Success Is Determined by How You Handle Setbacks With Franchise Partners Shannon Boyer & Kelly Hall

    27/07/2021 Duration: 48min

    We are talking through "doing it all" and overcoming feelings of doubt, fear, and insecurity. The possibility of impacting someone else's life is the common thread that pulls these women up to the top of their game and is the driving force behind overcoming the challenges they have faced as business owners over the past year.We also talk through the dynamics of being in business with your best friend, how experience breeds strength, the importance of therapy and self-awareness, identifying opportunities, and optimizing your business. Some of our biggest takeaways from today's conversation include being open to feedback, partnership communication, growth strategies, and the importance of empathy as a leader!Join the conversation over on my Instagram - I want to hear from you!

  • How To Change Your Life: The Courage, the Risks and the Rewards With Franchise Partner Lisa Kostelnik

    22/07/2021 Duration: 32min

    Are you intimidated by accepting risk into your life? Life can be difficult and uncertain, especially when faced with the prospect of change. Although change is often the key that will positively alter the path of our lives, we shy away from it for fear of leaving behind our comfort zones and entering into the unknown. This fear robs us of our freedom to make the life choices that can bridge the gap between where we are and where we want to be.Doubting our own abilities, taking risks, failing gracefully (and not so gracefully) is a huge part of what makes us human; and they are all common threads in parents, entrepreneurs, and business owners. Join our conversation today as we talk through not taking failure too personally, and the rewards paired with embracing change.

  • How To Step Away From the Scale With Morgan

    15/07/2021 Duration: 13min

    Confidence is not manifested through the number on a scale! There is so much more to being happy with yourself; ask yourself what you're really trying to gain and remembering it's okay to want to lose weight, but it's not okay to focus on the number. The scale is limiting. It doesn't take into consideration how many inches you've lost, your body composition, how much muscle you've gained or body fat you've lost, how your clothes are fitting, or how you feel on the inside.What you see on the scale is just one number, and it should be considered as such. Let's unpack the basics today and shift our perspective towards our goals outside of the number we see in front of us.

  • Goal Chasing and Having Bold Dreams With Franchise Partner Holly Strickland

    13/07/2021 Duration: 22min

    Continuing our Female Franchise Partners on Fire series, today we're sitting down with one of our founding FP's who has successfully climbed her way to the top through hard work, building a like-minded team, and setting big goals to smash.Simply stated, this woman is helping us take the fitness industry by storm. Holly's passion, drive, and motivation to inspire, empower and transform their communities is why Burn Nation is what it is today. Let's learn more about how important it is to be an audacious goal setter and some hacks to "doing it all"!Do you want to learn more about owning a Burn? Are you interested in being a guest on the podcast? Head on over to Instagram and shoot me a DM. You can find me at @morgan.a.kline!

  • How To Be Your Own Best Health Advocate With Cancer Survivor and Burn Boot Camp Member Natalie Tuman

    08/07/2021 Duration: 17min

    Today I’m sitting down with Natalie Tuman. Mom, Breast Cancer survivor, Executive Director of the Tuman Breast Cancer Foundation, Personal Trainer and Burn Boot Camp member at Prosper, TX! She shares her survival journey openly and connects with others through writing, speaking, training, and working out alongside her community.Being a mom to 3 kids and a personal trainer, Natalie has ridden the roller coaster from ultimate health to the bottom of the barrel and back again!  She knows the struggles that everyday women face as well as those who are fighting to regain their identity in finding a new normal. Some of the questions we asked Natalie during the interview:How did you know it was time to see a doctor?What is the #1 piece of advice you’d give to a peer?Can you tell us more about “washing your body with your hands”?How has the adversity and challenges you’ve faced changed your perspective moving forward? How has it impacted how you treat yourself? And how you view the world?What got you through your tre

  • Being a Mentally Strong Female Entrepreneur with Franchise Partner Shawnie Foszcz

    06/07/2021 Duration: 30min

    In this episode, we're breaking down what it means to be a Franchise Partner at Burn Boot Camp! Follow along this journey as we talk through what it's like to shift from being an employee to a business owner, what it took to get there, "why" Burn Boot Camp, and how to crush your professional goals with confidence.Join Shawnie Foscz, multi-unit Franchise Partner, as we talk females in business!

  • From Stay at Home Mom to Business Owner With Carie Perham

    01/07/2021 Duration: 33min

    Wife, Mom of Three, Multi-Unit Franchise Partner, and a proud member of the Burn Boot Camp Franchise Advisory Council. Meet Carie Perham.Carie was a stay-at-home mom for 10 years before relocating to a brand new city and state with her family of 5. She was born and raised in Arizona and the thought of “Mom dating” to make new friends and finding a new community that would wrap her arms around her was all-too-intimidating. Carie being a people person who was determined to make friends, joined a Burn Boot Camp on a 30-day trial and the rest is history.Listen to her story to find out more about how she overcame the barriers of starting an intimidating workout, making friends in a new place, and going from member to a thriving, multi-unit business owner. 

  • Self-Love Isn’t Selfish: My 5 Tips

    29/06/2021 Duration: 16min

    On this episode, we're diving into self-love and taking care of ourselves.  I'm sharing my five tried and true baseline tips that I always come back to. No matter what hat(s) you wear: career woman, mom, friend,  family member, spouse, partner -- this episode has something in it for you.Practicing self-love can be challenging for many of us, especially in times when we face serious challenges. It’s not about being self-absorbed or narcissistic, it’s about getting in touch with ourselves, our well-being, and our happiness. We practice self-love so we can push through our limiting beliefs and live a life that truly shines.So do yourself a favor, take a deep breath, give yourself a little hug and tune in to this episode for you and only you.Have a tip you want to share? Have a question you want to be answered on the next solo episode? Write me @morgan.a.kline

  • Being Kind to Your Mind With Morgan

    24/06/2021 Duration: 11min

    "My silver lining of the pandemic was establishing boundaries that protect my mental health. My priority now is upholding those boundaries as the world beings to open back up. We can’t forget what gifts were brought to us during the pandemic. The boundaries you put in place when life slowed down for a little bit are so important."Today we're talking about Mental Health, Giving Yourself Permission to Ask for Help, Breaking the Stigma Around Therapy, and Being Pregnant During a Pandemic.

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