Tete & Espresso

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 4:45:49
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TeTe & Espresso is a 2 minutes podcast, 3 days a week, that will get your day started the perfect way, with a positive jolt. With weekly themes, 1 minute is spent talking about the daily topic, and 1 minute is spent on energetic affirmations...The best way to start your day.Orphanage work inspired this podcast. I have a working plan in motion to install surround sound in orphanages, where I currently go to in Mexico, where I will be programing their brains for success and happiness. While building this dream, I decided to make a version for the general population, and use the proceeds to build my brain programing and mentorship program with the kids without families.. I currently visit 3 homes, with 60 kids in each home, ranging from 1 month to 22 years old...In this dream, your messages of hope and love are linked directly to them. Our success is their success. This Podcast was created realizing the precious time we have in our busy lives. A 1 hour podcast, and even a 20 minute podcast, can seem too long in our daily lives. That was the intention for having a 2 minute podcast. You could even listen to it back to back and not spend more then 5 minutes of your time. And that time is filled with the best brain programing humans can experience. After spending the last 15 years immersed in affirmations, psychology of success, coaching programs, spiritual books, courses, philanthropy, mastermind groups, psychology, philosophy, and wanting to live fully every day, I put that all together in a package that can help my brother and sister (you) to the maximum, knowing your busy life.All of the acoustic guitar is originally done in the booth, and is the back track for each podcast. Every week there is a new guitar progression. I write, record, and produce everything you hear. Keeping it fresh 52 throughout the year. Spread this with as many people as you love, it will help the ones who need and want our love the most... The children and young adults of this world, with no one there for them.


  • Hope - Drowning - Monday - 051

    17/09/2018 Duration: 01min

    Show me one spec of light..and I will keep swimming ... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. This week it is critical to talk about hope, because it’s hope that keeps us a-float...and moving forward. Floating alone in the middle of the open ocean would probably be one of our biggest fears..Floating in the dark of midnight is even scarier..but as soon as we see a faint light in the distance that we know is land, we can start swimming..swimming towards hope...See that sign in your life, and let that sign be enough to keep going. Swim away from the empty sea of depression, towards the the peace of mind people on land can bring you.....Swim. I swim towards hope. Each butterfly stroke moves me toward my goals. I swim towards hope, Each backstroke moves me towards happiness. YOU swim towards hope, each freestyle stroke moves you towards..the real you. The you you know you can be and always wanted to be. There is light in the distance now..Swim well my family member. Join the TeTe &

  • Men's Week - Masculinity - Friday -050 - Espisode 50!!!

    14/09/2018 Duration: 02min

    Ain’t that a man? I spell M, A child, Nnnnn ....Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, i’m TeTe. To cap of Men’s week, let’s talk about what it’s really like to be masculine. It takes a masculine man to wrap his arms around someone who is being bullied, it takes a masculine man to look in a child’s eyes and tell them you love them, and that they are perfect. A man has been gifted with the gift of the protector. We are physically stronger than women, and that allows us to take the stance of the truth. The moral, the peaceful calm power that comes from knowing that you will protect all that is good in this world, the the full capacity you were born with. “Ain’t that a Man I spell M, A child, Nnnnnn.” .....You are a man. Use you gifts you already posses, Protect us. Mmmmmm (before music) Being assertive (ain’t that a man?), Showing your emotions (ain’t that a man?), telling someone they are enough, (ain’t that a man?) protecting women’s growth (I spell M), encouraging other men that aren’t as gene

  • Men's Week - Femininity - Wednesday - 049

    12/09/2018 Duration: 02min

    Being in touch with your feminine side makes you strong, literally....Welcome to TeTe & Espresso. a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. This is Men’s week, and let talk about your feminine side. Women live, on average, 7 years longer than men. I’v thought about that statistic a lot since I heard it 10 years. Now it makes sense. Macho men create more stress in their bodies, which literally equates to cellular death, and you kill yourself. I say yourself because, I’v had massages by a man (lowers stress background track), had manicures (lowers stress background track), hugged my male friends for 20 seconds (lowers stress background track), danced to Brittany Spears (lowers stress background track), I do yoga many times a week (lowers stress background track)..and my boys...All of these things women do. Do you see the signs? To live 7 years longer, lower the stress, and welcome the femininity you masculine man..Yin and Yang. ... Let’s let your subconscious mind know what’s going on. My feminine side is as strong

  • Men's Week - Steroid Mike - Monday - 048

    10/09/2018 Duration: 02min

    All men use anabolic steroids, that’s what makes us men..Wait what? It has nothing to do with it? Awe guys come on why didn’t you tell me!? ...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, i’m TeTe. Last week theme was women, so this week’s is men. We men are in a whirlwind of a funny time, with so many messages that we are evolving from and to. Go on tinder and find abundance of dating opportunities, go on IG and see your friends with families and wedding pictures. To bed to successful CEO or to live the van life where we have all we need, in a vaaaan maaan...You know what’s exciting about that for all of us? ..We are entering a time in Manhood like never before. We men are realizing that “who we are being” is more important than the life in society we chose. Guys here that!!!...The stress comes from your choice of what to do in life, and the “who you are” path is sooooo easy flowing, and requires you to be the man you’ve always wanted to be. And in this day and age, we can be that person. Yyyyyeah

  • Women's Week - A Man's Thoughts, Dare I? - Friday - 047

    07/09/2018 Duration: 03min

    All them other girls, I done been through em all, you’re the only one I need girl, you’re the baddest of em all...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. I’ll be gentle, and nourishing my ladies...and give you a man’s thought..on you. I’v dated more women than you..probably 99% more than you listening... What are the best traits of women? ... The best traits to me, are the traits of wanting to grow mentally towards her dreams, and that life she envisions. That takes a process of self forgiveness, vulnerability, perseverance, and more vulnerability. That sexy AF trait of vulnerability allows for the other sexy trait...Direct communication. Instead of saying, “baby would you rather?” She says, “Baby I would rather, can we?” ... And I would rather you tell me, right up front, from the time we exchange numbers, and say we are going to hang out, what you want. 29% of the time we aren’t meant to even go out and be involved with each other based on you, the amazing woman having the sexy AF

  • Women's Week - Guest Celebrity Speaker!! Tasia Valenza - Wednesday - 046

    05/09/2018 Duration: 02min

    Hey Tasia yeah, Hey Tasia yeah, show them how to get down , ok... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. We are lucky to have Tasia Valenza, mediation app, speaker, celebrity voice over artist, coach..a wow.. Here is Tasia speaking to women on how to fill up your cup. Listen to the full 3 minute episode at CastBox.fm or www.TeTeEspresso.com Oh frick that was so good...Normally I would add on to that buuuut, I’ll just tell you, I have listened to Tasia’s meditation app, Haven. It has 7 weeks of topics, 7 days a week, 10 minutes each, and you affirm with her as she guides you..I have listened to that 4 times though already, back to back, and she has been responsible for some of the mental me you hear in this podcast. Go Haven, go Tasia, thank you soooo much, I will listen to this podcast 100 more times.....Go Ladies. Listen to Tasia’s Meditation app, and tell me how you like it.

  • Women's Week - 5 Fears of Women - Monday - 045

    03/09/2018 Duration: 03min

    Wonder Woman fears nothing..She is a God..You are not..What do you fear my lady? ..... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Ladies all my ladies, help me out, loud and proud, come on, all my ladies. Today we will look at 5 fears of women, based on a facebook poll, and research, I just did. Ps…Being a woman is the furthest for knowing what that life it is truly like. I tried my best with this podcast, please accept this work as an empowerment to women, in my own way. What group of people have been treated worst than native Americans or Jews? Women..Oh you poor women throughout history..woooweee ...But now is a different time. One of equality. Even backed by science and studies, we know now, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that women and men are equal to each other. And the strength, intelligence, and accomplishments of women are surpassing our societal beliefs every day... To know what we fear, is how we act in the face of the fear, and grow. And it’s time my lovelies, it’s time to cont

  • Sex and Sexuality - Sexuality Scale 1 to 2 - Friday - 044

    31/08/2018 Duration: 02min

    Mum Mum Mum Mum Mum mUm, wait it’s not a music scale it’s a sexuality scale??? ... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. In this 2 minutes let’s talk about that 100 different levels of sexuality through the scale. what are you? a 1.19? If 1 represents straight, and 2 represents gay, what are all the number in between? Try being a straight bartender in the #1 Gay bar in the world for 8 years. The array and diversity and displays of sexuality are far more than your mind imagines. That’s where I adopted a scale... Some straight guys hang out with gay friends, hug, hold hands, kiss on the cheek, we men are 1.10 on the scale ..Other straight guys like to kiss men but not do anything else, he might be a 1.19... Other straight guys like to see other men stripped to the waist, they might be a 1.29 ...all the way to a true 1.5 bi-sexual male that would kiss, make love to, date, love, marry, have kids with, a man or a woman...That’s why you should give the liberty to a man who does things with

  • Sex and Sexuality - Sex (Adult Version!!! Warning!!) - Wednesday - 043

    29/08/2018 Duration: 02min

    God invented condoms ... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Let’s chat 2 minutes about Sex, and makes things right again. I am not a virgin, and I am not married...And I prefer a girl who is not a virgin, who is not married... You get so in your head with how people physically look, and I’ll tell you, that a lot of those people are horrible in bed....I even know guys half my height that are packing more heat than meee down there..Get out of your head..You are enough, whole and complete, right now... We all know where the sexual suppression came from but I don’t have to say (cough religion, cave men days, penis envy).. uhem Now that we acknowledged that... We can be honest... We can all improve on something sexually. It’s ok to do research, which there is a lot of information out there, on how to improve on what you want..it’s ok. If God invented condoms, he definitely wants you to be sexually free, liberated, safe, happy, and satisfied..Here are some areas to improve on. How to

  • Sex and Sexuality - Your Liberation - Monday - 042

    27/08/2018 Duration: 02min

    Ugh and the girl, or boy if you like boys, caressed me down, and that’s that lovin sound...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. This week’s theme is sex and sexuality. Today’s topic, your liberation. Male to female trans women, pre-operation, are sooooo sexy to me ( grandpa whistle) .. I wanted to be vulnerable first with you, so I can earn the trust of your inner desire self, with the liberation of your sex and sexuality. Both go hand in hand. Sexuality is the knowing of what you are and want, and the sex is your inner permission to express your desire. Let’s beeee honest, both take work to fully “own” what you want, in a healthy way.. . And most times, it won’t be easy, society can not stomach the conversation, soooo society should take some pepto bismal for that shit. To grow fully, to have a safe place to grow and evolve and be comfortable, well, that’s why we have this community. So...Do you want help knowing what you want, or help expressing what you want... To me, everything y

  • Diversity - You vs Other People - Friday - 041

    24/08/2018 Duration: 02min

    I am not special, and neither are you..Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. This week’s theme is Diversity, and today let’s lock in how you are equal to everyone, and they are equal to you. There are either 2 things that must true. All of us in the world are special, or all of us in the world are not special. If we say, “Everyone is special,” there is instantly a knowing in our minds that we are not being as special as we could be. In success, health, love, a peaceful mind.. Now chickity chickity check check this.. I like to think that none of us are special. We are all on this planet, flying through space, chasing our sun at 75,000 miles an our, in this process called life..and here is what I found is so brilliant about this position.. When “we” are not special from birth, and we go about our life, we have moments that are considered special. And it’s easy to notice them, feel good about the win, and know it was something beyond our baseline... Let’s cap it off like this...If 1 bric

  • Diversity - Gay People vs Straight People - Wednesday - 040

    22/08/2018 Duration: 02min

    “Yaasss Hey there sssweetie (queen lisp) , what’s up bro (deep masc) ...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. This week’s theme is diversity, today’s topic, Gay people vs Straight people. 10%.. We are mammals right? meaning our species gives live birth...10% yes, 10% of all mammalian species are both short term, and long term homosexuals. Look is up baby. Yes, Cows, lions, dogs..all of them...Look it up... and for the 90% quote unquote “Straight people” out there...Knowing that this 10% fact exists is enough for you to accept gay people as equals. They are doing the best with their given sexual-ness as you are with yours..You see, our genes adjust to our environment..For example..with male lions, homosexuality is rampant. why? Those embodiments of masculinity should be slamming lioness punani...It’s is because the pride male expresses dominance over the young male lions, and never allows them any expression with the lionesses. So the male lions are quick to adjust their genetics for t

  • Diversity - Black vs White - Monday - 039

    20/08/2018 Duration: 02min

    “It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white. Eeheee” ...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. There is so much diversity in the world, let’s do a week’s theme on it, with today’s topic on Black & White people. I am of African decent...And so are you...Go ahead, get your genes checked. Your mother’s mitochondria DNA leaves genetic tracers that give us a lineage, alllll the way back to our origins. That’s why I like to say, if “we are made in the likeness of God,” then God is either Black, or going back further, a Monkey, even further a fish, or God is Bacteria... If you look at Black people in different countries around the world, they are soooo different! Kenya to London..And come on, a white person from Switzerland and sooooo different than a white person from Luisiana...And in America, a there is a huge difference between Black Americans, and hood culture. Which pop culture has liked to blend into Black culture. Not cool Ma’an. That lack of understanding in society has left a g

  • Affirmations - What I do When I do - Friday - 038

    17/08/2018 Duration: 02min

    Hey TeTe, Yeah. Hey TeTe Yeah, show me how to get down, Ok. Show me how to get down, ok...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Today I’m going to give you a breakdown of what I think and do when I’m saying affirmations, and for our espresso shot, I’ll give you my affirmations I say daily.... Let’s get down. 1) Throw those shoulders back, hold your head high, stand like you are about to receive a giant gift for a holiest of people. Palms facing up, arms wide open, almost like you are sunbathing, ready to soak in a receive...2) Energy...Get excited knowing that what you are about to say, programs your brain for more of that same feeling. Utilize the energy by karate chopping down when emphasizing what you want. Almost like a demand, a command. And you can do that nicely, because your own mind is who you are talking to, you are building you up, that makes me freaking excited!! Everything I want to be, is here now. Waiting for me to bring it to life...Hey TeTe, “yeah” show me how to get

  • Affirmations - Get jacked/Morning Espresso - Wednesday - 037

    15/08/2018 Duration: 02min

    This podcast was made to have 1/2 of it dedicated to affirmations. That’s why I call it TeTe & “Espresso.” Just like an espresso shot, it’ will get you jacked, and ready to roll out the door after consuming, so sip up and listen up (emphasize the P)... Guys..I can’t tell you how many times, I’v...look..If I can see my friend is having a low day, oh no, you are not getting away from it. We are going to build up your energy, and go back and forth 10 times and repeat our chosen affirmations. It is hilarious the kind of change that can happen in the human body in less than 1 minute. Give it 2 and wow......It..works...every...time. You better be an expert at something to start a podcast. I have done this soooo many times with, success, that I have declared myself an expert on getting your body moving with affirmation. There I said it. (king voice) “I declare thee expert attitude and mental adjuster, of the land.” How exciting is it that you get to (Trucker voice) get jacked, based around areas of your own li

  • Affirmations - What are they? - Monday - 036

    13/08/2018 Duration: 02min

    (Confident) I ..am...(Nervous) Well I mean there are so many things I want to be, I mean where do I start? Happy, confident, in shape (Cut off by music) ...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, I’m TeTe. This whole podcast is based around affirmations, it’s about time we talked 2 minutes about what they are and how you can use them. Get deeeeep (deep voice) into this week’s theme of affirmations. Programming your brain is the name of the game. And you can, you already have. And it’s just as simple as a process to re-wire your brain. Broham, Brahama..Think about that... One simple “I am” statement repeated 10,000 times, backed by emotion, will cause your body to act, and start forming a new habit. And your body physically desires more of what you declared. If I were you, I’d pick 10 areas you want to improve upon and start your journey to 100,000 self affirming thoughts, written words, and spoken words. Buuuut (looking at my nails) I’m not you sooo whatever you do your thing..(get rage) see if I care) I do I do l

  • Law of Attraction - Friday - Guided Meditation - 035

    10/08/2018 Duration: 02min

    Allllmmmmmmmmmmm.... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Allow me to guide you through a 2 minute meditation, for what you want your life to look like. All you have to do is listen and follow .... If you are able to close your eyes, do so now, if not, it’s still easy to follow along.... Mediation is in a sense, is leaving the body, and entering fully in the mind..So to get our bodies fully relaxed so we can leave them, let’s take a deep breath, and at the same time relax every muscle...Let’s breath in for 4 counts, and breath out for 4 counts..ready breath in 1,2,3,4 and breath out 2,3,4..... Listen to my voice..because here we go.. to create your abundant dream life..listen to my voice.. What does your ideal dream life look like? There..something just flashed in your mind!..What are you doing? Where are you? ..What are the details of this life? ..Listen to my voice... Remember your senses also exist in your future reality..What are you feeling, tasting, smelling, seeing, touching?

  • Law of Attraction - Wednesday - Visualization and Emotion - 034

    08/08/2018 Duration: 02min

    “Sweet Emotion" .... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Continuing this glorious week on The Law of Attraction, today’s topic, utilizing visualization and emotion. Blown mind..I just learned something and I had to share it with you...Yes we can be grateful for everything surrounding us, and it will give us the present moment, and zen, and happiness. Aaand I just learned (Kabooooom) that we are able to visualize, in detail, what we want our future to look like, and back it by as much emotion as we would by living in that moment in the future, feel what it feels like to be living that moment..and then start saying how grateful you are for this dream being your current life.... allow yourself to think about what you deep inside desire. Allow yourself to think of the details...”Feel the details Luke..Trust your feelings.” - Obi-Wan Kenobi - Star Wars Want me to go ape shit on the kind of details you could feel and visualize? My pleasure...Imagine you treating your loved ones to a n

  • Law of Attraction - Monday - The Key to Heaven's Gate - 033

    06/08/2018 Duration: 02min

    “A free trip for you, A free trip for you.” ... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe and we are sooo ready for this week’s theme of The Law of Attraction. Today’s topic... Abundance and the Key to Heaven’s gate. The reason why abundance is so important to the Law of Attraction is because not only are there abundant areas of life to apply it to, but here is the twist...We don’t have abundant recourses on Earth, although we do have an abundant source of solutions to make it abundant. The solutions for all the weight loss, depression, anger are abundantly available to you now!!! It’s your choice to apply the solutions. and yes (spin the record sound wicka wicka) we can flip the script!! ..Everything we have ever wanted...all of it. Yes! mmmmmhmmmm all of it...is available also...right now! Give it a little time to play out, and keep asking for signs of your improvement...with that said.... You get to have anything you want!..The body! The healthy stomach! The money, oh the sweet freed

  • Friends - Friday - Be Grateful to Them, Now! - 032

    03/08/2018 Duration: 02min

    I just want to call to say I love you… Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Let’s talk 1 minute about life, and take a 1 minute espresso shot to start your day. This week’s them are Friends. Today’s topic, be grateful for your current friends. If you have 1 good friend in life you are lucky. If you consider a family member one of your best friends you are even luckier. If you have 5-10 people who love you, and you love them, we are going to have some fun in this podcast! …Un-happiness & happiness can be described by this… separation equals unhappy …togetherness equals happy…These people make you happy!!! And you them!! Right after this short ass podcast, I want you to text, call, email, whatever, a few of your friends, and let them know how much you appreciate them, or are grateful for them. In the espresso portion of this podcast up next, I’ll give you idea after idea with what to say. And your job, is to allow yourself to emote, and feel how great it feels to express that emot

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