Nick's Non-fiction

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 188:42:24
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Non-fiction literature summarized and interpreted by your run of the mill cis gendered, white male, unemployed, college graduate.Humor and entertainment as always with radio show/podcast host and comic, Nick Muniz.


  • Nick’s Non-fiction | Super Crunchers

    23/03/2021 Duration: 01h13s

    Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! Ian Ayers bestseller, Super Crunchers, is a deep dive into data and the devout power quantum computing will have over our future. Did you know more accidents are due to drowsy driving than drunk driving? Insurance companies plan on using micro sensors to determine an increases on your premium based on how many lanes you drift across and dreams you drifted into. Super computers are often super douches to those paying most for its service. Airlines are phasing in smart rebooking to upgrade customers who’re most at risk for continued business rather than existing club members. The book arises a Phillip K. Dick contemplation of technology, ‘Is our sole evolutionary purpose to produce technology, passing the baton to the AI, or do we make machines to serve man’? Ayer crosses the pc line into the forbidden science of IQ deviation and the inconsistencies between the sexes. Ex-president of Harvard, Larry Summers was impeached for recog

  • Nick’s Non-fiction | The Airbnb Story

    16/03/2021 Duration: 58min

    Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! In The Airbnb Story, Leigh Gallagher details the unlikely story of two lax bros fresh out of RISD knocking on heavens door for angel investors. With the simple concept of classing up websites like Craigslist and Couch-surfing, Gebbia and Chesky corralled a $100B evaluation within twelve years now employing over 6,000 people. These two entrepreneurial mates raised a baby together detailing every step of its spree into adulthood. Hiring their first engineer was like designing the DNA for the company as the two aim to be a tier one tech company like Apple. After surviving the staggering infant mortality rate of small business they were onto the investors launchpad then shot into the stratosphere. Airbnb declared victory in its firefight of publicity when Obama showered them with compliments to a Cuban business relations committee. Even with black Jesus’s blessing, the onslaught of civic attacks continue as lawmakers create “minim

  • Nick’s Non-fiction | Beyond Good and Evil

    09/03/2021 Duration: 01h17min

    Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! The digital age has everyone with an iPhone over inundated with useless information, porn and worst of all, ideologies. Friedrich Nietzsche spent a sick, friendless life trying to warn others of the dogma of authority and true will as its only antidote. Throughout Beyond Good & Evil we reside in the house of consciousness witnessing the daily domestic dispute between morality and immorality. This heady nail biter brings up 21st century questions regarding instinct informing consciousness leading to the byproduct of prejudice *Malcolm Gladwell hides erection*. Unlike the bestseller Blink, Nietzsche leaves the cut in his jib airing out his opinions on masculine and feminine cultures of Europe and his least favorite race, women. We’ll tow the lines of absurdism, antinatalism and stoicism proving how modern organized religion is a self help scheme gone wrong, twisting our ethics into a master/slave morality paradigm. One of the mos

  • Nick’s Non-fiction | My Secret Garden

    02/03/2021 Duration: 54min

    Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! Last year to celebrate Woman’s Month we marched with Betty Friedan in the streets, this year we’re getting nasty with Nancy Friday in the sheets. My Secret Garden was blasphemy in its era of puritanical repression, with time it has become fundamental for helping woman of all ages understand their sexuality. Nancy wrote this book after her boyfriend kicked her to the curb for admitting she was thinking of her ex during sex. Nancy details her troubled internal monologue thinking she was the only one in a poodle skirt who had a kink. She dedicated her career to liberating the true female libido speaking on the biggest platforms for her time, Larry King Live, Good Morning America and Oprah. A grown womans perspective will be interpreted by a 24 year old jackhammering stud of a host providing flawless first date tips: After showing up late to assert dominance and lower expectations, be sure to avoid asking personal questions as wom

  • Nick’s Non-fiction | The Hundred-Year Marathon

    23/02/2021 Duration: 01h06min

    Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! Mao Tse-tung took control of the Chinese Communist Party in 1949 and declared the beginning of a Hundred-Year Marathon to become the worlds leading superpower. Intelligence expert Mike Pillsbury wrote this book as mandatory reading for American foreign policy advisors in the wake of their new supreme leader Xi. Americans see ourself as the world superpower, how could you not while spending $4T/yr on the military. Theres a war as cold as ice underway, it continues to drop in temperature the further we wade into an age of digital disinformation, covert coups and nonlinear warfare. This time the stakes are a bit higher than staking a flag on the moon, we’re talking about the race to become the head of the hydra, leader of a federation of nations. No doubt we’re top shit in the U S of A, but who’s to say other countries cant take a shot at the title? The US is twenty plus trillion dollars in debt to China, meanwhile Nike and App

  • Nick’s Non-fiction | More Sex is Safer Sex

    09/02/2021 Duration: 50min

    Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! Economist Steven Landsburg applies his K-theory to the heart in bestseller, More Sex is Safer Sex. In the 1990s Oprah warned that within a decade 1/4 of adults would have AIDs. The answer may be an inconvenient truth, but how come we continuously overestimate domestic threats to a point of hysteria? Landsburg knows predictive studies are largely unreliable tying this into the macroeconomics of micropenises. Sex is dirty and the academic tracking of STDs over time has been less than sterile. Bringing to life the ‘Anti-sex League’ from 1984 wont bring us any closer to eradicating herpes than the puritans made it. Wait, you guys ARE wearing your masks during sex right? The failing war on drugs shows how, decriminalizing substances and funding rehabilitation does not catalyze a generation of housewives to get into fentanyl. Funding the opiod epidemic or birth control would create a community of safe sex/user-ship where the deviant

  • Nick’s Non-fiction | Endurance

    02/02/2021 Duration: 49min

    Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! Todays show takes us to the South Pole and beyond in the infamous imperial trans-antarctic trek lead by Ernest Shackelton. The story takes place in 1915 and is considered the symbolic end to “the heroic age”. Many men dream about discovering new land and being the first to set foot in uncharted territory. A lot of these peoples minds would change after reading the risks these ex-pirates took just to make it to the continent alone. Us 21st century men: born too late to explore the globe, born too early too explore the stars, born just in time to explore our feelings. Her majesty, The Endurance, breaks the ice with her jet black hull, penetrating deep into the arctic circle with 27 men, 69 sled-dogs and 1 cat (Chippy) aboard. Shackelton spent months adrift in a life raft, hitching up to ice floes and saving men from falling into crevasses. Do breath icicles hanging from your mouth, nose and eyes sound like a good time? How about

  • Nick’s Non-fiction | Crime & Punishment

    26/01/2021 Duration: 53min

    Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nikolai Munov! One of the fathers of philosophy and a personal favorite, Dostoyevsky reconsiders the questions our culture is predicated on in Crime and Punishment. A young man Razkolnikov has been beaten down by life with a starving mother and a sister about to whore herself to a man who doesn't love her. After intensely portrayed months of contemplating his own morality the boy calculates the benefit to the community of killing the town pawn broker which would free her captive niece, relieve the town of their debt and save his mother and sister. After the plan is carried out all hell breaks loose and Razkolnikov is left with the intense guilt of murder which continues to plagues his conventional morality. One of the top must reads of the past 150 years portrays a young mans development into adulthood by taking the law into his own hands with Fyodor's iconic interpretation of criminology. Subscribe, Share, Mobile links & Time-stamps belo

  • Nick’s Non-fiction | Into the Wild

    19/01/2021 Duration: 46min

    Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! Chris McCandless is the poster child for “Reject modernity: Embrace monke”. Jon Krakauer is the author you would want to investigate your adventurous death as done in bestseller, Into the Wild. A young educated ideologue donated his savings, burnt his cash and began a journey hitchhiking across the United States. He Tom Sawyered down the Colorado River into Mexico and worked on communal farms in South Dakota. Mother nature became his only tolerable companion eventually luring him into the Alaskan Bush. The original Nature boy, Henry David Thoreau said it best on top of Krakeur writing from his identical personal experience as a young man, “It appears to be a law that you cannot have a deep sympathy with both man and nature”. This story analyzes the mentality behind a nomadic being, are they explorers in the wrong age, pilgrims without religion or brutish societally inapt apes? The choice is yours. Harambe once said, “Humans cla

  • Nick’s Non-fiction | Smart Cities

    12/01/2021 Duration: 01h02min

    Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! In 1850 amidst old foggy London town the Crystal Palace was built setting the precedent for convention centers equipped with rudimentary hvac and human processing. The age of indoors has fully taken over, Anthony Townsend elaborates on in Smart Cities how technology brings people into urban areas the same way air conditioning once popularized the suburbs. Technology moves fast as we see the 72º Songdo convention center pioneering dynamic ticketing based on social credit score and smart re-booking. Throughout the book Townsend focus’s on reshaping culture through civic programs and further developing autonomous energy grids. An anecdote about a 1999 hacker successfully compromising part of the Manhattan power grid admits that technology inevitably has hiccups. Hiccups always happen at the worst time like on your way into an interview. What happens when the impending fleet of driverless cars experiences a bug or a blackout causes

  • Nick’s Non-fiction | Cant Hurt Me

    05/01/2021 Duration: 01h03min

    Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! Start the year off right with some David Goggins, objectively one of the most refined warriors in our nations history just now budding into a puissant stoic voice. He has been through three special forces hell weeks, ran 130 mile ultra marathons, placed in iron men competitions, broken the world pull-up record and survived two open heart surgeries. His journey starts in an abusive household where he remained illiterate and overweight for 24 years before one day taking a long look in the mirror. Failure showed him time and time again how inspiration is just as potent as lethargy leaving the only lasting drive to come from discipline. Once you've surpassed the chatter of pain in the mind lies the renewable energy of suffering, a buddhist mantra that must be experienced to understand. Join Goggins on his journey of optimization but beware as it’ll hold the mirror of ‘What If?’ straight at the face of the reader. Subscribe, Share,

  • 2020 Supercut | Nick’s Non-fiction

    29/12/2020 Duration: 01h20min

    Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! Take a trip down memory lane and relive this seasons most cancelable moments. All twelve themed books for the year have their entire plot summarized within ten minutes. This special directors cut adds current commentary to older reads as you witness the birth of a host one month at a time. Enjoy an homage to the year the show doubled in size and un-fog those reading glasses for Season 3's levee of literature about to break. Subscribe, Share, Mobile links & Time-stamps below! 0:00:05 Introduction 0:01:40 12 Rules for Life 0:07:40 The Game 0:15:00 The Feminine Mystique 0:22:40 Face the Music 0:30:30 America the Farewell Tour 0:40:25 The Psychedelic Experience 0:45:25 The Wolf of Wall Street 0:50:45 On Writing 0:56:05 The Simulation Hypothesis 1:03:40 Coyote America 1:05:05 Fast Food Nation 1:10:50 The Jefferson Bible 1:17:30 Next Season & Goodbye! YouTube: iTunes:

  • Nick’s Non-fiction | The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

    15/12/2020 Duration: 50min

    Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! The law of resources states an idea can be world changing yet will never make it off the ground without adequate funding. You don't have to tell Henry Ford’s rival, William Morrison and his 1890 electric car twice *scoffs in TSLA stock*. Former GM chairman Al Ries is an advertising guru having composed The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing. From the outside, advertising seems like a battle between competitors to inform clientele on how your product is superior. Your host breaks out his old mass media advertising lectures to prove it is more so a game of subliminal messaging and positioning your product to dominate a single domain. Marketing is a battle of perspective over product and just like an architectural masterpiece, one flaw in an ad campaign will send the project crumbling to the ground. The show integrates new failures like the Gilette razor virtue signaling, Kendall Jenner’s political Pepsi and Dove’s backfiring of body p

  • Nick’s Non-fiction | The Madness of Crowds

    08/12/2020 Duration: 01h12min

    Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! What if I told you America is more efficient at implementing Maoism than China and the Soviet Union ever were? Provocateur Douglas Murray takes big swings like this among many others in his brand new international bestseller, The Madness of Crowds. The Overton window is shrinking as our allowed topics of discussion are increasingly chose from top down pushing more people towards the socially engineered fringes. Race baiting has gotten so obvious that for the first time in 70 years a record number of minority votes went to the conservative candidate. The progressive agenda is skipping over inherent human rights violations like sovereign drug consumption and instead is campaigning for reparation checks and to disallow airline travel. A traditional liberal Brit, Douglas, admits logical consistency and ethical constitution aren’t part of the social justice warrior lexicon. From a gay author, this dense read tackles homophobia, tr

  • Nick’s Non-fiction | The Jefferson Bible

    01/12/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! Gather ‘round for the best story ever told about the most famous man who ever lived. The life of Jesus Christ is an epic saga which the Catholic Church somehow turned into that snoozefest, The Bible. A child of the Enlightenment, Thomas Jefferson, was the best writer of his time authoring the Declaration of Independence and The Jefferson Bible, all factual accounts of the second testament in chronological order. Today's show synopsizes Christ's Bethlehem Backstory where he was exiled from the family for stopping his uncle Herod from hitting on his widowed aunt. You can never trust a drunk uncle during the holiday season. Thus began a life of ostracization, on which he doubled down and started speaking publicly about the debtors prison which was the Roman banking system (very illegal). He began washing the poor and quoting scripture off the dome at temple, a rare skill for the time which attracted just as many haters as followe

  • Nick’s Non-fiction | Fast Food Nation

    24/11/2020 Duration: 57min

    Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! There are over 14,000 of these in the continental United States. No, not hospitals, not food banks, not national parks… McDonalds! Since the 1950s America has embraced the takeover of burger-town and our health records reflect it. In Eric Schlosser’s bestseller Fast Food Nation we examine how the American diet has changed more in the past 40 years than in the past 40k. While the Roman republic was fed by citizen farmers, people of the American empire couldn't be more disconnected from their food. This Upton Sinclair style investigation visits the countries biggest slaughter houses and Hamburger University to see how in under 50 years our highways were astroturfed into a repetitive fast food Anywhere USA. Todays show takes us to Aberdeen, Idaho, home to the biggest potato farm in the observable universe. Here we learn what makes the fries taste so good and who owns these plantations alongside 85k other acres of land. Schlosser t

  • Nick’s Non-fiction | So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed

    10/11/2020 Duration: 58min

    Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! Jon Ronson is the go-to source for cancel culture in the 2010s with his national bestseller So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed. For the book Jon periodically interviewed Justine Sacco who drew 12 billion Google hits from her tweet, “Going to Africa this weekend, hope I don't get AIDs. jk, Im white”. Jon takes the story a layer deeper discovering bot farms, infomorphs and Twitter imposters who cracked the mobs whip. Later chapters expose the men behind the algorithms as Jon was ostracized from his Washington Post/NYTimes writer friends for insufficiently supporting their agenda. As we witness the death of Hollywood it becomes more evident as a culture one of our favorite things to do is build something up just to tear it right back down. It’s concerning that the worlds formidable power is running off a document built to restrict three branches of government with no mention of global state run media, something the founding fathers c

  • Nick’s Non-fiction | Liar’s Poker

    03/11/2020 Duration: 57min

    Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! Michael Lewis is one of the go-to sources on the hidden fraternal world of stock brokering in Wall Street, London and Paris. Also having written The Big Short and Moneyball, Liar’s Poker was his breakthrough piece exposing the business of buying/selling money and its contribution to Black Monday. The testosterone filled atmosphere of a trading floor mid-80s was a zero sum mentality where you will sell out your own partners or previous employers for a greater sum of market shares. Mike worked over a record number of Frenchman his training year which gained him access to the managers 3-6-3 club. Borrow money at 3%, loan it at 6% and be on the golf course by 3:00. Todays show examines corporations buying Ginnie Mae loans to later lend at a higher percent to homeowners. Almost like the Sallie Mae loans and student debt bubble today (at least come up with a new name for the scam). Michael Lewis predicts the $4 Trillion bank bailout

  • Nick’s Non-fiction | The Scarlet Letter

    27/10/2020 Duration: 56min

    Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! Whats the most effective form of birth control? Abstinence. Thats right ladies and gentlemen, fasten your chastity belts, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter is on the show this week. We couldn't imagine it today the way we digitally encourage thirst traps with little hearts but at one point in history it was considered taboo to show your butthole to a stranger. Hester Prynn was far from having her ass eaten and was even slut shamed all the way into the forest :( In this classic 1850s tale we recount the events of the Puritan’s witch trials and systematic use of ‘criminals’ to reinforce societal norms. Hawthorne takes us as deep as you can go examining the human condition, original sin and above all, shame! Hearts will be broken, backs will be stabbed and tea will be spilt. Get your sextons out because today we’re navigating the tides of history through the lens of a woke feminist 2020 boss ass bitch. Subscribe, Share, Mob

  • Nick’s Non-fiction | Leviathan

    13/10/2020 Duration: 01h28min

    Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! As brothers slaughtered one another during the English Civil War, (1642-51) Thomas Hobbes retreated to the Isle of Jersey to compose his masterwork. Leviathan is a praxeological jewel drawing us the geometric foundation of what motivates man and his sovereignties. The famous similarities drawn between the church’s original sin and the monarchs social contract influenced the U.S. constitution a century later. Academics to this day use Hobbes philosophical structure to expose invalid arguments for inherent guilt, like how the impoverished kids born into a trailer park fifty miles from the nearest library have white privilege. Hobbes nature of motion shows the vacuum of power through class structures feeding into the inevitable rise and collapse of Leviathan. Like the English Civil War, and every bureaucracy in history, the true fight isn’t left versus right, it’s top versus bottom. Subscribe, Share, Mobile links & Time-stamps bel

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