Delight Your Marriage



Hi, I'm Belah. Discover with me the secrets to an incredible marriage and physical intimacy in it! Join in as I interview inspiring and amazing wives and intimacy experts who share stories of their difficulties, joys, relationship advice and secrets to a lasting marriage. I ask each guest to share advice about sexual intimacy as well! Listen in to find out how long-time wives have kept the fun, peace and passion alive!


  • 436-Male Leadership (Actually)

    21/06/2024 Duration: 48min

    Clarity is a Christian's speciality.  Amidst a confused culture, a clear understanding of God's word is what we need.  If you're a husband, I invite you to consider how Jesus led and what the Bible says about a husband's leadership in the family.  If you're a wife, I invite you to hear what a man can be (really) so you are happy to be led.  My story started without good role modeling.  And then I tried to "submit" and it was soul crushing.  Then I decided I would NOT submit, and it was stressful, frustrating, and deeply painful.  Then I discovered God's way  (though I still make mistakes at times), and it has made both my husband and I flourish.  I can lead in many, many ways outside of our family -- but I love that in our home I am not the leader. My husband is trustworthy and good to me and our children.  I hope you can catch a vision of what it can mean for you as a man or a woman to empower the right order of family.  We are to be a light on a hill for the non-believers.  I hope you'll curiously seek to g

  • 435-From Emotional & Physical Abandonment to being Joyfully Greeted with Open Arms: Stephen’s Transformation Story

    11/06/2024 Duration: 39min

    We have all felt the frustration and disappointment of doing our best to do the right thing and life still does not go the way we thought.    For 28 years, Stephen was a faithful husband to his wife. There were no drugs or alcohol or pornography. They raised two kids in a Christian home. From the outside, everything looked like it should be going right. But within their marriage, they were falling apart. Stephen felt emotionally and physically abandoned by his wife and didn’t know what to do.   After desperately searching “Sexual Intimacy” on Google in hopes of finding some answers, Stephen stumbled upon Delight Your Marriage. After the first podcast episode, he knew this was what the Lord had for him. He was shocked that after signing up, exactly what he had been praying for came to pass... his wife greeted him with open arms, a smile, and a “How was your day?” followed by a passionate night!   Stephen had to do his work on himself. It wasn't easy and he had to have faith that God could change it all. And He

  • 434-Wives, God's Will is Intimacy

    07/06/2024 Duration: 45min

     "Throughout all of history, it is clear that humans naturally are humble, self-sacrificial, and want to be of service to others" ...said no one, ever.    That is the right heart and mindset but it must be chosen and cultivated. When we look back at our lives the things we are most proud of are not what came easily. We are most proud of what was difficult, what took sacrifice and what was in service to something bigger than ourselves.  By nature, we don't want to do "hard". Easy SEEMS better in the short-term, but when we choose the hard, we look back and see a life of meaning and purpose.    As a wife, it's not easy to reject the lies that society feeds us nowadays, here are a few: Lie - "Men and women are the same" The problem is if we're the same then we'll expect to give and receive love the same way. So, if a wife doesn't need sex to feel loved, she'll be bitter that her husband can't live without it. The truth sets us free. And the truth is men and women are designed differently -- equal in value and di

  • 433-Husbands, Guard Your Heart Around Intimacy

    29/05/2024 Duration: 37min

    When you see everyone else has great intimacy except you, how can you survive?  How can you live without this vital need being met (as God even designed it)?  I hear you. It's painful.  It really is.    In this conversation, I hope you will feel encouraged and supported and also feel that God does care and there is direction. Blessings,  Belah   PS - Do you want to improve your marriage? Do you want to see a move of God in your own life and in the life of your spouse, family, and friendships? We want to help you. Check out this link to schedule a free Clarity Call: PPS - Here is a quote from a recent graduate: "[Before the Masculinity Reclaimed program], I was stuck in the sin of self pity.  We were not enjoying each other's company. Our youngest two children were noticing, and it was not the examples we wanted to be showing them. [After the MR program], I have become more thankful. I learned to focus on the positives. I have learned to become a better listener. I understand my wife

  • 432-Discontentment Needs Your Focus (Re-Release)

    24/05/2024 Duration: 25min

    If you're discontent... If you feel you've been praying against a cement ceiling... If you've actually felt disappointed in life and at God... Or maybe it's less severe, you're going through the motions in life but something feels "off"...   I want you to know that your discontentment is something to pay attention to.   God does come in dreams and visions (sometimes) but often he leads us by our feelings.  And my wonder for you is are you paying attention?  Are you considering the feeling of "discontentment" as something a - outside of you in your world needs to change or b - something about you in your inner world needs to change   God gives us opportunities to change all the time. Change the way we think, the way we are, the way we understand the world.    You don't need to assume this is as good as it gets and that we're not going to be able to do anything to make it better.   I think God wants us to take Him at His word "we are more than conquerors" and stand on our own feet and decide to impro

  • 431-Menopause Hit Her but He Needed to Lead

    16/05/2024 Duration: 38min

    A man of God, in ministry, spreading the gospel, and without even realizing it, he had allowed his marriage to slip into a transactional relationship.  After being married for nearly thirty years, Mark saw in himself that he was starting to become more grouchy, their connection waned, and his wife’s physical desire changed as she began to go through menopause. Their four children were “launching well” but would soon be completely out of the house – changing the home dynamic completely.  All of this put a strain on their marriage. They were now in uncharted territory and he knew he needed help. Mark felt he needed to lead as the man, but just didn’t know how. He had been considering the men’s program for about a year and finally decided to move forward. Through the program, we were able to help shed light to remove the things that were straining his marriage - going from transactional to selfless- and give him the tools to connect with his wife, even in the midst of all their changes.  He finally felt he had t

  • 430-Forty Years In, Now Like Newlyweds Again: Tom’s Transformation Story

    09/05/2024 Duration: 35min

    Tom felt like his marriage was good, but knew it could be better. His wife was his best friend, but he was craving romance and passion in their marriage.   After stumbling upon Delight Your Marriage through a Google Search and taking our free Marital Health Assessment, he realized that the marriage he thought was “good” was actually only just “okay” and ended up scoring a 5 out of 10 in the Marital Health Assessment (    He knew it was time for a change, so he signed up, hoping his wife would take the course at some point. Because that’s what needs to happen… right? ;)    Well, Tom found out, like all of our MR Graduates do, that change begins with ourselves.    And as he took the course and began to implement the principles, he in fact, did see a change in his wife!    She became more flirty and playful and the romance and passion that Tom had been wanting finally happened in their marriage after 4 decades!    All because he decided to take the leap, take the Delight Your Marr

  • 429-Faith or Fear: When Will it Matter Enough to You?

    02/05/2024 Duration: 31min

    Have you ever not done something because of fear? Have you ever done something that felt right at the time, but you were riddled with fear and anxiety later?   Have you ever felt you had more potential than you were living into? Welcome to human nature.  But is that what he should do?  Is that living according to our fears or God's will and His way?  I don't think so.  Instead, the Bible says it's impossible to please God without faith. (Heb 11:6) You might wonder:  Is it required to have faith for your marriage to change? YES. Even Jesus could do no mighty miracles in his hometown because of their lack of faith. (Mark 6:6) Does it mean He will most certainly change your marriage and make you not go through suffering because you have faith? Well, we can look at John the Baptist to see that even if you have faith it's not a guarantee that God will pull you out of the hard situation and cause a miracle. However, the woman with the issue of blood had suffered terribly for over a decade.  She could have allowed h

  • 428- 30 Years Disconnected in Marriage, Now Deeply Connected: Adam's Transformation Story

    25/04/2024 Duration: 39min

    We all know that marriage is a blessing from God. And when a marriage spans decades - ten, twenty, thirty years- we often stand in awe and amazement at that accomplishment.   However, there are times when those thirty years privately have been disconnected and painful and becoming empty nesters resulted in feeling like even less than roommates.   But, what if they found a program that changed it all and brought a deeper peace, connection, and unity to their marriage than they’ve had in three decades?   That is Adam’s Transformation Story. From being disconnected and treating her almost as he did one of his “employees” to learning what it truly means to be “safe” for his wife. So connected in fact that they are planning a getaway for their 30th anniversary! When just a few short months ago she felt there was nothing to celebrate!   We are thrilled to share this transformation story with you because it’s a miracle that we give God all glory and honor for what He did in their family.    If any part of it resonat

  • 427-Healthy Conflict, Peaceful Life: Interview with Donna Jones

    18/04/2024 Duration: 01h13min

    Have you ever been in a place where a conflict has absolutely consumed you? Whether you're grocery shopping or with friends, that conflict is just circling over and over in your mind. Maybe you find yourself wondering how you even got there in the first place? And even more so, how to get out of that place? Well, author and speaker Donna Jones is here today to talk about just that.  In her new book “Healthy Conflict, Peaceful Life: a Biblical guide to Communicating Thoughts, Feelings, and Opinions with Grace, Truth, and Zero Regret”, Donna walks us through how to handle conflict with love and grace, how to be an Addresser of Conflict, rather than an Avoider or Attacker, how to lead with listening, and so much more.  We were sad to have this episode end because it was such a treasure! We hope this episode blesses you and brings you and your spouse closer together- shoulder to shoulder, against the problem, rather than against each other. We believe God can heal any relationship and He can use you through His w

  • Intimacy Accessories Free Training

    12/04/2024 Duration: 01min Free training to gain insights, Christian how-tos and practical tips as well as specific recommended (non-scary) intimacy accessories. I hope this blesses you!

  • 426-Sinful v. Holy Fierce Intimacy

    12/04/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    I was confused.  There I was a new bride, having saved myself for marriage...  only to find out that my new husband wanted me to do SINFUL things.  Where did he get all this "inspiration" anyway?  Oh, I knew: sinful places. So, of course, I refused. And of course, it brought mutual anger (covering each of our hurt).  What's your story? If it's even remotely like mine, I needed to change the lens in which I was viewing sex.  I wasn't viewing sex from a biblical standpoint.  I was viewing sex from a sexually perverted lens. (Even though I saved my sex for marriage, I certainly received messages from the world that perverted the purity and unashamedness that is meant to be in the bedroom.) I was thinking about a sinful visual I had, at some point, encountered that I knew was wrong. Instead of recognizing the COMPLETELY different and HOLY context of my marriage, I decided the act was associated with my experience that was not God's will.  Maybe you've gone through something profoundly tragic, if so, my heart goes

  • 425-Infidelity to "Too Good to be True": Bethany's Transformation Story

    05/04/2024 Duration: 56min

    Bethany felt like her marriage was a lost cause.  She knew that she and her husband were called to be together, but after years of serving in church ministry, three kids, and infidelity, Bethany and her husband began questioning their promise of “no divorce” and began considering separation.  She knew she needed help. She was desperate. She searched for a Christian answer and found Delight Your Marriage. After listening to the podcast and the testimonies, she felt unsure because the testimonies felt too hard to believe.  “God couldn’t do that for me, could he?” But she kept listening until she felt God tugging on her heart telling her it was time. Through Delight Your Marriage, Bethany received encouragement, support, wisdom, and a team of people that was in her corner.    She has seen a transformation in her marriage including surprise flowers and a softness in her husband that she had never seen before. (Not to mention weekly dates! Which was never a thing before!)   We are so thankful to be able to share B

  • 424-Freedom from Shame (Good Friday)

    29/03/2024 Duration: 16min

    Maybe you've done something wrong... Maybe there's a deep discomfort that you keep trying to avoid... Maybe you feel if you let yourself be with yourself quietly, the shame will swallow you whole...   The guilt and shame you feel may be justified.   And that is exactly why we need a sacrifice that allows us to live in confidence and freedom, peace and joy in life.   As followers of Jesus, we don't have confidence that "we're good enough" because of some baseless affirmation.  We have a strong foundation of reason as to why we have confidence.   The truth is, on our own... We aren't good enough.  We don't deserve the goodness God gives us every day. And we don't deserve His sacrifice.    But what we are as Jesus followers are receive-ers.  We are trust-ers.  We are people who say THE event that altered the human race 2000 years ago is WHY I can have freedom from shame.    If you have felt like you've been "paying for" the sin you've committed, it's time to receive the payment from God and start walking in your

  • 423-Don't Give Up, Your Suffering Matters

    19/03/2024 Duration: 19min

    Maybe you're in the midst of a really tough season.  It feels like you're alone and barely keeping your head above water.    Marriage woes can be the most stressful aspect of a person's life.  I want to encourage you that your suffering matters.    I was walking through a museum with my son the other day, and a painting depicted a martyr who was tortured for his faith.  It was a moment that helped me reflect on the importance of my suffering every day. If a moment like that occurred, where I would have to make a choice between Jesus and comfort...  I would be strong enough and have endured enough hardship to choose rightly. I hope today's podcast will give you encouragement that you CAN endure ALL things through Christ who strengthens you.  Love, Belah PS - If you'd like help with your marriage, we're here and would love to witness God transform it through the work! Your next step is a free Clarity Call at This may be the very best thing you've done for your marriage. Period. PPS -

  • 422-Compassion Fatigue. Interview with Kevin Bueltmann

    15/03/2024 Duration: 50min

    If you're a pastor or are shepherded by a pastor, it is important to know that the work of the pastor is hard and can have a deep impact on the leader of such work.  In this episode, we explore the emotional and psychological cost of deeply caring for others.  In today's episode, we delve into compassion fatigue, its causes, and the impact it has on individuals in helping professions. Here's what you'll learn: What is compassion fatigue and how does it differ from burnout? Professions most susceptible to compassion fatigue. Warning signs and symptoms to watch out for. Strategies for managing and preventing compassion fatigue. I'm excited to speak with Kevin Bueltmann, a pastor who helps pastors with Compassion Fatigue. He went through it himself. I encourage you to find out more about him and his ministry for pastors at If you are wondering if you are burnt out and/or have compassion fatigue, we have a great conversation with practical ideas. I believe this wi

  • 363-Take Responsibility, Change & THAT Creates Real Intimacy. Mick's Transformation Story (Rerelease)

    08/03/2024 Duration: 39min

    I pulled out a fan-favorite episode to share today! If you haven't heard it, you don't want to miss this story. It'll encourage you. -- Mick is a dynamic, charismatic, but also a tell-it-straight kinda guy. When his marriage was shallow in terms of connection, emotionally and intimately, he jumped at an opportunity that he discerned understood him as a man and also had a proven track record for change.  After taking responsibility, the MAIN change was his heart. He shares some particulars on why that was so vital in the outward changes of his marriage. But, he began to realize who God actually is calling him to be as a husband. Mick's transformation is truly awesome. But he really took responsibility. He wasn't interested in waiting to see what happens in his marriage without intentionality. He was ready to do the work and take 100% ownership for his marriage transformation and had full accountability for himself. His heart…his change…his commitment to Christ, and then…living it out in his marriage.   I encou

  • 421-Be Your Spouse's Servant

    01/03/2024 Duration: 28min

    Maybe you don't really understand what "servant" means in relation to your spouse.    Let's explore that together on our podcast today.   Be your spouse's servant.  That's Jesus' way.  If we believe what He said, this should not offend us but teach us how to live.   Mark 10:45: "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve..." Matthew 20:26b-28 "whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve," Matthew 23:11-12: "The greatest among you will be your servant." Luke 22:26: "the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves." John 13:14-15: "Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." Matthew 25:40: "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and s

  • 420-Argument vs. Clarification

    22/02/2024 Duration: 41min

    If you've been around for a while, you may have heard that we say you must have "0 arguments" in your marriage.  "But that's not normal." "But that's not healthy." "But that means someone is not being honest." Well, firstly, it's not my rule.  Among many other verses, let's look at Romans 1:29, 30, 32; 2:1, 2. “They have become filled with every kind of wickedness... murder, strife... gossips... arrogant and boastful..."  "Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them...” "Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness... God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance" -- Let's not take God's kindness for granted. Allow His patience and kindness with us to lead us to repentance.  Let us not take liberties because we haven't been "smitten" yet. -- I'll assume we're on the same page with the thoughts around no arguments, so how do you communicate differences?  Are dif

  • 419-Half Truths Can Destory More than Lies

    17/02/2024 Duration: 31min

    The definition of a half-truth is "a statement that conveys only part of the truth, especially one used deliberately in order to deceive someone." I don't know that anyone who says these half-truths is INTENTIONALLY choosing to deceive someone. I'd prefer to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. However, we must look at these beliefs and discern if they are scripturally based. Certainly, the enemy has deliberately used them to deceive and wreak horrific tragedies in marriages and families. Unfortunately, half-truths are more slippery and harder to discern than outright (obvious) lies.​ Because we see something that somewhat resembles God's way, but we haven't given it the time or held it up to scripture to discern if it is actually aligned. My hope in this episode is to help you discern truth from half-truths. Here are a few we talked about in this episode: Duty sex is bad (true... and there are things you should do to change that) Women should not feel they have to keep their husbands faithful by offering

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