Flood Church - Audio Podcast



Audio from our Sunday messages. To watch videos of our entire gatherings, or for info on visiting us live, see www.DIVEintoFLOOD.com


  • XXIII - The Satisfied Life (Week 7)


    XXIII - The Satisfied Life (Week 7) Join us as we welcome back pastor Andy and pastor Matt, closing out our series, "XXIII: The Satisfied Life" on Psalm 23 by looking at what it truly means to dwell in the house of the Lord forever. The household of God is marked by abundance, diversity, and love.

  • XXIII - The Satisfied Life (Week 6)


     XXIII - The Satisfied Life (Week 6)Join Kith & Kin, Pastor Damean, and Pastor Grace as we continue our series on XXIII: The Satisfied Life by looking at how dying to our false selves leads to truly living without lack.

  • XXIII - The Satisfied Life (Week 5)


     XXIII - The Satisfied Life (Week 5)Join pastors Scot Wildey and Grace Wilkinson as we continue our series on Psalm 23, "The Satisfied Life" by looking at faith, and what it means to trust God and rely upon Him in the face of fear and uncertainty.

  • XXIII - The Satisfied Life (Week 3)


     XXIII - The Satisfied Life (Week 3)This week Pastor Damean Easter walks through Psalm 23:3. We look at what it means to be guided by God no matter the season we are facing.

  • XXIII - The Satisfied Life (Week 4)


     XXIII - The Satisfied Life (Week 4)https://diveintoflood.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/XXIII_-The-Satisfied-Life-Week-4.m4aThis week Pastor Damean will be digging into Psalm 23:4. We are looking at what it means for the rod and staff of the Lord to protect us when we walk through the darkest valleys.

  • XXII - The Satisfied Life (Week 2)


    XXII - The Satisfied Life (Week 2)In a culture that prizes self-sufficiency and rugged individualism, embracing our identity as God's sheep doesn't come naturally. However much we may value our personal agency, no amount of savvy can measure up against the kindest, wisest, most loving Being in the universe. Psalm 23:2 depicts the Shepherd God leading us, his sheep, to green pastures, quiet waters, and soul refreshment. That is the picture of the spiritual life - it is the ongoing process of allowing God to be our Shepherd. As we embrace our identity as God’s sheep and learn to recognize and follow our Shepherd God's voice, we will be led to the deep soul refreshment and rest that only God can give.

  • A World of Trouble: Good Grief (Lament)


    A World of Trouble: Good Grief (Lament)Join pastors Matt Hammett and Damean Easter as we continue our message series, "A World of Trouble: Life in the Midst of Anxiety". As Scripture famously says, Jesus wept. However, most of us don't know how to practice good grief. We avoid grief because we’re afraid of the pain it will cause, but the truth is that good grieving can actually heal that pain and bring us more in touch with the pain of the world and the joy of the Lord. This message from Pastor Matt is about how we learn to lament like Jesus. Access the Lament Worksheet here: https://diveintoflood.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Lament-Worksheet.pdf

  • A World of Trouble - Hurting but Hopeful


    A World of Trouble - Hurting but HopefulToday is Pentecost! Pentecost celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit onto the first followers of Jesus, the miraculous events that surrounded that transcending moment. The power of God to bring people together in unity is something our world desperately needs right now, and I invite you to pray with me as we continue our gathering.

  • A World of Trouble - Grace for Perfectionists


    A World of Trouble - Grace for PerfectionistsToday we're continuing our series called A World of Trouble: Life in the Midst of Anxiety. There’s a level of anxiety in our world today, so much that is unknown and uncertain about the future, our health, finances, jobs, kids, and loved ones, that many of us can’t help but feel stressed and anxious. Jesus tells us in John 16 that in this world there will be trouble, but he also offers us hope, and a way of life and relationship with him that isn’t dominated by worry. This series is about the life Jesus offers us - a life marked by God’s peace and non-anxious presence. A life that is grounded in the unshakeable kingdom of God.

  • A World of Trouble: Pursuing Peace


    A World of Trouble: Pursuing PeaceThis Sunday we hear a comforting and inspiring message from Pastor Matt about what it means to experience the peace of Christ not in spite of our circumstances, but in the midst of them. God is always present to us with open arms, ready to receive all of our fears, worries, and concerns.

  • A World of Trouble: Trusting God in Trials


    A World of Trouble: Trusting God in TrialsToday's message, looks at the story of Jesus and the disciples at sea when a terrible storm threatened their lives (Mark 4:35-41). In the midst of this terrifying ordeal, Jesus was asleep in the boat. His response to their cries for help revealed to his disciples - and to us - how to take hold of the peaceful, non-anxious life Jesus offers us in the midst of every storm.

  • A World of Trouble - Life in the Midst of Anxiety


    A World of Trouble - Life in the Midst of AnxietyWe welcome guest speakers and Drs. Bill and Kristi Gaultiere for a timely and valuable teaching on the importance of befriending our emotions and empathy. Jesus doesn't shame, avoid, or reject us because of our emotions - instead, Jesus wants to love us in the midst of our emotions, and teach us how to befriend our emotions.

  • A World of Trouble: Adversary vs. Advocate


    A World of Trouble: Adversary vs. AdvocateWe welcome Pastor Damean Easter for an encouraging and inspiring word about self esteem. How do we love ourselves well in a world of comparison? We need to dethrone the inner critic in our lives and seek to live under Christ's grace and truth. Also, enjoy a throwback music video as we celebrate Mother's Day.

  • EASTER | Strength for Today Bright Hope for Tomorrow


    EASTER | Strength for Today Bright Hope for TomorrowIn the moments in-between - after the death but before the resurrection of Jesus. In many ways, it’s like being in the eye of a storm - a moment of calm in the midst of turmoil.  I imagine this was a day of immense sorrow and disorientation for the first disciples, freshly grieving the loss of their friend and Lord, Jesus. You see, they didn’t know what you and I know. They didn’t know that there was a new day dawning. They didn’t know Easter Sunday was coming.

  • Providence: Surrounded


    Providence: SurroundedThis week, we look at a passage in 2 Kings 6:8-23. Where do we turn when we feel overwhelmed, when it seems like we're surrounded with no way out?

  • Providence: God's Provision in Desperate Times


    Providence: God's Provision in Desperate TimesIn 2 Kings, Elisha comes across a widow faced with an impossible choice -  pay a debt that she doesn’t have the money for, or send her sons into slavery as payment? Her anguish is palpable, and in the midst of her crisis Elisha says these five simple yet magical words: How can I help you?

  • Providence: The Pathway of Transformation


    Providence: The Pathway of TransformationThis is an unprecedented time in the history of our world. Each of us are desperate for some type of change. Societally, we are all desperate for hope. God is the source of hope, healing and change. Yet we have a part. Guest speaker Rich Villodas shares with us today the true pathways of change, breakthrough, wholeness and ultimately transformation.

  • Providence: Burnout


    Providence: BurnoutThere came a point in Elijah’s ministry where he had careened way past burnout, and into despair. But it is also there, at the end of his rope, that God meets him and gives him exactly what he needs.This Sunday we continue our new series Providence: Desperate Times, Disparate Measures, by looking at how God provides relieffor Elijah’s burnout.

  • Providence


    Providence: Desperate Times, Disparate MeasuresWhat does it look like to remain faithful in times of cultural unrest and unease? How do we continue to put our trust in God in difficult times? When we face a scary diagnosis, when we don't know how we're going to make rent or pay the bills, when we feel surrounded by scarcity, how do we stay grounded in God?This Sunday we begin our brand new series Providence: Desperate Times, Disparate Measures, looking at the lives of Elijah and Elisha, who show us what it means to live by faith in any circumstance.

  • Still Small: Stepping Out


    Still Small: Stepping OutAs we grow older, we become more risk-averse. We try to avoid being hurt or making mistakes. But the rule of risk and reward still applies - it is only through taking risks and trying something new that we learn just what we’re capable of. In the spiritual life, this means listening closely to God, discerning where we think he might be leading us, and then taking the leap. We may be right, we may be wrong, but we’ll never know if we don’t dive in.This Sunday we conclude our series, Still Small: Discerning God’s Voice in a Noisy Life by looking at what God is inviting us to step into next.

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