Six Degrees



Everyone is connected somehow, someway just open dialogue to see where the connections lie. Six degrees is the scientific theory that each human being on this planet is only separated by just 6 degrees. This show represents opening many ways and many paths to connect with people all over the world creating a dialogue of peace and understanding. We are all connected, we are all important and we are all special. Each week we bring you scientific, metaphysical or spiritual information with the intent of connecting us to the world.


  • Six Degrees fit soul and body with Brant Secunda and Mark Allen

    04/02/2011 Duration: 45min

    “Fitness” needs a makeover. It’s not about the size of your muscles, how fast you can run, or how much you weigh. There are plenty of physically fit people who are unhappy, eternally pessimistic, and drained of spirit. True fitness starts with emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Secunda spent 12 years living among the exceptionally healthy and happy Huichol people of Mexico, apprenticing with their legendary shaman. From them, he learned what scientists are just now confirming: that disconnection with our outer environment can make us sick -- and connection with nature can heal us. Now he and Allen, a 6-time world Ironman champion, show others how to draw strength, focus, and energy from nature -- and use their techniques to transform negative emotions that deplete health and energy. Secunda and Allen can share 7 ways to boost your mood by connecting to nature, and can discuss: Why people who live close to nature suffer from less depression. How to transform loneliness, depression, and anger using nature-bas

  • Six Degrees in bliss with Swami Kriyananda

    26/01/2011 Duration: 56min

    Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters) is one of the foremost proponents of yogic teachings in the world today. In 1948 at the age of twenty-two, he became a disciple of the Indian yoga master, Paramhansa Yogananda. He is one of a few remaining direct disciples of Yogananda active today.At Yogananda’s request, Swami Kriyananda has devoted his life to lecturing and writing, helping others to experience the living presence of God within. He has taught on four continents in seven languages over the course of over 60 years. His teaching, audio and video recordings of his talks and music, and his many books translated into 28 languages have touched the lives of millions. Swami Kriyananda has taken the ancient teachings of Raja Yoga and made them practical and immediately useful for people in every walk of life. His books and teachings on spiritualizing nearly every field of human endeavor include business life, leadership, education, the arts, community, and science. He has written extensive commentaries on the Bibl

  • Six Degrees heals your mind rewiring your brain with Patt Lind-Kyle

    26/01/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    Patt Lind-Kyle has a broad range of interests. She has taught in the academic world, created a small business, practiced as a management consultant and executive coach and has had her own private counseling practice.Patt’s research and interest in the mind/brain field led her to develop a learning style assessment company to help children and parents understand how they learn. She has been involved in the teaching and application of personality styles to individuals and organizations for the past 25 years.Patt’s current interest is exploring the exciting new brain/mind research and working with the new tools of neuro-monitoring to help individuals become more effective with their brain/mind potential. She completed an 18-month research project learning how individuals shift their mental, emotional and spiritual view of themselves and the world to function in a larger, more comprehensive view of reality.

  • Six Degrees in Negotiation with Jim Camp

    23/01/2011 Duration: 57min

    Jim Camp is an internationally sought negotiation coach and trainer, and developer of the Coach2100™ technology, a proprietary, patient pending negotiation project management and training system. He is also author of NO: The Only Negotiating Strategy You Need for Work and Home (Crown), the revised and updated version of his previous critically acclaimed business book, Start with No. As president and founder of The Camp Group, a negotiation training and management firm, Camp has coached individuals, companies, and governments worldwide through hundreds of negotiations, including Motorola, Intel, Applied Materials, Honda, Suzuki, KLA-Tencor, Texas Instruments, Merrill Lynch, IBM, and Prudential Insurance. Camp’s services are so prized that he has to sign confidentiality agreements with his clients so their adversaries can’t discover that Camp, their “secret weapon,” is on their team.

  • Six Degrees on Star Seeds with Dr Richard Boylan

    23/01/2011 Duration: 54min

    Dr. Richard J. Boylan is a Ph.D. behavioral scientist, anthropologist, university associate professor (emeritus), certified clinical hypnotherapist, consultant, and researcher. He provides hypnotherapy for recalling full details of partially-remembered close encounters with the Star Visitors, stored in subconscious memory. Dr. Boylan also is a consultant to Star Kids and Star Seeds seeking to understand better their origin, identity and mission, so they can achieve full awareness of and clarity about their identity, inner growth, spiritual development, and future path. His career has spanned four decades of service as a psychologist, social worker, hypnotherapist, clergyman (retired), educator, and space anthropologist. Dr. Boylan has served as a Lecturer at California State University, Sacramento, University of California, Davis, National University, Chapman University, and Sierra College. Since 1989 Dr. Boylan has conducted research into human encounters with the Star Visitors. This has led to his current f

  • Six Degrees Gets Hired on a WHIM with Garrett Miller

    30/12/2010 Duration: 54min

    Garrett Miller, author of the highly acclaimed book Hire on a WHIM is also President and CEO of CoTria, a Productivity Training Company. Garrett has trained nationally and internationally with some of the greatest organizations in the world including dozens in the Fortune 500.He graduated from the University of Rhode Island and worked for a major pharmaceutical company for eighteen years, the last ten as a manager. After an award-winning career, Garrett began his latest venture as a business owner, author, keynote speaker, coach and trainer. Garrett has been married 17 years to his amazing wife Paula and is the proud father of three.

  • Six Degrees onThe Law of Attraction Plain and Simple

    15/12/2010 Duration: 58min

    Sonia Ricotti is a world-renowned motivational speaker delivering keynote talks, seminars, and workshops around the world. She is the#1 best-selling author of The Law of Attraction Plain and Simple and the president and founder of Lead Out Loud Inc.--a company that offers inspirational products, videos, and events. She is also a humanitarian, having participated in, and led several humanitarian trips around the world. For more information, visit

  • Six Degrees accesses Akashic Records with Ellena Lieberman

    13/12/2010 Duration: 29min

    With steadfast commitment, Ellena Lynn Lieberman has devoted two decades inspiring others to realize inner growth through the transformational process of accessing The Akashic Records. Her sensitivity to internal spiritual forces that shape all physical reality has afforded her widespread public notice. She has appeared on national and local broadcast media throughout North and South America. Ellena has personally taught and mentored several generations of teachers through her Akashic Records classes.

  • Six Degrees creates a Happy Body with JERZY GREGOREK

    09/12/2010 Duration: 21min

    ANIELA and JERZY GREGOREK came to the U.S. from Poland in 1986 as political refugees during the Solidarity Movement, and have since built a successful personal coaching and athletic training practice in LA. Aniela is a five-time World Weightlifting Champion who holds six world records, and Jerzy is a four-time World Weightlifting Champion with one world record. The Gregoreks founded the UCLA weightlifting team in 2000 and are its head coaches. They have devoted the last three decades of their lives to researching and designing The Happy Body program. Using these techniques, they have transformed hundreds of people—from housewives and physicians to athletes and celebrities—who came to them with every conceivable body shape and desire.

  • Six Degrees Quantum Leaps with Barefoot Violinist

    16/11/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    Who I am...I am a quantum artist who invokes consciousness and healing through dramatic art (catharsis: the process of releasing and thereby creating relief/healing from strong or repressed emotion, thus raising consciousness; originally through dramatic art). Further to the above I am a violinist, speaker, dancer, performer and presenter. What I do...As a quantum artist I use my knowledge and skills to help my audiences let go and release from pain and suffering, re-awaken their joyfulness, increase levels of consciousness and awaken knowledge of self as pure spirit. I do this by performing as a violinist, dancer and speaker to inspire and motivate others in bringing about the above I also compose/improvise my own music, record Cds/downloadable music/video and write metaphysical information and training courses for public interested in healing and consciousness. How I do it...I drop into the quantum field and use my skills and knowledge as a violinist, dancer, speaker and composer to put intense emotion and