Liberty Report With Brett Mason

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 114054:00:00
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Brett Mason is a libertarian, a reformed republican, and strong advocate for freedom and liberty.This show will try to tackle the headlines, political issue and philosophical issues of the day from the libertarian point of view.My ultimate goal is the inform, educate, entertain and spread the message of liberty and freedom.


  • 44 Percent Of Americans Want A Theocracy

    15/07/2016 Duration: 534h00s

    It is disturbing that we live in a time when 44% of American want a democracy. And an even higher percentage are in favor of eliminating the first amendment.On today's show we look at the stats and talk about what we can do as lovers of liberty to keep our first amendment strong.Subscribe on iTunes on Google Play

  • Prejudice Is Normal And Most Racism Isnt Malicious

    08/07/2016 Duration: 1257h00s

    Today I want to tackle the most difficult cultural and political conversation we can have in America. I want to talk honestly about racism and prejudice.I believe prejudice is normal and we need to get over it. And I believe racism is mostly just prejudice in the least, and at worst it's usually just non malicious.

  • Why Health Care Is So Expensive

    01/07/2016 Duration: 866h00s

    It's not hard to figure out why health care is so expensive. The laws of economics do not cease to exist just because it's health care. The same basic principles of economics that apply to other products and services also apply to health care.Government intervention, artificially increasing demand while decreasing supply is to blame. It's just that simple. Let's talk about it.

  • One Question That Will Shut Anti Gun Liberals Down

    19/06/2016 Duration: 1050h00s

    I am so tired of debating liberals over the 2nd amendment. It's as if they live in some kind of fantasy world devoid of any common sense or reasoning ability.I think I have the answer. Don't debate gun control. Don't debate the 2nd amendment. Just ask your liberal friends this one questions and their own answer will shut them down.

  • We The Gullible People Of The United States Of America Part 1

    15/05/2016 Duration: 1095h00s

    Corruption abounds in America because the people are gullible. Politicians can say anything and people believe.This is part 1 of a series demonstrating how the people are gullible and how we can change that.If we ever hope to be free we are going to have to get people thinking critically and using reasoning skills.Subscribe on itunes or the Google Play store: Liberty Report with Brett MasonDownload the free app: Brett Mason Media

  • Libertarians Could Get 15 Percent Of Presidential Vote

    29/04/2016 Duration: 530h00s

    This could be a banner year for Libertarians. With so much unrest with the Democratic and Republican candidates, many people are saying they will vote for a third party candidate this year.There is a perfect storm brewing for a strong libertarian candidate to get the largest percentage of the presidential vote in history. With as many as 16% of voters saying they would vote for a third party candidate instead of Clinton or Trump.

  • Mitch McConnell Is A Tyrant Guilty Of Treason

    17/03/2016 Duration: 842h00s

    Did anyone else watch Senator Mitch McConnell stand on the senate floor and abdicate the senate's responsibilities as laid out in the Constitution?These tyrants need to go. We either have a rule of law or we do not. Remove them all from power!

  • Bernie Sanders Claims About Sweden Are Lies

    02/03/2016 Duration: 1563h00s

    If you believe Bernie Sanders, Sweden is like Nirvana. With it's free health care, great paying jobs, and lack of income inequality, it's is something the U.S. should aspire to be. Right?Wrong!There are so many things wrong with the Sweden model it's hard to know where to start. Healthcare, incomes, poverty. The United States wins on all of them. If these sounds foreign to you, prepare to have your eyes opened to the truth!

  • Why Ted Cruz May Be A Sociopath

    25/02/2016 Duration: 1025h00s

    Ted Cruz is the most frightening candidate for president in my lifetime. Not only do I not think he should be considered for President, he shouldn't even be allowed in the Senate.His theocratic views, his willingness to do and say anything to win, and his blatant disregard for the Constitution are alarming.On today's show I lay out a pretty clear cut case why Ted Cruz may be a sociopath and why any lover of liberty would be crazy to support him.

  • What If Santa Was Based In America

    23/12/2015 Duration: 1023h00s

    What if Santa Claus had set up shop in the U.S? Would Christmas be the joyous time of year we know it as today?Would children everywhere look forward to Christmas gifts every year? A libertarian look at Christmas and Santa ClausYou can also subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and iHeart Radio. Just search for the Liberty Report with Brett Mason

  • Muslim Hate, Islamophobia, Fear, Power

    11/12/2015 Duration: 2208h00s

    The media and politicians have the hate propaganda machine cranked up to 10. Everyone I know is scared. People are willing to do anything right now to save themselves from certain death.Hold up. Slow down. Can we all just think clearly for a second?

  • Proof Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio are Liberals!

    12/11/2015 Duration: 1796h00s

    If you watched the Fox Business Republican debates you might have seen the moments that Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio revealed themselves to be liberals.Both showed that they embrace the redistribution of wealth. And neither of them were ashamed of it. In fact they both defended their love of redistributing wealth proudly.We play the clips an debate the issue.

  • Anthony Bourdain Is Wrong About Donald Trump and Immigration

    30/10/2015 Duration: 1615h00s

    Anthony Bourdain said if Donald Trump got is way on immigration every restaurant in America would shut down. This shows a complete misunderstanding of how economics works. Period.We'll talk about the presidential debate too.

  • Republicans Have Abondoned ObamaCare Repeal Rhetoric

    24/10/2015 Duration: 2615h00s

    The Republicans have all but abandoned the issue of ObamaCare? What happened to that?We check all of the major candidates campaign materials to see if they are even mentioning it now. Sadly, you probably won't be surprised what we find.

  • DOJ turns on American citizens

    22/10/2015 Duration: 2528h00s

    Department of Justice announced today that Americans are more dangerous than ISIS or Al Queda and they will beging to focus on them.

  • Let's Stop Being Facebook Suckers

    20/10/2015 Duration: 3540h00s

    When will we stop believing and sharing everything we see on Facebook? Call in and be on the show 334-403-4500

  • Why Kim Davis Is Wrong

    01/10/2015 Duration: 3297h00s

    Christians need to see the bigger picture. If you support real religious freedom then you can't support Kim Davis.The same is true for Religious Stickers on Police cars. I know it seems counter intuitive but it's vitally important that we understand this principle of freedom.One country sheriffs department has removed religious stickers from their partrol cars. Apparently their lawyer advised them they would lose a case in court and it would cost the taxpayers a lot of money.Source of things used in this show

  • Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio Unfit To Serve

    30/09/2015 Duration: 4014h00s

    Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham vote to increase Federal Spending $400 Billion This year. And they say they are conservatives. In fact they proved why they will do anything to be president. Nothing matters to them but power.Why Saudi Arabia is worse than any other Muslim Country but we don't bomb them. In fact we fund their terrorism.Jeb Bush proves he has no understand of taxes or he just wants to opress the middle class and make the rich richer.

  • The Pope Is The AntiChrist: Proof And Commentary

    29/09/2015 Duration: 3854h00s

    The evidence that the Pope is evil and quite possibly the anti-christ is overwhelming. This week I was presented with so many facts about how evil the pope is I decided to share them on this show and do an investigation. This is a 'must hear' show! Feel free to call and participate at 334-403-4500

  • Merle Haggards Greatest Hits Special

    26/09/2015 Duration: 4026h00s

    Friday Night Music Special. Merle Haggards Greatest Hits. With interview clips and the greatest Merle Haggard songs of all time.

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