Hard Money Bankers



Principals of Hard Money Bankers present the HMB Show


  • One Crucial Skill Entrepreneurs Are Missing

    28/09/2017 Duration: 07min

    Its common for people to get so caught up in their product or service that they start missing what their goal is and what the focus should be. Find out how investor capital, accounting/reporting, and investing plays a huge role in the success of your business.

  • The Big 5: Properly Using Social Media Platforms for Business

    18/09/2017 Duration: 09min

    Jason's guest is Glenn Younes of Corner Unit Media, a local expert in social media engineering. They go over the five most important social media platforms for small businesses - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google+ - which run the gamut from vital to sexy to more business focused. Glenn suggests determining who your target audience is to make sure your company is visible on the proper channels. Watch to learn more about each one.

  • Finding Your Dream Clients

    11/09/2017 Duration: 05min

    Do you know how to find dream clients? The way to find them is to identify exactly who they are. Once you've done that, you must tailor your branding and marketing especially to them. After you've acquired them, you should adjust your service and process to their needs. Chris and Jason delve into this topic with more info on each of these steps and a bonus idea that will be very helpful.

  • How to Use Self-Directed Retirement Accounts

    05/09/2017 Duration: 10min

    Self-directed accounts allow you to be your own fund manager and underwriter to decide how your money is deployed. Chris and Jason give some tips on doing your homework in regards to choosing the right investment deals for you. They explain that the deals with the highest return aren't necessarily the safest, and give a bunch of different ideas that might work for you. They also warn to watch out for some of the IRS rules about self-directed accounts which can end up costing you a lot of money if you aren't aware of them. Watch to learn more about this fantastic option for your money.

  • Branding in Today's Environment

    23/08/2017 Duration: 12min

    Chris and Jason answer audience questions that have been chosen by our producer and they have not seen or heard yet. For this episode, the questions chosen relate to branding, logos, and websites. We love audience questions and want to know what yours is - it could be featured on the show! Please comment with questions on any topic related to real estate investing, business, marketing, finances, or anything else you've heard Chris and Jason discuss.

  • How to Spot an Epiphany

    14/08/2017 Duration: 08min

    Chris and Jason discuss the very interesting topic of epiphanies. They share some of their own aha moments, along with anecdotes about friends and clients. They also agree that awareness is the key to realizing these moments and that if you don't get it, you don't get it. What was one of your aha moments?

  • Content Marketing 3.0: Stepping Up Your Game

    07/08/2017 Duration: 08min

    Chris and Jason have brought you the four laws of content marketing and how to handle audience critique. On this episode, they are offering up some ways to bring your content marketing to the next level. Content is crucial for most businesses these days, so make sure you know how to use it effectively. What kind of content marketing are you currently doing?

  • How to Be Consistent

    31/07/2017 Duration: 12min

    Chris and Jason are talking about consistency, particularly in business. Aside from some great tips and tools to help you remain consistent, they have some reminders that are very helpful so that you don't get overwhelmed, including one of their favorites - make growth habits a priority.* One of the most important things to remember is that good things happen over time not overnight, but only if you are consistently consistent. *The video Jason mentions can be found here: https://youtu.be/xmvaQXLM1JM

  • Operation Vacation

    24/07/2017 Duration: 09min

    It's summertime and that means it's vacation season. As a small business owner or a one man operation, you're probably thinking about how your business will run while you're away. Chris and Jason have some tips to assure everything goes smoothly so that you can enjoy your vacation. They go over them in this video, but the number one thing to keep in mind - don't worry too much, you aren't a heart surgeon so enjoy yourself!

  • Mid-Year Checkup

    03/07/2017 Duration: 12min

    Chris and Jason are doing a mid-year checkup of their business. They start by talking about reporting and metrics - their favorite kind of reporting is how their marketing campaigns are performing at this point in the year, but financial and business volume reports are important too. The other area of business that needs to be checked on is goals. For example, have you met all your goals for the first half of the year, and if not, which ones might not be necessary anymore? More importantly, what's something amazing you want to do with the rest of the year? So where are you halfway through the year?  We'd really like to know!

  • WARNING: Are You "Playing" Business?

    19/06/2017 Duration: 10min

    Do you "play" business? Chris and Jason have a lot of different examples of how people play business versus do business. Whether you're having meetings just to have them, going to lunches with the wrong people, or driving to properties where the deal won't turn into anything, you must value your time. People, properties, and to do list activities must be prequalified so that every moment of your day is optimally utilized - avoid situations where there is no goal or outcome in mind. They suggest that if you have free time, the best way to fill it up is to work on marketing or personal development.

  • Pondering Projects for This Year

    12/06/2017 Duration: 13min

    Chris and Jason decided on three different topics to discuss in this video - books, goals, and how they would expand their business if they had to. They talk about what they learned from their book picks and how they can apply it to their business, and how they would execute to accomplish their goals. Not surprisingly, they had the same answer for a business expansion idea and they discuss their experience in that area.

  • Biz Dev: Online & In-Person

    05/06/2017 Duration: 08min

    Business development is vital to making sure your company is successful. The part of biz dev Chris and Jason are focusing on in this video is relationships. They talk about the fact that almost all business relationships begin online, which is why your social media marketing must be on point. Those relationships will eventually turn into face to face communication, whether it's at your office, at a lunch or dinner, or at a networking event, so your interpersonal skills must be on point as well. They suggest you periodically check your efforts and continue your education in both areas.

  • Education Versus Execution in Real Estate

    30/05/2017 Duration: 10min

    Chris and Jason are talking about education and execution in real estate investing. They talk about the problem with spending an enormous amount of money on education without taking any action, as opposed to people who can't execute on projects because they have not educated themselves properly. They suggest figuring out what you're interested in and what resources you have available to you, as well as balancing your education with your execution. Continuing to educate yourself throughout your career is the key to being a successful real estate investor and business person.

  • The Stark Difference Between a Job and a Business

    22/05/2017 Duration: 10min

    Chris and Jason have been talking about being a business owner a lot lately and on this episode, they are delving into exactly what that means as opposed to having a job. As a business owner, especially when starting out, there are a lot of day to day tasks that have nothing to do with growing or maintaining your business. However, if you are trying to build a company, you have to make time to focus on building marketing and operational systems and monitoring your financials. Chris and Jason think the best practice to evenly balance your time between the two sides as you grow.

  • Taking An Honest Look at Your Business's Wins & Losses

    15/05/2017 Duration: 11min

    Have you ever looked back at the wins and losses in your business?  Chris and Jason are doing so and focusing on what has worked and what hasn't worked.  Anyone in business is bound to make mistakes at some point, but the important thing is to learn from them.  On the other hand, when something is working, you should definitely stick with it.  What has worked for you and where have you fell short? Additionally they discuss adjusting your goals and recreating a game plan based on what you have accomplished and what has flopped.  Both these items to review can apply to any business, whether it is a few months old, 5 years old, or 20 years old.

  • Keeping Up With Tech

    01/05/2017 Duration: 08min

    Are you keeping up with basic technology standards as a business owner? Chris and Jason are talking about the three areas—transactional, marketing, and financial/accounting—where having and utilizing the latest tech is vital to your business. Technology is always changing; think about it, at least once a month when you log into any of the social media sites, something has changed. Watch to learn more about the types of technology you must have in the departments listed above.