Pastor Jacob Jurado's Sermon

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 53:39:15
  • More information



Sermons from Jacob Jurado, Pastor of First Church of God, Rapid City, SD


  • He Couldnt Say The Name (Audio)

    14/09/2008 Duration: 36min

    Today we turn to Luke 10 in order to finish the parable of the good Samaritan. The point of this parable isn't about having compassion and helping out a stranger in need. This parable that probably shocked it's listeners drives at not only the heart of this teacher of the law, but to all Jews. If we pay attention, we'll find that it has a lot to do with our eternal life as well.

  • Lazy (Audio)

    07/09/2008 Duration: 21min

    When a teacher of the law tests Jesus with a question about obtaining eternal life, he does not realize that his question is based off two false assumptions. If we examine ourselves closely, we'll find that we have something in common with this teacher of the law. Turn with me to Luke 10 as we listen to these few words of Jesus that should change our assumptions.

  • Presidential Elections (Audio)

    31/08/2008 Duration: 30min

    Because of the Democratic National Convention and both candidates choosing their running mates, we have been bombarded with news, stories, and info concerning the Presidential Elections. As I watch the media's coverage of these two candidates I begin to wonder if our political system influences us on how to view God. Turn to Mark 8 and listen in to find what we conclude.

  • Russia VS Georgia (Audio)

    24/08/2008 Duration: 33min

    As we watch the conflict of Russia and Georgia continue we notice hostility, hatred, deceptive words, and evil. Maybe there's a bit of Cain in both these countries for both these nations show the signs of death. Today we turn to Genesis 4 and 1 John 3:10ff

  • My Resignation(Audio)

    17/08/2008 Duration: 05min

    Yesterday (August 17th, 2008) I resigned as the Pastor of First Church of God in Rapid City. Here is the video of my resignation and the letter I gave my board. I will be posting more on our plans on my blog at soon

  • China (Audio)

    17/08/2008 Duration: 24min

    I don't know how you could miss that the Olympics are going on in China. There's not just the drama of the games, but the drama of the countries. We've had riots, protest, and boycotts. All this drama in order to influence China to change. What does China have to do with the Jailer in Acts 16? Listen to find out

  • Brett Favre

    10/08/2008 Duration: 21min

    Even if you're not into sports it would be hard to miss the drama following Brett Favre. Favre retired earlier this year and then changed his mind. Unfortunately, Favre was not welcomed back with opened arms. After offering 20 million to stay retired, telling him that he would be the backup quarterback, and then doing everything to keep him away, the Green bay Packers finally traded Favre to the New York Jets (a team that won 4 games last year). I image that there were many moments after he announced his retirement that Brett Favre wished he never made that choice. I wonder if he ever imagines how different his life would be now if he had never retired. There's something universal human about Brett's off season. We see it in our own life and we see it in the life of Samson

  • Fame (Julia Allison) (AUDIO

    03/08/2008 Duration: 29min

    Today we're looking at an article from wired magazine that talks about how to become Internet Famous like Julia Allison. There's something strangely familiar with this article and the the prayer of Solomon as recorded in Psalms 72, yet there is one fundamental difference.

  • Can You Eat Your Bible (Audio)

    27/07/2008 Duration: 27min

    "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." No, Jesus isn't teaching us to eat our Bible, but he is referring to something more than just reading scriptures every day.

  • Broken Bike (Audio)

    20/07/2008 Duration: 25min

    Turning to Luke 4 one last time, we examine how Jesus' home town was like my bike (No, my bike didn't try to ride Jesus off a cliff) as well as examining how Rudolph (yes, the reindeer) and bird watching relate to spiritual maturity.

  • Following the Road Signs

    13/07/2008 Duration: 34min

    Turning to Luke 4 again, we examine the response of Jesus' hometown. The people of Nazareth were amazed at Jesus and yet rejected him. What's going on here? Maybe it's the same problem Paul warned about in 2nd Timothy, the same problem James discusses in his letter, and the same problem we deal with all the time.

  • Spiritually Mature Cliff Lovers

    06/07/2008 Duration: 31min

    We open our Bibles to Luke 4 and watch Jesus come home. How does His hometown respond? Let's just say that they all don't plan on taking a cliff dive.

  • The Repeat Defeat-ed Lakers

    15/06/2008 Duration: 24min

    If the L.A. Lakers listen to any sermon podcast today before their possible elimination from the NBA Finals, this should be it. Turn with me L.A. Lakers as we turn to 1st Samuel 4.

  • Scratch N Sniff God

    08/06/2008 Duration: 31min

    Today as we look at Hebrews 10 we find that God is like a Scratch N Sniff Sticker. Just give it a scratch and let the presence and aroma of God fill your life.

  • Masks And Mickey Mouse

    01/06/2008 Duration: 31min

    Why do we pretend? Why do we wear masks? Could it be that we're trying to become something which we're not or maybe we're trying to achieve/receive something we haven't obtained. Let's turn to Acts 5 and Mickey Mouse as we explore this more.

  • Set Apart

    18/05/2008 Duration: 30min

    We turn to Acts 11 and find a key shift that transformed our world. At the heart of the issue is people following the leading of Jesus no matter how absurd and illogical it seems, as well as a nation's understanding of holiness.

  • Die

    11/05/2008 Duration: 33min

    Today we look at Mark 3:20-25 and witness a moment where Mary had to realize that the relationship she has always had with her son has to die in order for her to continue to have a healthy relationship with him. As we look at this passage, we'll realize that that this principle isn't isolated only with the relationship of Mothers and children, but it is within the fabric of creation. Why? Listen and find out.

  • No Country For Old Men

    04/05/2008 Duration: 29min

    No Country For Old Men becomes a parable for Luke 10 when Jesus sends out his 72 disciples.

  • 3:10 To Yuma

    20/04/2008 Duration: 38min

    Today, 3:10 to Yuma becomes a parable that explains two passages of scripture: Psalms 1 and 2nd Timothy 3:10-4:8.

  • Mess In The Middle

    13/04/2008 Duration: 43min

    Today we have a guest speaker, Jason Salamun, who is launching a Church here in Rapid City, SD. I asked Jason to come and to share his heart, hoping that his heart would spread through our our church like chicken pox among school kids. Because of audio problems (I forgot to push a button), we were only able to record the first 43 mins of his message. Thankfully, Jason has posted his notes on his blog site so you can read what wasn't recorded.

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