Answers With Ken Ham

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Ken Ham is president of Answers in Genesis and cofounder of the 75,000-square-foot Creation Museum. This daily, 60-second audio program is also broadcast on over 950 radio stations.


  • All and Every


    Some Christians, including many pastors and Bible colleges, teach that Noah’s flood was just a local event, not a flood that actually covered the entire earth.

  • Why Not a Global Flood?


    I often hear from Christians who don’t believe Noah’s flood was a global flood. They’ll say it was just a local flood in Mesopotamia. But why?

  • Peter Believed Genesis!


    Yesterday we learned that the apostle Paul treated Genesis as literal history and as foundational to the gospel. Well, the apostle Peter did too!

  • Paul Believed Genesis!


    Paul always treats Genesis as literal history—and as history that’s foundational to the gospel message.

  • Jesus Believed Genesis!


    Many Christians today argue the first eleven chapters of Genesis were mythology but that’s not how Jesus treated those accounts!

  • Reusing Names?


    Today’s Tigris and Euphrates don’t match the description of the rivers of Eden. So why do they have the same names?

  • Where Was the Garden of Eden?


    Have you ever wondered where the Garden of Eden was? Many people assume the Middle East, but this is a wrong assumption.

  • Same Evidence, Different Worldviews


    Creationists and evolutionists both study the same fossils, the same rocks, the same world but come to very different interpretations because of our worldviews.

  • Living Fossils?


    Most scientists view fossils as a record of life’s history. So, they assume many mass extinctions throughout evolutionary history.

  • Mass Extinctions?


    Most scientists view fossils as a record of life’s history. So, they assume many mass extinctions throughout evolutionary history.

  • Fossils Before Sin?


    Why can’t Christians just accept the evolutionary interpretation? Well, because of what the Bible teaches.

  • Exhibit A for Evolution?


    The fossil record is often held up as “Exhibit A” for evolution. But when we start with a biblical worldview we have a very different interpretation.

  • Jesus, the God-Man


    All this week we’ve been asking “is Jesus God?” and we’ve seen that, from Scripture, yes, Jesus is God. That’s why Jesus is called “Emmanuel,” God with us.

  • Should We Worship Jesus?


    Only God deserves worship. Because of this, some people refuse to worship Jesus, saying he isn’t God. But does this hold up to the light of Scripture?

  • Jesus—Just a Prophet?


    Christians believe that Jesus is God. But that belief’s been attacked! For example, many claim Jesus was a wise prophet. But did Jesus speak like a prophet?

  • What Does Jesus Say About Himself?


    We’re looking at the question, “is Jesus God?” People say all kinds of things about who Jesus is but what matters is what he says about himself in his Word.

  • Who Is the Great I AM?


    Who is Jesus? Was he just a good moral teacher from two thousand years ago? Was he a being created by God? Well, what does the Bible teach?

  • Arguing Against the Bible with the Bible?


    The laws of nature and laws of logic only make sense if there’s a logical, orderly Creator who made both the material and the immaterial.

  • A Magic Bullet?


    I’m often asked for the best proof of creation. Now many Christians think with the right piece of evidence, well, they’d totally refute evolution.

  • What Kind of Creator?


    Intelligent Design is not a Christian movement. What’s the benefit of convincing someone of an intelligence if you don’t introduce them to the Creator?

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