Leafs Central... At Lunch!



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  • Reunion Tour Part 2! Leafs Season Week 24 in Review - Season 4, Episode 017


    All of the guys return to discuss the flailing Leafs attempts to return to the playoffs. The show starts with a word meaning discussion. This week the Leafs surprise by playing a stellar game and beating the Canes, only to falter to the Panthers in a 4-0 shutout loss. This brings up the curious question of Wilson's decision to play Giguere and not even dress Reimer! Brian gets rather heated in Wilson's constant contradictions of himself. Is Wilson just messing with the media? If the Leafs are actually trying to make the playoffs why did Wilson play Giguere? Leafs fans everywhere were baffled and dismayed. There is no way the young Reimer could be tired enough to not even dress. The guys here think it's over for the Leafs and playoffs are out of the picture barring a miracle slump by the Sabres. Things get very silly with Wayne when he tries to say Philly is a surprise and then tries to spell a Ranger players name. Enjoy all and please donate!From the Stick Shakers at Leafs Central... at Lunch!

  • Leafs Playoff Push Week 2 - Season 4, Episode 016


    The Leafs playoff push falls short this week as they only pick up 1 out of a possible 6 points. They're still in it but hopes get slimmer if the following weeks continue like this past one. We reminisce about the last time we were excited the Leafs may make the playoffs, but alas they lost to the Islanders. We discuss the upcoming week with 2 important games versus Buffalo and Carolina and of coarse we talk at length about the Chara hit on Max Patchready (Wayne's Word Spoiler) According to Chara and Spezza no one in the NHL is trying to hurt each other... sure, and Sidney Crosby doesn't have a concussion. We also have to speak about the media and their huge overreaction. Should the league bubble wrap everything? We wrap things up with some WWE talk with Wayne and his awesome Wayne's Word!(see spoiler above)From the Undertaker's at Leafs Central... at Lunch!

  • Leafs Playoff Push - Season 4, Episode 015


    So, as always the Leafs are making a late season desperate push to make the playoffs. As always everyone is asking the question, will they make it? If you want answers than listen to this show, then find yourself wanting more answers because we don't give any. Same old, same old. We all want them to make it this year since we don't have to worry about poor drafting position. We also review the recent trades and the boring trade deadline. Is Dion Phaneuf the worst captain in Leafs history? Some in Toronto radio have been saying so, we give that topic a whirl. We also speak about the difference between the Leafs play with Reimer vs. Giguere in the nets. Finally we discuss the ridiculous of 3 point hockey games and wrap it up with as always Wayne's Word.From the worst captains in Leafs Central... at Lunch! history.

  • Brian Burkes Trade 'O' Rama Episode, Part 2 - Season 4, Episode 014


    This is not really a Trade O' Rama per say, but Brian Burke did make a big trade again this year prior to the trade deadline frenzy and we talk about it, as well as the trade of Mike Fisher. Does Burke have more in stock? Probably. We he make another trade before trade deadline day? Perhaps. Do we like asking ourselves questions that we then vaguely answer? Maybe. We also revisit Kessel being picked last for the All Star game and the Toronto uproar about it. We then discuss all the goalie fighting and suspensions from around the league. We then give our opinions on Don Cherry's opinions about Andrew Ference. As always we wrap up with Wayne's Word and Chris' new idea for making the Leafs playoff contenders next year. Have a listen to find out how!From the Fighting Goalies at Leafs Central... at Lunch!

  • Leafs Week 16 in Review - Season 4, Episode 012


    This week we review the Leafs rather mediocre 1-1-1 record. Scoring seemed to be a problem again until they faced the Ducks on Thursday night. We discuss Nabokov's signing with the Red Wings and again marvel at how Kenny Holland manages to get great players at bargain basement prices while the Leafs ownership continually overpays (Kessel, Komisarek, just to name a couple). Will some other club pick him up? We also discuss Lombardi's freak out with the call from the War room on the high stick and the return of Forsberg...again? Then Chris bitches about the 500 million dollar company that runs a rinky-dink T.V station. Finally we sum up the good and bad of the first half of the season for the Leafs and we get Wayne on for a Wayne's Word.From the Waiver Wire`s at Leafs Central... at Lunch!

  • Okay! Leafs Week 9 in Review - Season 4, Episode 010


    Okay! This week we talk retirements, Winter Classic Alumni game rosters, HBO shows, and a little coach-Kovalev spat. Okay! We also discuss the surprising amount of write in votes for Kris Letang and Carey Price. People still use the post office and write letters? What a world! Okay! We then reminisce about the 4 games of the week, 2 surprising wins against Boston and the Caps and 2 expected losses against the Pens and Flyers. Does Wilson still deserve to be fired? The fans at the ACC Thursday night boos their disapproval over the teams performance. Okay! Then we play some clips of Marc Crawford flipping out and Darren Pang....being a racist? No, it was a Freudian slip.(a racist one) Okay! Finally we wrap it up with Wayne's Word and Wayne calls P.K Subban a racist...by accident.From the waffle throwers at Leafs Central... at Lunch!

  • Reunion Tour! Leafs Week 8 in Review - Season 9, Episode 009


    Like the Rolling Stones we also have a reunion tour! Or maybe like the Beatles we just get together on a roof for one more show! Okay so we're exaggerating...a lot. However the original fab 4 of the show have returned together to talk Leafs, or more importantly Leafs coaching and management. We all lament and weep and sit in ashes regarding the extremely poor play of our beloved blue and white. Is there a solution in sight? Chris pushes hard for free agent diamonds but Brian insists we stay the course and Richards+Semin is just average Leafs gomer talk. We also talk about jersey throwing and things get a little abstract. Brian brings up Colin Campbell stuff he doesn't know anything about! We also discuss the Monsters freaking out. We then have Matt Kalman from www.thebruinsblog.net to talk Bruins and his book about them. As always we have a doozy for Wayne's Word and he makes hay for us!From the Richard Peddie suit jersey throwers at Leafs Central... at Lunch!

  • Sens Underground! Leafs Week 7 in Review - Season 4, Episode 008


    Jamie from the west coast re-joins the show after a year long absence and he's full of it! Knowledge that is! We talk about the anomalies in the NHL so far this season, fat Philly fans, 1000 point Europeans, and the Leafs games of the week. We talk about Komisareks atrocious (Jamie's word of the show) giveaway and the varying opinions on that from Burke and Kypreos. We also play a clip from Don Cherry on the way management handled Kadri, boy was he pissed! Will Brad Richards be a Leaf next year? Jamie says no, but how great would it be if he was? Then we have the showdown. Leafs Central... at Lunch! vs. Sens Underground. The boys return to talk how the Sens are doing and we all end up making fun of our own teams more than each others. As always we wrap up with Wayne's Word and Chris turns into an icicle in the garage.From the frozen cavemen at Leafs Central... at Lunch!

  • Stormin' Norman! Leafs Week 6 in Review - Season 4, Episode 007


    This week Dave is back and the sound quality of our show improves dramatically! What important things do we have to talk about? Oh, you listen and see, you listen and see......not much really. The 2 more suspensions, Pundy wasting hundreds of dollars on a tow, the trade of Ian White and Wayne's wacky thoughts from last weeks show. We get 590 legend Stormin' Norman Rumack on and he reminisces about his good friend Pat Burns who passed away this week. We also get his thoughts on the Leafs and Brian Burke. Then we discuss the games of the week, finally some wins to speak of. Dave was there in person saturday versus the Canucks so we get his thoughts and then we review the whirlwind versus Nashville and the snoozer versus The Devils. As always we wrap up the show with Wayne's Word.Rest in Peace Pat Burns, you gave us the most exciting Leaf moments in the last 25 years.From the grieving members of Leafs Central... at Lunch!

  • Die by the Blade! Leafs Week 4 in Review - Season 4, Episode 005


    This week the guys Die by the Blade! Or to be more specific they have Zach from the show Die by the Blade on as a guest to talk about the Buffalo Sabres and their many woes this season. GM Dave makes a ridiculous suggestion of a trade, Tomas Kaberle for Tim Connoly. Thankfully his assistant GM rejects that trade and says he wants more for Kaberle than that. Maybe that was Brian Burkes problem all summer....always wanting more. They also discuss the weeks Leafs games from the back to back shutting out of our Buds, to the lose to our hated rivalries the Sens. Brian was there live so he gives us some more insight on the game, sort of. Finally they talk of the Caps game and give Wayne another chance to spell Niedermayer with his brother Rob. This is how he spelt it in season 3 with his brother Scott: Neineyer. Tune in to see how he does this time!From the Sabre murder victims at Leafs Central... at Lunch!www.diebytheblade.com

  • The Return of Wayne - Season 4, Episode 004


    Wayne makes his triumphant return to the show in person and it begins right away with insults and compliments. This week we talk about Wayne's incomprehension of the internet and computers and read emails regarding his return. We talk of Kovalchuk being a healthy scratch and him so far ruining the Devils with his greedy paws. As always we talk about the Leaf games of the week. Starting with a lousy performance against Philly, a controversial win against Florida and a lackluster lose againts Boston. Dave is red in the face after saying Tim Thomas was done before the year started. Look who was way off as he is about to make Bruins history with one more win. Then for some reason we talk about Bears, or hairy gay guys. Finally Brian makes an appearance for Wayne's Word and he does his best attempt at phonetic spelling. Listen and enjoy!From the Wayne's at Leafs Central... at Lunch!

  • New York! New York! Leafs Week 2 in Review - Season 4, Episode 003


    Things are pretty even in the big city as the Leafs go 1-1-1. They win their first overtime game, lose their first overtime game and then finally lose their first game in regulation. That puts them at 4-1-1 so far this season. This week we talk suspensions to both Doan and Rypien. The NHL overeacts to Rypien and suspends him for 6 games. So taking someones head off is only 2 games, but grabbing a fans shirt is 6 games? Let's face it, that fan was probably a smug douche anyway and deserved it. We know one thing, whatever he said to Rypien, he wouldn't have said to him if he bumped into him in a bar. Then we discuss if we would be proud or ashamed if we made an ass of ourselves and pissed of a hockey player that much to make him attack us. We also talk about the A.C.C turning into a silent tomb. Finally we talk about the Leafs games of the week and wrap it up with Wayne's Word.From the fan punchers at Leafs Central... at Lunch!

  • Leafs Week 1 in Review - Season 4, Episode 002


    The Leafs start of the season a perfect 3-0 and the fans are bloody excited! Manage expectations everyone, they can't keep winning every game. This week we talk about the prior Leaf games, the demotion of Jeff Finger and the many suspensions that kick off the first week in the NHL. Most interesting of all being the suspension to James Wisniewski for his penis in the mouth oral sex mimicking to none other than Sean Avery. Speaking of short things, how about the short bench the Devils played with? (it's a stretch of a segue, I know) We talk about the Leafs destroying the rival Sens and hanging on against the Pens. Is this team fast or what? We end it off as usual by giving Wayne a call and testing his ability to spell Wisniewski.Stay tuned for some exciting guest in the coming weeks.From the N.H.L Disciplinarians at Leafs Central... at Lunch!

  • Trades! Trades! Trades, Galore! - Season 3, Episode 010


    A perfect start to Gigueres reign of terror! Last week Burke made many significant trades and the Leafs beat the Devils 3-0. Lou Lamoriello said that whatever Burke could do he could do better so he went out and got the star of Atlanta, Kovalchuk! In your face Brian Burke! So the boys talk that and the Oli Jokinen trade. Who said there were no trades in the post lockout era? Chris speculates that next year Ilya is K.H.L bound next year, if that's the case, we don't want you in our N.H.L Ilya, get the hell out of here! We also discuss the firing of Ken Hitchcocky. Speaking of cocky we also talk about Phaneuf's attitude in the dressing room and the new greatest line on the Leafs...Kulemin, Sjostrom and everyone's favourite Leaf, Wallin. Mike Komisarek is out for the rest of the season with shoulder surgery. Finally we end the show with a solid solution to the problems in Haiti and the sad news that Wayne got Wayne's Word right and the Leafs blew a 3-1 lead in the last minute of the game vs. the Devils.

  • Brian Burkes Trade 'O' Rama Episode - Season 3, Episode 009


    The Leafs lose a 3 nothing lead to the Canucks on Saturday and then they lose Stajan, Hagman, White, Mayers, Toskala, and Blake to the trading block guillotine. That's right, Brian Burke went ballistic and sold the farm. Depending on how you look at it and whether you think these trades are for the better. In return the new boys in blue are Keith Aulie, Fredrik Sjostrom and J.S Giguere. Oh, and also Dion Phaneuf! This week the guys discuss these monumental trades, good or bad. They also talk about how Burke will manage the cap next year with very few forwards on contract and over 26 million devoted to defence. As always we wrap up with a rousing rendition of Wayne's Word!Don't be disturbed by Wayne's maniacal demented laughter...From the Trade Mad G.M's at Leafs Central... at Lunch!

  • The We're Back and Better Than Ever Episode? Season 3, Episode 008


    W, L, L, W, OTL, L, OTL, W, L, L, W, L, L, L, L, W, L. So that wraps up the recap of the Leafs games since our last episode. If you're keeping track that's a 5-10-2 record over the last 17 games. We had an episode 8 that was unfortunately lost to a computer crash. So this is take 2! On this episode we discuss how terrible the Leafs have been lately. Is there a way to fix this team. Only Dave and Chris have the answer! Why do the Leafs managers always pay too much in trades. Hell if we know. We talk Brodeur as the best goalie of all time, Cujo`s retirement, Bozak call up, and of coarse the newly minted Olympic team. We close out the show with a discussion of the top events of the past decade in hockey and a quick Wayne`s Word. From the Olympic Mega-Men at Leafs Central... at Lunch!

  • Leafs Season Week 7 in Review - Season 3, Episode 006


    It's the Dave and Chris show, and until Brian finishes all his remodeling of his new place it's gonna stay that way. This week we talk about the Leafs inconsistency in play. The week of point streaks followed by 4 losses in a row and an awful lose to the Hurricanes. You can hear the dispair in their voices as they grasp for something, anything positive to say about the Leafs latest performances. It's a rough go of a show that not even Wayne's Word can cheer up. If the show seems to be as inconsistent as the Leafs play, be encouraged to know that we will soon be back in the swing of things now that all the moving is done, (almost).From the Inconsistent Frown Face boys at Leafs Central... at Lunch!

  • Leafs Season Weeks 4-6 in Review - Season 3, Episode 005


    This week Chris, Dave and Dan discuss the Leafs first win of the season and the dismal chance of them reaching the .500 winning percentage. We talk Toskala, head shots and other stuff that I can't remember because this show was recorded a month ago and is just being posted thanks to the lack of a computer and the incompetence of Future Shop. Episode 6 will be posted also which was recorded 3 weeks ago... We also jam a Wayne's Word in there somewhere. I wouldn't blame you if you don't listen to this one, it's too old to bother. From the Future Shop haters at Leafs Central... at Lunch!