Guitar Impressionism By Alan Imberg



Devotional Ambient music by Guitarist Alan Imberg


  • April 5, 2020 "The Self Quarantine Chronicles" Part 4

    06/04/2020 Duration: 10min

    Another "intro-less" episode. This is truly live. Loop drone done in real time with an E-bow and Whammy (1x octave down) and some improvised guitar on top. Been listening to sad music all day....feeling here you go.  I hope you are well and safe. As always, I wish you every good.  Peace,  Alan 

  • April 4, 2020 "The Self Quarantine Chronicles" Part 3

    05/04/2020 Duration: 10min

    This is the 2nd of back-to-back same day episodes. Again, no intro. Just more improvisational music to reflect the moment as I perceive it through music. Its a strange time. A scary time. The fact that it is global moment is simultaneously terrifying and humbling. We are clearly in an economic free fall that will take years to recovery from. But, more importantly, people are suffering.  But I am hopeful. History has shown that through hard times comes tremendous growth and examples of behavior that inspires and teaches. Acts of hope, bravery, love, and kindness. Yes, there is also acts of fear, anger, hysteria, etc. But that just serves as a contrast to examples that will inspire all. I choose to look for the inspiration and encourage everyone to do the same. Love will rule the day. It always has. It always will.  I wish you every good. Peace.  Alan 

  • April 4, 2020 "The Self Quarantine Chronicles" Part 2

    05/04/2020 Duration: 14min

    This is the 1st of back-to-back same day episodes. Again, no intro. Just more improvisational music to reflect the moment as I perceive it through music. Its a strange time. A scary time. The fact that it is global moment is simultaneously terrifying and humbling. We are clearly in an economic free fall that will take years to recovery from. But, more importantly, people are suffering.  But I am hopeful. History has shown that through hard times comes tremendous growth and examples of behavior that inspires and teaches. Acts of hope, bravery, love, and kindness. Yes, there is also acts of fear, anger, hysteria, etc. But that just serves as a contrast to examples that will inspire all. I choose to look for the inspiration and encourage everyone to do the same. Love will rule the day. It always has. It always will.  I wish you every good. Peace.  Alan 

  • March 14, 2020 - The "Self Quarantine Chronicles - Part 1"

    14/03/2020 Duration: 12min

    This episode will differ from all the previous in that it has no introduction, no plug for a cause, just an improvised meditation reflective of how crazy life has gotten in such a short time. From a personal point of view, here's a summary of what my last few days have been like: Arrive in Germany 8-March.  12-March 03:00 German time, cell phone calls and multiple texts alerting of just announced travel ban from Europe to U.S., mad dash to change flight, pack, get on train, get out of Germany. 22 hours later, get home.  13-March: Notified that, per CDC change that AM (adding Europe to "hot zones" list), I need to "self quarantine" for 14 days.  So, as I am now "social distancing", I figured I'd do some guitar playing and release some anxiety that I'm feeling and, I'm sure, is common and ubiquitous in the world right now.  The music is truly a one-take, live affair of loops, e-bowing, and pitch shifting. No real thought or plan. Just a spur of the moment improvisation. As this is day 2 of my quarantine

  • January 04, 2020 Episode

    04/01/2020 Duration: 16min

    Here's another episode of Ambient/Devotional/Improvised guitar music. This month's featured cause that I encourage you to consider supporting, in lieu of any financial support for this podcast, is (in general) hospice services in your area and/or "Bluegrass Navigators" (specifically) for the Northern KY area (these are the folks who took care of my dad in his final days...wonderful people).

  • October 28, 2019 Episode

    27/10/2019 Duration: 19min

    Greetings from Kentucky, After a long gap due to having to attending to my father, my podcast is back. This episode is untitled and is most definitely NOT live as it was started in July and completed in October.  As always, in lieu of any solicitation for donation, I encourage all to focus on a charitable cause. This episode's suggestion is Hospice Care in general and Bluegrass Navigators in particular. These people are awesome and do such good and important work. I will forever be grateful for the work they did for my father, my family, and me. They are angels doing vital work. Please support them (suggested link below).  Thank you. I wish you every good.  Alan

  • February 2019 Episode (no name)

    05/02/2019 Duration: 14min

    This episode consist of experimentation as I "test drive" some new pedals.  For the usual charitable suggestion, instead of a charity per se, I have an idea that my church (St. John UCC Bellevue, Kentucky) does: Blessing Bag. These are large zip lock bags with non-perishable food items, water, toiletries, gloves, and socks. They are cheap to put together and handy to have on hand. I keep a few in the back seat of my car and hand them out to people in need I encounter on the streets.  As for a "self-centered" plug: I have a new album out on The title is "For the Light to Break Through". Purchasing information and links to videos, my social media sites, etc is available at my website  Peace be with you all. 

  • Restraint - September 23, 2018

    24/09/2018 Duration: 15min

    Unlike most of the past episodes, this one does NOT feature improvised, "semi-live" music. It is a piece titled "Restraint" which was recorded along with a batch of songs intended for commerical release (BTW: look for an October 2018 announcement). After sequencing the pieces, this one felt out of place. So, instead of archiving it for a later date, I figured I'd give it out as a podcast. Other formats may become available down the road.  As with every episode, I highlight a cause (charity, event, etc) in the hopes of bringing attention to something I feel is worth the attention. This is in lieu of any pitch for my own gain (as I see it, you listening to this podcast is support enough).  This episodes cause is simple....and directed to my fellow Americans specificially. It is simply a call to VOTE! The upcoming "mid-term" elections are just around the corner. Registration deadlines are coming in early October for most states. I don't care how you vote or who you vote for. But I do encourage everyone to en

  • The "Lab Experiment"..or the August 11, 2018 Episode

    13/08/2018 Duration: 13min

    This latest episode of my podcast that features my brand of instrumental guitar weirdness is more an experiment as I learn how to navigate new recording toys. The featured "cause" for this episode is the Southern Poverty Law Center (, an organization that stands as a counter to hate, bigotry, and intolerance. On the 1 year anniversary of Charlottesville and the "Unite the Right" demostation and the responding counter demostration that resulted in violence and death, I believe people of good will and open minds must do something to keep the desparate forces of hate in check. Please consider supporting the SPLC or any group that serves to "put a stick in the spokes" of the wheels of negativity.  Cheers,  Alan  

  • 11 June 2018 Episode: For Lisa

    11/06/2018 Duration: 20min

    Recently, my sister, Lisa Lusk, passed away unexpectedly while sleeping. Two days before she passed, she tried calling me. I was tired and reluctant to take the phone call so...I didn't.  48 hours later, she was dead. That moment will haunt me for the rest of my life.... I loved my sister but I don't think she heard that enough from me.....there was so much I wanted to say to her that I was planning on getting around to...some things loving...some things brutally I won't have that chance.... Words of advice: Leaving nothing to chance...take the phone call...make the phone call...leave nothing unsaid...tomorrow is but a hope, not a promise.... This episode is a musical attempt to process the reality that my sister is no longer a part of this world.  Charitable suggesion for this episode: Please consider donating to a charity that focuses on fostering and protecting sea wildlife. My sister had a lifelong passion for sea life. Please do so in honor of Lisa.  Thanks.  Alan

  • November 2017

    19/11/2017 Duration: 20min

    This episode was recorded as an immediate response to the tragic events that occured in Texas....the latest in a seemingly never-ending series of senseless violence. No featured charity for this episode. Just needed to vent....

  • 4 July 2017: Breathe

    04/07/2017 Duration: 15min

    Happy 4th of July to my fellow Americans.    The featured "cause" for this episode is refugees. Please consider offering assistance to any outreach that provides resources and assistance to refugees around the world. Some suggestions: The Red Cross Unicef

  • One Bad Moment

    14/03/2017 Duration: 33min

    The title "One Bad Moment" is in reference to minor incident in the course of one particular day that provided me with a choice: Either take let this moment ruin my mood, day, and imediate outlook or focus on the things I can be grateful for and be postive IN SPITE of this "one bad moment". This music is my attempt my struggle to choose the postive road...the road clearly less traveled in my journey.  As with previous episodes, I encourage any listener that is so inclined to direct energy and resources to a positive cause.  This month's featured charity is the United Church of Christ's One Great Hour of Sharing outreach. Money donated to this outreach goes to help people affected by natural and man-made disasters and hardships around the world.  As always, thank you very much for your support and encouragement.  Cheers and May God Bless You.  Alan 

  • The Void Left Behind

    07/01/2017 Duration: 29min

    This latest episode is a one take, live improvisation of loops and drones inspired by a reflection of loved ones no longer present and the void their absence leaves behind.  This months recommended charity for listeners inclined to support such things is more general that episodes past: Local Homeless Shelters. Please take the time to seek out homeless shelters in you local area and offer them support by way of materials, food, money, and/or time.  Cheers,  Alan Imberg

  • Intentional Beauty

    19/09/2016 Duration: 30min

    The title for this episode was taken from a statement made by the great Harold Budd, albeit a paraphrase. He spoke of his intent to deliberately create beautiful music in the face of the experimental music "dogma" of dissonance and atonality that chaffed him. That has always struck me as a cool statement. I'll leave it to others to determine if there is anything beautiful about this episode.  About the music: There are 12 different guitar loops as I attempted to create some textures. It does get muddy at times but...this was an improv, off the cuff effort...soooo.. As always, I feature a charity for those who would be so inclined to direct any impulse to support this podcast towards a more noble cause. This month, the charity is Agape International Missions, an outreach mission. Here's a statement from their website: "Agape International Missions (AIM) was founded on the ground in Cambodia in 1988 as a humanitarian aid and church planting organization in Cambodia. Since 2005, our ministries have focu

  • Lag..

    31/05/2016 Duration: 11min

    The latest podcast is a piece of music that is a product of a very jet-lagged mind. 2x trips to Germany in 4 weeks...some of the music created in the 4 days home between trips. The primary guitar was laid down the day after the 2nd return home. Normally, I handle time zone changes alright but the "boomerang" nature of these trips kinda threw me for a loop.  This episodes featured cause is the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (I mistakenly referenced them as the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans bad). "Give them some love...".  To all the families, in America and elsewhere, who have lost loved ones in armed conflicted, may God bless you.  Cheers,  Alan 

  • February 2016 Podcast

    08/02/2016 Duration: 12min

    Greetings:The latest episode has no official title ("creators laziness") and was recorded over 2 days in January, 2016. Thus, its not technically live and, in fact, has a bit more over-dubbing than I intended but....oh well.... The suggested cause of focus is the on going refugee crisis as a result of the civil war in Syria. I encourage any donation to any charity of chose. I've selected the UN Refugee fund but please, if you are so inclined, assist in any avenue you deem fit.  Cheers, Alan Imberg

  • March 2015: "Jeddah"

    14/03/2015 Duration: 20min

    Greetings to All:This latest podcast of Ambient Devotional music is entitled "Jeddah". The music is inspired by a recent trip I took to Jeddah Saudi Arabia. The music isn't necessarily "Arabic" in flavor but is, rather, an audio recollection of images of the environment and experience. I will expound on the experience in greater detail when I publish my latest blog entry. Please check my website ( for updates.  As with all my podcast, I encourage listeners to donate time or money to a specific charity. For this episode, I'm suggesting multiple veterans support charities. Below is a link to a CNBC page that has a top 10 list of charities help U.S. veterans. I'm a strong believer in the importance of supporting veterans of armed service, especially in this era of men/women returning from combat and having physical and mental needs that are not being served by the very persons that called them into duty (i.e. the U.S. Government with representatives all too quick to yell jingoism about supporting

  • February 2014 Devotional Ambient Podcast

    03/03/2014 Duration: 11min

    Greetings "Y'all":Its been a while since my last podcast, largely due to frequent travel to Brazil in 2013 and into 2014. As such, I want to highlight a Brazilian charity focused on the problem of abandoned children which rings home to me, given my 27 trips to Brazil (and counting) and the evidence I have seen to the problem of impoverish kids.  The music for this podcast is based on some very quickly recorded loops that I improvised over. As usual, guitars and effects were the only things abused on this recording.  Below is a link to Task Brasil. Please consider a donation of support and listen to the podcast for further detail. Cheers, Alan

  • Jan. 2013 Devotional Ambient Podcast

    03/02/2013 Duration: 25min

    After a bit of a pause (been traveling lots), the pod cast is back. No particular theme or title for this month's installment. The featured charity is the United Church of Christ Disaster Relief Fund, providing support for both natural and man-made disasters (see Syria).