Seminars@hadley - Professional Development

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Seminars@Hadley - Professional Development


  • Becoming a Paperless TVI: Tips and Tricks from an Itinerant TVI


    Join Seminars@Hadley as Jonathan Hooper, an itinerant teacher of students with visual impairments for the New York City Department of Education, shares tips and tricks for transitioning from traditional paper-based organizational methods to electronic approaches. Larry Muffett, a member of Hadley's Seminars team, will moderate this 60-minute seminar. A question and answer session will be included as part of the seminar.

  • Macular Degeneration and the Skill of Eccentric Viewing


    Join Seminars@Hadley as Nancy Parkin-Bashizi, vision rehabilitation therapist and orientation and mobility specialist, provides an overview of the eccentric viewing technique.

  • Self-Help Groups: Resources and Strategies


    Join Seminars@Hadley as the topic of resources and strategies for self-help groups is discussed. A distinguished panel has been assembled consisting of Audrey Demmitt, R.N., who began and runs a support group, and who is the support group advisor/peer advisor, AFB/VisionAware; Dan Roberts, director of MD Support and creator of International Low Vision Support Group Network; and Erica Weise who runs “The New Perspectives” support groups for Vision Forward Association in Milwaukee. This seminar will discuss the resources available to leaders and members of self-help groups as well as the use of some unique strategies for starting and conducting self-help groups.

  • Soft Skills: The Missing Link in Contemporary Education Curricula: Part II


    Join Seminars@Hadley as Robert Schulenburg, program manager for Junior Blind, and Caleb van den Cline, manager of Employment Services for Lions Center for the Blind, present on soft skills and their importance in education and in the workplace.

  • Soft Skills: The Missing Link in Contemporary Education Curricula: Part I


    Join Seminars@Hadley as Robert Schulenburg, program manager for Junior Blind, and Caleb van den Cline, manager of Employment Services for Lions Center for the Blind, present on soft skills and their importance in education and in the workplace.

  • Underground Guide to Making College and Vocational Rehab Work for You


    Join Seminars Hadley as Ed Haines, Hadley instructor, reveals an insider's look at the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) process relating to transition students.

  • Blueprint for Seamless Services: Building Blocks of Vision Rehabilitation


    Join Seminars@Hadley as Lynda Jones, CVRT, provides a Blueprint for Seamless Services based on evidence-based practices supported by a cohesive trio of documentation that can standardize services across programs at the local, state or federal levels.

  • Have You Looked in the Kitchen Drawer? (A Process/Sensory Approach to Rehabilitation)


    This presentation introduces participants to a sensory/process approach to instruction known as "the kitchen drawer" model of rehabilitation. The result is a "kitchen drawer" full of skills one can transfer from one task to another across the lifespan.

  • The Slate and Stylus: Braille Media's Pen and Paper


    What is a slate and stylus? What can it do that other braille writing equipment can't? Is the slate and stylus still a viable braille writing tool? If so, when should my student begin to learn to use it? What are some strategies for teaching it? What are the different kinds of slates and styluses available today and from where? These are just a few of the questions that will be discussed in this interactive seminar.

  • Understanding Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI)


    Cortical visual impairment (CVI) is a complex neurological disorder wherein the eyes and optic nerves appear healthy but the part of the brain that interprets visual signals is not working properly. It is a brain condition, not an eye condition. Join Seminars@Hadley as Dr. Kia Eldred talks about CVI, including information on causes, symptoms, diagnosis and current thought about treatment and intervention.

  • Home-Based Self-Employment


    Many of us dream of being our own bosses and earning a living from home. For a variety of reasons, we consider leaving our day jobs and pursuing different career paths; but the bottom line is there are many things to consider before making the transition from employee to operating a business from home. Join Seminars@Hadley as Urban Miyares, nationally-recognized entrepreneur and President of the Disabled Businesspersons Association, discusses considerations and opportunities for those pursuing home-based self-employment.

  • Jumpstarting Your Social Life


    Do you feel ill at ease in social situations? Being social and friendly doesn't come naturally or easily to everyone. The good news is that with the right skills and practice you can improve your networking and communication, meet more people and form more productive and satisfying connections and friendships. Join Seminars@Hadley as Manager of Counseling Services at the Guild for the Blind Lauri Dishman shares practical tips and techniques you can use to become more social.

  • Living Well With Diabetes & Visual Impairment


    This open discusssion-style seminar discusses diabetetes and strategies for living well with the condition and visual impairment.

  • Dog Guides for Multiply Disabled People


    Several dog guide schools have programs which train dogs specifically for users with multiple disabilities. To find out if you'd be a good candidate or if one of your consumers might benefit, join Seminars@Hadley as Ellin Purcell, Director of Special Needs, Guiding Eyes for the Blind; Michelle Pouliot, Director of Research and Devopment, Guide Dogs for the Blind; and Keith McGregor, Director of Canine Training and Deaf-Blind Services, Leader Dogs for the Blind discuss programs at their schools designed for multiply disabled users.

  • All About Albinism


    Senior Vice President Dawn Turco will question a panel of experts on several aspects of the condition including the genetics of albinism, the low vision associated with albinism, prominent psycho-social issues people with albinism and parents of children with albinism face and educating a child with albinism. The panel will also address the myths and misconceptions about albinism and talk about NOAH (National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation). Panelists include Sheila Adamo, Chair of the NOAH Board of Directors (mother of four, 11 year old son Joey has albinism), Murray Brilliant PhD, Director at the Center for Human Genetics at the Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation, Susan Dalton, M.S.Ed., CVRT, Transition Specialist (mother of two grown children with albinism), Kelsey Thompson, immediate past Chair of the NOAH Board of Directors (a person with albinism) and Michael McGowan, NOAH Executive Director (a person with albinism).

  • Shopping Without Dropping


    Betty Huffman and Roni Sue Thompson, Shopping Masters (that's one stage beyond Shop-aholics), talk about how to improve the shopping experience. They'll share tips and techniques to benefit blind shoppers as well as professionals who teach the principles of independent living.

  • The Straight Skinny About Self-Esteem


    It's easy to see why having and understanding healthy self-esteem is important. Dr. Dean Tuttle, Hadley Instructor Naomi Tuttle, and Hadley Texas Outreach Coordinator Billy Brookshire discuss self-esteem: What is it? How does blindness affect it? What are its components? How can practitioners and individuals influence it?

  • Access to Mathematics and Science for Blind Students


    Are you interested in a career in science, technology, engineering or mathematics? As a student who is blind have you had difficulty understanding science and math as spoken and practiced in the classroom? As a teacher, do you find it difficult to translate science experiments and mathematical language into something that is meaningful for blind students? Dr. Cary Supalo and Mr. Mick Isaacson discuss the importance of a hands-on science learning experience for the blind as well as rules for speaking mathematics in a way that it can be easily learned. Learn about cutting edge tools and rules that empower students and teachers to make math and science easier, more accessible, and more interesting.

  • Career Opportunities for Youth with Visual Impairments


    Choosing a career is an important decision; and with so many different options from which to choose, it can seem somewhat overwhelming for a young job seeker as well as for those professionals who are trying to help him or her. But don't despair - there is plenty of help and information available to assist young adults in finding the career that's right for them. Join Seminars@Hadley and explore the world of career opportunities. Discover the resources available to you as well as crucial elements every young person needs to consider before putting their career plan into action. This 60 minute seminar will be presented by Dr. Karen Wolffe, Career Counseling Consultant, and moderated by Billy Brookshire, Hadley Texas Outreach Coordinator.

  • What Research Tells Us About Obstacles for Blind Job Seekers and How They Overcome Them


    Consumers, rehabilitation providers and employers each have distinct but overlapping opinions, perceptions, and experiences concerning success and best practices in employment of persons who are blind/visually impaired. An overview of major barriers to employment will be explored, along with strategies recommended for overcoming those barriers. This hour-long seminar will be presented by Dr. Adele Crudden and Ms. B. J. Lejeune, both with Mississippi State University Rehabilitation Research and Training Center, and moderated by Billy Brookshire, Hadley’s consultant in Texas.

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