From Concept To Market A-z: Patents, Trademarks, Manufacturing, Sourcing, Marketing, Branding, E-commerce - Surf Goggle Chron



Do you have the next big idea, but not sure how to launch it? Or do you have a small business and want to take it to the next level? Welcome to the Surf Goggles Chronicles - a bipolar business roller coaster. From concept to market, through horror and success learn how Kurtis and Jon launched Kurtis Eyewear from their garage to 65 countries worldwide. From a prototype of tin foil and rubber bands, learn how these 2 guys navigated, patents, trademarks, sourcing, manufacturing, marketing, e-commerce and worldwide sales. Plus learn from their interviews with entrepreneurs, business owners, best selling authors and brand creators so you can avoid the horror and achieve success by learning from their adventures.


  • SGC EP27 - The Birth of a Brand - Brian Smith Interview - UGG Australia Founder / BOOK / Building A Brand / SURFING / Trade Marks / Profitless Prosperity / Corporate Lessons Learned / Surf Goggles Chronicles - Podcast #27

    31/10/2017 Duration: 54min

    From Concept to 1 Billion in Sales with Brian Smith Ugg Australia.  Jon Berezay and Kurtis Shipcott dive deep and ask about growing pains, raising money, corporate structure, the need for partners, etc.  “You Can’t Give Birth to Adults!”  Follow Brian Smith at @BrianSmithUgg on Instagram BUY HIS BOOK “Birth of a Brand” Launching Your Entrepreneurial Passion and Soul at link below      The Beginning - Infancy Stage - The Toddler Years of Your Business - Warren Buffet - How to Choose Partners - Profitless Prosperity - Teenage Years - Ugg Imports, Ugg America, Ugg International, Ugg Holdings - 4 Mantras of Brian Smith - Do you Keep a Notebook by Your Bed? - 51% and Controlling Your Company - Meditation - Brian Does this Daily - Where do We Go From Here - Books, Speaking, Ugg Holdings - Did you enjoy this episode of the Surf Goggles Chronicles?  Yes or N

  • SGC EP26 -The 5 Best Online Businesses to Start / ENTREPRENEUR / E-COMMERCE / SURFING / Surf Goggles Chronicles

    27/06/2017 Duration: 29min

    Traditional Retail is Dying, but E-Commerce is thriving.  Jon Berezay and Kurtis Shipcott discuss the top 5 opportunities in E-Commerce as recently suggested in Entrepreneur Magazine on this episode of the Surf Goggles Chronicles.   Where to start? - Sell your Knowledge: Webinar, Videos Series, E-book - ETSY - Will do over 700 Million in Sales This Year - Dropping Shipping or Maybe Not - Affiliate Marketing: 6.5 Billion by 2021 - Highly Scalable and Low Cost - Selling DIY, Patterns and Designs - Moonlight to Freedom -   Did you enjoy this episode of the Surf Goggles Chronicles?  Yes or No hit up Jon Berezay at the .  Our goal is to offer up value every episode and we do this by sharing our journey of Kurtis Eyewear from Concept to Market: Patents, Trademarks, Manufacturing, E-commerce, Marketing, Distribution and worldwide sales in over 65 countries with stories of horror and success.  / SUBSCRIBE /

  • SGC EP25 - Traditional Retail is Dead! / SURFING / Iconic Stores are Closing: Nordstroms, Staples, Sears, K-Mart, but E-Commerce is Thriving: Amazon, Etsy, Alibaba / CNN Money - Jackie Wattles

    13/06/2017 Duration: 21min

    Why is traditional brick and mortar retail failing?  The worst year on record for retail store closures in the USA was 2008, but early into 2017 we have surpassed that.  Did consumers stop buying?  Consumer buying habits have changed and physical stores have been eclipsed by e-commerce.   Nordstroms, Sears, Staples and K-mart - 2008 was the worst year on Record until 2017 - What’s your downtown look like? Any changes in the last 5 years? - Amazon, Etsy, Alibaba, - E-Commerce is open 24/7/365 - Reminders: Social Media, Newsletters, 1 Click Away - Riches in the Niches - Grow your tribe - -   Opportunities galore for the e-commerce entrepreneur.  We hope you enjoyed this episode of SGC.  Word of Mouth means everything to us and so if you love this show please talk it up with all your buddies.  If you have questions you want answered on the show check out

  • SGC EP24 - 5 Psychological Burdens of Growing Your Brand! Long Before Warby Parker, Kurtis was Surfing & Dreaming of Saving Surfers Eyes. Entrepreneur Magazine - Jayson Demers

    06/06/2017 Duration: 22min

    In this episode of The Surf Goggles Chronicles, Kurtis Shipcott reminds us, building your brand is not just kiteboarding with Sir Richard Branson and surfing with world champions.  “It’s not often talked about, but being an entrepreneur is lonely.” Jayson Demers.   Accountability - If your brand fails it’s your fault! - The Financial Stress & Uncertainty - Reluctant to Trust… It’s your baby after all. - Work Life Balance or Work Life Integration - either way it’s 16 hour days of work. - Loneliness - Yes, not all those hours are social, fun or rewarding. - Now you know why so many entrepreneurs meditate or exercise first thing in the morning. If you’re early in your business you’ll be aware of these pitfalls.  If you’re all in and the peddle is to the metal then you’ll be glad to know you’re not crazy.  Enjoy the bipolar rollercoaster of Surf Goggles Chronicles Podcast Titles & descriptions plus show notes.

  • SGC EP23 - OKR vs. SMART Goals? How are You Measuring Your Effectiveness? Don’t Confuse Being Busy with Being Effective. Social Media, Surfing & Entrepreneurship

    23/05/2017 Duration: 41min

    Why are you doing it?  What’s your goal? Jon Berezay talks Goggle and their Objective / Key Results.  We discuss Smart Goals and Kurtis talks how to eat an elephant… one bit at a time on this edition of the   Jon discusses Co-Hosting a Social Media Event for Multi-Million Dollar E-Commerce Companies. - Does your company, brand or idea have a solid plan? - OKR and why Google has used it for 10 years. - SMART Goals. -Fina Instagram, Twitter, Youtube and Facebook. - Kurtis discusses his early metrics for Kurtis Eyewear - Analysis Paralysis - Google URL Builder: -   Being an entrepreneur has you wearing many hats.  Which hat should you wear the most?  Is it a $200 an hour hat or a $10 an hour hat?  What else should you 80/20?  What can you actually execute that moves the needle?  If you loved this show please share it with your friends and subscribe to SGC on itunes.  

  • SGC EP 22 - Got Funnels? Marketing Automation? - How Do You Build A Relationship With Prospects and Convert More Customers? Surfing, Quiksilver and Adidas

    16/05/2017 Duration: 19min

    What is a funnel and how do you use them?  Is Your Product Over $100?  In this episode Kurtis and Jon share how they use lead magnets, funnels and marketing automation to offer value up front.  How do you go from 4% conversions to 8% and beyond?   What is a Funnel? - How does Kurtis Eyewear use funnels - What is Marketing Automation? - Campaign Basics - Building a Relationship and Increasing Conversions - The Future of Branding - Lionel Messi and Adidas - Infusionsoft - MailChimp - Constant Contact -   Being an Entrepreneur, Brand Creator or Concept to Market Expert is a like riding a bipolar roller coaster of ups and downs.  It’s a journey and Kurtis and Jon want to help you navigate to success.  To learn more about Surf Goggles Chronicles or to ask a question check out and please share this episode with a friend.  

  • GC EP21 - Increasing Conversions With Lead Magnets - Want FREE Surfing Sunglasses? Building Value Up Front Before The Purchases - Kiteboarding Entrepreneur And Under Armor

    06/05/2017 Duration: 26min

    Do You want to Increase Conversions?  Do you have a product that Costs $100, $500 or More?  You will need to have at least 7 touches with your customer prior to them making a purchases.  How do you do this?  Give value up front and build the relationship with lead magnets. What is a lead magnet? - How do they work? - PDF’s, Video Series and E-books - Homer Avila with Kurtis shares his examples - 5% Sales is Huge! - Frank Kern And Tony Robbins - The Rock and Under Armor - The Future of Branding - Retaining Customers for Life -   Surf Goggles Chronicles offers value by sharing their successes and failures.  We do this because we want you to succeed.  If you love the show please subscribe to SGC, rate us and leave a comment.  To ask a question please check out

  • SGC EP20 - Inbound vs Outbound Marketing - What’s Your Plan? Kiteboarding & Surf Entrepreneurs share their success with

    25/04/2017 Duration: 17min

    Based on the feedback from “Virtual Employees - SGC 18” Jon and Kurtis dive deep into Inbound vs Outbound Marketing.  When, how and why they use both for Kurtis Eyewear marketing efforts.   Inbound marketing defined - Outbound Marketing defined - Facebook, Youtube and Adwords Marketing - Content creation and how it works - Creating articles - Interruption Marketing - Permission Based Marketing - Effective Marketing -   Surf Goggles Chronicles the Podcast was inspired by the book called “The Mouse Driver Chronicles”.  In MDC Kyle Harrison and John Lusk share their journey of bringing a Mouse Driver to market.  Kurtis and Jon share their journey from Concept to Market with Kurtis Eyewear via their weekly podcast found at and via itunes search SGC.

  • SGC EP19 - Hacks, Apps & Tools You Need! - Surfer Entrepreneur - Saving You Time & Money - Surfing Sunglasses - Top 5 Apps

    18/04/2017 Duration: 23min

    Which tools do we use to save time and money?  How does Kurtis make his instagram, facebook and tumblr feeds pop?  Implement the Five, Five, One approach or save time and money with these killer apps, hacks and tools used by these two surfing entrepreneurs.     The Over App - Using video and creating killer collages - Pic, Play, Post - Effort vs Efficiency - Instagram, Hootsuite and Buffer - Pull don’t Push - Gmail for Business - Tags, Folders and Alias E-Mails - Trello - Thank you for checking out The Surf Goggles Chronicles.  If you enjoyed this episode please share it with a friend and subscribe to SGC on itunes.  If you have questions for the show please check out and let us know what’s on your mind.

  • SGC 18 Virtual Employees - How To Hire and Get the Help You Need! The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Kiteboarding Entrepreneurs - Surfing Brand

    04/04/2017 Duration: 53min

    Are You Working In Your Business or On Your Business?  As an Entrepreneur you will be wearing many hats.  Some hats are $10 an hour and others will be worth $200 per hour.  Where are you spending your time?   Hiring Help - Outsourcing - Independent Contractor and Virtual Assistants - Be Clear and Specific - Kurtis says don’t hire them to be creative - $200 should get you 10 to 20 hours of work - Share A Virtual Assistant - Hire Slowly & Fire Quickly Standard Operating Procedures Tim Ferriss Link on Virtual Assistants Bottom line is you will need help.  Virtual assistants and Independent Contractors are an excellent way to get help when cash is limited.  Thank you for listening to Surf Goggles Chronicles and if you love us please subscribe on itunes and share the SGC podcast with your friends.  To ask a question please check out

  • SGC EP17 - How To Start Your Business? Sole Proprietorship, LLC or INC? Keep it Simple. How I built this - Surfer Brand - Surfing Sunglasses

    21/03/2017 Duration: 31min

    Where to begin?  Kurtis and Jon tell you how to start a business today.  Legal structure can always be improved.  Are you fully committed or do you just want to dabble and learn?  Either way learning is easier while doing.  Go for it! #iTunes Sole Proprietorship - County Clerk Filing - Fictitious Business Name - Smith Automotive vs Smith Electric - Do you need a business licence for E-Bay or Amazon? - Limited Liability Company - Incorporating - Sweat Equity - Legal Protection & Corporate Veil -   Starting a business and keeping it simple.  Kurtis and Jon share their experiences starting out and as always start with “WHY.”  Why are you starting a business?  That’ll help you know which is the best entity to begin with today.  If you love Surf Goggles Chronicles the Podcast, please let us know by subscribing on itunes and leaving a comment.

  • SGC EP16 Management - Will You Sink or Swim? How I Built This - An Introvert & A Surfer. #TryPod #Entrepreneur #NPR

    14/03/2017 Duration: 33min

    Got Fear?  Sure you do, but 90% of it won’t come true!  Jon and Kurtis respond to questions from listeners involving how to build and manage your first employees or independent contractors.  If an Introvert and a surfer can do it so can you - No Fear!   It’s All Just Fear! - Jon is an Introvert & a Manager - Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable - What Is Your Why? - Having a Big Enough Why Minimizes All Fear. - Volunteer for FREE Managment Experience. - Hire A Virtual Assistant as a First Employee - Throw A Party or Lead A Fundraiser - Excuses Be Gone!     Volunteer your way to gain valuable management experience for FREE.  Jon and Kurtis offer many actionable items to help increase your confidence in building a team.  You will be better by doing then hesitating in fear.  Want to help Jon and Kurtis?  Please subscribe to #SGC on itunes and ask them a question at

  • SGG EP15 - Event Promotion - How to Hype Your Brand & Make Noise That Lasts Forever! Network & Venues - Action Sports Entrepreneur

    07/03/2017 Duration: 34min

    Once you dive into events and immerse your company in the industry you will get immediate feedback.  How did Kurtis and Jon @SurfGogglesChronicles go from their garage to being invited to exclusive events?  If you want to get noticed help others achieve their goals.     In this episode of the Surf Goggles Chronicles:   Selecting Events & Which Venue is Worth the Price? - Gorilla Marketing, Loops Holes & Being Aware of your Options. - Why does Kurtis Loves Parking Tickets at Events? - Why Kurtis brings a Funny Man, Memory Man & Memorable Staff to all Events. - Don’t under staff your event - Why Kurtis Choose To Picket & Protest at the US Open of Surfing. - Video & Photos to Make Your Event Last a Lifetime. - Contacting Media, Professional Athletes & Making Some Noise! - The Liquid Nation Ball & $5000.00 Raised with Sweat & Vision. - Becoming A Friend of Olympic Surfing. - Go For It!  Bottom line is Kurtis & Jon want you to succeed.  The Surf Goggles Chronicles was inspire

  • SGC EP14 - Tradeshows - Is Your Baby Ugly? Find Out, Engage & Network - Surfing Entrepreneur - Kurtis Eyewear

    28/02/2017 Duration: 44min

    Are your ready to find out if your baby is ugly? You have walked an industry trade show, but now it’s your turn to debut your company, brand or product idea.  Kurtis & Jon @SurfGogglesChronicles discuss where they’ve succeeded and failed.     In this episode of The Surf Goggles Chronicles:   Is Your Goal Feedback, Sales, Networking or Media Coverage - Location, Location, Location - Which Tradeshow should you do? - The More Exclusive The Better The Network? - Don’t Stand In Your Booth - Engagement or Forced Message? - Why Not Skip The Booth and Promote Gorilla Style? Shouting No Fried Eyes & Tossing Gumballs - Jon Shares a $350K Sales Show? - Being Naive Can Be Good - Create a Budget Then Double It. -   Ready, Fire, Aim!  If you enjoyed this episode of the Surf Goggles Chronicles please make sure your share it with your friends.  The best way to show your appreciation is to subscribe to @SurfGogglesChronicles on itunes, leave a review and ask us questions you want answered at www.SurfGogglesChronicle

  • SGC EP13 - Sourcing Materials for Your Brand - Kurtis Eyewear - Entrepreneur - KiteSurfing Spectacles - Surf Goggles Chronicles

    21/02/2017 Duration: 30min

    So how do you go from a tinfoil and rubber band prototype to kick ass world wide production?  Jon Berezay talks story with Kurtis Eyewear founder Kurtis Shipcott.  How did you source for quality and consistency?  Kurtis discusses many failures and successes.   -Where do you find materials?- -Show everyone and your network will expand- -Find 3 sources for each material- -Walk before you run or you’ll lose a fortune- -Think of the end in mind & don’t be cheap- -Materials sourcing can lead you to quality manufacturing- -Building is very difficult, but marketing is equally tough- -Don’t die with your music still in you-   Kurtis likes to always say, “if I can do it then you can do it too.”  Learn from the horrors and success of Kurtis Eyewear @KurtisEyewear and other e-commerce brands built by Jon Berezay.  You can reach Jon & Kurtis @SurfGogglesChronicles and

  • SGC EP12 - How to Prototype on a Shoestring - Tin Foil and Rubber Bands to Worldwide Surfing Eyewear Brand - Surf Goggles Chronicles

    14/02/2017 Duration: 37min

    How do you show your concept / idea to others ?  The Story of Kurtis Eyewear @KurtisEyewear began in a garage just like Apple, IBM, Disney and Punk Rock.  Jon picks the brain of Kurtis on the early days.  Building prototypes made of tin foil and rubber bands to heating plastic in his mom’s kitchen.   -Clay, napkins and other materials- -Keep it simple- -You need to show your vision- -Cut & sew factories- -Tell everyone & open your network- -Cutting out the middleman- -Don’t spend your way to failure- -Solidworks & Photoshop- -Build it, draw it and have a clear vision for finished product- -Kickstarter didn’t exist, but finding customers before launch is possible today-   Walk before you run.  @surfgoggleschronicles My closest surfing friends laughed and doubted me, but Quiksilver, Reef, Billabong and the surfing core encouraged me.  Believe in yourself or no one else will.  Jon and Kurtis leave you with solid action steps and money saving tips by again sharing their

  • SGC EP11 - Building Content as an Asset - Image Releases - Kristen Prinz - Surf Goggles Chronicles

    07/02/2017 Duration: 14min

    Kristen Prinz of the Prinz Law Firm @PrinzLawFirm and Kurtis discuss image releases.  Do you own the rights to the photos?  Building your visual portfolio via images and video.  Are you creating an asset or a liability if you sell your company?   In this minisode of the Surf Goggles Chronicles   Image Releases and Talent Releases What about photographer and crew? Do you legally own your content? What is your catalog worth if you sell your company? Nobody fights until they smell money   Keep a strong vision and go for it.  Fail forward and implement best practices.  Do you have a big idea?  Or do you have a small business and just want to take it to the next level?  The Surf Goggles Chronicles will help you get there.  Learn from Kurtis and Jon’s bipolar business roller coaster and improve your chances on the path to freedom.

  • SGC EP10 – Keeping Clear Expectations - Contracts -Kristen Prinz - Surf Goggles Chronicles Minisode

    31/01/2017 Duration: 14min

    In this minisode Kurtis talks contracts with Kristen Prinz @PrinzLawFirm .  How to create clear expectations for both parties.   How to avoid a legal battle through contracts and save money through mediation.   In this episode of the Surf Goggles Chronicles Basic Contracts One page with bullet points for clarity and agreement How Kurtis lost $3600 with an e-mail / verbal contract Bamboo Sunglasses by Kurtis - Sunglasses made of Bamboo Unlimited License and full ownership Bad Contracts vs Good Contracts What is the penalty for non honoring your contract? What is the out clause? Surf Goggles Chronicles - Keep a strong vision and go for it.  How two guys in their garage launched Kurtis Eyewear into an international brand with proven sales in all 50 states and 65 countries.  Concept to market stories shared by Kurtis and Jon with special entrepreneur guests, best selling authors and industry experts.  

  • SGC EP9 - Non-Disclosure Agreement or Handshake Deal? Kristen Prinz - Surf Goggles Chronicles Minisode

    24/01/2017 Duration: 11min

    In this minisode entrepreneur and attorney Kristen Prinz with the Prinz Law Firm @Prinzlawfirm warns us of google searching non-disclosure generic forms.  What is really covered?  IP? Key Employees? Information?   In this episode of the Surf Goggles Chronicles   How Kurtis Eyewear uses Non-disclosure What do you need protected? Contracting with manufactures Does a non-disclosure signature & date prove first use? Horror Stories we can learn from How to enforce breach of contract Arbitration vs mediation Don’t lose your best employee to the competition Keep a strong vision and go for it.  Surf Goggles Chronicles - Concept to market A-Z.  How to make your idea a reality.  Entrepreneurs, award winning authors and industry experts offer stories of success and failure to speed up your learning curve.

  • SGC EP8 - Building a Brand with Rock Stars & Athletes! The Archies Ice Cream Story - Surf Goggles Chronicles

    17/01/2017 Duration: 01h35min

    Archies Ice Cream @ArchiesIceCream has been rocking Ice Cream at VIP events for 21 years.  From Tony Hawk and Chuck Liddell to Steven Spielberg and the Beastie Boys they’ve got an A+ list of celebrity endorsements.  How did Shant, Troy & Raffi go from concept to market of the coolest ice cream brand on the planet?  We dig deep into their marketing / branding strategy plus their brick and mortar Ice Cream Store launch.  Check out and be blown away by their photo gallery.  How to build a lasting brand with Shant Keuilian.   Growing up an entrepreneur. - Pumping Gas and changing tires on the freeway at 15 yrs old. - From the first tow truck purchased at 45K to the most recent at 450K. - You will never make it and you’ll be out of business in a year. - Expanding from Tow Trucks to Ice Cream. - Their first celebrity signing. - How to co-market and brand with celebrities. - Giving up your weekends & holidays to pursue your dream. - Job descriptions and dividing up your work load. - How

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