Indie Invasion



Listen to Indie Invasion to go on a metaphorical musical safari that will take us from Rock to Metal and from Electronic to Classical and back. About once a week you'll find the best free and legal Indie music on the web, right here at Indie Invasion


  • Computerization - My Body


    Some more great stuff I found over on CLLCT! Computerization features electronic-style instrumentation fused with some more traditional elements (like guitar, &c.) it’s all very cool!

  • Your Yellow Dress - Hymn for Separated Lovers


    I found Your Yellow Dress on CLLCT and fell in love. They are just awesome, take a listen!

  • Episode 6: (Indie) Rock City


    Welcome to (Indie) Rock City! Today we’ll be featuring some of the best and free Independent Rock artists around. And I’d also like to apologize for the massively long time between Episode 5 and 6. Hopefully that wont be happening too often any more. This episode features:

  • Johnny Hoodoo - Future Blues


    In order to keep everyone happy until I finish putting together a proper introduction for the shows I’d like to share some old-fashioned country blues with y’all. What we’ve got here is a wonderful mix of acoustic-influenced blues (like some of [Jeff Schram][8]’s stuff) and southern country. Which sounds odd, I know. But it’s a great ear-full of historic blues. I can guarantee that this is the sort of stuff you’d hear if you took a musical tour of the American South during the early days of blues. Isn’t it great!

  • Episode 5: Spotlight: My Light Sweet Fire


    Sorry about the long wait, guys, I’ve been busy with a lot of things lately. I also apologise for any oddities you may notice in the show as it was recorded live and if I remember properly I had a couple of issues with the microphone during the show. All that aside I would like to introduce [My Light Sweet Fire][7], a very interesting band from New York. They play a very pleasant mix of soft acoustic and what I would call Victorian-era music (although the Victorian influence is only noticeable in one song) and it sounds great.

  • Robin Grey - The Finchley Waltz


    Enter [Robin Grey][2], an awesome folk artist from Britain! This song in particular has some awesomely deep observations about life, I love it. I particularly like the way everything is told in a pseudo-story-like style, everything leads into the next thought, it just flows beautifully. I, for one, enjoy complex acoustic guitar picking patterns behind vocals (as opposed to strumming, as is common) but despite the simplicity of the guitar in this song I liked it. Probably for the words. You can look up Robin Grey on [][3] and [Jamendo][4]. Have fun!

  • Onalaska - Bird in the Night


    I’ve got a nice bonus track here for you: Bird in the Night by [Onalaska][1] from their album You and the Fishermen. It’s a really nice sort of acoustic pseudo-rock that I really enjoy; it is fairly mellow and reminds me of [Simon and Garfunkel][2]. (although you may not agree) I really like the picture this song in particular paints. Listen to it, you’ll see what I mean.

  • Episode 4: Spotlight: Jeff Schram


    Today we’re listening to Jeff Schram and New York-based Blues guitarist. He is said to sound like a cross of The Racontours, 70’s Eric Clapton, and the Foo Fighters. I would say he sounds like Clapton, John Mayer, and the Martial Arts. Either way you have a great sound coming from this talented guitarist/vocalist.

  • Josh Woodward - The Pawnbroker's Stepdaughter


    Here’s another great song by Josh Woodward! Listen to these great lyrics, it’s some pretty profound stuff. And, as a little news, I’m in the process of looking at a great band called AM that I’m planning to review for Episode 4. So stay tuned!

  • Episode 3: Spotlight: Entertainment for the Braindead


    Welcome to the long awaited Episode 3 of Indie Invasion! I’m truly sorry that it took so long to get around to recording this but finding free time is rather difficult. But enough of that, today we are spotlighting a superbly talented musician from [Cologne, Germany][2] named Julia Kotowski.

  • Ben's Imaginary Band - Underwater Waltz


    Have this nice taste of some great music to hold you over until I record Episode 3! This is [Ben’s Imaginary Band][1] with Underwater Waltz.

  • Episode 2: Acousticality


    And we’re back! This is Episode 2 and it is entitled Acousticality, (Don’t ask me where that name came from, I don’t know) featuring some of the best Indie Acoustic/Folk artists on the web, they include:

  • PeerGynt Lobogris - Rumbo a Riel


    Introducing [PeerGynt Lobogris][1], an amazing metal guitarist from Spain. He is simply awesome, look out for a full episode dedicated to him some time soon.

  • The Heavens - This Beautiful Machine


    It’s time for another little snack for all you music lovers. I’m still incapable of clear speech so I won’t be recording anything for this pseudo-episode. I’d really like to but, what do you do? Today we’ll be listening to [The Heavens][1] playing a song titled This Beautiful Machine. I rather like it, I hope you do to.

  • Cirilo Adriazola Salas - Corazón


    It’s probably going to be another month before I can record another episode of Indie Invasion due to a horribly annoying appliance that the dentist decided I needed, therefore I have a temporary speech impediment. (It sucks I know) I would like to record Indie Invasion: Episode II: Attack of the Clones but I would rather be able to speek clearly while doing so. So today, instead of doing nothing I’m going to hook you up with a bonus track entitled Corazón by the Chilean artist [Cirilo Adriazola Salas][1] who (oddly) currently resided in Germany. This song (if you didn’t notice yet) is in Spanish but I think you’ll enjoy it anyway because the melody is very catchy if you ask me. I hope this is enough to keep you listeners happy until I can record Epidode 2.

  • Episode 1: Stellar Vector


    Check it out! The Invasion has finally come, the Indie Invasion! I will finally be doing some talking about the artist and such. Today we are listening to Stellar Vector’s latest EP: “You’re Not Included” released on a pay-what-you-want basis. (cool right) I’m really excited to finally be recording on Indie Invasion, I’ve been wanting to do this since I started Indie Invasion, I hope you enjoy listenting to this episode as much as I enjoyed making it.

  • I.T.B.A. - Into the Blue Abyss


    This song is going to be a little different than anything that I’ve posted to Indie Invasion, I.T.B.A. is an ambient rock band, this song is purely insturmental and very cool. Check them out at the [You are Not Stealing Records][6] website.

  • Emilsson - Another, part IV


    Check out [Emilsson][0], an indie techno composer. This song is from his album [Almost][1] which includes four techno songs that appear to be somehow connected. Check out the link for more.

  • Pourquoi me Reveiller - Divided by Four


    Imagine this, a Dutch band, with a French name, that sings in English. They’re cool, in fact I would consider them to be eclectic rock. (amirite?) Check them out and I will guarantee that you will enjoy the mix.

  • Josh Woodward - She Dreams in Blue


    Say hello to Josh Woodward, another indie singer-songwriter. If you’ve noticed I’ve been posting a lot of these types of artists, mostly because they are awesome. Josh Woodward, however, doesn’t exactly fit into the “singer-songwriter” category, he is one but his music is widely experimental. He plays all sorts of music”—just check out this song, and his website (for more).

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