Fast Leadership Gordon Tredgold



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  • Fast Leadership – Transitioning from Team Member to Team Leader with Leadership Expert Kevin Eikenberry


    The transition from team member to team leader is one of the toughest transitions of our career, and one we will need to make successfully if we want to have a career in Leadership. We have to move away from our strengths as an individual contributor to managing, which requires us to use different skills; […] The post Fast Leadership – Transitioning from Team Member to Team Leader with Leadership Expert Kevin Eikenberry appeared first on

  • Fast Leadership – Employee Engagement 2.0


    Employee Engagement is probably the most significant issue facing businesses today. With 70% of employees disengaged the opportunities for improvement are significant. Research has show that companies with engaged employees are 6% more profitable on average, than this who are not. Campbell soup have shown that over 10 years, by focusing on engagement that they […] The post Fast Leadership – Employee Engagement 2.0 appeared first on

  • Fast Leadership – Leading without a Title


    Leadership is not a position its about the actions we take. If you need a title in order to lead or feel like a leader, then i have news for you, you’re not a real leader! Leadership is about actions, its about who we are, not what it says on our business card. On todays […] The post Fast Leadership – Leading without a Title appeared first on

  • Fast Leadership – Mentoring


    Mentoring is as old as the hills, its a practise that’s mentioned in Greek Mythology in the Odyssey. Mentoring is different to coaching and leading, it’s a special relationship in which wisdom is passed from one generation to the next. There are so many books on mentoring and I have read many of them, and […] The post Fast Leadership – Mentoring appeared first on

  • Fast Leadership – How to Write a Book in 2 Hours


    81% of us want to write book, we all feel we have a book inside of us. On today’s show we are going to talk with Entrepreneur and CEO Ken Dunn, who made all the mistakes possible to make in writing a book who then went on to create his own successful publishing company. We […] The post Fast Leadership – How to Write a Book in 2 Hours appeared first on

  • Fast Leadership – Coaching, Perfection and Procrastination


    If we want to reach our peak potential then its imperative that we consider coaching. I have spoken with many leaders who have said that coaching is not for them but if its good enough for Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan, two sportsmen who dominated their sports for over a decade, then why would we […] The post Fast Leadership – Coaching, Perfection and Procrastination appeared first on

  • Fast Leadership – If You Only Have a Hammer Everything Looks Like a Nail


    As the saying goes, if you only have a hammer, then everything looks like a nail and when it comes to leadership we need as many tools in our bag as possible to deal with the the different types of situations and people that we will be asked to lead. In fact there tools we […] The post Fast Leadership – If You Only Have a Hammer Everything Looks Like a Nail appeared first on

  • Fast Leadership – Branding, Connecting and Networking


    Networking is a key skill that leaders need to possess, as all leadership is influence, and its networking that help us build that influence. Personally I am terrible at networking, it’s something I hate to do, and I try to get out of it whenever possible. On todays show we are going to be talking with Inc Top 100 Leadership […] The post Fast Leadership – Branding, Connecting and Networking appeared first on

  • Fast Leadership – Reward and Recognition


    What gets rewarded gets repeated. This is how we create a winning culture. Its such a simple concept, and easy to implement yet so many choose not to do it. On todays show my guest is David Long, CEO and Founder ay MyEmployees a firm in the Top 1% Worldwide in the Employee engagement and […] The post Fast Leadership – Reward and Recognition appeared first on

  • Fast Leadership – Fiercely Loyal


    We all accept that people don’t leave companies they leave bosses. but we never believe that we are that boss. Let’s get something straight, if your people are leaving, it’s highly likely it’s because of YOU. And this situation is only going to get worse as more and more millennials join the workforce. Because on […] The post Fast Leadership – Fiercely Loyal appeared first on

  • Fast Leadership – Authenticity and Humility


    Authenticity is just as important as competency! When we are authentic it allows us to get outside of our Status Bubble, connect with our teams, and become more candid such that we can provide the right feedback in order to drive our team and our results to the highest levels. Today we’re going to be talking […] The post Fast Leadership – Authenticity and Humility appeared first on

  • Fast Leadership – People, Planet and Profits


    This is the sequence in which we need to put our priorities, if we are looking to attract and retain the best talent from the Millennial Generation. Given that the world is getting flatter, with more and more virtual organisations, the best talent can pick and choose who they want to work for, and can […] The post Fast Leadership – People, Planet and Profits appeared first on

  • Fast Leadership – Are You Fit Enough To Lead?


    In todays fast paced world the demands on us and our teams are ever increased and the stress we are put under can be tremendous. All this can very very detrimental to our health, and as leaders we need to ensure that not only are we fit enough to lead, but also that we are […] The post Fast Leadership – Are You Fit Enough To Lead? appeared first on

  • Fast Leadership – Leadership in a FAST Changing World


    In today’s world the pace of change seems to be at an all time high, and it shows no sign of abating. We are seeing top companies such as Kodak, Blackberry struggle and their values fall, and at the same time companies such as Facebook, and WhatsApp become multibillion dollar businesses in under 10 years. […] The post Fast Leadership – Leadership in a FAST Changing World appeared first on

  • Fast Leadership – Leadership Alchemy with Mike Abrashoff


    Leadership Alchemy is the ability to turn a poor performing team in to a high performing team, without changing the personnel. My guest today, Mike Abrashoff, is an expert on Leadership Alchemy and has written a best selling book on the subject called It’s My Ship.  Mike was the Captain of the USS Benfold, which […] The post Fast Leadership – Leadership Alchemy with Mike Abrashoff appeared first on

  • FAST Leadership – Ultimate Influence


    Leadership is not a position; it’s all about influence. The more influential we are, the bigger our impact, and the better our results will be. In today’s interconnected world, we have the opportunity to multiply our influence tenfold through social media. These tools alone will not create influence. They are a multiplier. We still need […] The post FAST Leadership – Ultimate Influence appeared first on

  • FAST Leadership – Employee Trust Goes Right to the Bottom Line – or Not?


    According to the Gallup Employee Engagement poll, employee trust in the US is at a terrifying 30%. That means 70% of employees don’t trust their employer and/or are not engaged in their work. It’s costing the US economy upwards of $450 billion per year. Chances are, that means you are losing money. And listen to […] The post FAST Leadership – Employee Trust Goes Right to the Bottom Line – or Not? appeared first on

  • Fast Leadership – Interview with John Spence


    I have the privilege in this show of talking to one of my favorite and most admired people. My guest is John Spence, author of one of the best business books I’ve ever read, “Awesomely Simply”. John was a CEO at the early age of twenty-six for the Rockefeller Foundation. He’s worked with some of […] The post Fast Leadership – Interview with John Spence appeared first on

  • Fast Leadership – The Power of Belief


    In today’s show we are going to talk with Phil Lee, an expert in Mental Toughness, Emotional Intelligence, Values and Beliefs, about why belief is important, how we can change the beliefs of ourselves and our teams and the benefits that can be achieved, and the benefits that this brings to us. The post Fast Leadership – The Power of Belief appeared first on